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For those who are not tech-savvy, the term “Full Stack” refers to the layers of technology in an application. For a developer, this commonly means having command over all of the technologies required in the development process of a project, from the interface (HTML, CSS), interactions (Javascript) and communication with the server (PHP). The technologies used may change depending on the tech stack, but the idea is that the developer has the skill set to take you through the whole process.

F或那些谁不精通技术,术语“全栈”是指,在技术应用层。 对于开发人员来说,这通常意味着从界面(HTML,CSS),交互(Javascript)和与服务器的通信(PHP)控制项目开发过程中所需的所有技术。 所使用的技术可能会根据技术堆栈的不同而有所变化,但是其想法是,开发人员具有一定的技能,可以指导您完成整个过程。

If we apply this thinking to the role of a graphic designer what does this really mean?


Some would argue that this means having to be a “jack of all trades and master of none” and that this role is not what graphic designers naturally want to be and that specialization is more native to creative sensibilities. Historically, specialization and compartmentalization have been an extension of how creative businesses work, and more importantly how they bill. For example, if account teams were to assign a senior designer and a UX lead to a project these would be two different people filling two different project roles.

有人会认为这意味着必须成为“万事通,万事通”,而且图形设计师自然不希望扮演这个角色,而专业化则更多地来自于创意敏感性。 从历史上看,专业化和分区化一直是创意企业运作方式的扩展,更重要的是它们如何计费。 例如,如果客户团队要为项目分配高级设计师和用户体验负责人,那么这将是两个不同的人来担任两个不同的项目角色。

In reality, the cell in the project management software is merely a container for a skill set that when you are actually doing the project will be handled by the brains and hands of all members of the team in some form or fashion. As we all know, resource spreadsheets are fixed, but the actual creative work that needs to happen during any given project is inevitably fuzzy. We know that it is the ability to flex between rigid definitions, talents and roles that makes great work happen.

实际上,项目管理软件中的单元仅仅是技能集的容器,当您实际执行项目时,团队中所有成员的大脑和双手将以某种形式或方式来处理该技能集。 众所周知,资源电子表格是固定的,但是在任何给定项目中需要进行的实际创意工作不可避免地是模糊的。 我们知道,能够在严格的定义,才能和角色之间进行灵活调整的能力才能使出色的工作成真。

Being a Full Stack Designer is not so much about a specific skill set as it is about having a holistic mindset. A Full Stack Designer is open minded, curious about new ways to solve problems and enjoys being multi-disciplinary while embracing and welcoming change. This is a difficult sensibility to teach and does not always come easily for some traditionally-trained designers. The traditional tools of graphic design and brand building have become table stakes. Being a competent graphic designer is no longer a specialized skill, it is just one of many skills you need to have to be successful.

成为全栈设计师并不仅仅是具有特定的技能,而是具有整体思维方式。 Full Stack设计人员思想开放,对解决问题的新方法感到好奇,并喜欢跨学科同时拥抱和欢迎变化。 这是一种很难讲授的感觉,而且对于某些接受过传统培训的设计师来说并不总是那么容易。 图形设计和品牌建立的传统工具已成为赌注。 成为一名合格的平面设计师不再是一种专业技能,它只是成功所需的许多技能之一。

Being compartmentalized is often a by-product of creative self preservation. For some designers, it’s easier to feel safe in your spreadsheet cell and to just do what is requested of your defined role. But over time this sensibility stifles evolution and creative growth. The challenges of brand building change as the market changes. The playbook and processes evolve with innovations and new ways of thinking. To excel in this environment, it’s our role as designers to not only keep up, but to flex, grow and keep ahead.

分隔开通常是创造性自我保护的副产品。 对于某些设计师而言,在电子表格单元格中感到安全和执行定义角色所要求的操作更加容易。 但是随着时间的流逝,这种敏感性扼杀了进化和创造力的增长。 随着市场的变化,品牌建设的挑战也随之变化。 剧本和过程随着创新和新思维方式而发展。 为了在这种环境中脱颖而出,我们作为设计师的角色不仅要与时俱进,而且要灵活,成长并保持领先地位。

Creative projects never operate like an assembly line. Within the role of the designer, like that of the Data Scientist and other complex, solutions-based disciplines, there is an inherent need to have room for experimentation, trial and error, and iteration. Working from a place of uncertainty to a place of clarity is the foundational nature of the creative endeavor. By its nature, this requires a mindset and skill set to effectively navigate the unknown. When it comes down to it, the Full Stack Designer has the ability, desire and the optimism to leverage critical thinking in tandem with a broad skill set to visually prototype ideas throughout the life cycle of a project. This unique perspective is further amplified by a designer’s innate desire to make things that work well and do not look like shit. When we combine these sensibilities, the Full Stack Designer becomes the glue that helps hold the entire design process together.

创意项目永远不会像装配线那样运作。 在设计人员的角色(如数据科学家和其他复杂的基于解决方案的学科)的职责范围内,内在需要有进行试验,反复试验和迭代的空间。 从不确定的地方到清晰的地方工作是创造性努力的基础。 从本质上讲,这需要一种思维方式和技能来有效地导航未知事物。 归根结底,全栈设计人员有能力,渴望和乐观情绪,将批判性思维与广泛的技能相结合,从而在项目的整个生命周期中以可视化的方式对构想进行原型化。 设计师天生的渴望使事物运转良好并且看起来不像屎,这种独特的观点被进一步放大。 当我们结合这些敏感性时,全栈设计器将成为胶粘剂,有助于将整个设计过程结合在一起。

From a dollars and cents perspective, this sensibility also makes for good business because you have individuals that inherently see the interconnectedness between project phases, tasks and goals. This ability to operate across disciplines reduces the time and cost needed to coordinate meetings and design reviews. The Full Stack Designer embraces project subjectivity and the need to try things out while also allowing for the creative process to maintain needed momentum. In contrast, if we stack the deck with only specialists that have to rigorously step from one handoff to the next we spend more time and money coordinating the tasks than actually doing the work.

从美元和美分的角度来看,这种敏感性也可以造就良好的业务,因为您拥有的个人会固有地看到项目阶段,任务和目标之间的相互联系。 这种跨学科运作的能力减少了协调会议和设计审查所需的时间和成本。 Full Stack Designer包含项目主观性和尝试事物的需求,同时还允许创意过程保持所需的动力。 相反,如果我们仅将专家堆放在甲板上,而专家则必须严格地从一个移交到下一个移交,与实际工作相比,在协调任务上要花费更多的时间和金钱。

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As an independent freelance creative for the majority of my 20’s and 30’s I learned that the only way to survive was to hustle, learn and to not be afraid to take some risks. In the wild west of the dot com boom and bust, this mentality served me very well and allowed me to evolve and advance my skill set intellectually, technically and aesthetically. Out of necessity I had to go “Full Stack” and learn new skill sets, master them and retire them when new capabilities were needed in the market. The survival instinct to evolve required that I push my expertise every few months over several years and forced me into natural habits to iterate and embrace the fuzzy logic of creative problem solving.

作为20到30年代大多数人的独立自由创意者,我了解到生存的唯一方法就是喧嚣,学习和不惧怕冒险。 在互联网泡沫破灭的狂野西部,这种心态对我非常有用,使我能够在智力,技术和美学上发展和提高自己的技能。 出于必要,我不得不进入“全栈”学习新技能,掌握它们并在市场上需要新功能时退休。 不断发展的生存本能要求我在过去的几年中每隔几个月都要提高自己的专业知识,并迫使我养成自然习惯,以迭代和拥抱创造性解决问题的模糊逻辑。

In this new era that prioritizes self care and self preservation, we see a return to less cavalier creative processes and a need to be more measured with our time and energy. In many ways this is a very good thing for our long term creative health, but like a muscle that must be exercised to grow, our creative boundaries must be flexed so that our creative sensibilities have the strength to manage the stresses of contemporary brand building.

在这个优先考虑自我保健和自我保护的新时代中,我们看到了回归到更轻松的创造过程的过程,并且需要用我们的时间和精力进行更多衡量。 从许多方面来说,这对于我们的长期创造健康来说是一件非常好的事情,但是就像必须锻炼的肌肉一样,我们的创作界限也必须加以调整,以使我们的创造力具有管理当代品牌建设压力的力量。

Some designers may say that the Full Stack Designer is a professional anomaly, but I would argue that it is actually becoming the norm. Over the last few years I have had the fortune of collaborating with creatives that epitomize this new way of thinking. I work with graphic designers who are now full stack developers and young designers that work fluidly across traditional design, brand, UX and experience. No one told them to do this, it is just a natural evolution of what creative curiosity looks like in our contemporary moment and it is amplified by the needs of the projects we develop.

一些设计师可能会说Full Stack Designer是一个专业异常,但是我认为这实际上正在成为规范。 在过去的几年中,我有幸与可以将这种新思维方式集中起来的创意者合作。 我与平面设计师合作,这些设计师现在是全职开发人员,并且是年轻设计师,可以在传统设计,品牌,UX和经验之间流畅地工作。 没有人告诉他们这样做,这只是我们当代好奇心的自然演变,并且随着我们开发项目的需求而扩大。

成为更好的“全栈创意” (Becoming a better “Full Stack Creative”)

Vikram Mansharamani writes in his amazing article in Harvard Business Review All Hail the Generalist; “For various reasons, though, the specialist era is waning. The future may belong to the generalist. Why’s that? To begin, our highly interconnected and global economy means that seemingly unrelated developments can affect each other.”

Vikram Mansharamani在“哈佛商业评论” All Hail the Generalist中的精彩文章中写道; “由于各种原因,专业时代正在逐渐消失。 未来可能属于通才。 为什么? 首先,我们高度相互联系的全球经济意味着看似无关的事态发展会相互影响。”

What this larger global interconnectedness means is that to be competitive a designer has to do more than just be a great designer. Creatives must actively understand the interrelationship between disciplines, industries, technologies and cultures and how design is expressed across all of it. For some this can seem daunting, but if you view the expertise of the designer as an anchoring force then our “Full Stack” creative thinking can help build consensus in our global melting pot of late capitalism. Given this context, below are some suggestions for how creatives can better up their game as a Full Stack Designer.

这种更大的全球互联性意味着,要想提高竞争力,设计师要做的不仅仅是做一个伟大的设计师。 创意者必须积极了解学科,行业,技术和文化之间的相互关系,以及如何在所有方面表达设计。 对于某些人来说,这似乎令人望而生畏,但如果您将设计师的专业知识视为锚点,那么我们的“全栈”创意思维将有助于在我们后期资本主义的全球熔炉中建立共识。 在这种情况下,以下是一些有关广告素材如何更好地发挥其作为全栈设计师的游戏的建议。

接受不确定性 (Accept Uncertainty)

We live in a world where contradictions and contrasting points of view are inherent in everything we do. I refer to this as the era of “Post-Integrity.” Integrity still exists to be sure, it’s just that there is no longer any judgment or anxiety about selling out or crossing over. What this means is old formulas don’t necessarily apply and for the designer it means that being able to roll with it when things go sideways is just a normal part of the process.

我们生活在一个世界,我们所做的每一件事都存在矛盾和对比观点。 我将其称为“后诚信”时代。 可以确定的是,诚信仍然存在,只是不再有关于变卖或越过的任何判断或焦虑。 这意味着旧公式不一定适用,对设计师而言,这意味着当事情横盘整理时能够顺其自然地滚动只是过程的正常部分。

With this in mind, If you go into every creative challenge with the understanding that there will be shifts and pivots then you can start to be more proactive and less reactive when priorities and decisions shift. The more we can build our creative process to accommodate uncertainty while still maintaining clear project parameters, we can negotiate more “seemingly unrelated developments” through creative problem solving that a Full Stack Designer is wired to handle.

考虑到这一点,如果您在理解每一个创新挑战时都会有所变化和枢纽,那么当优先事项和决策发生变化时,您可以开始变得更加主动和被动。 我们可以建立更多的创意流程来容纳不确定性,同时又保持清晰的项目参数,我们可以通过创造性的问题解决方案来谈判更多的“看似无关的开发”,而这些问题可以由Full Stack Designer处理。

自我教育和迭代 (Self Educate and Iterate)

Sometimes doing something yourself is the only way to truly get something done. The phrase a good friend of mine coined is to “Just Gen-X It.” Gen-Xing means jumping in and figuring it out and not waiting to be told to do something. When the world is constantly changing, it is better to have a bias for action and to be curious and scrappy than it is to be inward, self preserving and hesitant. Learning happens by doing. Demystifying technologies and ideas by tinkering, reading, watching YouTube videos and the like is what every person does when they want to figure something out.

有时自己做某事是真正完成某件事的唯一方法。 我的一个好朋友创造的这个短语是“ Just Gen-X It”。 Gen-Xing意味着跳入并弄清楚它,而不必等待被告知要做某事。 当世界在不断变化时,最好是要有行动的偏见,好奇和进取,而不是内向,自我保护和犹豫。 边做边学。 每个人想要弄清楚事物时,都会通过修补,阅读,观看YouTube视频等来使技术和思想神秘化。

When it comes to the business of creativity, I want to understand all sides of the equation. This means you have to get in there and learn things. The beauty of contemporary creative software is that programs are becoming more alike and more learnable in a shorter time frame. By way of example, programs like Sketch, Figma and Principle are all different but also similar enough that you can context switch between them pretty easily. If you know one then the others can be picked up more quickly. By making self-education a daily ritual, learning becomes a way of opening up possibilities that allow us to flex our creative muscles further and faster.

当涉及创造力时,我想理解方程式的各个方面。 这意味着您必须进入那里学习。 当代创意软件的美在于,程序在越来越短的时间内变得越来越相似,也变得更加易学。 举例来说,Sketch,Figma和Principle等程序都是不同的,但也足够相似,您可以轻松地在它们之间进行上下文切换。 如果您知道一个,那么其他人可以更快地被接走。 通过使自我教育成为一种日常习惯,学习成为一种开放可能性的方式,使我们可以进一步,更快地发挥创造力。

拥抱敏捷心态 (Embrace an Agile Mindset)

We know that siloed internal software development processes like Scrum have failed in creative agencies because unlike software, creative projects have to accommodate client subjectivity and indecision which you can never fully plan for. For the Full Stack Designer, agile is a mentality not a time-boxed process. Diving in, setting goals and being adaptable are more common sense than anything else. To be self managing, self aware and to plan for the unexpected is what it means to be self-agile.

我们知道,像Scrum这样孤立的内部软件开发流程在创意代理商中失败了,因为与软件不同,创意项目必须适应客户的主观性和犹豫不决,而这是您永远无法完全计划的。 对于Full Stack Designer,敏捷是一种心态,而不是一个有时间限制的过程。 潜水,设定目标和适应能力比其他任何事物都更为普遍。 自我管理,自我意识并为突发事件做好计划是自我敏捷的意义。

I often use the phrase, “We just have to “rigorously make it up as we go along.” What I mean by this is that we have to implement processes that allow for clear goal setting and evaluation while breaking things into sequential and achievable chunks. We don’t try to boil the ocean, we put the kettle on and make very informed, incremental tea.

我经常用这样的短语:“我们只需要“在进行过程中严格地加以弥补”。 我的意思是,我们必须实施能够明确目标设定和评估的流程,同时将事情分成连续的和可实现的块。 我们不会试图煮沸海洋,我们会把水壶放在水壶上,然后制作非常有根据的增量茶。

最后,不要紧张 (Lastly, Don’t Stress Out)

Some days I wish I could just draw cool type stuff in Illustrator all day and listen to history podcasts or the complete Dischord back catalog, but more often than not I’m juggling several things that require different skill sets at any given moment. To be a long distance runner in the creative industry you need to pace yourself and not freak out. This is where self regulation is key. It’s about doing things sequentially, not simultaneously so that you can build incremental progress as opposed to haphazard wins that don’t add up to a full picture.

有时候,我希望我可以整天在Illustrator中画一些很酷的文字,并听历史播客或完整的Dischord早期目录,但我经常会花时间处理一些需要不同技能的事情。 要成为创意产业的长跑选手,您需要保持自己的步调,而不是发疯。 这是自我调节的关键。 它是按顺序而不是同时进行的,因此您可以建立渐进式的进度,而不是不加全盘的偶然赢取。

The layers of creative expertise needed to succeed in our contemporary moment will continue to be shifting sands helping us move forward toward an uncertain future. I hope you have found some of these insights helpful and hopefully on some level entertaining. If I have learned anything as a self employed designer and entrepreneur it is that you should not take yourself too seriously and that embracing change and a “Full Stack” mindset gives your foundational skills as a designer even more relevance and value as our world continues to change and as we continue to look to creatives for answers that can help better connect us together.

在当今时代取得成功所需要的创新专业知识层次将继续在不断变化,帮助我们迈向一个不确定的未来。 我希望您发现其中的一些见解对您有所帮助,并希望在一定程度上起到娱乐作用。 如果我作为个体经营的设计师和企业家学到了任何东西,那就是你不应该太认真地对待自己,拥抱变化和“全栈式”的思维方式可以使您作为设计师的基础技能在我们的世界不断发展的过程中具有更大的针对性和价值。不断变化,并且随着我们继续寻找广告素材来寻找有助于更好地将我们联系在一起的答案。

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翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/what-it-means-to-be-a-full-stack-designer-3d9d52f9587c


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