

Covid-19 has forced business leaders to accept that automation will arrive earlier than expected. It is therefore timely, albeit in less-than-positive circumstances, to look at which type of companies will, and will not, thrive in the future.

Covid-19已迫使业务领导者接受自动化将比预期提前的方式 。 因此,尽管情况不太乐观,但还是应该及时研究一下将来哪种类型的公司会(也不会)蓬勃发展。

Many articles about Artificial Intelligence (AI) have sensationalized the effect of automation as the grim reaper of jobs. However, it will not be jobs that will be automated, but rather tasks within those jobs — in fact any tasks that can be put into a process.

关于人工智能(AI)的许多文章都将自动化的效果当作严峻的工作收割者而引起轰动。 但是,不是将要自动化的作业,而是这些作业中的任务-实际上是可以放入流程中的任何任务。

The success of companies in the future will depend upon their willingness to find those tasks that can be automated. Therefore, companies will soon be defined by their level of automation combined with self-management, and will fall into one of four categories:

公司未来的成功取决于他们是否愿意寻找可以自动化的任务。 因此,很快将通过自动化水平和自我管理来定义公司,并将其分为以下四类之一:

抵抗组织 (Resistant organizations)

A dying breed will be those companies that are resisting change and still prefer a command and control hierarchy. Particularly prevalent within larger organizations that have not split into smaller workgroups of less than 200 people, work within these ‘resistant’ types of organizations will be bureaucratic and levels of employee satisfaction will be low. Without change, these organizations will eventually fail, as good employees will find a more engaging environment where individual growth is encouraged and where employees take pride in their company’s product.

垂死的品种将是那些抵制变革并且仍然偏爱指挥与控制体系的公司。 在没有拆分为少于200人的小型工作组的大型组织中,这种情况尤其普遍,在这些“抵抗”类型的组织中进行的工作将是官僚主义的 员工满意度会很低。 如果没有变化,这些组织最终将失败,因为好的员工会发现一个更有吸引力的环境 ,鼓励个人成长,并使员工对公司的产品感到自豪。

难以实现组织自动化 (Hard to automate organizations)

Not all tasks will be automated in the future. Therefore, the second category of companies are those where much of the work done by employees may be singular or repetitive but difficult to automate. These companies can be split into two; those companies that require very specialized skills creating one-off products (encompassing creative tasks), and those companies undertaking low-value tasks where the cost of automation is higher than the cost of human labor. This is generally due to the complexity of the task and the related cost of robotics required to automate a process. An example which has been resolved technically, but is still robotically expensive is the picking of fruit and vegetables. This back-breaking work is still left to low cost, mostly immigrant workers today, although the lack of immigrant workers due to the Covid-19 crisis may force farmers to accelerate their use of robotics.

并非将来所有任务都会自动执行。 因此,第二类公司是那些员工所做的许多工作可能是单一的或重复的但难以自动化的公司。 这些公司可以分为两部分。 那些需要非常专业的技能来创建一次性产品(包括创造性任务)的公司,以及承担低价值任务的公司,这些公司的自动化成本高于人工成本。 这通常是由于任务的复杂性以及使过程自动化所需的机器人技术的相关成本。 在技​​术上已经解决但在机械手上仍然昂贵的一个例子是采摘水果蔬菜 。 尽管由于Covid-19危机而导致的移民工人短缺,可能会迫使农民加速使用机器人技术,但是这项艰巨的工作仍然留给了低成本,如今大部分都是移民工人。

员工至上的组织 (Employee-first organizations)

The third type, and the majority, of companies will be those where employees are put first and profit follows. A number of these companies exist today including my own company Pod Group. Pod Group’s ethos is based on the attributes Wisdom, Emotional Intelligence, Initiative, Responsibility and [self] Development (W.E.I.R.D), so that each employee is motivated to achieve their own goals and by extension motivated to work towards the company’s goals. Employees will understand the need to constantly try and improve existing products and business processes by automating what they can, so that they can avoid dull, routine tasks and find more satisfaction in their work. These companies will encourage employees to find tasks to automate so that they can use the time saved to concentrate on higher-value thinking tasks. Ultimately, these companies will succeed as employees will feel empowered to constantly improve themselves and the companies they work for.

第三种类型,也是大多数类型的公司,将首先放在员工身上,然后是利润。 今天有许多这样的公司,包括我自己的公司Pod Group 。 Pod Group的精神是基于智慧,情绪智力,主动性,责任感和[自我]发展(WEIRD)的属性,因此每位员工都有实现自己目标的动力,并因此而朝着实现公司目标努力。 员工将了解需要通过自动化来不断尝试和改进现有产品和业务流程的需要,这样他们就可以避免沉闷的日常任务并在工作中获得更多的满足感。 这些公司将鼓励员工寻找自动化的任务,以便他们可以将节省的时间用于专注于高价值的思维任务。 最终,这些公司将获得成功,因为员工将感到有能力不断改进自己和为其工作的公司。

破坏性组织 (Disruptive organizations)

Over the last thirty years technological change has accelerated. Much of this change is due to improved processing capacity which has indirectly led to new business models. For example, the creation of ubiquitous ride-sharing services was possible due to GPS chips becoming cheap enough to add into every mobile phone, allowing every mobile phone owner to provide their location. Even the fundamentals of AI haven’t changed since its early years. However, by 2030, two new technologies that are pushing the boundaries of science in ways we have not explored before will start to have an impact on the world — quantum computing and synthetic biology. The fourth group of companies will be those that are pushing the boundaries of science. More than any other group, these companies will need to allow employee freedom in order to encourage initiative and innovative thinking. It is striking that WL Gore, which is one of the world’s largest material science companies is also one of the most successful self-managed companies.

在过去的30年中,技术变革加速了 。 这种变化在很大程度上归因于处理能力的提高,这间接导致了新的商业模式。 例如,由于GPS芯片变得足够便宜,可以添加到每部移动电话中,从而允许每个移动电话所有者提供位置信息,因此可以创建无处不在的拼车共享服务。 甚至AI基础都没有改变 自成立以来。 但是,到2030年,以我们以前从未探索过的方式推动科学发展的两种新技术将开始对世界产生影响- 量子计算合成生物学 。 第四类公司将是那些突破科学界限的公司。 这些公司比任何其他组织都需要允许员工自由,以鼓励主动和创新思维 。 令人惊讶的是,WL Gore是世界上最大的材料科学公司之一,也是最成功的自我管理公司之一

Due to AI and automation, many aspects of our lives in the future will be less challenging and require less mental energy.


It is therefore even more important that CEOs and business leaders create challenging work environments that encourage initiative and responsibility, rather than one of mental idleness.


To do this CEOs need to create an environment that encourages self-management. Ironically, enforced remote working has provided a pilot study for mass self-management. A deeply demotivating action by CEOs and managers would be to ignore those employees who have embraced working at home and want to work differently than before. Instead, CEOs should emulate some of the most successful self-managed billion-dollar revenue companies such as WL Gore, Semco, Buffer or Wholefoods and build on this new normal to create successful companies that will still be here in the future.

为此,首席执行官们需要创造一种鼓励自我管理的环境。 具有讽刺意味的是,强制远程工作提供了 大规模自我管理的初步研究 。 CEO和经理们采取的一种深具激励作用的行动是,忽略那些喜欢在家工作并且想要与以往不同的工作方式的员工。 相反,首席执行官应该效仿一些最成功的自我管理的十亿美元收入的公司,例如WL Gore,Semco,Buffer或Wholefoods,并在这一新常态的基础上建立成功的公司,这些公司将在未来继续存在。

Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website or some of my other work here.

TwitterLinkedIn上关注我。 看看我的网站或我的一些其他的工作在这里

Originally published at https://www.forbes.com.

最初在 https://www.forbes.com上 发布

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-4-types-of-future-companies-as-a-result-of-automation-and-ai-3b6bcfa81ea9






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