
The recent reveal of the PlayStation 5’s design has divided the gaming world. There are those who appreciate its bold, daring industrial design and those who would have preferred something a little less outlandish; perhaps a little more traditional.

他最近透露了PlayStation 5的设计划分了游戏世界。 有些人喜欢它的大胆,大胆的工业设计,而有些人则希望它有些古怪。 也许更传统。

Over the years, console design has differed greatly. Various shapes, colors, and sizes have been utilized. Some machines have been far more conservative and utilitarian in nature, while others have been bold design statements. Given that we’re all now discussing console design again thanks to the latest generation of machines, I thought I’d go back to look at my favorite console designs from the past.

多年来,控制台设计差异很大。 已经利用了各种形状,颜色和尺寸。 有些机器本质上更加保守和实用,而另一些则是大胆的设计声明。 鉴于我们现在都在借助最新一代的机器再次讨论控制台设计,所以我想回头看看过去我最喜欢的控制台设计。

In building this list, I’ve kept things simple. Modifications, covers, and limited editions are excluded. I have considered major revisions to the existing design though (for example, the Xbox One S). Let’s take a closer look.

在构建此列表时,我保持了简单。 修改,封面和限量版不包括在内。 我曾经考虑过对现有设计进行重大修改 (例如Xbox One S)。 让我们仔细看看。

Dreamcast-1998年 (Dreamcast — 1998)

Ah, the fateful Dreamcast. It is perhaps the most notable flop in console history. That notoriety exists largely because the machine is so revered by fans around the world. It’s a console of many firsts, and it’s a fitting send-off for Sega as a console manufacturer.

啊,决定性的Dreamcast。 这也许是游戏机历史上最著名的失败。 这种臭名昭著的存在很大程度上是因为该机器受到了世界各地粉丝的崇敬。 这是许多首创的游戏机,对于世嘉作为游戏机制造商而言,这是一个合适的选择。

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The console world was very different in the late ’90s. Most manufacturers tried to convey the idea of extreme power with their hardware designs. These things were often meant to look high-tech and gutsy. But Sega completely threw that idea out the window with the Dreamcast.

在90年代后期,游戏机世界大为不同。 大多数制造商都试图在其硬件设计中传达极限功率的想法。 这些东西通常看起来是高科技和胆怯的。 但是世嘉公司通过Dreamcast将这个想法完全抛诸脑后。

The Dreamcast was boldly different, in part thanks to its stark white finish. A mixture of straight lines, sharp folds, and rounded edges almost evokes origami. If not aggressive, Dreamcast was certainly sophisticated. And it definitely looked futuristic, owing to the fact that it was markedly different from its contemporaries.

Dreamcast与众不同,部分归功于其鲜明的白色表面。 直线,锋利的褶皱和圆形边缘的混合几乎让人联想到折纸。 如果不是激进的话 ,Dreamcast肯定是成熟的 。 而且由于它与当代相比有明显的不同,因此它看起来绝对是未来派的。

It’s fitting that the Dreamcast had an eye toward the future in terms of its physical design language. It was, after all, the first mainstream console to ship with a 56K modem included. Online gaming for consoles was in its infancy at this time — becoming popularised largely thanks to the original Xbox — but the Dreamcast certainly opened the door to the future. That can never be taken away from it.

就其物理设计语言而言,Dreamcast着眼于未来是很合适的。 毕竟,它是第一个附带56K调制解调器的主流控制台。 主机的在线游戏此时还处于起步阶段,这在很大程度上要归功于原始的Xbox,但Dreamcast无疑为未来打开了大门。 这是永远无法摆脱的。

Xbox One S — 2016年 (Xbox One S — 2016)

The original Xbox One design always reminded me of an old VHS cassette deck that routinely accompanied our consoles in entertainment units throughout the ’80s and ‘90s.

最初的 Xbox One设计总是让我想起旧的VHS盒式录像带,在80年代和90年代,我们的游戏机通常伴随着我们的游戏机。

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Released in 2016, the updated Xbox One design — known as the Xbox One S — was one hell of a sleek product. It was around 40% smaller than the original box, finished with an elegant matte white paintjob, and it featured striking black accents on both the console and controller.

2016年发布的更新版Xbox One设计(称为Xbox One S)是一款时尚产品的地狱。 它比原始包装盒小约40%,并带有优雅的哑光白色烤漆,并且在控制台和控制器上都带有醒目的黑色装饰。

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It remains a stunning piece of industrial design; it clearly informed the look of the new Xbox Series S, as well. I think it’s still one of the most beautiful consoles you can possibly have in your living room.

它仍然是令人惊叹的工业设计作品。 它也清楚地告知了新Xbox Xbox S的外观。 我认为它仍然是您客厅中可能拥有的最漂亮的游戏机之一。

GameCube-2001年 (GameCube — 2001)

In some respects, the GameCube bucked the trend just like the Dreamcast had done a couple of years prior. Launched in 2001, the GameCube was completely different, not just to anything Nintendo had produced before, but the industry as a whole.

在某些方面,GameCube逆转了这一趋势,就像Dreamcast在几年前所做的那样。 GameCube于2001年推出, 完全不同于任天堂以前生产的任何产品,而是整个行业。

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Nintendo were signalling — years in advance — the direction they ultimately went with the Wii. That is to say, they were shooting for something that didn’t look like a traditional console. It wasn’t an intimidating piece of tech; it was friendly. While the GameCube packed some serious hardware inside its playful indigo exterior, the industrial design was all about creating something approachable for a wide range of players.

任天堂正在提前数年发出信号,告知他们最终与Wii一起发展的方向。 就是说,他们正在拍摄看起来不像传统游戏机的东西。 这不是一个令人生畏的技术; 这很友好 。 虽然GameCube在其俏皮的靛蓝外观中包装了一些严肃的硬件,但工业设计的目的是为各种玩家提供平易近人的东西。

The console was physically small, and contained a prominent handle on the rear. While not exactly portable per se, Nintendo clearly hoped that the GameCube wouldn’t simply remain relegated to entertainment units. Here was a little cube you could move around the house, or take with you to a friend’s place.

控制台体积小巧,后部装有醒目的把手。 任天堂虽然本身并不是完全可移植的 ,但它显然希望GameCube不会仅仅沦为娱乐部门。 这是一个小立方体,您可以在房子里四处走动,或带您到朋友家。

We could write an entire article on the controller design, too. While not as radically different as the Wii Remote, the GameCube controller can certainly be considered a precursor to the Wii Remote — Nintendo were designing something that they hoped would make video games more approachable by reducing the complexity of the interface. Even to this day, the GameCube controller is widely praised for its intuitive and ergonomic design.

我们也可以写一整篇关于控制器设计的文章。 GameCube控制器虽然与Wii Remote并没有根本不同,但可以肯定地认为它是Wii Remote的前身-任天堂正在设计一些东西,他们希望通过降低界面的复杂性使视频游戏变得更加平易近人。 直到今天,GameCube控制器以其直观且符合人体工程学的设计而广受赞誉。

PlayStation 4 — 2013年 (PlayStation 4 — 2013)

One of the more recent releases on the list, the PlayStation 4 has become an iconic piece of hardware. The industrial design of the machine — whether in its original form or its Pro form — has remained relevant even to this day.

PlayStation 4是该列表中较新的发行版之一,已成为标志性的硬件。 直到今天,机器的工业设计(无论是原始形式还是Pro形式)都仍然有意义。

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The PlayStation 4 console can best be described as elegant. And although it isn’t the smallest console ever made, its clear, minimalist lines have a way of obscuring its true dimensions. It’s a lovely object to behold, in both vertical and horizontal configurations.

PlayStation 4控制台最能形容为优雅 。 尽管它不是有史以来最小的游戏机,但其清晰,简约的线条却掩盖了其真实尺寸。 无论是垂直配置还是水平配置,这都是一个可爱的对象。

We’ll miss it.


PlayStation Portable Go-2009 (PlayStation Portable Go — 2009)

The PSP Go is the only portable/handheld console on this list.

PSP Go是此列表中唯一的便携式/手持式控制台。

I always felt that the original PSP was a fascinating design, but the Go edition that launched a few years later impressed me most from an aesthetic point of view.


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Thanks to the retirement of the UMD format, Sony was able to break with the previous system’s form factor, creating an even more stylish version. The overall shape may have been similar, but the super cool sliding design is still awesome to this day.

由于淘汰了UMD格式,Sony得以打破了以前系统的外形尺寸,创造了一个更加时尚的版本。 总体形状可能相似,但超酷的滑动设计至今仍很棒。

Atari 2600-1977年 (Atari 2600 — 1977)

There was a time, believe it or not, when the televisions that occupied our living rooms didn’t involve massive ultra-flat, high-resolution displays. No, our rooms were warmed by the comforting glow of the humble cathode ray tube. Comforting as it may have been, it certainly meant old CRT screens tended to be rather hefty.

信不信由你,有一段时间曾经占据我们客厅的电视包含大型超扁平,高分辨率显示器。 不,我们的房间被不起眼的阴极射线管发出的令人愉快的光芒所温暖。 令人感到舒适的是,这当然意味着旧的CRT屏幕往往很笨重。

Not only were older TVs pretty big, but they were often came in a wide range of designs that routinely featured materials other than black plastic. In fact, many TV sets — including some of the most premium designs — were lovingly panelled in wood.

老式电视不仅很大,而且常常采用多种设计,通常采用黑色塑料以外的材料。 实际上,许多电视机-包括一些最高级的设计-都镶有精美的木板。

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It will come as no surprise, then, that the legendary Atari 2600’s industrial design is such a strong product of its era. It might look gloriously vintage today, but in its time, it was a cutting-edge piece of tech. The sharp lines, the black plastic grille effect, and the minimal-but-sophisticated wooden panel at the front were all indications of an ultra-modern (but premium) machine.

因此,具有传奇色彩的Atari 2600的工业设计在其时代如此强大就不足为奇了。 在今天,它看起来可能光彩夺目,但是在那个时代,它是尖端技术。 锋利的线条,黑色的塑料格栅效果以及前面板的极简但精致的木质面板都是超现代(但高端)机器的标志。

Wii-2006年 (Wii — 2006)

As mentioned above, the Wii is perhaps the ultimate statement of Nintendo’s desire to produce a truly “mass market” game console. With the Wii, Nintendo went even further than they’d done with the GameCube.

如上所述,Wii也许是任天堂渴望生产真正的“大众市场”游戏机的最终声明。 有了Wii,任天堂比GameCube所取得的成就还要远。

While Microsoft and Sony fought each other at the high-end of the market with ultra-powerful machines, Nintendo quietly went in a different direction. The Wii was barely more powerful than the GameCube, but it was clear that the R&D had gone almost entirely into building a new and more intuitive interface (and, indeed, a radically smaller and more power-efficient form factor).

微软和索尼在高端市场相互竞争时,任天堂悄悄地朝着不同的方向发展。 Wii几乎没有GameCube强大,但很明显,R&D几乎完全投入了构建新的和更直观的界面(实际上,是一个更小,更节能的外形尺寸)。

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The industrial design approach was also definitely more on the sophisticated end. Far from trying to convey massive horsepower with the design, Nintendo went for a product that looked smart and stylish. It was, in some ways, quite reminiscent of Apple’s approach with their hardware. In the end, Nintendo sold more than 101 million units. So whatever your views on the Wii, it certainly carved out a position was one of the most recognizable console designs in history.

工业设计方法肯定也更复杂 。 任天堂绝不试图通过设计传达巨大的动力,而是选择了一款看起来 时尚又 智能的产品。 从某种程度上讲,这使人想起了苹果公司在硬件方面的做法。 最终,任天堂售出了超过1.01亿台。 因此,无论您对Wii的看法如何,它无疑都占据了一个位置,是历史上最知名的游戏机设计之一。

松下3DO-1993 (Panasonic 3DO — 1993)

If physical appearance alone was enough to establish a machine in the market, then the oft-forgotten 3DO might have faced very different fortunes.


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Younger gamers may not recognize the 3DO (which was an open platform and was released in the form of several different products — the most notable 3DO machines were from Panasonic and GoldStar). The Panasonic version is pictured here, and despite its age, it remains a handsome machine.

年轻的游戏玩家可能不认识3DO(这是一个开放平台,以多种不同产品的形式发布-最著名的3DO机器来自Panasonic和GoldStar)。 松下版本如图所示,尽管年代久远,但它仍然是一台漂亮的机器。

In fact, you might even say that it is vaguely ritualistic, thanks to the four pillars at each corner, which almost evoke an altar (or perhaps even the four engines of a spacecraft).

实际上,您甚至可以说这是含糊的仪式性 ,这要归功于每个角落的四个Struts,这些Struts几乎让人联想起一个祭坛(甚至可能是飞船的四个引擎)。

超级任天堂-1990年 (Super Nintendo — 1990)

Nintendo boasts the largest number of consoles in this top ten, thanks to its three nominations. I simply couldn’t ignore the classic Super Nintendo.

由于获得了三项提名,任天堂在前十名中拥有最多的游戏机。 我简直无法忽略经典的超级任天堂。

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I should clarify here that I’m not referring to the awkward-looking North American version of the machine. No, I’m talking about the Japanese/European/Australian version, pictured above.

我要在这里澄清,我不是在指北美机器的笨拙版本。 不,我说的是日本/欧洲/澳大利亚版本,如上图所示。

The Super Nintendo is an important console for many reasons, but its industrial design is superb and still looks gorgeous today. Its two-tone coloring with RGBY accents and its elegant — and still modern — lines are truly a sight to behold.

出于任何原因,超级任天堂都是重要的游戏机,但是其工业设计非常出色,并且今天仍然看起来很漂亮。 带有RGBY口音的两色着色和优雅(且仍然很现代)的线条确实让人眼前一亮。

结论 (Conclusion)

That’s it for my top ten most beautiful game consoles of all time. Are there any you think I missed?

这就是我有史以来最美丽的十款游戏机。 你有想我错过的地方吗?

Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/the-most-beautiful-consoles-of-all-time-556900c9cbca





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