

While innovation, creativity and individual personal branding have been considered crucial for success, employers have been turning to data-driven recruiting to find highly specialized talents. Employment algorithms are supposed to help HR experts — but they might actually cause damage.

尽管人们认为创新,创造力和个人品牌塑造对于成功至关重要,但雇主们一直在转向以数据为驱动力的招聘来寻找高度专业化的人才。 雇佣算法本来可以帮助人力资源专家的,但实际上可能会造成损害。

算法如何确定您的机会 (How algorithms determine your opportunities)

When crises like the 2008 financial implosion or the current pandemic-induced recession hit, the number of applicants for good jobs rise drastically. Naturally, since unemployment rates surge leaving millions of people without steady income. Within a few weeks, US unemployment figures reached nearly 15 percent in April — jumping from a low rate of 3.5 percent.

当像2008年金融危机或当前大流行病引发的衰退之类的危机席卷时,求职者的数量急剧上升。 自然,由于失业率激增,使数百万人没有稳定收入。 几周之内,美国4月份的失业率就达到了近15%,从3.5%的低水平跃升了。

Few available jobs, a high accumulation of applicants — recruiting is a stressful task for human recourses managers. Their stress level even increases, if they faced layoffs in their own departments — a common decision by managers in times of crisis as HR doesn’t directly add revenue to a business.

很少有可用的工作,大量的求职者—招聘对于人力资源管理者来说是一项艰巨的任务。 如果他们在自己的部门面临裁员,他们的压力甚至会增加。这是管理人员在危机时期的共同决定,因为人力资源部不会直接为企业增加收入。

Therefore, companies have shifted to employment algorithms to filter the most suitable candidates for their vacancies. The so-called applicant tracking system (ATS) has become a comfortable ease for any HR department. Out of the Fortune 500 companies, 99 percent rely on ATS.

因此,公司已转向雇用算法以筛选最适合其职位空缺的候选人。 所谓的申请人跟踪系统(ATS)对于任何人事部门来说都变得很轻松。 在《财富》 500强公司中,有99%依赖ATS

But what do these systems do?


ATS is a software-based solution that will read through CVs as soon as an online application has been submitted. The job portal of LinkedIn uses ATS, but so do other recruiting websites. Recruiting company Yello found out in a survey, they roughly three quarters of businesses now rely on data-driven solutions. According to recruiting expert Josh Birkin, 75 percent of all applications are never seen by a human, because they have been sorted out.

ATS是一种基于软件的解决方案,一旦提交了在线申请,便会通读简历。 LinkedIn的招聘门户网站使用ATS,其他招聘网站也是如此。 招聘公司Yello在一项调查中发现 ,他们现在大约有四分之三的业务依赖数据驱动的解决方案。 根据招聘专家乔什·伯金(Josh Birkin)的说法,所有申请中75%从未被人看到,因为它们已经被整理了。

However, the algorithms behind ATS are still error-ridden and follow a harsh screening pattern. While it was acceptable and more common to use a general CV, candidates nowadays should update their files with every new application. ATS looks for specific keywords and even if you have worked in related field or present experience in a similar position to the opening you apply for, the system will filter you out — unless you have used the specific keyword needed. Therefore, customization is a must!

但是,ATS背后的算法仍然容易出错,并且遵循严格的筛选模式。 虽然使用通用简历是可以接受的,并且更为普遍,但如今的求职者应该使用每个新的应用程序更新其文件。 ATS会寻找特定的关键字,即使您在相关​​领域工作或以与您申请的职位相似的职位呈现经验,系统也会将您过滤掉-除非您使用了所需的特定关键字。 因此,定制是必须的!

Additionally, even fonts can mess up the data reading process — do not use fonts with serifs, they have a higher chance of being filtered out, as the additional elements on the font can confuse ATS. In the worst case, top-qualified applicants miss their opportunity because they have used the wrong font.

此外, 即使字体也可能使数据读取过程混乱 —不要将字体与衬线一起使用,它们更有可能被过滤掉,因为字体上的其他元素可能会使ATS混淆。 在最坏的情况下,最合格的申请人会错过机会,因为他们使用了错误的字体。

While some online applications can be fairly simple, other ATS-based solutions rely on unpleasant, long and tedious application forms. This is another step of filtering candidates. The ones who lose motivation and do not complete the form, were not prioritizing the job in the first place, the ATS developers argue.

虽然某些在线应用程序可能非常简单,但是其他基于ATS的解决方案则依赖令人不快,冗长而乏味的应用程序形式。 这是筛选候选人的另一步骤 。 ATS开发人员认为,那些失去动力,不填写表格的人并没有把工作放在第一位。

But there is more — similar employment algorithms can decide what type of benefits an unemployed person shall receive. In Austria, the Labor Market Service is planning to roll out an unemployment algorithm which categorizes people into three different categories according to their employability and potential. Factors like education, gender and experience are being considered. Jobseekers who fall into the lowest category can be denied expensive training and requalification programs. These state-funded programs are, however, often the decisive step that helps jobseekers to turn their professional lives around.

但是还有更多–类似的就业算法可以决定失业人员应获得的福利类型。 在奥地利,劳动力市场服务处计划推出一种失业算法 ,该算法根据人们的就业能力和潜力将其分为三类。 正在考虑诸如教育,性别和经验等因素。 属于最低类别的求职者可能会被拒绝接受昂贵的培训和再认证计划。 但是,这些由国家资助的计划通常是帮助求职者扭转职业生涯的决定性步骤。

Currently, the Austrian project is on hold due to data protection issues. However, the Labor Market Service will unlikely drop the costly system. Although critics have argued that there is a variety of issues with the harsh way of how the algorithms categorize jobseekers — some argue that women automatically receive a lower score — the Labor Market Service stresses that it will always be the employment consultant who will take a final decision on the prospects of an unemployed person.

当前,由于数据保护问题,奥地利项目被暂停。 但是,劳动力市场服务将不太可能放弃昂贵的系统。 尽管批评家认为算法对求职者进行分类的严厉方式存在许多问题,有些人认为女性会自动获得较低的分数,但劳动力市场服务局强调,最终将是最终成为就业顾问的就业顾问。关于失业者前景的决定。

The question is — with a busy routine, how many will care to double-check the results of the algorithm?


就业算法不了解人类 (Employment algorithms don’t understand humans)

There are several problems with algorithms determining an individual’s labor market opportunities.


Firstly, employment algorithms as the ATS perpetuate an old-fashioned conservative recruiting style. The software decides solely upon an applicant’s past — and not on their plans and goals for the future. While past experience can highlight skills an applicant has gained through experience, the conservative analysis of a CV never asks “Where do you want to go from here?”

首先,作为ATS的聘用算法使老式的保守招聘风格得以延续。 该软件仅取决于申请人的过去,而不取决于他们的未来计划和目标。 尽管过去的经验可以强调申请人通过经验获得的技能,但是对简历的保守分析却从来不会问“您想从这里去哪里?”

This is not an algorithmic issue — it is a human issue that algorithms mimic. Although innovation, creativity, entrepreneurial spirits and flexible minds are supposedly in high demand, conservative recruiting relies on the past. It does not offer chances to change.

这不是算法问题,而是算法模仿的人为问题。 尽管对创新,创造力,企业家精神和灵活的头脑的需求很高,但保守的招聘依赖于过去。 它不提供改变的机会。

This leads me to my second point: the vast majority of people won’t be hugely successful in their 20s. People experiment, test different positions until they find something that fits them best, learn and adapt. This process can take years, sometimes even decades — but it leads to a fulfilling and late success. This is epitome of progress.

这引出我的第二点:绝大多数人在20多岁时不会取得巨大成功。 人们进行实验,测试不同的职位,直到找到最适合自己的东西,学习和适应。 这个过程可能要花费数年,有时甚至是数十年,但会带来圆满而又成功的成功。 这是进步的缩影。

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Author David Epstein has argued in his book Range that it is the neo-generalists who acquire a set of remarkable skills by testing different sectors and positions, until they settle for what is right for them. He even argues that it is this generalist outlook that trumps over specializations.

作者戴维·爱泼斯坦(David Epstein)在他的著作《 范围》中指出,正是新手主义者通过测试不同的领域和职位,直到他们找到适合自己的方法,才获得了一套杰出的技能。 他甚至认为,通才主义的观点胜过专业化。

The list of people who changed careers and then turned into famous icons is long:


  • Vera Wang was journalist before becoming the influential fashion designer she is known for today

    王薇薇(Vera Wang)在成为当今有影响力的时装设计师之前曾是记者
  • Julia Child worked in advertising before becoming a celebrity chef

    Julia·柴尔德(Julia Child)成为名人厨师之前从事广告工作
  • J.K. Rowling was a struggling single-mother before writing the hugely successful Harry Potter series

    杰克·罗琳(JK Rowling)是一个苦苦挣扎的单身母亲,在撰写极为成功的《 哈利·波特》系列之前

I doubt that these personalities would have easily gotten a position in their desired industries if algorithms had to make a decision based on their past experiences.


Thirdly, with more specific demands, corporations might actually miss on high potentials — because they move on and create their own business. Interesting and capable people might not fit into a mold — and the ones who do sometimes lack the qualities to push a business forward. That’s alright — in most organization a type of employee is needed to perform the tedious and boring tasks on a regular basis. Some are good in it — others will go their own way.

第三,由于需求更加具体,公司实际上可能会错失高潜力-因为它们继续前进并创建自己的业务。 有趣且有能力的人可能不适合做模子,而确实有能力的人有时缺乏推动业务发展的素质。 没关系-在大多数组织中,需要一种员工来定期执行乏味而无聊的任务。 有些人擅长这一点,而另一些人会走自己的路。

The acclaimed Atlantic writer Ellen Ruppel Shell described in her book The Job how in the wake of the 2008 recession, Americans have turned to self-employment and simply created their own job when there was no employment available. It is yet unclear how long the economic crisis following the coronavirus pandemic will last and which impact it will have. However, millions of people are facing layoffs and struggles — which will lead to stains on their CVs. Some will try to create their own business; others will face a period of unemployment.

备受赞誉的大西洋作家艾伦·鲁珀尔·壳牌(Ellen Ruppel Shell)在她的《工作 》一书中描述了在2008年经济衰退之后,美国人如何转向自营职业,并在没有可用的就业机会的情况下简单地创造了自己的工作。 尚不清楚冠状病毒大流行后的经济危机将持续多长时间,以及它将产生什么样的影响。 但是,数以百万计的人正面临裁员和挣扎-这将导致其简历上的污点。 有些人会尝试创建自己的公司; 其他人将面临一段失业时期。

If it is mainly algorithms taking employment decisions, how are companies ever going to find those capable people who learned their lessons throughout hardships, struggles and their very own experiments? They probably don’t.

如果主要由算法来决定用人,那么公司将如何找到那些在艰辛,奋斗和自己的实验中汲取教训的有能力的人? 他们可能没有。

就业市场破裂 (A broken job market)

What the surge of algorithms shows is that the job market is still broken. While corporations search for highly specialized talents to fit into a tight job profile, they struggle to bind innovators and creative minds who can add long-term value by sharing their experiences and observations. It is paradoxical — while innovation is considered one of the defining features of a successful company, employment algorithms allow very little room for unconventional minds.

算法激增表明,就业市场仍然破裂。 当企业在寻找高度专业化的人才以适应紧缩的工作条件时,他们努力束缚能够通过分享经验和观察来增加长期价值的创新者和创造力。 这是自相矛盾的—尽管创新被视为成功公司的决定性特征之一,但雇佣算法为非常规人才提供的空间很小。

This crisis of good jobs is what made millennials crave for freedom and the pursuit of their own dreams. While the image of the individualistic young entrepreneur who follows their passion has become a cliché that has been smothered be the harsh reality of the market, it proves the point: people don’t fit into tight molds — and this is what algorithms will never get unless employers finally do.

这种好工作危机使千禧一代渴望自由和追求自己的梦想。 尽管追随热情的个人主义年轻企业家的形象已成为陈词滥调,被市场的残酷现实所扼杀,但事实证明了这一点:人们无法适应严峻的形势,而这是算法永远无法解决的问题除非雇主最终这样做。

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/the-rise-of-employment-algorithms-might-hamper-progress-f1fef45b2efc






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