
There are many great articles on the top ten skills needed to become a data scientist or a developer. Those skills take years to develop (despite the boot camp promises). In the meantime, you can apply the talent you have right now in the gig workplace. Experience with working real-world problems with (or without) real-world requirements gives you a leg-up on the hopefuls who stick to only toy problems.

关于成为数据科学家或开发人员所需的十大技能,有很多很棒的文章。 这些技能需要花费数年才能发展(尽管有新兵训练营的承诺)。 同时,您可以在演出场所中使用您现在拥有的人才。 在有(或没有)实际需求的情况下处理实际问题的经验使您对那些只坚持玩具问题的有希望的人有所了解。

The jobs on gig economy platforms can be hit or miss. Competition is fierce, especially for those postings that are global. There are some things you can do to improve your odds of landing good jobs.

零工经济平台上的工作可能会遇到麻烦。 竞争非常激烈,尤其是对于那些具有全球性的职位。 您可以采取一些措施来提高找到好工作的几率。

自我评估技能 (Self-Assessment of skills)

Awareness of what is available is the first step. First, make a list of the skills you feel confident performing on time with professional outputs. Some ideas: Excel Formulas, SQL queries, query tuning, web scraping, SQL server stored procedures, visualizations (Tableau, Power BI), python, R, regression models, churn models. For programmers, this list might include various programming languages, database design, cloud and AWS components such as S3, RedShift, Elastic Compute, ETL.

意识到可用的东西是第一步。 首先,列出您自信地按时完成的专业技能所产生的技能。 一些想法:Excel公式,SQL查询,查询调整,Web抓取,SQL Server存储过程,可视化(Tableau,Power BI),python,R,回归模型,搅动模型。 对于程序员而言,此列表可能包括各种编程语言,数据库设计,云和AWS组件,例如S3,RedShift,Elastic Compute,ETL。

分析所需技能 (Analysis of requested skills)

I did a snapshot analysis of all of the jobs posted on guru.com on Sept 1, 2020. Specifically looking at the Software and Programming jobs, I created a Tableau Dashboard with my findings. You can access this dashboard on Tableau Public at this link (click here).

我对2020年9月1日发布在guru.com上的所有工作进行了快照分析。特别查看软件和编程工作,我用发现的结果创建了一个Tableau仪表板。 您可以通过此链接在Tableau Public上访问此仪表板( 单击此处 )。

You will find many tabs across the top of the viz. These are some of the more common data science type tasks. I’m adding more as my curiosity strikes me or requests come through in the comments.

您会在视线顶部找到许多选项卡。 这些是一些更常见的数据科学类型任务。 由于好奇心或评论中的要求,我正在添加更多内容。

Image for post
click here) 单击此处 )

有什么需求? (What is the demand?)

Image for post
click here) 单击此处 )

Demand for the programming languages is always high. So, where do typical data science skills fall into this list? Python, SQL, Web scraping are all in the top third of the chart. These are some of the foundational skills you should have to be successful. Picking up gigs is an excellent opportunity to put those skills to use and earn some money.

对编程语言的需求始终很高。 那么,典型的数据科学技能在哪一类? Python,SQL和Web抓取均位于图表的前三分之一。 这些是您必须成功获得的一些基本技能。 捡拾演出是一个很好的机会来使用这些技能并赚一些钱。

里面有钱吗? (Is there money in it?)

Yes, there is money in freelancing. There is a nice sweet spot of budgets shown in the chart below. Admittedly, “under 250” is a significant span from totally not worth the fuss to a satisfying payday. There are times where one successful job with a client leads to another. Perhaps that leads into a higher-paying job. This happens often, though you should be warned there are consequences about taking work ‘off platform’. The platforms make their money by taking a cut of the budget, they want to keep you there.

是的,自由职业有钱。 下表显示了一个不错的预算最佳选择。 诚然,“低于250岁”是一个很大的跨度,从完全不值得大惊小怪到令人满意的发薪日。 有时候,与客户的一项成功工作会导致另一项工作。 也许那会导致高薪工作。 这种情况经常发生,尽管应该警告您“离开平台”会带来后果。 这些平台通过削减预算来赚钱,他们想让您留在那儿。

Image for post
click here) 单击此处 )

确保演出 (Ensuring a Good Gig)

There is a learning curve. I can help give you some pointers, but you still need to learn from experience. Here are some of my lessons learned.

有一个学习曲线。 我可以为您提供一些指导,但是您仍然需要从经验中学习。 这是我的一些经验教训。

  1. Is the request ethical? I’ve been asked to create fake product reviews or complete someone’s homework assignment. I turn these offers down. I also turn down anything in the financial space as I work in the financial industry.

    要求符合道德吗? 我被要求创建虚假产品评论或完成某人的作业。 我拒绝了这些优惠。 在金融行业工作时,我也会拒绝任何金融领域的工作。
  2. Are the requirements well written? I only pick requirements that appear to have been written by a professional who wants professional work done. They provide the required information and have a set expectation of what they want in return ( a report, code, data).

    要求写得好吗? 我只会挑选那些似乎想由专业人士完成的要求。 他们提供所需的信息,并对他们想要的回报(报告,代码,数据)有固定的期望。
  3. Is the request reasonable? Do you think you can code and deploy a brand-new app for $200? Is someone asking to create an app ‘like Facebook’? Nope. Let some other fool pick that work up and get slammed with a crazy amount of work for little money.

    要求合理吗? 您认为您可以花200美元编写和部署一个全新的应用程序吗? 是否有人要求创建“像Facebook”这样的应用? 不。 让其他傻瓜选择能起作用的方法,并以少量金钱疯狂地投入大量工作。

4. Is the work worth the pay and vice versa? I’ve done jobs from $5.00 to thousands of dollars. Sometimes the quick $10 hitters are good to keep your spirits up, as long as the work requested is something you know you can do quickly, within 15 minutes. Some requests seem reasonable, and then once you get into the details, it blows up. Be a professional. You are contracted to do this work for this amount. If you’re pretty close to being done, finish it up. Sometimes it’s entirely out of control, or the problem can’t be solved with the architecture or technique they are requesting. In that case, write up a thorough statement of what you accomplished, what you found, and what you recommend the next steps will be.

4.这项工作值得报酬吗,反之亦然? 我所做的工作从5.00美元到数千美元不等。 有时,只要$ 10的快速打手就能使您保持精神振奋,只要您知道所要求的工作就可以在15分钟内快速完成。 某些请求似乎是合理的,然后一旦您进入细节,它就会爆炸。 成为专业人士。 按照合同,您需要为此金额进行这项工作。 如果您即将完成,请完成它。 有时,它完全失控了,或者用他们要求的体系结构或技术无法解决问题。 在这种情况下,请写下关于您完成了什么,发现了什么以及您对下一步建议的详尽说明。

I’m wary of 30 hours a week jobs for six months. You are working full-time without benefits or protections. That’s not a gig, that’s a J O B.

我担心六个月每周工作30个小时。 您正在全职工作,没有任何好处或保护。 那不是演出,那是工作。

5. Is the client reputable? Will they pay you? Most sites will provide feedback on clients as well as how much money they have spent in the past. I will sometimes filter to clients who want workers located in the United States only. The added benefit is that there are far fewer bids on the jobs, so your chances are better.

5.客户有信誉吗? 他们会付钱给你吗? 大多数网站都会提供有关客户以及过去花费多少钱的反馈。 有时,我会筛选那些只希望在美国工作的客户。 额外的好处是,工作职位的出价要少得多,因此您的机会更好。

6. Lastly, are you capable of completing the request? Do you have a skillset of an appropriate level? Pick something out of your league; you could find yourself in some trouble. Also, does the request require any special licenses? Tableau development comes to mind. While Tableau Public is free, the enterprise license is pricey. They need to provide you with a key to use.

6.最后,您有能力完成请求吗? 您是否有适当水平的技能组? 从联盟中挑选一些东西; 您可能会遇到麻烦。 另外,请求是否需要任何特殊许可? 想到Tableau的发展。 尽管Tableau Public是免费的,但企业许可证价格昂贵。 他们需要为您提供使用密钥。

使用您所了解的知识优先安排培训。 (Use what you know to prioritize your training.)

Now that you’ve taken a look at what’s out there, it is time to compare your skills list with the requested skills. Is there an area that has job availability that you’re not yet trained up? That might then become next on your training list. This self-assessment will assist you in prioritizing your training based on overall value. The latest deep learning models are fun, but solidifying the basics of requirements gather, project management, professional presentations, data munging, and basic statistics and analysis will take you far. Very far.

现在,您已经了解了那里的内容,是时候将您的技能列表与所需的技能进行比较了。 是否有一个尚未接受培训的职位空缺? 然后,这可能会成为您训练列表中的下一个。 这种自我评估将帮助您根据总体价值确定培训的优先级。 最新的深度学习模型很有趣,但是巩固需求收集,项目管理,专业演示,数据处理以及基本统计和分析的基础将带您走远。 非常远。

结论 (Conclusion)

Hopefully, you have a better understanding of where your skillset matches up with the freelance market. Use this information to guide your training and gain experience today with what you know already.

希望您对自己的技能与自由职业者的市场有更好的了解。 使用此信息来指导您的培训并立即使用您已经了解的知识获得经验。

For those who are interested, please shout out in the responses if you want more info on the following skillsets: Game Design, General Programming, Website Development, Database Design, Troubleshooting, Angular, Node.js, App Development, all of the Cs, Cloud, Graphics, Hardware, Content Management, CRM, CSS, eCommerce, Development, and more.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/aspiring-data-scientists-and-programmers-youre-leaving-money-on-the-table-right-now-daea3ffc6c7e

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