

“Every form of human creativity and genius is a process of doing it and getting better at it. Become a programmer by programming, there is no other ways. So do it, do it more, do it better. Fail, fail better. This is the key of all success”

“人类创造力和才华的每种形式都是一个不断努力,不断完善的过程。 通过编程成为一名程序员,没有其他方法。 这样做,做得更多,做得更好。 失败,失败更好。 这是所有成功的关键。”

revisited citation of Margaret Atwood

重新引用了玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)

In your career of programmer, we well know you will see many programming languages, each more interesting than the last and your versatility as a programmer will depends on you mastering a lot of them (Not all, let’s be clear about that). So be able to fast learning a programming language is a ability that will certainly interest you. Let’s see some tips and methods that may help in that perspective :

在您从事程序员的职业中,我们深知您会看到许多编程语言,每种语言都比上一种更有趣,并且您作为程序员的多功能性取决于您掌握了其中的很多语言(不是全部,让我们弄清楚这一点)。 因此,能够快速学习编程语言的能力一定会让您感兴趣。 让我们来看一些提示和方法,可能会有助于解决这个问题:

We all born the same. Everything is learned

我们都是一样的。 一切都学到了

let’s first begin by silencing some suspicions and some stupid ideas that bring lack of confidence.


We all born the same. Abilities and competences are not innate, they are all learned, specially when we are talking about being good at learning. If some persons have more facilities to master something, a science, a technology or whatever, it’s just because, they have “learned how to learn it”. Assimilate knowledge is an abilities like anyone else, it take time and efforts to acquire it.

我们都是一样的。 能力和能力不是天生的,它们都是被学习的,特别是当我们谈论要善于学习时。 如果有人拥有更多的设施来掌握某些东西,科学,技术或其他东西,那是因为他们“已经学会了学习方法”。 吸收知识是一种像其他任何人一样的能力,要花费时间和精力。

It’s true, some person born with amazing cerebral abilities like excellent memory, impressive abilities of visualization… but go to Google and search for all the others person that was “normal” in their childhood and then by learning, have been able to get those same abilities and sometime, at a more elevated level. So you’ve got no excuse and to the people who uses to say “ I am not made for that”, change your mind right away, because anyone is made for anything.

的确,有些人天生具有惊人的脑力,例如出色的记忆力,令人印象深刻的可视化能力……但是去Google并搜索所有其他在童年时期“正常”的人,然后通过学习,他们已经能够获得相同的结果。能力,有时甚至更高的水平。 因此,您没有任何借口,对于曾经说“我不是为此而生”的人们,请立即改变主意,因为任何人都是为任何目的而生。

If you’re interesting in learning how to learn, this 6 hours free course will be good for you :




With that being clarified, let’s get straight to the tips :


1- Make projects


You’ve certainly heard it a lot of time in the past, you will heard it a lot of time in the future for sure and I am going to repeat it right now : the best way to learn something is by practicing it. This expression is simple to get, but more difficult to apply for some people. About the programming, languages are very interesting when it comes to their area of competences, their power, their efficiency and to many others stuff like. But when you are learning them, all this interesting and amazing part is not directly involved. You’re basically learning rules and applying them in examples, and at this point it may get boring if you don’t have lot of imagination. That is why, meanwhile your learning, you need to find a project where you will realize stuff and along the way you will see the progress you’ve made because your project will get more and more shaped, more and more complete so your motivation can be maintain as long as possible.

您肯定在过去已经听过很多次,肯定会在将来听到很多次,而我现在要重复一遍:学习事物的最佳方法是练习。 这种表达方式很容易获得,但对某些人来说却很难应用。 关于编程,语言在其专业领域,能力,效率以及许多其他方面非常有趣。 但是,当您学习它们时,所有这些有趣而令人惊奇的部分都不会直接涉及。 您基本上是在学习规则并将其应用到示例中,如果您没有太多的想象力,这时可能会感到无聊。 这就是为什么在学习的同时,您需要找到一个项目,您将在其中意识到自己的东西,并一路看到自己取得的进展,因为您的项目将变得越来越成型,越来越完整,因此您的动力可以保持尽可能长的时间。

So making project will basically help you on many part but mainly on two very important ones :


Gaining experience by making mistake and facing bugs


Honestly, I don’t think there is something to explain. Mastering languages is a lot of work and memorization, but all of them have their own tips that make development and programming easier and those tips in general aren’t taught in courses. You needs to experience issues and bugs in order find them. And even if they were taught in tutorials, it would be much more efficient to learn them by your own and the reason of that is simple : you will memorize easier something that you’ve learned by yourself.

老实说,我认为没有什么可解释的。 掌握语言需要大量的工作和记忆,但是所有语言都有自己的技巧,这些技巧使开发和编程变得更加容易,并且这些技巧通常不在课程中讲授。 您需要经历问题和错误才能找到它们。 即使在教程中进行了授课,您自己学习它们也会更加高效,并且原因很简单:您将更容易记住自己学到的东西。

maintain motivation as long as possible


Let me tell you something essential. it’s not a life’ lesson or on of those citation of the “kind old man”. It’s just a simple fact : “you need to love what you do in order to be good at it”. Without passion, there is no motivation, without motivation, there is no need to start, you won’t be good at it. Making project will permit you to link programming and your others passions so you won’t get bored in the beginning.

让我告诉你一些重要的事情。 这不是生命的教训,也不是对“善良老人”的引用。 这只是一个简单的事实:“您需要热爱自己所做的事情才能变得出色”。 没有激情,就没有动力,没有动力,就没有起点,你就不会擅长。 制作项目将使您能够链接编程和其他人的激情,因此一开始就不会感到无聊。

And don’t be frustrated if you don’t have a project in mind, you can simply search for the net, there is certainly among all the examples you will finds, one that will make you jumping like a kangaroo😉.


2- motivation not that important : train your discipline


it’s true, I’ve said (or write 😅) that motivation is important to start something and tips like making projects will help you maintain it as long as possible. But motivation as been given to much important nowadays.

没错,我说过(或写😅)动机很重要,开始做某事,诸如制作项目之类的技巧将帮助您尽可能长地维护它。 但是,如今的动机很重要。

When you begin doing something that you love, that you are passionate about, you certainly have a lot of motivation, it’s totally normal. At the beginning it’s really exciting, you can pass hours and hours on it. But a moment can appear where the motivation isn’t enough to continue, things are getting boring whatever you do, the time you were spending on it decrease and you start thinking about giving up. Of course, this don’t happens to everyone, because motivation power depends on people and thing they are motivated about, but many times this power decrease and this is a normal thing. A human brain searching for strong stimulation (like learning or doing interesting stuff, solving problems, programming…) get always bored. So at one moment if your are felling that your motivation is not constant, don’t give up right away. It’s normal. This is the kind of episode that you will have to go through if you want to finish what you’ve begin and retrieve your motivation.

当您开始做自己喜欢的,充满激情的事情时,肯定会有很多动力,这是完全正常的。 刚开始时,它真的很令人兴奋,您可以花很多小时。 但是片刻可能会出现这样的情况:动机不足以继续下去,事情变得无聊,您花在上面的时间减少了,您开始考虑放弃。 当然,这种情况并非每个人都发生,因为动机的力量取决于他们所动机的人和事物,但是很多时候这种力量下降,这是正常现象。 寻找强大刺激(例如学习或做有趣的事情,解决问题,编程等)的人脑总是无聊。 因此,一时如果您因自己的动机不固定而感到沮丧,请不要立即放弃。 这是正常的。 如果您想完成开始的工作并找回动力,则必须经历这种情节。

When you are at this point, discipline will make all the difference between people that continue and success in their learning and the others….


And like I said earlier, everything can be learned. So learn to be disciplined, train your mental strength to impose yourself things that you know are good for you but that you don’t wanna do for “stupid reasons”. And at the en that will help you keep working hard so you can pass through this episode without losing anything. Because whatever the languages you are learning, when you finish mastering the basics and you are starting building projects and solving problem like a real programmer, boredom won’t have place anymore.

就像我之前说的,一切都可以学到。 因此,要学会纪律,训练自己的精神力量,强加给自己一些对自己有益的东西,但这些东西并不是您出于“愚蠢的原因”而想要做的。 而且,这将有助于您继续努力,以便您可以顺利完成本集而不会丢失任何内容。 因为无论您正在学习哪种语言,当您掌握了基础知识并开始构建项目并像真正的程序员一样解决问题时,无聊便再也无处可寻。

3- Don’t learn alone


There is a favorable environment for everything you are doing, including learning. This is absolutely not primordial but it can really make it easier and funniest. If your friends or people you are close to have interests in what you are doing and wanna work together, you better go on and try to your best. Learning with others people will also remind you to “stay human” if you are the kind of person who use to get lost in his mind when he is concentrate.

您所做的一切(包括学习)都有一个良好的环境。 这绝对不是原始的,但确实可以使它更容易和有趣。 如果您的朋友或亲近的人对自己的工作感兴趣并且想一起工作,则最好继续努力。 与他人一起学习也会提醒您“保持人性化”,如果您是那种在专心的时候会迷失自己的人。

But working with others may be double edged. Stay focus on your purpose and don’t forget why you are in the team, if you think it would be more efficient for you to learn alone, don’t be afraid or frustrated try for a while and see if that your best option. If that’s the case, then you know what to do. Think about yourself.

但是与他人合作可能是 双刃。 专注于您的目标,不要忘记为什么要加入团队,如果您认为单枪匹马学习会更有效率,请不要害怕或感到沮丧,请尝试一下,看看这是否是您的最佳选择。 如果是这样,那么您知道该怎么办。 想想你自己。

4- a last advice


One last advice to be able to learn fast a programming language is : to teach it. Apart from the fact that this one will kill many tutorial and YouTube channel 😂. This is very efficient way to learn faster.

能够快速学习编程语言的最后一个建议是:教它。 除了这一事实会杀死许多教程和YouTube频道fact。 这是学习更快的非常有效的方法。

When we are taking long courses that needs a lot of our time, we use to skip parts thinking that we understand them, that “there is no need to lose time on this”. But when come to explain them, there is the problem.

当我们修读需要大量时间的长期课程时,我们常常跳过那些认为自己理解它们的部分,即“不必为此浪费时间”。 但是,当解释它们时,存在问题。

If you are not capable of explaining something, you don’t understand it, nothing more, nothing less. So try to imagine you will have to teach to others people what you are learning so that you can learn it better. And if this is not enough, just do it : write tutorials, make videos. That will help you a lot in the memorization part and will increase a lot of others skill like expressing yourself with eloquence, confidence…

如果您无法解释某些内容,那么您将无法理解,仅此而已。 因此,试想一下,您将必须向他人传授所学知识,以便您可以更好地学习。 如果还不够,那就去做:编写教程,制作视频。 这将有助于您在记忆方面,并会增加许多其他技巧,例如以口才,自信来表达自己。

And don’t forget :


“Every form of human creativity and genius is a process of doing it and getting better at it. Become a programmer by programming, there is no other ways. So do it, do it more, do it better. Fail, fail better. This is the key of all success”

“人类创造力和才华的每种形式都是一个不断努力,不断完善的过程。 通过编程成为一名程序员,没有其他方法。 这样做,做得更多,做得更好。 失败,失败更好。 这是所有成功的关键。”

翻译自: https://medium.com/@gaelciss/learn-programming-languages-fast-4b0d243b1f43


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