figma button_我应该切换figma素描吗

figma button

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The competition between these 2 amazing design tools is ongoing and the question most designers ask is which one is better or should we switch from one to another.


I have been working with Sketch for the past 4 years and I was a really big fan. because Sketch was a real lifesaver back in the days when we were using photoshop to but UI. you for sure remember how painful was that.

在过去的4年中,我一直在与Sketch合作,我是一个非常忠实的粉丝。 因为在我们使用Photoshop限制UI的年代,Sketch是真正的救星。 您肯定记得那是多么痛苦。

My company recently switched to Figma. so I had the chance to work with Figma and discover this amazing tool as well beside Sketch.

我的公司最近改用了Figma。 因此我有机会与Figma合作,并在Sketch之外发现了这个惊人的工具。

So in this article, I will tell you the differences I noticed in the tool and let’s see at the end which one is better.


I will go through the 2 design tools in the following aspects:

我将在下面介绍两种设计工具 方面

  • Features

  • Design Systems — Symbols Vs Components

  • Collaborations

  • Handoffs

  • Prototyping

  • Export Files

  • Offline Work

  • Plugins


特征 (Features)

Both tools have almost the same features, same shortcuts, and the same structure. If you know how to use one of them then by default you know the other one.

这两个工具几乎具有相同的功能,相同的快捷方式和相同的结构。 如果您知道如何使用其中一个,那么默认情况下您会知道另一个。

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  • Figma support to open Sketch files in Figma

  • Figma works in any OS (Windows, macOS..) because it is web-based

    由于Figma是基于Web的,因此它可以在任何操作系统(Windows,macOS ..)中使用
  • Sketch is a native macOS app, so it works only on mac

  • Sketch and Figma is almost similar performance now

  • Figma takes so long time to load the project while Sketch you just open the file in 1 sec.


设计系统—符号与组件 (Design Systems — Symbols Vs Components)

I was working for a while with Sketch to build design systems it was good, but when I moved to Figma I found it much better there. let me tell you why!

我在Sketch上工作了一段时间来构建设计系统,这很好,但是当我搬到Figma时发现那里的情况要好得多。 让我来告诉你为什么!

Sketch text/layer styles are not atomic at all when I want to build text style I have to define all the cases of the styles I want which can end up to so long list of text styles


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Let me explain how Sketch styles work: when you define any text or layer style Sketch saves all the properties in this style and if you do any change to any property then you are overriding the text style. for example, if you want to have a different alignment for the text or different colors. with Sketch you have to make text/layer style for every case.

让我解释一下Sketch样式的工作原理:当定义任何文本或图层样式时,Sketch会以该样式保存所有属性,如果对任何属性进行了任何更改,则将覆盖文本样式。 例如,如果您想使文本具有不同的对齐方式或不同的颜色。 使用Sketch,您必须为每种情况创建文本/图层样式。

Let's jump to Figma and explain how it works there:


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From Figma property panel

So with Figma what is so amazing is the styles are more atomic level, each property in the properties panel you can define style to it. and this is how it works exactly with the design tokens, you can save colors, fonts, shadows separately and use any combination you want to define your main style. This is really helpful because for example if I decided to change color. I don’t have colors in text styles and colors in layer styles like Sketch. in Figma it is one place of truth and if you change it in one place it will change everywhere.

因此,对于Figma来说,令人惊奇的是样式更加原子化,在属性面板中的每个属性都可以为其定义样式。 这就是它与设计标记完全一致的工作方式,您可以分别保存颜色,字体,阴影,并使用想要定义主要样式的任何组合。 这真的很有帮助,因为例如,如果我决定更改颜色。 我没有文本样式的颜色,也没有诸如Sketch之类的图层样式的颜色。 在Figma中,它是真理的一个地方,如果您在一个地方改变它,它将在所有地方改变。

Now let's talk about the components, What I notice as well Figma is doing so much better, the took sketch symbols and made it less restricted. in Sketch if you have a symbol you can only modify the symbol through the overrides, but you cannot remove elements inside the components. for example, if you have a button with an icon, you have to create 2 symbols, 1 with icon and the other without the icon.

现在让我们讨论一下组件,我注意到Figma的表现也要好得多,采用了草图符号,并减少了约束。 在Sketch中,如果有符号,则只能通过覆盖来修改符号,但是不能删除组件内的元素。 例如,如果您有一个带图标的按钮,则必须创建2个符号,一个带图标,另一个带图标。

Figma components are a bit different, you can change the overrides but you can also modify the component layers. and the properties of the layers

Figma组件有些不同,您可以更改替代,但也可以修改组件层。 以及图层的属性

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Figma component instance, I can remove the icon layer and change the border-radius

协同合作 (Collaborations)

The collaboration between designers is very important to choose the right tool for you. Figma in the collaboration they took the approach of Google doc or time viewer. it allows all the designers work on the same file at the same time. you see many mice going around in the project and you can watch other designers what they are doing. To be honest I am really not a big fan of somebody who is watching me all the time or work on the same file with others because when the file gets bigger and 2 people want to work on the same screen it is really a huge mess. but some other designers prefer this way of working.

设计师之间的协作对于为您选择合适的工具非常重要。 Figma在合作中采用了Google文档或时间查看器的方法。 它允许所有设计人员同时处理同一文件。 您会看到许多老鼠在项目中四处走动,并且可以观看其他设计师的工作。 老实说,我确实不是一个一直在看着我或与他人一起使用同一文件的人的忠实拥护者,因为当文件变大并且两个人想要在同一屏幕上工作时,这确实是一团糟。 但是其他一些设计师更喜欢这种工作方式。

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screenshot form from Figma website

Let’s see what we can do with Sketch, I find Sketch is much better in this aspect because of a plugin is Sketch called abstract. Which allow designers to have branching system like (Github for developers) and every designer do the designs in branches and then merge this branch and solve the conflicts if there is any. I personally prefer this way of working but some designers find it too complicated.

让我们看看我们可以使用Sketch做什么,我发现Sketch在这方面要好得多,因为Sketch是一个名为abstract的插件。 这使设计人员可以拥有一个分支系统,例如(Github适用于开发人员),并且每个设计人员都可以在分支中进行设计,然后合并该分支并解决存在的冲突。 我个人更喜欢这种工作方式,但是有些设计师觉得它太复杂了。

交接 (Handoffs)

How we send the designs to the developers (specs files)


Figma they have there own specs inside Figma tool, but the biggest problem my developers are suffering from is when I want to send one screen I have to send them all the project file link. and when they click on that link they have to wait forever until the project loads to get specs only for 1 screen in the project. or in our grooming sessions if we want to open the links of the designs we can finish the meeting and the links is not loaded yet.

Figma他们在Figma工具中有自己的规格,但是我的开发人员所遭受的最大问题是,当我想发送一个屏幕时,我必须将所有项目文件链接发送给他们。 当他们单击该链接时,他们必须永远等待直到项目加载,才能仅获得项目中1个屏幕的规格。 或在修饰会话中,如果我们想打开设计的链接,我们可以结束会议,并且链接尚未加载。

Sketch there is Sketch cloud to share your screens but I believe it is still in development, but you can use many plugins to make the specs process smoother like (abstract, Zelpin, invision … ). with all this plugin you only share the screens that are relevant in the tickets so it much faster to load.

Sketch上有Sketch Cloud可以共享您的屏幕,但我相信它仍在开发中,但是您可以使用许多插件来使规格流程更流畅,例如(抽象,Zelpin,invision…)。 使用所有此插件,您仅共享票证中相关的屏幕,因此加载速度更快。

原型制作 (Prototyping)

The prototype in Figma is pretty good and you can do easily user testing with it because it is very easy to share and it is always updated with the design.


Sketch native prototype is not so good because it is not so easy to share, you have to work with Sketch cloud in order to share it, and it is very basic you cannot do so much there.

Sketch本机原型不是很好,因为它不那么容易共享,您必须使用Sketch Cloud才能共享它,这是非常基本的,您不能在那里做太多。

but what is good it there are so many plugins to create animation and nice prototypes with Sketch and Figma like (Flinto, Protopie, Principle…)


导出文件 (Export Files)

Both of them are similar in the export, and there are many integrations plugins that work with both, for example Zeplin plugin and Simpli plugin that makes the export even easier.But What I really miss in Figma is to copy any artboard or any element and paste it outside Figma (in slack or jira for example) and It doesn’t work. but Sketch it does. I used to do that all the time so I don’t have so much trash in my desktop. I hope Figma implement that soon

它们在导出中都是相似的,并且有很多集成插件可以同时使用,例如Zeplin插件和Simpli插件使导出更加容易。但是我在Figma中真正想念的是复制任何画板或任何元素,将其粘贴到Figma外部(例如,松弛或吉拉),这是行不通的。 但可以素描。 我过去一直这样做,所以我的桌面上没有太多垃圾。 我希望Figma尽快实施

离线工作 (Offline work)

Both tools work offline, but Figma doesn’t load the components and it is very laggy when it works offline. but Sketch works offline perfectly.

两种工具都可以脱机工作,但是Figma不会加载组件,并且脱机工作时非常费时。 但是Sketch可以离线完美运行

外挂程式 (Plugins)

Sketch is much older than Figma and so the plugins are much more. But what I really like about Figma is they have plugin review for every plugin before it goes in Figma plugin store. which is very good to guarantee that the plugin is trusted and will not break your project file.

Sketch比Figma古老得多,因此插件更多。 但是我真正喜欢Figma的地方在于,他们对每个插件都进行了插件审查,然后再进入Figma插件存储。 确保插件受信任并且不会破坏您的项目文件非常有用。

At the end, I want to highlight that I don’t have a strong opinion on which tool is better because both are doing so great so far. and learning one tool you already can use the other which is also made the switch very easy.

最后,我想强调一点,对于哪种工具更好,我没有很强的看法,因为到目前为止两者都做得很好。 并且学习一种已经可以使用的工具,这也使切换变得非常容易。

So I would recommend choosing the tool based on the project constraints. to get the best from every world

因此,我建议根据项目约束条件选择工具。 从世界各地获取最好的东西

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