
They’re tiny. They’re intangible. They’re everywhere. They’re what you’re looking at right now. They’re fonts, and they have a bigger impact on you than you might realize. Not only do fonts evoke emotions, but they’re also deeply tied into popular culture. You may not know their names, but you’ll recognize these fonts.

他们很小。 他们是无形的。 他们无处不在。 它们就是您现在正在查看的内容。 它们是字体,对您的影响比您可能想象的要大。 字体不仅能唤起人们的情感,而且还与流行文化息息相关。 您可能不知道它们的名称,但是您会认出这些字体。

Quick note: Based on their origins as the devices used to render type in a printing press, fonts are more properly called typefaces. The “font” is the digital version. Typefaces can have multiple fonts for their various forms. For the purposes of this essay, I’ll use the word “typeface” when describing the original design, and “fonts” to describe the individual variants.

快速说明:根据字体的起源,它是在印刷机中用于呈现字体的设备,因此,字体被更恰当地称为字体。 “字体”是数字版本。 字体可以具有多种不同形式的字体。 出于本文的目的,在描述原始设计时,我将使用“字体”一词,而在描述各个变体时将使用“字体”一词。

博多尼 (Bodoni)

Do you read Vogue? Love Calvin Klein’s wordmark? You’ve seen Bodoni, whose light serifs and perfect kerning make it a favorite among designers. The tall letters seem elegant without being stretched. Designed by Giambattista Bodoni in the 18th century, Bodoni’s thin horizontal strokes alternate with thick vertical strokes. This stark contrast gives Bodoni a dynamic look, yet an air of sophistication.

你读《 Vogue》吗? 喜欢Calvin Klein的文字商标? 您已经看到Bodoni,其浅色衬线和完美的字距调整使其成为设计师的最爱。 高大的字母看起来很优雅,没有被拉伸。 由Giambattista Bodoni在18世纪设计,Bodoni的细水平笔触与粗垂直笔触交替出现。 这种鲜明的对比使Bodoni具有动感的外观,却又充满精致的气息。

Comic Sans (Comic Sans)

Widely despised by graphic designers and oddly beloved by amateurs, Comic Sans is the perpetual butt of jokes. Even Weird Al calls it out in his song “Tacky.” With a slightly handwritten style, Comic Sans has a friendly look. However, its letters are irregular in height and stroke, which makes graphic designers hate it. These minute flaws can mess up their whole design.

Comic Sans被平面设计师广泛鄙视,并受到业余爱好者的喜爱,Comic Sans是永不停息的笑话。 甚至Weird Al在他的歌曲“ Tacky”中也将其标出。 略带手写的风格,Comic Sans具有友好的外观。 但是,它的字母的高度和笔触是不规则的,这使图形设计师讨厌它。 这些微小的缺陷可能会使整个设计混乱。

富图拉 (Futura)

Futura is a beautiful, easy-to-read sans serif that pretends to be a serif. Its subtle flourishes, uneven crossbars, and open letter give it the best of both worlds. Futura was, appropriately, used as the title font for the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The typeface’s clean yet futuristic look mirrored the film’s aesthetic. Futura, created in Germany nearly a century ago, is also known for its use in Volkswagen branding materials.

Futura是一个漂亮的,易于阅读的无衬线,自称是衬线。 它微妙的繁荣,不规则的横杠和公开信使它两全其美。 Futura适当地用作了电影2001:太空漫游的标题字体。 字体的干净而又充满未来感的外观反映了电影的美感。 近一个世纪前在德国创立的Futura,也因其在大众品牌材料中的使用而闻名。

加拉蒙德 (Garamond)

Created in by Claude Garamond in the 15th century, this sharp serif features thin strokes yet open lettering that makes it widely appealing. You’ve seen this classy typeface in the American Eagle Outfitters logo. Also, the name is a bit of an inside joke in pop culture, with characters named Garamond popping up throughout books, movies, and even video games.

这条锋利的衬线由克劳德·加拉蒙德(Claude Garamond)于15世纪创作,其笔触细而开放,因此具有广泛的吸引力。 您已经在American Eagle Outfitters徽标中看到了这种优雅的字体。 同样,这个名字在流行文化中有点开玩笑,在书,电影甚至视频游戏中都出现了名为Garamond的角色。

哥谭 (Gotham)

Before you ask, yes, DC Comics uses the Gotham Bold font. Designed by Tobias Frere-Jones, this typeface also adorned Obama’s 2008 campaign and can be seen in MPAA title cards during movie trailers. If that sounds like a dizzying variety of uses, you’re not wrong. Gotham’s versatility is to thank. It has multiple variants that make it suitable for any context.

在您问之前,是的,DC Comics使用Gotham Bold字体。 由Tobias Frere-Jones设计,这种字体还装饰了奥巴马在2008年的竞选活动,可以在电影预告片中的MPAA标题卡中看到。 如果这听起来像是令人眼花variety乱的各种用途,那您就没错。 哥谭的多功能性值得感谢。 它具有多种变体,使其适合任何上下文。

影响力 (Impact)

Most Internet memes with top- and bottom-text uses the Impact, adorned with drop shadows. Despite its popularity — or perhaps because of it — many graphic designers hate this font. They find it illegible, mostly because some of the letters, such as the “n” and “h” or the “v” and “y” look almost identical. That’s a legitimate concern, but Impact is unlikely to go anywhere as long as it stays the go-to font for meme generators everywhere.

大多数带有顶部和底部文本的网络模因都使用Impact(效果),并带有阴影。 尽管它很流行-也许是因为它-许多图形设计师讨厌这种字体。 他们发现它难以辨认,主要是因为某些字母,例如“ n”和“ h”或“ v”和“ y”看起来几乎相同。 这是一个合理的问题,但是Impact不可能在任何地方都可以,只要它在各地成为模因生成器的首选字体即可。

无数 (Myriad)

What do Apple and Adobe have in common? Well, they both use a version of Myriad, a versatile typeface with an unfussy, whimsical look. Note the angled downward strokes and the open lettering. Due to its usage by these tech giants, Myriad has gained a reputation as a smart font — and indeed, it’s used by many academic institutions, as well as LinkedIn.

苹果和Adobe有什么共同点? 好吧,他们俩都使用了Myriad版本,这是一种通用字体,具有简洁,异想天开的外观。 注意成角度的向下冲程和开放的字母。 由于这些技术巨头使用了Myriad,因此Myriad作为一种智能字体而赢得了声誉-实际上,许多学术机构和LinkedIn都在使用它。

What’s most fascinating about fonts is that they can so easily adapt to their context. This list of famous logos shows how versatile these typefaces are. And yet we recognize them, even if we don’t know it, which is why some fonts have emerged as design favorites. As humans, we appreciate a sense of familiarity, and brand designers know that. While you may not have realized how pervasive Helvetica or Gill Sans are, they’re part of your life.

字体最吸引人的地方是它们可以轻松地适应其上下文。 此著名徽标列表显示了这些字体的用途。 但是,即使我们不知道它们,我们也能认出它们,这就是为什么某些字体成为设计的最爱的原因。 作为人类,我们欣赏一种熟悉的感觉,而品牌设计师也知道这一点。 尽管您可能尚未意识到Helvetica或Gill Sans的普及程度,但它们是您生活的一部分。

So next time you choose a font for your document, think about the greats you’ll stand among. Imagine the powerful media that this typeface has previously adorned. Your creation is part of a larger zeitgeist of this unsung art form: typography.

因此,下次您选择文档的字体时,请考虑一下您将要站在其中的伟大之处。 想象一下这种字体以前装饰过的强大媒体。 您的创作是这种不起眼的艺术形式的更大时代精神的一部分:版式。

Just don’t use Comic Sans.

只是不要使用Comic Sans。

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喜欢这个故事吗? 订阅我的邮件列表, 获取独家写作技巧和秘密故事。 另外,在 Instagram Twitter上 与我聊天

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-fonts-that-made-us-7d4ab8886f23

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包括:times new roman,中山行书百年纪念版,calibri,Christopherhand,DejaVuSansMono,方正兰亭黑,James Fajardo,Monaco,微软雅黑,仿宋,黑体,楷体,宋体,yahei_mono,仿宋_GB2312,楷体_GB2312,迷你简行楷碑。 文件名列表: bb1550.ttf calibri.ttf calibrib.ttf calibrii.ttf calibriz.ttf comesinhandy.ttf DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf DejaVuSansMono.ttf DroidSansFallback.ttf James_Fajardo.ttf Monaco.ttf msyh.ttf msyhbd.ttf simfang.ttf simhei.ttf simkai.ttf simsun.ttc times.ttf timesbd.ttf timesbi.ttf timesi.ttf yahei_mono.ttf 仿宋_GB2312.ttf 使用方法.txt 楷体_GB2312.ttf 迷你简行楷碑.TTF 使用方法: ==================================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================================== windows: 将所有的ttf文件拷贝到 系统所在分区的windows\fonts 目录下即可 linux: Install and configure Unicode TrueType fonts in Linux Uncompress the downloaded font archive to a directory and add it to the font path, a list of directories containing fonts: 1. Uncompress the archive # tar xvzf utf8.tar.gz or # tar xvjf arial.tar.bz2 2. Create a directory for new fonts # mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype 3. Move the uncompressed font files to the new font directory # mv *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype 4. Navigate to the font directory # cd /usr/share/fonts/truetype 5. Create fonts.scale and fonts.dir # mkfontscale && mkfontdir # fc-cache 6. Add the new font directory to the X11 font path # chkfontpath --add /usr/share/fonts/truetype 7. Restart X font server # /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart You can verify the successful addition of the new path by running chkfontpath command or by listing X font server's /etc/X11/XF86Config file. If you do not have root access, copy the *.ttf to ~/.fonts directory instead. Make X11 fonts available to Java Perform one of the following: 1. Open /etc/profile and add a new environment variable JAVA_FONTS=/usr/share/fonts/truetype export JAVA_FONTS 2. Open font.properties file under jre/lib directory, uncommnent and set to the appropriate font directory appendedfontpath=/usr/share/fonts/truetype


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