vue domo网站_DOMO与Tableau-逐轮

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Let me be your BI consultant. Best yet, let me be your free consultant on the following question:

让我成为您的BI顾问。 最好的是,让我成为您的免费顾问 ,解决以下问题:

DOMO vs. Tableau — What should I use?

DOMO vs. Tableau-我应该使用什么?

I’ve had the privilege of working in both BI tools, and I can say that both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses.


Tableau is definitely more widely used than DOMO, but is that because it is better than DOMO? On the other hand, DOMO has an insane and almost cult-like following with events like its yearly DOMOpalooza, but is it better than Tableau?

Tableau肯定比DOMO用途更广泛,但这是因为它比DOMO更好吗? 另一方面,DOMO像其每年的DOMOpalooza这样的事件都有疯狂的,几乎是邪教般的追随者 ,但是它比Tableau好吗?

Time to hash this out. Gloves on. Let’s make this a clean fight.

是时候解决这个问题了。 戴上手套。 让我们进行一场干净的战斗。

Data consultants, are you ready?


Let’s Go!


第一轮:连接到数据源 (Round 1: Connecting to Datasources)

Winner: DOMO — No Contest

获奖者: DOMO-无比赛

No contest. DOMO wins hands with its 1K+ data connectors. Tableau has the main integrations that you’ll want like Excel, Salesforce, PostgreSQL and such, but DOMO just has a MASSIVE amount of supported connections.

没有比赛。 DOMO凭借其1K +数据连接器获胜。 Tableau具有您想要的主要集成 ,如Excel,Salesforce,PostgreSQL等,但是DOMO仅有大量支持的连接。

Easy. Round 1 to DOMO.

简单。 第一轮进入DOMO。

第二轮:易用性 (Round 2: Ease of Use)

Winner: DOMO — Close Win

获胜者: DOMO —接近胜利

Tableau and DOMO are pretty user friendly, and you can easily connect your data sets and get creating dashboards quickly.


Both platforms provide point-and-click functionality and don’t require you to know how to do code, and both provide coding capabilities with SQL.


I found Tableau’s online dashboard creator to be a little clunky and hard to maneuver. DOMO’s cards and dashboards are just easier to manipulate in dashboards, and its stories capability just takes it over the line.

我发现Tableau的在线仪表板创建者有些笨拙且难以操纵。 DOMO的卡片和仪表板更易于在仪表板中进行操作,其故事功能使它更容易使用。

第三回合:合并和清理数据 (Round 3: Combining and Cleaning Data)

Winner: DOMO

获奖者: DOMO

DOMO has an amazing ability to combine expert and easy to use ETL and data flow visualizations without requiring the user to know how to code in SQL. But if you want to get deep into your SQL joins and data cleaning, DOMO provides a nice MySQL workspace where you can do exactly what you want with your datasets.

DOMO具有将专家级和易于使用的ETL和数据流可视化相结合的惊人能力,而无需用户知道如何用SQL进行编码。 但是,如果您想深入了解SQL连接和数据清理,DOMO提供了一个不错MySQL工作区,您可以在其中精确地执行数据集所需的工作。

DOMO also provides Beast Mode functions where you can do SQL functions like CASE WHEN queries to clean data right on a chart on a dashboard. It’s super neat, and I love it!

DOMO还提供了“野兽模式”功能,您可以在其中执行诸如CASE WHEN查询之类SQL功能,以清除仪表板上图表上的数据。 超级整洁,我喜欢它!

Beasty Beast Mode!

Tableau does have the ability to do SQL functions right on a chart, but it’s not as nice. It also has Tableau Prep Builder, but it is not as clean as DOMO’s user interface. In addition, I found that to do a lot of the data cleaning and matching between datasets, you’re going to need another add-on platform called Alteryx to really do all of what DOMO can do. Alteryx looks like a great platform as well, but it’s a whole other software that you’ll have to purchase to make Tableau function like DOMO.

Tableau确实可以在图表上执行SQL函数,但是效果不佳。 它还具有Tableau Prep Builder ,但不如DOMO的用户界面那么干净。 此外,我发现要在数据集之间进行大量数据清理和匹配,您将需要另一个名为Alteryx的附加平台来真正完成DOMO可以完成的所有工作。 Alteryx看起来也像是一个不错的平台,但是要使Tableau功能像DOMO一样,您还必须购买它是一整套其他软件。

In short, DOMO’s Magic ETL and Beast Mode features are more fun to use than Tableau’s. #roundtoDOMO

简而言之,与Tableau相比,DOMO的Magic ETL和Beast Mode功能更有趣。 #roundtoDOMO

第四轮:数据科学深潜 (Round 4: Data Science Deep Dives)

Winner: Draw — R Plugin Functionalities

获胜者: Draw — R插件功能

This is where you make data scientists super happy. Both Tableau and DOMO connect directly to R, sending data to and from your favorite R development platform. What you can do with this is functionality is AMAZING!

这是让数据科学家超级高兴的地方。 Tableau和DOMO都直接连接到R,并与您喜欢的R开发平台之间发送数据。 您所能做的就是功能惊人!

Got year-by-year customer data and want to know who is most likely to purchase a new product based on past purchasing history? R is the place to do that analysis, process the predictions, and send the data to be presented in a Tableau/DOMO dashboard. When I did this in with DOMO, I used R Studio and had a data-wowing time.

获得逐年的客户数据,并想根据过去的购买历史来了解谁最有可能购买新产品? R是进行分析,处理预测并发送要在Tableau / DOMO仪表板中呈现的数据的地方。 当我使用DOMO进行此操作时,我使用了R Studio,并且数据时间很长。

第五轮:公共数据和使用的仪表板 (Round 5: Dashboards for Public Data and Usage)

Winner: Tableau — No Contest

优胜者: Tableau-无比赛

Tableau has a free tool called Tableau Public where you can easily create and share your dashboards on public websites via their embed features. Free. Easy to set up. You just have to commit to the data being consumed publicly, so don’t publish your private data here!

Tableau有一个名为Tableau Public的免费工具,您可以在其中通过其嵌入功能在公共网站上轻松创建和共享仪表板。 自由。 易于设置。 您只需要承诺公开使用的数据,因此不要在此处发布您的私人数据!

As it currently stands, DOMO isn’t truly meant for publicly sharing data. It does have features like DOMO Everywhere and embeded cards enabling the public sharing of data, but from what I understand, it can’t compete with Tableau Public’s $0 price tag.

就目前而言,DOMO并不是真正意义上的公开共享数据。 它确实具有DOMO Everywhere之类的功能,并且具有可公开共享数据的嵌入式卡 ,但是据我了解,它无法与Tableau Public的$ 0价格标签竞争。

In short, if you’re sharing your data publicly, use Tableau Public or Google Data Studio.

简而言之,如果您要公开共享数据,请使用Tableau PublicGoogle Data Studio

第六轮:价格 (Round 6: Price)

Winner: Tableau — No Contest

优胜者: Tableau-无比赛

This is the kicker.


DOMO’s price is not for the faint of heart, and they really don’t share their pricing model. But from what I’ve read online about the starter plan from 2018, you’re looking at about $6K for 5 users. For their premium plans, you’re looking at $20K+.

DOMO的价格不适合胆小者,而且他们确实不共享其定价模型。 但是从我在线阅读的关于2018年的入门计划的内容来看,您需要为5个用户支付约6,000美元。 对于他们的高级计划,您需要花费2万美元以上。

DOMO is a thoroughbred racehorse, no question. You pay for a great platform, you get a great platform.

毫无疑问,DOMO是一匹纯种赛马。 您为一个出色的平台付费,就得到一个出色的平台。

Tableau charges $70/user for creators and $35/user for other analytics users (min of 5 users). This in comparison with DOMO’s 2018 standard plan reported prices would be about half the cost ($2.9K).

Tableau对创建者收费70美元/用户,对其他分析用户收费5美元/用户(至少5个用户)。 与DOMO的2018年标准计划报告的价格相比,这大约是成本的一​​半(2.9K美元)。

战斗获胜者:DOMO,如果您拥有硬币… (Fight Winner: DOMO, if you have the coin…)

I’ll be honest; I’m a little biased towards DOMO here because its such a dream to work with, but it really is an enterprise-level software that only organizations with larger pockets can purchase. It probably will be price-exclusive for the near future because it is more of a niche player, but maybe it will drop its price in the future and open its market appeal.

我会说实话 我在这里对DOMO有点偏见,因为可以实现它的梦想,但这确实是一种企业级软件,只有大笔钱的组织才能购买。 它可能在不久的将来是价格专有的,因为它更像是一个利基市场,但也许它将在未来降低价格并打开其市场吸引力。

Tableau is a great option, and it’s also super awesome to work with. It shines with Tableau Public and how quick it is to get off the ground, but it requires additional tools and isn’t as user-friendly as DOMO.

Tableau是一个不错的选择,并且使用起来也很棒。 Tableau Public令人赞叹不已,它起步的速度非常快,但它需要其他工具,并且不像DOMO那样易于使用。

TL;DR: If you have the budget, get DOMO. If you’re on a budget, Tableau works great. If you need free, Google Data Studio #forthewin!

TL; DR:如果您有预算,请获取DOMO。 如果您预算有限,Tableau的效果很好。 如果需要免费,请使用Google Data Studio #forthewin!

Note: I nor my data consulting company was compensated by DOMO or Tableau for this article. I just want to help other data scientists and companies have better insight in both platforms from an end-user perspective. Information can be hard to compare between the tools, and I hope my first-hand experience and analysis of both platforms can help inform your BI decision.

注意: 我和我的 数据咨询公司 没有 获得DOMO或Tableau的赔偿。 我只是想帮助其他数据科学家和公司从最终用户的角度更好地了解这两个平台。 这些工具之间的信息很难进行比较,我希望我对这两个平台的第一手经验和分析能够帮助您做出BI决策。


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