

In the era of global digitalization, the winner is the one who is faster than others mastering new channels of interaction with the audience and offering its customers more convenient digital solutions.


To succeed, a business opens representative offices on the Web, launches mobile applications, positions itself on social networks, and uses smart gadgets and IoT devices. It is important to present yourself as widely as possible in the market, using all available means. You also need to be flexible, migrating quickly, and easily to new platforms.

为了获得成功,一家企业在Web上开设了代表处,启动了移动应用程序,将自己定位在社交网络上,并使用了智能小工具和IoT设备。 重要的是要使用所有可用的方法在市场上尽可能广泛地展示自己。 您还需要灵活,快速且轻松地迁移到新平台。

The traditional approach is that for each platform its own architecture is developed, content is prepared, the interface is configured. Development and support in such a scheme requires significant resources. This limits the ability of companies to tap into digital channels.

传统方法是为每个平台开发自己的体系结构,准备内容,配置接口。 这种方案的开发和支持需要大量资源。 这限制了公司利用数字渠道的能力。

A new generation of CMS solves the problem of content management across multiple platforms. Content is now created, stored, and edited regardless of the technical solutions used to present it on client hardware (browser, smartphone, smartwatch).

新一代CMS解决了跨多个平台的内容管理问题。 现在,无论使用何种技术解决方案在客户端硬件(浏览器,智能手机,智能手表)上显示内容,都可以创建,存储和编辑内容。

无头CMS-无头的身体 (Headless CMS — a body without head)

The logic of traditional CMS combines the back-end and front-end parts of one system. In this case, the content turns out to be associated with specific technologies, architecture and patterns of the client-server application.

传统CMS的逻辑结合了一个系统的后端和前端部分。 在这种情况下,内容证明与客户端-服务器应用程序的特定技术,体系结构和模式相关联。

Headless CMS is a fundamentally different management system. Typically, it is only responsible for generic content that can be used on all platforms. The backend (“body”) with this approach is not associated with the frontend (“head”).

无头CMS是根本不同的管理系统。 通常,它仅负责可在所有平台上使用的通用内容。 使用这种方法的后端(“ body”)与前端(“ head”)不相关。

The logic of Headless CMS is such that different heads can be attached to the “body” if necessary. This allows you to use a single backend to manage a site (or sites) and a mobile application, as well as automate the distribution of content across all available sites and devices.

无头CMS的逻辑是,如有必要,可以将不同的头连接到“身体”。 这使您可以使用一个后端来管理一个或多个站点和一个移动应用程序,以及自动在所有可用站点和设备之间分配内容。

As a result, the resources spent on web development are minimized. And the management of different platforms is carried out centrally from a single interface, which is convenient. At the same time, the content is flexibly configured for each individual channel.

结果,花在Web开发上的资源被最小化了。 而且,从单个界面集中进行不同平台的管理,非常方便。 同时,为每个单独的频道灵活配置内容。

无头CMS —工作原理 (Headless CMS — How it works)

As I already mentioned, Headless CMS assumes the only content management, regardless of the interface in which it will be used (presented to the end-user).

正如我已经提到的那样,Headless CMS假定唯一的内容管理 ,而不管使用它的界面(呈现给最终用户)。

The management system is built from scratch and is used primarily as a repository for content and a set of tools. It provides an administrative interface for content creators to collaborate on content. If it is possible to leave comments, requests, create user profiles or set account settings, this data can also be stored in the system, moderated and edited by staff.

管理系统是从头开始构建的,主要用作内容和一组工具的存储库。 它为内容创建者提供了一个在内容上进行协作的管理界面。 如果可以留下评论,请求,创建用户个人资料或设置帐户设置,则此数据也可以存储在系统中,由工作人员进行审核和编辑。

The content of the system is stored in the database it maintains (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, MySQL and MariaDB in Strapi). Data exchange most often occurs in the “universal” JSON format, which allows you to adapt to any new frontend. The transfer is done through an external API: RESTful or GraphQL.

系统的内容存储在它维护的数据库( Strapi中的 PostgreSQLMongoDBSQLiteMySQLMariaDB )中。 数据交换通常以“通用” JSON格式进行,这使您可以适应任何新的前端。 传输通过外部API: RESTfulGraphQL完成

The client application is responsible for user interaction (design, interactivity, data collection). An API is used to manipulate data.

客户端应用程序负责用户交互(设计,交互性,数据收集)。 API用于处理数据。

无头CMS的优势 (Headless CMS advantages)

The main value of the approach implemented in Headless CMS is omnichannel readiness. Content in a universal format can be used on a website, in a mobile application, in the interface of various digital devices. This expands business opportunities, allows you to flexibly use different solutions (integrating them one by one or immediately using all the necessary ones).

在无头CMS中实施的方法的主要价值是全渠道就绪 。 通用格式的内容可以在网站,移动应用程序以及各种数字设备的界面中使用。 这扩大了商机,使您可以灵活地使用不同的解决方案(将它们逐一集成或立即使用所有必要的解决方案)。

Reducing development costs is the second major benefit. Under certain conditions, Headless CMS is cheaper to install and configure. Developers do not need to master the control system “from and to”, it is enough to understand the administrative interface and API.

降低开发成本是第二个主要好处。 在某些情况下,Headless CMS的安装和配置成本更低。 开发人员不需要“从头到尾”掌握控制系统,就足以了解管理界面和API。

Accelerating the implementation of new projects is also an important plus for business. Due to the flexibility of using content, in Headless CMS, the process of launching a website or application takes less time. In addition, the industry standards RESTful and GraphQL provide a quick start when deploying a new project: developers do not need to lay the architectural foundations and master tooling around these technologies.

加快新项目的实施对于企业来说也是一个重要的优势。 由于使用内容的灵活性,在Headless CMS中,启动网站或应用程序的过程花费的时间更少。 此外,行业标准RESTfulGraphQL在部署新项目时提供了快速入门 :开发人员无需围绕这些技术奠定体系结构基础和掌握工具。

Why Headless CMS is the Future of Web
Source: https://villevuorinen.com/
资料来源: https : //villevuorinen.com/

For users of the administrative panel, the convenience of working in the system is important. Centralized management makes it easy to interact with different platforms. You can add and edit content, manage settings in one familiar administrative interface.

对于管理面板的用户而言, 在系统中工作便利性很重要。 集中管理使与不同平台的交互变得容易。 您可以在一个熟悉的管理界面中添加和编辑内容,管理设置。

For a business that quickly responds to changes, the simple scalability of the content management system is of great importance. The statically generated content from the CMS lends itself easily to scaling through the CDN.

对于快速响应变化的企业而言,内容管理系统的简单可伸缩性非常重要。 CMS静态生成的内容很容易扩展CDN。

Content is easily transferable to new interfaces. For example, to implement an application for iOS, if there are web and Android versions, it is not required to create a new backend — one more client application is simply added to the existing scheme.

内容可以轻松转移到新界面。 例如,要实现适用于iOS的应用程序(如果有Web和Android版本),则无需创建新的后端-仅将一个客户端应用程序添加到现有方案中即可。

At the same time, developers in any programming language (Ruby, PHP, Java, Swift) can use the API when manipulating the system, thus solving the problem of incompatibility of different languages ​​in one product. This makes it possible to use the latest technology and be creative in the development process.

同时,任何一种编程语言(Ruby,PHP,Java,Swift)的开发人员在操纵系统时都可以使用API​​,从而解决了一种产品中不同语言不兼容的问题。 这样就可以使用最新技术并在开发过程中发挥创造力。

Headless CMS is characterized by increased security. Since only statically generated files are available from the user side, and request processing is greatly simplified, this process is more difficult to “break” and the risks of attacks are reduced.

无头CMS的特点是增加了安全性 。 由于只有静态生成的文件可从用户端获得,并且大大简化了请求处理,因此该过程更难以“破解”,并且降低了遭受攻击的风险。

无头CMS有什么缺点吗? (Are there any disadvantages to Headless CMS?)

The transition to the Headless CMS logic presupposes familiarity with its principles and technologies, however, the developer only needs to have a basic level of knowledge of network technologies.


Of course, it takes some experience to optimize the ready-made backend to connect different platforms at the same time. But you don’t need to build an API every time, which is a plus.

当然,优化现成的后端以同时连接不同平台需要一些经验。 但是您不必每次都构建API,这是一个加号。

Headless CMS only provides a backend, so the front-end architecture needs to be implemented with additional resources. But there are products like Gatsby, Nuxt, VuePress, Hugo, and Gridsome that provide simplified CMS integration.

无头CMS仅提供后端,因此前端架构需要使用其他资源来实现。 但是有些产品如Gatsby,Nuxt,VuePress,Hugo和Gridsome提供了简化的CMS集成。

无头CMS的类型 (Types of Headless CMS)

There are many CMSs that support Jamstack logic. The essence of the approach is to pre-render files and transfer them directly from the CDN, bypassing the webserver.

有许多支持Jamstack逻辑的CMS。 该方法的本质是预渲染文件并绕过Web服务器直接从CDN传输文件。

All such CMS are presented at headlesscms.org. Most of them are open source solutions.

所有此类CMS都位于headlesscms.org上 。 其中大多数是开源解决方案。

Headless CMS can involve self-deployment on a server or upload to a CDN service. Some systems work through cloud providers. Many people support creating a model and then filling it with content. Another selection criterion: using GraphQL or REST API (or both in one product).

无头CMS可能涉及服务器上的自我部署或上载到CDN服务。 一些系统通过云提供商运行。 许多人支持创建模型,然后将其填充内容。 另一个选择标准:使用GraphQL或REST API(或在一个产品中同时使用)。

无头的CM —为什么未来属于那个 (Headless CM — Why the future belongs to that)

The innovative approach implemented in Headless CMS takes into account the realities of today when time dictates the fastest possible introduction of new technologies and the expansion of digital channels of interaction with the audience. The principle of separation of the content itself and the client interface allows you to accelerate development and scale with resource savings. And managing different platforms becomes more convenient and efficient.

在无头CMS中实施的创新方法考虑了当今的现实,当时时间要求尽可能快地引入新技术以及扩大与观众互动的数字渠道。 内容本身与客户端界面分离的原理使您可以加快开发速度并节省资源。 并且管理不同的平台变得更加方便和高效。

With the further development of digital products, Headless CMS is likely to be more preferred over traditional WordPress or Joomla. There is every reason to believe that the future belongs to the “headless” systems.

随着数字产品的进一步发展,Headless CMS可能比传统的WordPress或Joomla更受青睐。 有充分的理由相信,未来属于“无头”系统。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/why-headless-cms-is-the-future-of-web-759105706325


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