code craft_评估您作为产品设计师的Craft.io技能

code craft

重点 (Top highlight)

When we think about design skills, craft skills easily come to mind. This the raw ability to take inputs and transform them into something meaningful based on your technical knowledge of tools and concepts. In this article we’ll do a deep dive on the craft but I would also encourage you to to learn about how to evaluate your collaboration skills and your mindset.

当我们考虑设计技能时,很容易想到Craft.io技能。 根据您对工具和概念的技术知识,这是获取输入并将其转换为有意义的东西的原始能力。 在本文中,我们将深入探讨这一技巧,但我也鼓励您学习如何评估您的协作技能心态

Craft is your knowledge of the tools, methods, techniques to get the work done. A good designer has a solid grasp of the fundamentals that are usually studied in school but not everything will be or is expected to be mastered at an academic setting. The most important skill to learn there is how to effectively learn afterwards so that you keep renewing and updating your skills as the field of product design rapidly changes.

Craft.io是您完成工作所需的工具,方法和技术的知识。 好的设计师对通常在学校学习的基础知识有扎实的掌握,但并不是在学术环境中会掌握或预期掌握一切。 在此学习的最重要技能是如何在事后有效学习,以便随着产品设计领域的快速变化而不断更新和更新技能。

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Today, product designers draw their expertise from many domains

We’ll break down the definition of craft into sub-fields (e.g. Visual Design) and then break those down even further into individual skills (e.g Typography).


  1. Visual Design — basics of communication


  2. Interaction Design — guiding the user through flows

    交互设计 -引导用户完成流程

  3. Platform knowledge — native, web, emerging platforms

    平台知识 -本机,Web,新兴平台

  4. Research methods — usability, cognitive and behavioral psychology

    研究方法 -可用性,认知和行为心理学

  5. Design tools — Sketch, Framer, Figma, Abstract, whiteboards…

    设计工具 -素描,成帧器,Figma,摘要,白板…

Take these lists and others that follow as a starting point to get you thinking about skills you have or might want to develop in the future. Use this leveling framework to grade yourself on the individual skills.

以这些清单和随后列出的其他清单为起点,让您考虑自己已经拥有或将来可能要发展的技能。 使用此分级框架对个人技能进行评分。

1.视觉设计 (1. Visual Design)

Visual design plays a vital role in the digital experience. At a visceral level it gives the user clues on what they’re about to see. Is this experience serious or playful? An expert visual designer is able to come up with a pleasing composition of elements on a screen.

视觉设计在数字体验中起着至关重要的作用。 从内在的角度来看,它为用户提供了有关他们将要看到的内容的线索。 这种经历是认真的还是好玩的? 专业的视觉设计师能够在屏幕上提出令人愉悦的元素组合。

Today visual designers have more power as they play an active role in creating design systems that embed visual design and interaction rules in them which span multiple platforms.


Some of the core visual design skills include,


  1. Typography — choosing type for function and emotion, creating typographic scales that work across multiple platforms and contexts, creating your own typefaces.

    印刷术 -选择适合的功能和情感类型,创建排版秤可以跨多个平台和环境,创建自己的字体工作。

  2. Grid — creating grids that guide the eye but knowing when to intentionally break the grid, working with baseline and vertical grids, considering the macro and micro grid interactions.

    网格 -创建网格以引导眼睛,但知道何时有意破坏网格,并使用基线网格和垂直网格,并考虑宏观和微观网格之间的相互作用。

  3. Layout — creating pleasing layouts that come together through a combination of typography, image, illustration and so on.

    布局 -创建令人愉悦的布局,这些布局通过排版,图像,插图等组合在一起。

  4. Color — choosing colors that are functional and emotional, colors that are pleasing and accessibility compliant, understanding cultural contexts of color and trends.

    颜色 -选择功能性和情感性的颜色,令人愉悦且符合辅助功能的颜色,了解颜色和趋势的文化背景。

  5. Iconography — choosing icons, doing minor vector work, creating an icon family that scales across different platforms and contexts.

    图像学 —选择图标,进行次要的矢量工作,创建可在不同平台和上下文之间扩展的图标系列。

  6. Illustration — using illustration in proper contexts, understanding the nuances of colors and shapes to make changes to existing illustrations, creating your own from a sketch.

    插图 -在适当的上下文中使用插图,了解颜色和形状的细微差别以对现有插图进行更改,并从草图中创建自己的插图。

  7. Image — using images to evoke a certain aesthetic, image manipulation and editing, creating and shooting your own photos, coming up with image and photo guidelines.

    图像 -使用图像唤起某种美感,对图像进行操作和编辑,创建和拍摄自己的照片,并提出图像和照片准则。

  8. Motion — animation between screens, micro-interactions, making the customer experience feel polished and using motion design to inform, guide and delight.

    运动 -屏幕之间的动画,微小的交互作用,使客户体验更加优美,并使用运动设计来传达,引导和愉悦。

The best way to learn visual design is to practice. Better yet, try practicing and critiquing design with other senior visual designers. Pick up on their good habits and pick their brains on how they think through a visual design problem. You’ll save yourself a ton of time and acquire shortcuts faster.

学习视觉设计的最好方法 是练习 。 更好的是,尝试与其他高级视觉设计师一起练习和批判设计。 养成他们的良好习惯,并思考如何解决视觉设计问题。 您将节省大量时间并更快地获取快捷方式。

Outside of that, make time to replicate and copy work of others to understand how they’ve made it. See if you can uncover not just the individual design elements but common patterns and think through the problem they were trying to solve.

除此之外,花时间复制和复制他人的作品,以了解他们的创作方式。 看看您是否不仅可以发现单个设计元素,还可以发现常见模式,并仔细思考他们试图解决的问题。

2.互动设计 (2. Interaction Design)

Interaction design is about understanding true user intent and developing proper workflows to get the job done. It’s the art and science of communicating to the customer in a way that makes sense for them while pushing back on technology constraints meaningfully.

交互设计旨在了解真正的用户意图并开发适当的工作流程以完成工作。 以一种对客户有意义的方式与客户沟通,同时有意义地减少技术约束的方法是一门艺术和科学。

  1. Sketching — exploring many ideas quickly on whiteboards and paper. Storyboarding to communicate key interactions. Showing rough ideas via UI thumbnails or drafts of complex multi-platforms flows.

    草绘 -在白板和纸上快速探索许多想法。 情节提要来传达关键的交互作用。 通过UI缩略图或复杂的多平台流程草稿显示粗略想法。

  2. Storytelling — creating a compelling narrative of your work, “sketching” out your user’s world via succinct scenarios, writing a story that stakeholders can relate to and thus take action to make it a reality.

    讲故事 —创建引人入胜的作品叙事,通过简洁的场景“画出”用户的世界,写一个利益相关者可以关联的故事,并采取行动使其成为现实。

  3. Wireframes — moving quickly from low-fidelity sketches, utilizing whiteboards, paper, or digital low-fidelity diagrams.

    线框 -利用白板,纸质或数字低保真度图,从低保真度草图快速移动。

  4. Flows — distilling complex information into abstract flows, mapping existing flows of apps, knowing how to balance comprehensiveness with complexity, mapping out flows for multiple platforms and services


  5. Diagrams — synthesizing complex data and communicating abstract concepts to yourself, to other designers and stakeholders.

    图表 -合成复杂的数据并将抽象概念传达给自己,其他设计者和涉众。

  6. Patterns — awareness of interaction patterns and best practices that are being used right now and why they’re effective. Understanding the reasoning why certain patterns work better than others depending on the platform and context.

    模式 -对当前正在使用的交互模式和最佳实践以及它们为何有效的认识。 了解某些模式的原因,具体取决于平台和上下文。

  7. Prototyping — communicating your work effectively through a series of different stages of prototypes (within a screen, across screens), focusing on prototyping the critical few interactions while leaving out the unimportant many.

    原型制作 -通过一系列不同阶段的原型(在屏幕内,跨屏幕)有效地交流您的工作,着重于对关键的少数交互进行原型设计,而忽略不重要的交互。

  8. Copy — giving your product’s customers “information scent”, guiding them through the experience via effective copy. Providing a good way of finding clues and being consistent across screens and platforms.

    复制 -为产品的客户提供“信息气味”,通过有效的复制指导他们体验。 提供寻找线索并在各个屏幕和平台之间保持一致的好方法。

资源资源 (Resources)

There are tons of great resources out there but if you had to read one (hefty!) book, then you should read About Face 4 by Alan Cooper. This is a great primer to anyone new to industry or for anyone to revisit the foundational concepts.

那里有大量的资源,但是如果您必须读一本(繁重的!)书,那么您应该阅读Alan Cooper的About Face 4 。 对于任何行业新手或任何重访基础概念的人来说,这都是一个很好的入门。

3.平台知识 (3. Platform knowledge)

Understanding the advantages and constraints of platforms is an important skill of an interaction designer. This includes understanding best practices and trends for each platform. Aside from technical specifics, it helps to understand the platform market, recency and adoption of a platform.

理解平台的优势和约束是交互设计师的一项重要技能。 这包括了解每个平台的最佳实践和趋势。 除了技术细节之外,它还有助于了解平台市场,新近度和平台采用情况。

  1. Responsive web — creating a system that works well across multiple sizes and deals with different platform nuances (touch vs point interfaces).

    响应式网络 —创建一个可以在多种尺寸下正常工作并处理不同平台细微差别(触摸界面与点界面)的系统。

  2. Mobile — understanding touch, mobile and tablet affordances, being aware of guidelines for iOS (Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines) and Android apps (Material design).

    移动 -了解触摸,移动和平板电脑的功能,了解iOS准则( Apple的人机界面准则 )和Android应用程序( 材料设计 )。

  3. Wearables — unique patterns in the experience (e.g. designing for bracelets, rings, watches), understanding use cases, small tap targets, managing battery life and other hardware considerations.

    可穿戴设备 -体验中的独特模式(例如设计手链,戒指,手表),了解用例,轻敲目标,管理电池寿命以及其他硬件注意事项。

  4. Voice — designing trees, anticipating user intent and actions, providing cues, new interaction patterns.

    语音 -设计树,预测用户意图和动作,提供提示和新的交互模式。

  5. AR/VR — inventing new patterns or stress-testing existing ones, guiding users in unfamiliar settings, understanding different VR platforms — their capabilities and trade-offs.

    AR / VR-发明新的模式或对现有模式进行压力测试,指导用户使用陌生的环境,了解不同的VR平台-其功能和取舍。

Between native (touch) and web (point and click) devices, you’ll have your work cut out for you. If you never touch any other platform, you’ll probably be fine and you might be even better off since mature platforms are easier to understand and relate to.

在本机(触摸)和网络(单击并单击)设备之间,您将可以完成自己的工作。 如果您从未接触过任何其他平台,那么您可能会没事的,甚至会变得更好,因为成熟的平台更易于理解和关联。

But if you’re in for adventure and want to explore or pioneer new methods of interaction, you’re in luck! New wearable devices are emerging all the time and the world of augmented reality and virtual reality while maturing, still has a long way to go.

但是,如果您喜欢冒险,并且想探索或开拓新的互动方式,那您真幸运! 新的可穿戴设备一直在涌现,增强现实和虚拟现实世界在日趋成熟的同时,还有很长的路要走。

4.研究方法 (4. Research methods)

As a product designer you probably don’t need to be a research expert but strong interaction design skills are complemented well with solid research skills. Understanding your customers, their goals and being empathetic to their needs helps you focus efforts on things that truly matter.

作为产品设计师,您可能不必成为研究专家,但是扎实的研究技能可以很好地补充强大的交互设计技能。 了解您的客户,他们的目标以及对他们的需求表示同情可以帮助您将精力集中在真正重要的事情上。

At a large company you’ll likely have access to dedicated research resources. But when there is a crunch or when you do need to do something quick, it helps to be familiar with core principles of doing research to get feedback and steer the work in the right direction.

在一家大公司中,您可能会获得专用的研究资源。 但是,当出现紧急情况或您确实需要快速采取行动时,熟悉进行研究的核心原理以获取反馈并朝正确的方向指导工作会有所帮助。

  1. Heuristic review — the easiest way to critique an interface via a list of guidelines for UI Design (e.g. Jakon Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design)

    启发式审查 -通过UI设计指南列表(例如Jakon Nielsen的10种用户界面设计的可用性启发式方法)来批判界面的最简单方法

  2. Competitive audits— analyzing your competitors to learn about their offerings without falling into the trap of copying them.

    竞争审计 —分析您的竞争者以了解他们的产品,而不会陷入模仿他们的陷阱。

  3. Analogous domains— extracting relevant patterns from a different domain and applying it in your work.

    相似领域 -从不同领域中提取相关模式并将其应用于您的工作中。

  4. Usability testing — structuring and running unbiased usability studies that will give you proper directional data with confidence.

    可用性测试 -构建和运行无偏可用性研究,这些研究将给您充满信心的正确方向数据。

  5. Surveying methods — understanding basic tenets of how to write a survey, how to take a correct sample and how to synthesize data.

    勘测方法 -了解有关如何编写勘测,如何进行正确采样以及如何综合数据的基本原则。

  6. Contextual inquiry — monitoring users in context, understanding how work is actually being done (as opposed to how they say it is) and being empathetic to their needs and workarounds.

    上下文查询 -在上下文中监视用户,了解工作的实际完成方式(与他们所说的相反),以及对他们的需求和解决方法持同情心。

  7. Research planning — putting the methods together in a plan that’s cost effective, leading to faster feedback loops with the right amount of rigor.

    研究计划 -将这些方法整合到一个具有成本效益的计划中,从而以适当的严格度加快反馈循环。

资源资源 (Resources)

Need to brush up on research techniques? Check out Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner’s Guide to User Research. This book lays out the core fundamentals while arming you with practical tips.

需要重新研究技术吗? 查看观察用户体验:《用户研究从业人员指南》 。 本书列出了核心基础知识,同时为您提供了实用技巧。

心理学原理 (Psychology principles)

Designers should also have a basic understanding of cognitive and behavioral psychology,


  • Cognitive psychology — limitations of human memory and how people make sense of information and what they pay attention to

    认知心理学 -人类记忆的局限性以及人们如何理解信息以及他们注意什么

  • Behavioral psychology—understanding how to influence and guide people with your product.

    行为心理学 了解如何影响和指导您的产品的人们。

5.设计工具 (5. Design tools)

Think of design tools as an extension of your skills. Are there tools that can help you generate more quality ideas faster and communicate them effectively? Tools keep changing every day so think of how these tools support your workflow,

将设计工具视为技能的扩展。 是否有工具可以帮助您更快地生成更多高质量的想法并有效地进行交流? 工具每天都在变化,因此请考虑一下这些工具如何支持您的工作流程,

  1. Low fidelity exploration — quick sketches on paper using pens, markers, sketching flows and UI on whiteboards.

    低保真度探索 —在白板上使用笔,记号笔,素描流程和UI在纸上快速素描。

  2. Static UI— creating polished mockups quickly (Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma).

    静态用户界面 -快速创建精美的模型(Sketch,Adobe XD,Figma)。

  3. Prototyping — creating interactive prototypes and communicating micro and macro interactions for developers and users (InVision, Framer, Principle).

    原型制作 —创建交互式原型并为开发人员和用户交流微观和宏观相互作用(InVision,Framer,Principle)。

  4. Capturing feedback— helping your stakeholders comment and share their feedback on your work (Google Slides, InVision).

    获取反馈 -帮助您的利益相关者评论和分享他们对您的工作的反馈(Google幻灯片,InVision)。

  5. Diagrams of complex interactions — providing a bird’s eye view for yourself and others of how screens and information flows (Overflow, Omnigraffle).

    复杂的交互图 -为您自己和其他人提供屏幕和信息流向的鸟瞰图(溢出,Omnigraffle)。

  6. Pixel perfect precision — when you need to do retouching or pixel perfect precision usually for photography (Photoshop).

    像素完美精度 -通常在摄影(Photoshop)时需要润饰或像素完美精度时。

Of course to some degree if you’re working with others (be it a client or for a company) you’ll probably have some tools mandated for you. You’ll also have to think about hand-offs (to clients, to engineering, etc.) and collaboration. Usually a combination of Sketch, Photoshop (or equivalent), and a quick prototyping tool like InVision are good enough to get started.

当然,如果您正在与其他人(无论是客户还是公司)合作,那么在某种程度上您可能会强制要求使用某些工具。 您还必须考虑移交(向客户,工程等)和协作。 通常,结合使用Sketch,Photoshop(或等效工具)以及快速原型制作工具(如InVision)就足以入门。

工具性质的变化 (The changing nature of tools)

Just don’t outsource all of your thinking to tools. The best ideas come from rough, unpolished mockups and prototypes that leave some room for imagination. Can pen and paper or a whiteboard sketch (not Sketch) suffice?

只是不要将您所有的想法外包给工具。 最好的想法来自粗糙,未打磨的模型和原型,这些都留下了想象的空间。 笔和纸或白板草图(非草图)是否足够?

How quickly can you get feedback on your ideas? Airbnb’s machine learning prototype gets rids of the tool layer altogether. Tools will always change and evolve but great thinking is never out of style.

您能多快获得想法反馈? Airbnb的机器学习原型完全摆脱了工具层。 工具将永远改变和发展,但是伟大的思想永远不会过时。

下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

This brings us to the next crucial set of skills for designers — collaboration. Good designers do quality work, great designers do the work and elevate the team.

这将我们带入了设计师的下一组至关重要的技能-协作。 优秀的设计师可以完成高质量的工作,优秀的设计师可以完成工作并提升团队精神。


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