玛格曼达 狂暴_我从狂暴听硅谷作家中学到的东西

玛格曼达 狂暴

The UX Writer community is wide, but tight-knit. Its members live everywhere from Silicon Valley to Sydney, yet stay connected via digital spaces like slack groups, blogs, and many, many more.

UX Writer社区广泛,但联系紧密。 它的成员到处生活从硅谷到悉尼,但通过像数字空间保持连接松弛组博客 ,和许多,许多

This collective is teeming with valuable information. For a Product Designer like me, aiming to specialize in UX writing, it is particularly useful, as there are scant formalized resources (textbooks, classes, etc.) out there on the discipline. I owe my growing knowledge of UX writing to this community’s generosity when it comes to sharing their know-how.

这个集体充满了宝贵的信息。 对于像我这样的产品设计师而言,由于他专门从事UX写作,因此特别有用,因为该学科上缺乏形式化的资源(教科书,类等)。 在分享他们的专业知识时,我对UX写作的不断了解归功于该社区的慷慨解囊。

My latest resource of choice from this community is Patrick Stafford’s Writers of Silicon Valley podcast. A UX Writer himself, Stafford invites leaders in his field onto his podcast to talk about the past, present, and future of writing in design.

我从这个社区中选择的最新资源是Patrick Stafford的硅谷作家》播客。 斯塔福德本人是UX作家,邀请他所在领域的领导者加入他的播客,以谈论设计写作的过去,现在和未来。

Upon discovering this podcast, I binge-listened to it until my brain felt full, took a break, then repeated. In an effort to process all this new information, I’ve compiled my top four takeaways from tuning in:

发现了这个播客之后,我狂暴地听着它,直到我的大脑变得饱满,休息片刻,然后重复。 为了处理所有这些新信息,我从调优的角度总结了我的前四点:

有多种方法可以测试产品复制,并且能够衡量其影响变得越来越重要。 (There are ways to test product copy and being able to measure its impact is increasingly important.)

Yes, usability testing for writing is a thing. I tried it for a UX writing project I worked on a few months back using this article as a guide.

是的,用于编写的可用性测试是一回事。 我在几个月前使用本文作为指导的UX编写项目中尝试了此方法

After listening to Stafford’s interview with Gordan Macrae (gmacrae), a writer based in the U.K., I realized how critical these tests are, not only for the sake of product quality, but for the livelihood of UX Writers.

在听完Stafford对英国作家Gordan Macrae( gmacrae )的采访之后,我意识到这些测试的重要性 ,不仅是出于产品质量的考虑,还是出于UX作家的生计。

In their conversation, the writers discuss how they expect company directors to begin to challenge the role of UX Writers. Macrae predicts that “people from the executive suite are going to probe where the value is in having UX Writers, particularly as we see more companies hiring for this role,” to which Stafford adds, “there are heaps of methods you could use to test the value from your work.”

在对话中,作者讨论了他们如何期望公司主管开始挑战UX作家的角色。 Macrae预测,“高级管理人员将探索UX编写器的价值所在,特别是当我们看到更多公司聘用该角色时,” Stafford补充道,“您可以使用大量方法进行测试您工作的价值。”

UX作家必须为自己辩护。 (UX Writers must advocate for themselves.)

As UX writing is a new discipline, it’s still going through some growing pains. In one episode, Angela Gorden of Dropbox talks about the misconception that UX Writers are simply “wordsmiths”. She explains, “[Product teams who have not worked with writers before] don’t see the strategic and design side of writing; it’s more assumed that you’re there for spelling or editing.”

由于UX写作是一门新学科,因此它仍在经历一些痛苦。 在其中一集中, Dropbox的 Angela Gorden谈到了误解,认为UX Writers只是“词匠”。 她解释说:“ [[以前从未与作家合作过的产品团队]看不到写作的战略和设计方面; 更有可能是您在那里拼写或编辑。”

However, UX Writers have much more than that to contribute and should be included in the design process early and often.


So how do we establish ourselves in this process? Sophie Tahran of The New Yorker echoes Gordon’s advice to make sure you’re invited to sprint planning meetings. In her episode, Tahran explains:

那么,我们如何在这一过程中建立自己的地位呢? 《纽约客》的索菲·塔兰(Sophie Tahran)回应了戈登的建议,以确保邀请您参加冲刺计划会议。 在她的剧集中,塔赫兰解释说:

When you understand all the strategy that went into every decision, you’re not only making sure that writing is part of that strategy, but you’re also educating yourself so that you can work at simplifying that and just delivering what the user really needs to know at that point in time.


即使作为作家,也可以“说出开发人员”。 (It helps to “speak developer,” even as a writer.)

Writing is an aspect of design. Therefore, just like UX Designers, UX Writers benefit from having some technical knowledge. Tamara Hilmes of Spotify explains, that “it’s good to have a handle on how things are built because that’s always going to be the source where you are going to need to go to make a change.”

写作是设计的一个方面。 因此,就像UX设计器一样,UX编写器也从拥有一些技术知识中受益。 Spotify的 塔玛拉·希尔姆斯 ( Tamara Hilmes )解释说:“掌握事物的构建方式是一件好事,因为它始终是您进行更改所必需的资源。”

She cites an audit of Spotify’s error messages as a project wherein it helped her to speak developer. “I was able to sit with an engineer,” she describes, “and go through (questions like) ‘How do we want to format this content? What spreadsheet format do we want to use for the output? What’s the structured data we want to get? Where is the CTA leading? etc.’”

她引用了对Spotify错误消息的审核作为一个项目,该项目可以帮助她与开发人员交流。 她描述说:“我能够与一名工程师坐在一起,并经历(这样的问题)'我们如何格式化此内容? 我们要使用哪种电子表格格式输出? 我们想获取什么结构化数据? CTA在哪里领导? 等等。'”

对话设计是下一个领域。 (Conversation design is the next frontier.)

During her time on the podcast, Hilmes also noted that moving forward, UX Writers will need to develop skills to write for voice-interactions. She cited non-surface platforms, like voice assistants as an example of the direction in which the industry is moving.

希尔姆斯(Hilmes)在播客期间还指出,继续前进,用户体验作家将需要发展技能以进行语音交互。 她以语音助手等非地面平台为例,说明了该行业的发展方向。

In another episode, guest Hillary Black also forecasts the increasing relevance of conversation design, but in the form of chatbots. The President of Conversation Design at Black Ops, a company that creates chatbots, Black defends the legitimacy of this type of technology, calling it “not a fad.” She points out that Facebook Messenger and other prominent platforms have used it as a feature for years now.

在另一集中,来宾希拉里·布莱克(Hillaryary Black)还预测了对话设计的相关性在不断提高,但形式是聊天机器人。 创建聊天机器人的公司Black Ops的对话设计总裁表示,Black捍卫这种技术的合法性,称其“不是时尚”。 她指出,Facebook Messenger和其他知名平台多年来一直使用它作为功能。

To practice these skills, Black cites a number of resources, including chatfuel, a bot platform where writers can test-write a chatbot.

为了练习这些技能,Black引用了许多资源,包括chatfuel ,这是一个机器人平台,作家可以在其中测试编写聊天机器人。


These are my four takeaways for now. Stay tuned — I might post more as I listen. Until then, definitely check out Writers of Silicon Valley for yourself.

这是我目前的四个要点。 请继续关注-我可能会在发布更多内容。 在此之前,请务必亲自查看《硅谷作家》

Happy writing!


翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/what-i-learned-from-binge-listening-to-writers-of-silicon-valley-7da62e779eb

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