架构设计 过度设计_过度思考设计如何创造团队精神

架构设计 过度设计


As multiplayer games have mushroomed in popularity, they’ve had to cater to different sets of players — people with varied skill levels, playing styles, and levels of comfort with being pushed headfirst into an online soup with a hundred strangers and some guns. While trying to design for the “ideal average” player, multiplayer game designers can face these challenges:

随着 多人游戏的普及,它们不得不迎合不同类型的玩家-具有不同技能水平,玩法和舒适度的人们,被数百名陌生人和一些枪支抢先进入在线汤池。 在尝试为“理想的平均水平”玩家设计时,多人游戏设计师可能会面临以下挑战:

  • Cast a wide net: How do I create a game that’s easy for newcomers to access but still challenging for skilled players?


  • Keep things interesting: How do I ensure players don’t slip into predefined roles during the game, resulting in repetitive play?


  • “Multi”player: How do I create design systems that incentivize players to work as a team?


There are endless ways games have approached and solved these design problems, but today I want to focus on a pair of gastronomic gems — Overcooked and Overcooked 2*. These games use design tricks and universally understood processes to craft delightful levels where you can play with friends of any skill level and still have a blast. Importantly, Overcoooked is a multiplayer game that’s best experienced when you’re in constant communication with your teammates.

游戏已经有无数种方法来解决这些设计问题,但是今天,我想集中讨论一对美食宝石-《 煮过头》和《 煮过头2 *》 。 这些游戏使用设计技巧和普遍理解的流程来制作令人愉悦的关卡,在这里您可以与任何技能水平的朋友一起玩,并且仍然充满激情。 重要的是,《 Overcoooked》是一款多人游戏, 当您与队友保持不断交流时 ,这是最好的体验。

*I’ll be using Overcooked as a shorthand for both games in this article.


向所有人开放的餐厅 (A Restaurant Open To Everyone)

Overcooked is a game where 1-4 players have to staff kitchens and fulfill the orders that appear on screen by chopping up ingredients, mixing and cooking them, and plating up food to specifications. There’s a simple intelligence in this choice of theme for the game. Everyone theoretically knows how to cook. By grounding the game’s world and rules in mental models that are familiar to all of us, Overcooked is a game that any of us can play.

Overcooked是一款游戏,其中1-4名玩家必须配备厨房并通过切碎食材,混合和烹饪食材,然后将食物放入规格中来完成屏幕上显示的命令。 在选择游戏主题时有一个简单的认识。 理论上每个人都会做饭 。 通过将游戏世界和我们所有人都熟悉的思维模型中的规则打下基础Overcooked是我们任何人都可以玩的游戏。

Even folks inexperienced in the kitchen - like 8 year-olds - can follow the logic when the game says “tomato + lettuce = salad”. This rudimentary addition is basically how players are taught new recipes in the game, with popup windows imparting important information using visual shorthand.

当游戏中显示“西红柿+生菜=沙拉”时,即使是厨房经验不足的人(例如8岁的孩子)也可以遵循逻辑。 这项基本的补充基本上就是如何在游戏中教会玩家新的食谱,弹出窗口使用直观的速记来传达重要信息。

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New recipes are taught to players using universally understood visual guides.

As pending orders pile up on top of the screen, these same visual cues keep players focused on the next ingredient and task at hand.


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Orders in Overcooked include visual cues for the recipe (ingredients and steps).

The basic controls of the game are easy to grasp. Players move around with the keyboard or analogy stick, and use one single ‘interact’ button for every stage of making a dish - collecting ingredients, chopping them up, interacting with plates and frying pans, plating up the dish, and making the delivery all use the same button. There are other buttons to dash across the kitchen and (in Overcooked 2) to throw ingredients to teammates, but they don’t create any barriers of mechanical complexity for casual or lesser skilled players.

游戏的基本控件很容易掌握。 玩家可以使用键盘或类比棒四处走动,并在制作菜肴的每个阶段使用一个“互动”按钮-收集食材,切碎食材,与盘子和煎锅互动,将菜铺好盘子并全部交付使用相同的按钮。 还有其他按钮可以冲过厨房,也可以(在Overcooked 2中 )向队友投掷食材,但是对于休闲或技能较低的玩家来说,它们不会对机械复杂性造成任何障碍。

With a universal theme and easy controls, Overcooked casts its net wide and is accessible to players of widely varying skill levels. The challenge now is to not turn cooking into a chore by keeping players on their toes and always talking to each other.

Overcooked具有通用主题和易于控制的功能,可以全网投球而且技能水平各异的玩家都可以使用。 现在的挑战是不要通过让玩家保持警惕并始终互相交谈来将烹饪变成繁琐的事情

团队合作打造的混沌厨房 (Chaotic Kitchens Built For Teamwork)

Because it has controls and game rules that are easy to pick up, Overcooked runs the risk of its players falling into predefined roles and optimizing the fun out of the game i.e. “You do the pizza, I’ll handle the fish and chips”. To avoid this monotony, Overcooked levels are designed for players to work together in some capacity.

由于Overcooked具有易于拾取的控件和游戏规则,因此冒着使玩家陷入预定角色并优化游戏乐趣的风险,即“做披萨,我会处理炸鱼和薯条”。 为了避免这种单调的情况,设计了Overcooked级别,以便玩家以某种能力一起工作。

This is evident from the very first level. A huge counter in the middle blocks the cutting station from the ingredients and cooking pot. Here’s how it would look if one cook tried to make the entire dish of onion soup…

这从一开始就很明显。 中间的一个大柜台挡住了切割台的原料和烹饪锅。 如果一位厨师试图将整个洋葱汤做成菜,将是这样的样子……

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Getting dizzy.

…and here’s how it would look if the counter in the middle was used to pass ingredients back and forth as both players worked on dishes together.


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Built for teamwork.

Overcooked’s level layouts always encourage players to talk, divvy up duties, and set a gameplan rather than just default to making dish A or dish B from muscle memory. What’s more, the kitchen layout often changes halfway into a level, forcing players to keep talking to each other and assess the changing environment.

过度煮熟的关卡布局总是鼓励玩家讲话,分担职责并制定游戏计划,而不仅仅是默认使用肌肉记忆来制作A盘或B盘。 更重要的是, 厨房布局通常会在一半时变成一个水平 ,迫使玩家继续互相交谈并评估不断变化的环境。

For example, a kitchen on a pirate ship goes topsy-turvy as it enters rough waters…


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Port! No, Starboard! Okay, back to Port…
港口! 不,右舷! 好,回到港口…

…an earthquake makes half the kitchen temporarily inaccessible…


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On shaky ground.

…and one kitchen is actually two trucks driving along the freeway.


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I’m getting takeout.

By designing levels that encourage teamwork and having those levels change with time, Overcooked makes players endlessly shift, divide, and combine their roles while happily chattering away to each other.

通过设计鼓励团队合作的关卡,并让这些关卡随着时间而变化, Overcooked可使玩家无休止地转移,划分和合并自己的角色,同时彼此愉快地聊天。

计时器和激励措施 (Timers and Incentives)

It’s not enough for a game’s level design to encourage teamwork — however empathetically these levels are built, there’s always a chance that players will engage with them in a different manner. It’s also important to provide players with incentives and goals that coax teamwork out of them.

对于游戏的关卡设计而言,仅仅鼓励团队合作是远远不够的—尽管同理心地建立了这些关卡,但玩家总是有可能以不同的方式与他们互动。 为玩家提供诱因和团队合作的激励和目标也很重要。

Overcooked does two things here:


  • Every cooking task and customer order has a set timer that’s visually communicated to the player. If players make a dish once, it’s possible to chart out how long each step takes and then improve upon it. They can also use this information to choose which order to make dishes in (quick, make the dishes whose timers are closest to running out). The GIF below shows timers for the tomatoes being cut in the foreground, the soup cooking in the background, and the customer orders stacking the top of the screen.

    每个烹饪任务和客户订单都有一个设置的计时器,该计时器在视觉上传达给玩家 。 如果玩家只做一道菜,就可以计算出每个步骤要花多长时间,然后加以改进。 他们还可以使用此信息来选择放入碗碟的顺序( 快速制作出计时器最接近用完的碗碟 )。 下面的GIF显示了计时器,该计时器用于在前景中切割西红柿,在背景中烹饪汤,以及堆积在屏幕顶部的客户订单。

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Timers all around.
  • Players are scored on how quickly they can deliver dishes. This takes the form of restaurant tips in the game world: the quicker players deliver a dish, the more tips they get.

    在送菜速度方面给玩家评分 。 在游戏世界中,采取餐厅提示的形式:玩家提供菜品越快,获得的提示就越多。

By providing players with information (cooking timers) directly related to their goals (cook the most dishes within the time provided), Overcooked makes getting 1 star - the lowest rating to pass a level - almost too easy, while egging players on to go for 3 stars. And getting 3 stars requires carefully laying out plans, adapting to changes, and talking to your teammate.

通过向玩家提供与他们的目标直接相关的信息(烹饪计时器)(在规定的时间内烹饪最多的菜), Overcooked使得获得1星(通过评分的最低评分)几乎是一件容易的事,同时又在怂​​恿玩家继续前进3星。 获得三颗星需要仔细地制定计划,适应变化并与队友交谈。

There are certain disincentives at play that encourage teamwork as well. If players keep food cooking on the stove-top too long, it can catch fire. This results in a mad dash for the fire extinguisher and more real-time reassignment of roles as the players find the kitchen once again changing around them.

还有一些鼓励团队合作的障碍。 如果玩家将食物放在炉子上的烹饪时间过长,则可能着火。 这导致灭火器发疯,并且随着玩家发现厨房在他们周围再次改变而更加实时地重新分配角色。

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Hello darkness my old friend.

洗板的随机性 (The Randomness of Washing Plates)

Just when players think they’re working in harmony, spending every second cutting and frying and baking their way to 3-star perfection, a pile of unwashed plates can dirty up their pristine plans.


Unlike everything else in Overcooked, unwashed plates don’t appear with set timers, or at least the timers are not communicated to the player. There are a set number of plates per level, and once players have used all the plates up, they can’t deliver any more food unless they wash up. The actual washing up process does have a timer, but players can’t predict when the dirty plates will show up in the first place.

与“ 过度煮熟”中的其他所有内容不同,未清洗的盘子不会在设置的计时器后出现 或至少计时器未传达给播放器。 每个关卡都有一定数量的盘子,一旦玩家用尽了所有盘子,除非洗手,否则他们将无法再提供更多食物。 实际的清洗过程确实有一个计时器,但是玩家无法预测何时脏盘子会首先出现。

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Unwashed plates ruin the best laid plans.

Since washing up doesn’t follow the pleasing temporal cadence that cooking does in Overcooked, players usually don’t have a dedicated “dish-washer” assigned when they begin a level. And that means on-the-fly communication and teamwork when the dreaded moment comes, even if the communication is just a hastily yelled “No YOU wash the plates this time!”.

由于清洗起来并不遵循赏心悦目的时间节奏,烹调确实在过头 ,玩家通常不会有当他们开始一个级别分配专用的“洗碗机”。 这意味着在可怕的时刻到来时进行即时的沟通和团队合作,即使沟通只是匆忙喊道“这次不要洗盘子!”。

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Overcooked’s smiley, easygoing exterior hides clever design and incentive systems that are all geared towards encouraging teamwork and communication. Players communicate while making plans to conquer each kitchen, and players keep communicating while those plans go horribly wrong as unwashed dishes pile up or the kitchen suddenly splits in two.

Overcooked的笑脸,随和的外观隐藏了巧妙的设计和激励系统,这些系统和系统旨在鼓励团队合作和沟通。 玩家在制定征服每个厨房的计划时进行交流,而当未洗碗堆积或厨房突然分成两部分时,这些计划出现严重错误时,玩家继续进行交流。

Check out this video by Mark Brown if you’re interested in more design breakdowns of Overcooked.

如果您对Overcooked的更多设计细分感兴趣, 请观看 Mark Brown的这段视频

For more stuff on game design, you can visit my Medium profile to read my other articles or follow me on Twitter. Thanks for reading!

有关游戏设计的更多信息,您可以访问我的中型个人资料以阅读我的其他文章,或在Twitter上关注我 。 谢谢阅读!

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/overcooked-how-design-creates-teamwork-ed55215261b2

架构设计 过度设计

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