cesium pak_IBM Cloud Pak for Data获得了Ventana数字创新奖的认可

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I’m excited to announce that our team at IBM Cloud, Data, and AI has been awarded a Ventana Digital Innovation Award finalist for IBM Cloud Pak for Data in the Analytics category. This is fantastic news for us and we are thrilled to have our work recognized in the innovation space.

我很高兴地宣布,我们在IBM Cloud,Data和AI的团队在IBM Analytics(分析)类别中的IBM Cloud Pak for Data中获得了Ventana Digital Innovation Award决赛入围者。 这对我们来说是个好消息,我们很高兴在创新领域获得认可。

The Ventana Digital Innovation Awards recognize outstanding technologies that are impactful on their markets, pioneer advancement, drive change, and increase value for businesses worldwide. The awards committee chooses finalists that exemplify how technologies can push boundaries and bring innovation to their users.

Ventana数字创新奖旨在表彰那些对其市场具有影响力,开拓先锋,推动变革并为全球企业增加价值的杰出技术。 奖项委员会选择入围者,以证明技术如何突破界限并为用户带来创新。

“I would like to congratulate all of the finalists for their superb technology that can change and shape their industry.” — Mark Smith, CEO and Chief Research Officer at Ventana Research.

“我要祝贺所有决赛入围者凭借其可以改变和塑造行业的精湛技术。” — Ventana Research首席执行官兼首席研究官Mark Smith。

什么是IBM Cloud Pak for Data? (What is IBM Cloud Pak for Data?)

IBM Cloud Pak for Data is a fully integrated data and AI platform that modernizes how businesses collect, organize and analyze data to infuse AI throughout their organizations. By integrating tools for data science, data operations, data management, governance, business analytics and AI, this platform combines tools into one place so that data workers can collaborate together seamlessly without switching tools and without the steep learning curves typically needed for operationalizing AI.

IBM Cloud Pak for Data是一个完全集成的数据和AI平台,可实现企业收集,组织和分析数据的现代化方式,从而在整个组织中注入AI。 通过集成用于数据科学,数据运营,数据管理,治理,业务分析和AI的工具,该平台将工具整合到了一个地方,因此数据工作者可以无缝地无缝协作,而无需切换工具,也不需要实现AI所需的陡峭学习曲线。

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Users are provided with a role based dashboard with specific insights that help them in prioritizing their day to day job

IBM Cloud Pak for Data is tailored towards teams that can include data scientists, data engineers, data stewards, business analysts and application developers. The design team recognized that a platform with such breadth required a design that supports collaboration and customization with the aim of bringing all roles and capabilities together in a seamless and intuitive environment. They also designed in an embedded services catalog that offers on demand usage of additional capabilities. Users are able to customize the platform with services specific to their needs, helping them streamline their processes even more.

IBM Cloud Pak for Data专为包含数据科学家,数据工程师,数据管理员,业务分析师和应用程序开发人员的团队量身定制。 设计团队认识到,具有如此广度的平台需要一种支持协作和自定义的设计,目的是在一个无缝,直观的环境中将所有角色和功能结合在一起。 他们还在嵌入式服务目录中进行了设计,该目录可以按需使用其他功能。 用户能够使用针对其需求的服务来定制平台,从而帮助他们进一步简化流程。

One of our goals was to design a self service experience for our users, breaking down siloes and enabling users to seamlessly collaborate with each other. With increased collaboration and more cohesive workflows, users spend less time chasing colleagues and switching between tools and context, instead focusing on getting their job done faster and more effectively.

我们的目标之一是为用户设计一种自助服务体验,打破孤岛,使用户能够无缝地相互协作。 随着协作的增强和工作流程的凝聚力提高,用户花费在寻找同事和在工具和上下文之间切换的时间更少,而专注于更快,更有效地完成工作。

为IBM Cloud Pak设计数据 (Designing for IBM Cloud Pak for Data)

The design team behind Cloud Pak for Data started the design cycle with a discovery phase that included generative user research. Once the main user pain points were identified as user stories, the design team started iterating on ideas to solve them. The design team found that knowledge workers and data users, as well as the IT office were often working with a large range of assets, tools, and processes. This churn and waste leads to frustration and delays; costing organizations substantially. Users were often dealing with disjointed workflows and information, slowing down their processes and productivity.

Cloud Pak for Data背后的设计团队从发现阶段开始设计周期,其中包括生成用户研究 。 一旦将主要用户的痛点识别为用户故事,设计团队便开始反复尝试解决问题的想法。 设计团队发现,知识工作者和数据用户以及IT部门经常使用大量资产,工具和流程。 流失和浪费会导致挫败感和延误。 给组织造成大量成本。 用户经常要处理脱节的工作流和信息,从而减慢其流程和生产力。

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An embedded catalog allows the user to search through an extensive collection of services to help with any data related business problem

To address these challenges, the team designed several features to help streamline their users’ experience. They designed Cloud Pak for Data’s home page to be personalizable, and have the ability to display important information for users such as data, assets, and KPIs. Users could get started on data sorting or managing their application compliance policies as soon as they log into the platform.

为了应对这些挑战,该团队设计了多种功能来帮助简化用户的体验。 他们将Cloud Pak for Data的主页设计为可个性化的,并能够为用户显示重要信息,例如数据,资产和KPI。 用户一旦登录平台,便可以开始进行数据排序或管理其应用程序遵从性策略。

Another experience the design team focused on, was an enhanced search function, that lets user search for any data or metadata, anytime, across any workflow. The goal of the search experience was not only to help users find information, but also be more efficient in navigating to different workflows. Unlike traditional search, the search experience was extended to also find resources outside the platform, so that users can discover new assets and expand their knowledge.

设计团队关注的另一项经验是增强的搜索功能,该功能使用户可以在任何工作流程中随时搜索任何数据或元数据。 搜索体验的目标不仅是帮助用户查找信息,而且还可以更有效地导航到不同的工作流程。 与传统搜索不同,搜索体验被扩展为还可以在平台外部查找资源,以便用户可以发现新资产并扩展他们的知识。

From a customizable homepage, to powerful search functionality that allows our users to find the right asset at the right time; from an extensive services catalog to Cloud Pak for Data’s centralized way to interact with tools and capabilities, every experience the design team worked on, aims to streamline and simplify how teams and individuals work today and into the future. All of these features are powered with machine learning, so that the platform becomes more personalized to users’ preferences as they continue to use the platform.

从可自定义的首页,到强大的搜索功能,使我们的用户可以在正确的时间找到正确的资产; 从广泛的服务目录到Cloud Pak for Data与工具和功能进行交互的集中式方式,设计团队所从事的每一次体验都旨在简化和简化团队和个人如今和未来的工作方式。 所有这些功能都支持机器学习,因此当用户继续使用该平台时,该平台将变得更具个性化。

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The design team worked in a collaborative process along with their stakeholders.

创新数据和AI体验 (Innovating the Data and AI Experience)

As a platform, IBM Cloud Pak for Data is truly one of a kind in how it fulfills our charter to bring IBMs best tools for data and analytics, in the service of companies that desire to derive value from their data, in a reliable and consistent way. The platform reflects this desire for reliability by presenting a fully integrated interface that supports a large number of seamless and unified user flows. From data collection, to data preperation and analysis, data governance, to building and deploying accurate and trustable AI models: IBM Cloud Pak for Data is one of the IBM Cloud Pak containerized platform solution series, helping users leverage the power of hybrid cloud and get the most of their business operations.

作为一个平台,IBM Cloud Pak for Data确实是一种实现我们的章程的方式之一,该章程旨在为希望从其数据中获取价值的公司提供可靠的,一致的IBM最佳数据和分析工具。方式。 该平台通过提供支持大量无缝和统一用户流的完全集成的界面,反映了对可靠性的渴望。 从数据收集到数据准备和分析,数据治理,再到构建和部署准确且可信赖的AI模型:IBM Cloud Pak for Data是IBM Cloud Pak容器化平台解决方案系列之一,可帮助用户利用混合云的功能并获得他们大部分的业务运作。

获奖团队: (Winning Team:)

Design Manager: Ana ManriqueDesign Team: Joshua Vaughn, Gentry Baird, Edward Chatwood, Andrea Garcia, Armando Garza, Karen Gonzalez, Chriscel Ann Halili, Paul Hwang, Mary Kim, Daniel Klahn, Andrew Lee, Danielle Liao, Godiva Reisenbichler, Lydia Samuel, Crystal Thomas, Samuel Ting, Mai Chee Vang, Javy Wang, Kristle McCracken, Carmen DarlachDevelopment Executive: Sampada BasarkarProduct Management Executive: Hemanth Manda

设计经理: Ana Manrique 设计团队: Joshua Vaughn,Gentry Baird,Edward Chatwood,Andrea Garcia,Armando Garza,Karen Gonzalez,Chriscel Ann Halili,Paul Hwang,Mary Kim,Daniel Klahn,Andrew Lee,Danielle Liao,Godiva Reisenbichler,Lydia Samuel ,汤玛斯(Crystal Thomas),丁Sam(Samuel Ting),麦奇旺(Mai Chee Vang),王维(Javy Wang),麦凯肯(Kristle McCracken),卡门·达拉赫(Carmen Darlach) 开发主管 :Sampada Basarkar 产品管理主管 :Hemanth Manda

Arin Bhowmick (@arinbhowmick) is Vice President and Chief Design Officer, IBM Cloud, Data and AI, based in San Francisco, California. The above article is personal and does not necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.

Arin Bhowmick ( @arinbhowmick )是位于加利福尼亚州旧金山的IBM云,数据和AI副总裁兼首席设计官。 以上文章是个人的,不一定代表IBM的立场,战略或观点。

翻译自: https://medium.com/icp-for-data/ibm-cloud-pak-for-data-is-a-winner-in-the-ventana-digital-innovation-awards-5a5ec6d9eec6

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