



Friends sometimes remarked how excited and happy I was about my job. I used to nod my head and downplay it. Guilt and pride surfaced at the same time for loving what I do. Then, I would spend some time reflecting on why didn’t everyone feel the same way about their job?

朋友有时会说我对自己的工作感到兴奋和高兴。 我曾经点点头,轻描淡写。 为了爱我所做的事,内和自豪感同时浮出水面。 然后,我会花一些时间思考为什么每个人对工作的感觉都不一样?

Questioning friends about their passions became the only tool I had to help them find a career fueled by drive. I inquired as if there was a flowchart of key decisions to take, as if there was a magic formula. I insisted because I deeply believed that everyone should find a path to a fulfilling career, simply because my life felt that way.

向朋友询问他们的激情成为我帮助他们寻找动力推动的职业的唯一工具。 我询问是否有一个关键决策流程图,好像有一个神奇的公式。 我之所以坚持,是因为我深信每个人都应该找到一条成就事业的道路,仅仅是因为我的生活就是这样。

Since that really didn’t work for helping my friends, I started observing and trying to figure out what motivates me. How do I push myself for high quality work? What keeps me from complaining? How do I stay engaged in what I do?

由于那对帮助我的朋友确实没有用,所以我开始观察并试图找出促使前进的动力。 如何推动自己从事高质量的工作? 是什么让我免于抱怨? 我如何继续从事我的工作?

After a few years of working in differently sized organizations and cultures, I am discovering that a fulfilling career is a series of choices, but not necessarily the ones we think — like changing jobs, asking for a raise, or being promoted — but about the choices we make everyday when we show up to work.


A fulfilling career is a spectrum, not a ladder. It’s about how we move through it everyday, as designers, as partners, as humans. On one side of the spectrum we have frustration and on the opposite hunger.

充实的职业是频谱,而不是阶梯。 这是关于我们每天如何以设计师,合作伙伴和人类的身份进行移动。 一方面,我们感到沮丧,而另一方面却感到饥饿。

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沮丧的设计师 (The frustrated designer)

A frustrated designer is someone who is tired of everything at work. She looks around and complains every chance she has, sometimes it’s about her boss, sometimes her co-workers, other times, her clients. The tasks she’s been given are often boring and banal. She’s lost hope in the leadership and believes life happens outside the office. She lives for the weekends. She tells herself she deserves that glass of wine before bed, that today is ok to skip that yoga class. She is tired, sleepy, out of energy — or so she says. She’s exhausted because her scarce energy is used in finding things that are wrong.

沮丧的设计师是一个对工作中的一切都感到厌倦的人。 她环顾四周,抱怨自己有机会,有时是关于老板,有时是同事,其他时候是客户。 给她的任务通常很无聊和平庸。 她对领导层失去了希望,并相信生活在办公室之外。 她在周末住。 她告诉自己,她应该在睡前喝杯酒,今天可以跳过瑜伽课。 她疲倦,困倦,精力不充沛-或如此说。 她之所以精疲力尽,是因为她稀缺的精力用于发现错误的事物。

She dreads Mondays. She avoids talking about the aspects of her work that she enjoys, because they are overshadowed by the tyrannic people she thinks she works with. She sometimes says “It’s not my problem, I just do the mockups.” Once in a while, she rolls her eyes while saying “I don’t know, that is way above my pay grade.” Some days she believes she is burnt out and that she must switch professions. She reads job descriptions online and imagines how her life would be much better in that utopian place.

她星期一很害怕。 她避免谈论自己喜欢的工作,因为她认为与她一起工作的暴虐者盖过了这些方面。 她有时说: “这不是我的问题,我只是做模型。” 有时 ,她翻白眼说: “我不知道,那比我的薪水高了很多。” 某些时候,她认为自己已经精疲力尽,因此必须转行。 她在网上阅读工作说明,并想象在那个乌托邦式的地方生活会好得多。

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She avoids responsibility and steers clear of uncomfortable conversations. She finds peace in knowing that she did everything that was in her hands, even though she knows she stripped her hands bare from conflict early on. What surrounds her is blame, lack of commitment, and mostly fear. Fear of transforming, of becoming, of evolving, of falling out of love, of closing a chapter. Fear that she is not enough.

她回避责任,避免不愉快的谈话。 即使知道自己尽早摆脱了冲突,她也知道自己做了所有的事情而感到安宁。 围绕她的是责备,缺乏承诺以及恐惧。 害怕改变,变得,发展,脱离爱恋,结束一章。 担心她还不够。

But beware, frustrated designer, fury is toxic.


饥饿的设计师 (The hungry designer)

A hungry designer is someone who wakes up with the desire to go to work, to out-do herself. She does things that nobody asked her to, and often surprises people around her. Some people think she is competing against them, but truth be told, she is only competing with her yesterday’s self.

饥饿的设计师是那些渴望上班,超越自我的人。 她做着没人要她做的事情,常常使周围的人感到惊讶。 有人认为她正在与他们竞争,但说实话,她只是在与自己昨天的自我竞争。

She focuses on mastering the ordinary tasks, because she knows these will save her time in the future. She loves to leave space for the complex things she’s never done before; diving fully, completely, and wholeheartedly into the unknown. When she is blocked, she pats herself on the back, and tries again, promising herself she will give it an honest chance.

她专注于掌握普通任务,因为她知道这些任务可以节省将来的时间。 她喜欢为以前从未做过的复杂事情留出空间; 全心全意地潜入未知世界。 当她被挡住时,她会拍打自己的背部,然后再次尝试,向自己保证会给自己一个诚实的机会。

She is proactive, sometimes too much. She doesn’t stop with a simple no, she searches for the why. She craves the big picture, so she can own a piece. She tries her best to deliver not only what was asked, but also to adjust to what is best for that given moment. She understands her clients as if they were eternal user interviews: understanding, open, but oriented towards a specific goal.

她很主动,有时太多。 她并没有简单地拒绝,而是寻找原因。 她渴望了解大图景,因此可以拥有自己的作品。 她不仅会尽力提供所要求的内容,而且还要适应当前特定的最佳状态。 她将客户理解为永恒的用户访问:理解,开放,但针对特定目标。

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She is vocal and unafraid of candid conversations. She asks for clarity — often. She is relentless, sometimes selfish, and to some she seems overly ambitious. A woman of stamina. Even though she knows being hungry requires time for herself, to recharge and refuel, she sometimes drains herself only to keep pushing.

她声音直率,不惧怕坦率的谈话。 她经常要求澄清。 她无情,有时自私,在某些人看来她过于野心勃勃。 一个耐力的女人。 即使她知道饥饿需要时间,也要给自己充电和加油,但有时她会竭尽所能以继续前进。

But beware, hungry designer, famine is taxing.


所以呢… (So what…)

To the frustrated designer, I must tell you, to be truthful. To your uttermost self. Shed that afraid being that is possessing you. Shake your body until you’re back, feeling something else other than anger and mistrust. Be blunt and intimately honest. Play your favorite tune, and move from that lonely dune. Come back to yourself through doing, heal yourself with action. Know that under the struggle mask you’re wearing, you can only come back to yourself by daring.

对于沮丧的设计师,我必须告诉你,说实话。 为了你自己 摆脱拥有你的恐惧。 摇晃身体,直到回来为止,除了生气和不信任之外,还会感到别的事情。 坦白和坦诚相待。 播放您最喜欢的曲调,然后从那个寂寞的沙丘中移动。 通过做做回到自己身上,用行动治愈自己。 要知道在戴着的斗争面具下,你只能大胆地回到自己身边。

To the hungry designer, I must tell you, to be kind. To your uttermost self. To that relentless firecracker inside you. Take the time to decompress, slow down, and observe in silence. Retrospect with a loving, tender eye, creating space for the new, while assimilating your current view. Let your judgement stay at bay, and sigh to all you did or didn’t do today. Tomorrow will be a better day.

对于饥饿的设计师,我必须告诉你,要友善。 为了你自己 向你内心那无情的鞭炮。 花时间解压缩,放慢速度并保持沉默。 怀着温柔而温柔的眼光进行回顾,为新事物创造空间,同时吸收当前的观点。 让您的判断力停滞不前,并对您今天所做或未做的一切感叹。 明天将是美好的一天。

Regardless of who you are at this exact moment, take time to often check in with yourself and understand where you are on the spectrum. You won’t always be in the extreme ends, and that’s ok. Ask yourself where you are, and acknowledge it, feel it. Then, decide which side you want to move towards.

无论您现在是谁,都要花时间经常与自己核对一下,并了解自己在频谱上的位置。 您不会总是处于极端状态,这没关系。 问问自己自己在哪里,并承认它,感受它。 然后,决定要移向哪一侧。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/the-spectrum-2674b11f4511






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