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In 1997, the game of chess as we know it changed. For the first time, a computer program defeated a human chess grandmaster when IBM’s Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov 3 1/2–2 1/2 in a 6 game chess series. Having achieved what was once thought impossible, IBM packed up Deep Blue, ignoring calls for a rematch. From that moment on, the speed and pace of Chess AI improvement kept going forward. It was no longer interesting to have a computer play against a human champion.

1997年,我们所知道的象棋游戏发生了变化。 当IBM的Deep Blue在6局国际象棋系列中以3 1 / 2–2 1/2击败Garry Kasparov时,计算机程序首次击败了人类象棋大师。 在实现了以前认为不可能的任务之后,IBM打包了Deep Blue,无视重新比赛的要求。 从那时起,国际象棋AI改进的速度和步伐一直在向前。 在计算机上与人类冠军对战不再有趣。

In the years that followed, a new type of chess emerged. Called hybrid chess, this new style allows a human player to use powerful chess AI engines to support their decision-making.

在随后的几年中,出现了一种新型的国际象棋。 这种称为混合象棋的新样式允许人类玩家使用功能强大的象棋AI引擎来支持其决策。

In 2005, the inaugural hybrid chess championship took place. 48 teams entered the tournament. Several grandmasters headed up teams, and participants used some of the most powerful chess AI developed to that point.

2005年,举行了首届混合象棋锦标赛。 48支队伍参加了比赛 。 几个大师带领团队,参与者使用了当时开发的最强大的国际象棋AI。

But like the Deep Blue defeat of Garry Kasparov 8 years earlier, things did not end the way many people would have predicted. It wasn’t a grandmaster who won the ultimate prize, nor was it a team with the most advanced chess AI system. Instead, two amateur chess players won the tournament using only moderately sophisticated chess programs to help them. This shocked observers. How could two unknowns with less chess acumen then their competitors compete in such a tournament, let alone win?

但是,就像八年前深蓝击败加里·卡斯帕罗夫(Garry Kasparov)一样,事情并没有像许多人所预料的那样结束。 不是获得最高奖项的大师,也不是拥有最先进的国际象棋AI系统的团队。 取而代之的是, 两名业余国际象棋棋手仅使用中等复杂的国际象棋程序帮助他们赢得了比赛 。 这震惊了观察者。 象棋敏锐度低于他们的竞争对手的两个未知数怎么能参加这样的比赛,更不用说获胜了?

The two amateurs won the tournament not because they were the best chess players nor because they had the best computers. They won because they figured out the best way for all the components to work well together for the mission at hand. Or, as Garry Kasparov, observer of the tournament later stated, “Weak human + machine + better process was superior…to a strong human + machine + inferior process.” (Harvard Business Review, 2010).

两位业余选手赢得了比赛,不是因为他们是最好的棋手,也不是因为他们拥有最好的电脑。 他们之所以获胜,是因为他们找到了使所有组件协同工作以实现手头任务的最佳方法。 或者,正如比赛观察员加里·卡斯帕罗夫(Garry Kasparov) 后来所说的那样 :“弱人机+更好的过程优于强人机+劣等过程。” (《哈佛商业评论》,2010年)。

Weak human + machine + better process was superior…to a strong human + machine + inferior process. — G Kasparov

弱人机+更好的过程优于强人机+劣过程。 —卡斯帕罗夫(G Kasparov)

传统焦点 (Traditional focus)

Organizations spend a lot of time, energy, and money on recruitment and hiring. The goal is always on finding the best possible candidates for a position.

组织在招聘和雇用上花费大量时间,精力和金钱。 目标始终是寻找最佳职位候选人。

During screeners and interviews, we look at portfolios to understand what designers have completed in the past. We ask questions probing what they’ve accomplished and what they’ve learned. We ask people to draw on whiteboards* to get a sense of how they think about a problem. We focus on assessing designer skills. But all that is for naught if we don’t have our own house in order.

在筛选和采访期间,我们将查看产品组合以了解设计师过去完成的工作。 我们提出问题以探究他们的成就和所学到的东西。 我们要求人们在白板上画图*,以了解他们对问题的看法。 我们专注于评估设计师的技能。 但是,如果我们没有自己的房子,这一切都是徒劳的。

*The discussion on whether these exercises should be done is not the point of this article.


Your company can recruit the top designers from all over the world, but if your process is broken, the impact that they can have is minimal. A great designer will not be able to overcome a poor team process. If we ignore how the designer teams with everyone else, then we do two things:

您的公司可以招募来自世界各地的顶级设计师,但是如果您的流程中断了,那么他们所能产生的影响就很小。 优秀的设计师将无法克服糟糕的团队流程。 如果我们忽略设计师如何与其他人一起工作,那么我们要做两件事:

  1. We make it unlikely that the product will be successful, and

  2. We make it likely that we drive a highly skilled person away from our company.


I have lived this and I know that many of you have as well. I have been in companies that have had poor processes in which I knew I couldn’t make an impact. As a designer, I was simply part of the production process where I was told what I had to design. I could only do limited usability testing. I couldn’t ask for additional data to be collected and stored, even if the users needed it. My research and my ideas could never impact strategy.

我已经过着这种生活,我知道你们中的许多人也有过。 我曾经在那些流程不佳的公司工作,我知道自己无法产生影响。 作为设计师,我只是生产过程的一部分,而在那我被告知必须设计什么。 我只能进行有限的可用性测试。 我不能要求收集和存储其他数据,即使用户需要它也是如此。 我的研究和想法永远不会影响战略。

It was like I was a sailor on a ship trying to get it to turn by leaning against the side. No amount of effort I put in would steer things in a better direction. It was eminently frustrating. The products were average at best and I never felt fulfilled in my work. I quickly started looking for a new job.

就像我是一艘船上的水手一样,试图靠在侧面使其转向。 我付出的任何努力都不会将事情引向更好的方向。 真令人沮丧。 产品充其量只是平均水平,我的工作从未使我感到满意。 我很快开始寻找新工作。

And yet this is how most teams are run today, even in a so-called Agile environment. On each team is a designer. Since the team only has one designer, they need that designer to be senior. But, since all the designer is doing is production work, most senior designers don’t want to be in that role.

但是,即使在所谓的敏捷环境中,今天的大多数团队也是如此。 每个团队都有一位设计师。 由于团队只有一名设计师,因此他们需要该设计师为高级职位。 但是,由于设计师所做的只是生产工作,因此大多数高级设计师都不想担任这个角色。

This leads to a weird state in which we simultaneously have a lot of people looking for jobs and a lot of open positions that cannot be filled. I constantly see stories about junior designers struggling to find a position. At the same time, I have heard that companies have open reqs for over a year. How can this be? It’s because they are expecting great skills to overcome a poor process.

这导致了一种奇怪的状态,在这种状态下,我们同时有很多人在寻找工作,还有很多无法填补的空缺职位。 我经常看到有关初级设计师努力寻找职位的故事。 同时,我听说公司有超过一年的公开要求。 怎么会这样? 这是因为他们期望掌握出色的技能来克服糟糕的过程。

The field of user experience is in a weird place. We have simultaneously a lot of people looking for jobs and a lot of open positions that cannot be filled.

用户体验的领域很奇怪。 同时,我们有很多人在寻找工作,还有很多无法填补的空缺职位。

Of course, most teams would love to have a highly skilled person on their team. But that’s not what most teams actually need. If you are afraid to fill a position because you can’t find the ‘rockstar’ designer you want, then you are signaling that your processes are broken. Few teams need a rockstar to be successful. Teams need decently competent people in well-structured, highly-collaborative teams.

当然,大多数团队都希望拥有一支高技能的团队。 但这并不是大多数团队真正需要的。 如果由于找不到所需的“摇滚明星”设计师而害怕填补职位,那说明您的流程已中断。 很少有团队需要摇滚明星才能取得成功。 团队需要结构合理,高度协作的团队中具有称职能力的人员。

I will make a statement that is a bit of an over-exaggeration, but worth making anyways. Products don’t fail because the design team is not skilled enough (the same could be said about developers, marketers, etc…). At the same time, plenty of products stacked with talented designers and developers have failed. Product failures are team failures. And teams fail when they don’t work well together and leverage all the skills and competencies available to them.

我将发表一个有点夸张的声明,但是仍然值得一提。 产品不会失败,因为设计团队不够熟练(关于开发人员,营销人员等也可以这样说)。 同时,许多由才华横溢的设计师和开发人员组成的产品都失败了。 产品故障是团队故障。 如果团队不能很好地合作,并利用他们可用的所有技能和能力,团队就会失败。

我们能做什么 (What we can do)

Many of us don’t have the luxury to wait until the right processes are in place before we can make our next hire. But we need to be constantly pushing our companies to do better. Incremental improvements are still improvements.

我们中的许多人没有奢侈地等待正确的流程到位,才可以进行下一次雇用。 但是,我们需要不断推动我们的公司做得更好。 增量改进仍然是改进。

Be honest with the people that you are recruiting. If they will not have much chance to influence strategy, tell them that upfront. They might not like that and decide not to pursue the job. But guess what, if you hide this from them and they take the job, they’ll find out soon enough and will be looking to leave soon anyway. And if you are actively working on improving the process, they might actually like the challenge of trying to shape how that works. For people who want to move outside of the individual contributor role into design management, they can see it as an opportunity to get some experience there.

对您招聘的人诚实。 如果他们没有太多机会影响策略,请提前告诉他们。 他们可能不喜欢这样,并决定不从事这项工作。 但是猜猜是什么,如果您对他们隐藏了这些,他们接了工作,他们会尽快发现,并且无论如何都希望尽快离开。 而且,如果您正在积极地改进流程,他们实际上可能会喜欢尝试改变流程的工作方式。 对于那些希望将个人贡献者角色转移到设计管理之外的人,他们可以将其视为获得一些经验的机会。

A rugby scrum
Max Pixel). Max Pixel )。

And be honest with yourself. If you don’t see things changing soon, don’t hold out for the senior designer who is going to magically make things great (not going to happen). Aim for the junior designer who can get some experience while bringing an idealistic attitude to the team. The product won’t suffer and when things are starting to change a few years down the line, you can have trained a senior designer who is ready to make things happen with your new processes.

并且对自己诚实。 如果您看不到情况会很快发生变化,请不要对将神奇地使事情变得很棒(不会发生)的高级设计师有所帮助。 目标是初级设计师,他们可以在给团队带来理想主义态度的同时获得一些经验。 产品不会受到影响,并且当几年后事情开始发生变化时,您可以培训一位资深设计师,他准备在新流程中使事情发生。

Improving team processes isn’t easy. The bigger the company, the tougher it is to change things. People will resist because they are comfortable with how things are. People will resist, because they may see it as a threat to their power and authority.

改善团队流程并不容易。 公司越大,改变事物就越困难。 人们会反抗,因为他们对事物的状况感到满意。 人们会抗拒,因为他们可能会将其视为对其权力和权威的威胁。

But it’s worth the effort. As designers, we want to improve things. More often than not, that requires focusing internally as much as it does on focusing on our products. Improving the former helps to improve the latter. A better process is a decisive advantage that trumps individual skill every time.

但是值得付出努力。 作为设计师,我们希望改进。 通常,这需要像专注于我们的产品那样在内部专注。 改进前者有助于改进后者。 更好的过程是决定性的优势,每次都会胜过个人技能。

Thanks for reading. For more of my UX ramblings, follow me on Twitter: @bkenna1 or here on Medium.

谢谢阅读。 有关我的更多UX麻烦,请在Twitter上关注我:@ bkenna1,或在Medium上关注我

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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/design-success-requires-more-than-design-skills-17318fecc1f1


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