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翻译 高中生ai智能产品_作为一名高中生如何学习人工智能

高中生ai智能产品With AI growing faster than ever, many students and developers are starting to enter the field. However, many high schoolers who are interested in a future in computer science want to learn A...

2020-10-14 11:52:47 838

翻译 滑动防脉冲阻碍平均滤波算法_就业算法的兴起可能会阻碍进度

滑动防脉冲阻碍平均滤波算法While innovation, creativity and individual personal branding have been considered crucial for success, employers have been turning to data-driven recruiting to find highly specialized ta...

2020-09-21 00:16:35 274

翻译 编码冠状病毒React中相同偏见的人工智能局限性

娜塔莉·格罗弗(Natalie Grover) (by Natalie Grover)As the coronavirus pandemic endures, the socio-economic implications of race and gender in contracting Covid-19 and dying from it have been laid bare. Arti...

2020-09-21 00:06:54 360

翻译 shields 徽标_神经网络生成超级英雄徽标

shields 徽标Machine Learning is a superpower in the computer science world. We can use it to predict the future, make robots see by detecting and classifying objects, or to find products and content tha...

2020-09-20 23:57:43 435

翻译 ai人工智能将替代人类_人类与人工智能

ai人工智能将替代人类The complexity of the human brain, in relation to that of other species, is one of the biggest wonders in science. Today, neural networks compete alongside us with processing powers that ca...

2020-09-20 23:46:57 731

翻译 谷歌比利时_从100万个比利时房地产契约生成神经文本

谷歌比利时 基本思路 (The basic idea)Generating text with artificial neural networks, or neural text generation, has become very popular the last couple of years. Large-scale transformer language models such a...

2020-09-20 23:36:43 586

翻译 机器学习模型学习失败_机器学习项目为何失败

机器学习模型学习失败As data scientists, one of our jobs is to create the whole design for any given machine learning project. Whether we’re working on classification, regression, or deep learning project, it fa...

2020-09-20 23:18:02 480

翻译 数据可视化 工具_卓越中心和数据可视化工具2020中的组织中的数据聚合

数据可视化 工具 人工智能 (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)Data consumption is rising steadily in 2020 with estimates showing consumption of 1.7 megabytes of data per person. Companies face massive data amounts and this...

2020-09-20 23:08:15 1486

翻译 rasa 基于意图对话_用rasa构建一个基于ai的电报机器人

rasa 基于意图对话In this post, I want to share the details of developing a Rasa assistant with custom actions (abilities) run locally from a Docker container and integrated into a Telegram bot. 在本文中,我想分享使用自...

2020-09-20 22:58:37 581

翻译 知乎电商创业准备_你准备参加早期创业了吗

知乎电商创业准备 加工 (WORKING)A few years ago, I had an opportunity to work with an exciting startup in Vietnam. Since I like the idea and the people on the team so bad, when I knew my design rate was too hig...

2020-09-20 09:13:06 254

翻译 超人视觉和鸟叔视觉哪个好_视觉设计如何带来更好的业务成果

超人视觉和鸟叔视觉哪个好I often talk about how visual design will never make or break a business. Despite our inclination towards aesthetically-pleasing interfaces, visual design is not that important. But those ...

2020-09-20 09:03:10 1006

翻译 初级项目经理面试技巧_初级设计师寻找第一份工作的3个技巧

初级项目经理面试技巧The last few years have seen an influx of new UX designers entering the field. There are countless University UX classes out there, and online courses – often very expensive. They all promis...

2020-09-20 08:53:57 139

翻译 设计要求 尚未解决问题_如何解决设计问题

设计要求 尚未解决问题In this article, you’ll learn (or remember) what is the one thing you need to start solving any problem. I wrote this originally for a talk I gave a while ago, and I also posted a video on ...

2020-09-18 12:36:38 398

翻译 ai 项目经理 要了解_您需要了解的有关人工智能的所有信息人工智能

ai 项目经理 要了解Simple and useful guide! 简单实用的指南! Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken over the world by storm in recent years. Artificial Intelligence is one of the most popular terms of Computer Scien...

2020-08-20 07:56:11 927

翻译 为什么嵌入式有趣_为什么眼动如此有趣

为什么嵌入式有趣My first rotation in graduate school was in Dr. Lawrence (“Larry”) Stark’s Oculomotor Research Lab¹. My father (a real doctor) was visiting, and I was excited to show off the lab. He was seemi...

2020-08-20 07:37:34 697

翻译 生活总是不经意给你开个玩笑_你在开玩笑的故事吗

生活总是不经意给你开个玩笑In 1994, Vincent Connare, who had previously designed type at Apple and Agfa/Compugraphic, was working at Microsoft as a typographic engineer. While testing a trial version of Microsoft B...

2020-08-19 09:37:40 605

翻译 figma设计_figma设计思想为现有产品构建设计系统

figma设计When I joined Potluck as a UX Design intern, we were using Sketch, Craft, and Invision for our design-to-development pipeline. I learned how to use this system to build my prototypes. Unfortuna...

2020-08-19 09:26:49 750

翻译 面向对象编程思想_面向对象编程

面向对象编程思想Understanding Object-Oriented Programming is one of those things that sets beginner programmers apart from intermediates. The term itself sounds fancy and intimidating, but my hope is that aft...

2020-08-18 13:46:01 174

翻译 ai人工智能可以干什么_晚上11点,您在哪里,人工智能在做什么?

ai人工智能可以干什么Deloitte’s State of AI in the Enterprise report highlights ethical and regulatory risks in artificial intelligence adoption. 德勤的《企业中的AI状况》报告重点介绍了人工智能应用中的道德和监管风险。 As artificial intelligence...

2020-08-11 23:21:31 305

翻译 加速度计测量睡眠_用加速度计测量运行功率

加速度计测量睡眠The code is avalible on Github. 该代码在 Github 上可用 。 For exercises such as running and cycling, power output provides an unbiased metric for effort as compared to, for example, speed, irrespecti...

2020-08-11 23:11:40 947

翻译 是泄漏的relu实际上是对relu的改进

TL;DR: The premise for Leaky ReLU is that ReLU has a problem of being bounded on only one side and that any negative number has an output of 0, ‘killing’ the neuron. Leaky ReLU theoretically should pe...

2020-08-11 23:02:01 916

翻译 gpt mbr ext3_gpt 3,一开始是单词1 2

gpt mbr ext3 30秒摘要 (30-Second Summary)GPT-3, born in may, creates fear and excitement in community of developers and digital workers. Many are expressing their astonishment and a first wave of powere...

2020-08-11 22:52:09 258



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