

Mark Zuckerberg is no longer the 3rd richest person on the planet. Several advertisers announced they’d be boycotting Facebook. The growing list includes household names like Coca Cola, Honda, Unilever, Hershey, and many more. The news saw Facebook’s stock falling and $7 billion being wiped from Zuckerberg’s personal fortune.

马克·扎克伯格( Mark Zuckerberg )不再是地球上的第三大富翁 。 一些广告商宣布将抵制Facebook。 越来越多的名单包括家喻户晓的名字,例如可口可乐,本田,联合利华,好时,等等。 该消息使Facebook股价下跌,扎克伯格的个人财富减少了70亿美元。

The push for advertisers to boycott Facebook and its products is organized by the Anti-Defamation League and five other civil rights organizations. With the Stop Hate for Profit campaign, these organizations are, “Calling for some of the world’s largest corporations to pause advertising on Facebook during the month of July 2020.”

反诽谤联盟和其他五个民权组织组织了广告主抵制Facebook及其产品的活动。 通过“ 停止仇恨牟利”运动, 这些组织是:“呼吁世界上最大的一些公司在2020年7月前暂停在Facebook上投放广告。”

Its goal is for Facebook to finally address its problem with hate speech. An issue that the company has tried to ignore. But will the departure of big name advertisers actually force the tech giant to finally change?

Facebook的目标是最终通过仇恨言论解决其问题。 公司试图忽略的问题。 但是,大牌广告商的离职是否真的会迫使这家科技巨头做出最终改变?

广告抵制的真正影响 (The real impact of the ad boycott)

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Ylann Meyer | Ylann Meyer | Unsplash) Unsplash )

In the world of advertising, Coca Cola is more than an influencer. It’s a case study used to teach what is good marketing. When the iconic brand says it will boycott Facebook, people listen. When other household names like Adidas, Ben & Jerry’s, Ford, Viber, and so many more say the same, Facebook’s stock price drops.

在广告界,可口可乐不仅仅是影响者。 这是一个案例研究,用于教授什么是好的营销。 当这个标志性品牌说它将抵制Facebook时,人们就会听。 当其他家喻户晓的名字,例如阿迪达斯(Adidas),本&杰里(Ben&Jerry's),福特(Ford),维伯(Viber) 等都说同样的话 ,Facebook的股价就会下跌。

In 2019, Facebook made $69.7 billion from advertising. That accounts for 98% of its total revenue. It’s not surprising that the market is worried when big advertisers pull out. Yet, it remains to be seen whether this will result in long-lasting change.

2019年,Facebook广告收入为697亿美元 这占其总收入的98%。 当大型广告商退出市场时,市场担心就不足为奇了。 但是,这是否会带来持久的变化还有待观察。

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Not all companies are serious about pulling advertising to get Facebook to combat hate speech. Unilever’s Indian subsidiary has said the boycott only applies to the US. (Image credits: Asian Nikkei Review)
并非所有公司都认真考虑拉广告以吸引Facebook打击仇恨言论。 联合利华在印度的子公司表示,抵制仅适用于美国。 (图片来源:《亚洲日经评论》)

Digging into the details, you’ll find the actions taken by advertisers don’t always match their press statements. Some companies like Clorox have said they’ll be boycotting the platform until December. Viber also announced that it will cut all business ties with Facebook.

深入研究细节,您会发现广告客户采取的行动并不总是与他们的新闻声明相符。 一些类似Clorox的公司表示将抵制该平台,直到12月。 Viber还宣布将切断与Facebook的所有业务联系。

But Coca Cola like many other brands only committed to avoiding Facebook for the month of July. Meanwhile, Unilever Hindustan (the Indian subsidiary of Unilever) stated it’ll continue running ads on Facebook because the boycott is only applicable to the US. Some companies like Verizon have said they’re pausing advertising simply because it looks bad for their brands right now.

但是可口可乐像许多其他品牌一样, 只承诺在7月份避免使用Facebook。 同时,联合利华印度公司(联合利华的印度子公司)表示,将继续在Facebook上投放广告, 因为抵制仅适用于美国。 像Verizon这样的一些公司表示,他们之所以暂停广告,仅仅是因为它现在对他们的品牌不利

Granted, the goal of the #StopForHate campaign is for advertisers to boycott Facebook for a month. Yet, the social network has an abysmal record of ignoring the hate speech issue. So it’s highly questionable whether a single month where large advertisers are inactive will bring meaningful change.

当然,#StopForHate广告系列的目标是让广告客户抵制Facebook一个月。 然而,社交网络无视仇恨言论问题的糟糕表现。 因此,大型广告客户不活跃的单个月是否会带来有意义的变化,这是非常值得怀疑的。

冠状病毒迫使广告改变 (The coronavirus forced advertising to change)

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Due to the coronavirus, traditional media is being phased out in favour of digital advertising channels. But analysts forecast a dip in the global ad market. (Image credits: Gabrielle Lurie | The San Francisco Chronicle)
由于冠状病毒,传统媒体正在逐步淘汰,而倾向于数字广告渠道。 但分析师预测,全球广告市场将出现下滑。 (图片来源:Gabrielle Lurie |《旧金山纪事》)

It’s no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has forced companies to cut costs. Stories of mass layoffs and salary cuts are evidence of this. It’s a time of crisis. Often in such times, among the first costs to be cut are related to marketing. Therefore, global ad spending is set to drop by $49.6 billion this year.

冠状病毒大流行迫使公司削减成本已经不是什么秘密了。 大规模裁员和减薪的故事就是证明。 这是危机时刻。 通常在这种时候,首先要削减的成本与营销有关。 因此, 今年全球广告支出将减少496亿美元。

Traditional media companies have been the worst affected. British TV broadcaster ITV saw ad revenue drop by 42% in April. The Financial Times witnessed a 39% drop in print sales. In the US, the Fox broadcasting network saw its ad revenues halved. The crisis has also put local newspapers at greater risk of failure.

传统媒体公司受到的影响最大。 英国电视台ITV的广告收入在4月份下降了42% 。 英国《金融时报》的印刷销售额下降了39%。 在美国,福克斯广播网络的广告收入减少了一半。 这场危机还使当地报纸面临更大的失败风险。

Yet, this doesn’t mean advertising will stop. Companies will continue to do so as a reminder to consumers that they exist. With the pandemic forcing us to remain indoors, the limited advertising budgets are going towards digital channels. But while Q1 went relatively smoothly, Facebook and other tech companies expect ad revenues to drop in Q2.

但是,这并不意味着广告将停止。 公司将继续这样做,以提醒消费者它们的存在。 随着大流行迫使我们留在室内,有限的广告预算正用于数字渠道。 但是,尽管第一季度进展相对顺利,但 Facebook和其他科技公司预计第二季度广告收入将下降。

“We are understandably cautious given that most economists are forecasting a global GDP contraction in Q2, which, if history were a guide, would suggest the potential for an even more severe advertising industry contraction.” — Dave Wehner, Chief Financial Officer at Facebook

“鉴于大多数经济学家都预测第二季度全球GDP萎缩,因此我们谨慎行事,如果以历史为指导,这将暗示更严重的广告行业萎缩的潜力。” — Facebook首席财务官Dave Wehner

Hence, one could argue that companies supporting the #StopForHate movement are doing so for a marketing win. Taking the above factors into account, it’s hard to dismiss this cynical argument. Especially given the actions of Coca Cola, Unilever, and Verizon.

因此,可以说支持#StopForHate运动的公司这样做是为了赢得营销。 考虑到上述因素,很难否认这种愤世嫉俗的观点。 特别是考虑到可口可乐,联合利华和Verizon的行动。

小型企业无力抵制Facebook (Small businesses can’t afford to boycott Facebook)

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The bulk of Facebook’s ad revenue comes from small and medium businesses. Many of whom simply can’t afford to halt advertising on the platform. (Image credits: Foxhouse Media)
Facebook的广告收入大部分来自中小型企业。 许多人根本负担不起停止在平台上投放广告。 (图片来源:Foxhouse Media)

Large companies can afford to boycott Facebook for a month. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for smaller companies. Many of them rely heavily on Facebook to gain customers. As CMO of Dashlane, Joy Howard stated in a blog post, “Indeed it’s so reliable, that we don’t even call it advertising anymore: it’s user acquisition. Do you want customers? Just buy them.” This is a fact that Facebook is well aware of.

大型公司有能力抵制Facebook一个月。 不幸的是,对于较小的公司却不能说同样的话。 他们中的许多人严重依赖Facebook来赢得客户。 正如Dashlane的首席营销官一样,乔伊·霍华德 ( Joy Howard )在 博客中 表示: “实际上,它是如此可靠,我们甚至不再称其为广告:它是用户获取。 您要顾客吗? 买它们。” 这是Facebook很清楚的事实。

During an earnings call in 2019, Facebook COO Sherly Sandberg stated, “Our top 100 advertisers represented less than 20% of our total ad revenue.”

在2019年的收益电话会议上 ,Facebook首席运营官Sherly Sandberg表示:“我们排名前100位的广告客户所占广告总收入的比例不到20%。”

While they may not create headlines, the bulk of Facebook’s ad revenue comes from small businesses. Hence, analysts believe the company‘s financial impact would be insulated. Meaning Facebook simply needs to keep its head down. This storm of controversy will pass just like the others before it. But we should not accept that.

尽管它们可能不会成为头条新闻,但Facebook的广告收入大部分来自小型企业。 因此,分析人士认为该公司的财务影响将得到隔离 。 这意味着Facebook只需要保持低调。 这场争论的风暴将像之前的其他风暴一样过去。 但是我们不应该接受这一点。

Facebook制造的仇恨大流行 (The pandemic of hatred created by Facebook)

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Hate speech and misinformation on Facebook is a global problem (Image credits: U.C. Berkeley)

To its credit, Facebook has done much good. Yet, it has also brought great harm to the world. The tech mogul has always dismissed the issue of hate speech on its platform. Offering only a token PR response before attempting to sweep the issue under the rug. This inaction is killing people.

值得称赞的是,Facebook做得很好。 然而,它也给世界带来了巨大的伤害。 这位技术大亨一直不屑一顾其平台上的仇恨言论问题。 在尝试彻底清除问题之前,仅提供令牌PR响应。 这种无所作为正在杀死人们。

We live in a world where social media platforms have been weaponized. In the US, Russian misinformation campaigns have disrupted elections. In Sri Lanka, terrorists used the platform as a means of indoctrination. This is despite multiple warnings from the authorities. Sadly, the bloodiest example was seen in Myanmar. The nation's military used the Facebook to incite violence for a genocidal campaign of ethnic cleansing. Facebook’s inaction enabled all of these atrocities.

我们生活在一个社交媒体平台已经被武器化的世界中。 在美国, 俄罗斯的错误信息宣传活动破坏了选举。 在斯里兰卡, 恐怖分子利用该平台进行灌输。 尽管当局多次警告。 可悲的是,在缅甸看到了最血腥的例子。 国家军方利用Facebook煽动暴力,进行种族清洗种族灭绝运动。 Facebook的无所作为导致了所有这些暴行。

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Facebook COO Sheryll Sandberg said the company would work to improve its efforts to fight hate speech. Such words have proven to be empty PR statements in the past. (Image credits: Matt Winkelmeyer | Getty Images)
Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)表示,该公司将努力改善其与仇恨言论作斗争的努力。 过去,此类词语已被证明是空洞的PR陈述。 (图片来源:Matt Winkelmeyer | Getty Images)

Sadly, Facebook has shown no signs of addressing these failures. The company leadership recently met with the civil societies behind the Stop Hate for Profit. The meeting was criticized as a PR exercise with the civil rights leaders leaving disappointed. Among the attendees were Zuckerberg and Sandberg. Neither of whom showed commitment to solving the issue.

可悲的是,Facebook没有显示出解决这些失败的迹象。 公司领导层最近与“制止仇恨牟利”背后的民间团体会面。 会议被批评为公关活动 ,民权领导人对此感到失望。 参加会议的有扎克伯格和桑德伯格。 他们俩都没有决心解决这个问题。

“Instead of committing to a timeline to root out hate and disinformation on Facebook, the company’s leaders delivered the same old talking points to try to placate us without meeting our demands,” said Co-CEO of Free Press, Jessica J. González

Free Press联合首席执行官杰西卡·冈萨雷斯(Jessica J.González)表示:“公司没有承诺在Facebook上消除仇恨和虚假信息的时间表,而是传达了同样的观点,试图安抚我们而不满足我们的要求。”

A civil rights audit of Facebook also came to an end this week. The company commissioned it in 2018 following critical calls from Congress and civil rights The final report paints a damning picture of Facebook’s policies, describing them as, “A seesaw of progress and setbacks.” The audit acknowledged its progress thus far. It has expanded moderation policies around hate speech, worked to prevent discriminatory ad targeting, and more frequently engage with civil rights leaders.

Facebook的民权审计也于本周结束。 在国会和民权人士的严厉呼吁下,该公司于2018年对其进行了调试。最终报告描绘了 Facebook政策 的令人毛骨悚然的景象 称其为“进步与挫折的跷跷板”。 审计确认了迄今为止的进展。 它扩大了围绕仇恨言论的节制政策,致力于防止歧视性的广告定位,并更加频繁地与民权领袖接触。

However, the auditors led by the former director of the ACLU legislative office, Laura Murphy, went onto say, “Unfortunately, in our view, Facebook’s approach to civil rights remains too reactive and piecemeal.” Their report highlights how the tech giant hasn’t been impartial in the enforcement of its policies.

但是,由ACLU立法局前局长劳拉·墨菲(Laura Murphy)领导的审计师说: “不幸的是,我们认为Facebook对待民权的态度仍然过于被动和零碎。” 他们的报告强调了这家科技巨头在执行其政策方面并未保持公正的态度。

For proof, it points out the content posted by President Donald Trump. Particularly, recent posts encouraging violence against peaceful protestors and two more facilitating voter suppression. “The Auditors vigorously made known our disagreement, as we believed that these posts clearly violated Facebook’s policies. These decisions exposed a major hole in Facebook’s understanding and application of civil rights,” commented Murphy.

为了证明这一点,它指出了唐纳德·特朗普总统发布的内容。 特别是,最近的帖子鼓励针对和平抗议者的暴力行为,以及另外两个便利压制选民的帖子。 “审计师们大力表达了我们的分歧,因为我们认为这些职位显然违反了Facebook的政策。 这些决定暴露了Facebook在理解和运用民权方面的一个重大漏洞。”墨菲评论道。

遗憾的是,一切都不会改变,更多的人会死 (Regrettably, nothing may change and more will die)

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Despite its noble intentions, The Stop Hate For Profit campaign may not bring about positive change where Facebook seriously commits to fixing its biggest issue. (Image credits: The Telegraph)
尽管出于高尚的意图,“停止仇恨致富”运动可能不会带来积极的变化,因为Facebook会认真致力于解决其最大的问题。 (图片来源:《电讯报》)

At the time of writing, 900+ companies have joined the Stop Hate for Profit campaign. But as we saw earlier with the likes of Coca Cola, Unilever, and Verizon, not all are truly committed to holding Facebook accountable. Corporate activism generally comes with a side of hypocrisy. Even if they were, their departure is a tiny percentage of Facebook’s revenue.

在撰写本文时,已有900多家公司加入了“止血仇恨”运动。 但是,正如我们之前在可口可乐,联合利华和Verizon中看到的那样,并不是所有人都真正致力于让Facebook承担责任。 公司行动主义通常带有伪善的一面。 即使他们离开了,他们的离开也只占Facebook收入的一小部分。

Further, companies can’t afford to be away from the social network for too long. This is painfully true for smaller companies. Facebook too is well aware of this. Alongside Google, the duo has a virtual duopoly on the digital advertising market. Given how the coronavirus has upended our lives, even if it shrinks in Q2 2020, overall growth will likely continue. Especially since many of us are now stuck indoors and glued to our screens.

此外,公司负担不起离开社交网络太长时间的负担。 对于小公司来说,这是痛苦的事实。 Facebook也很清楚这一点。 除了Google之外,这对二人还在数字广告市场上享有虚拟双头垄断。 考虑到冠状病毒如何过了我们的生活,即使它在2020年第二季度萎缩,总体增长仍将继续。 尤其是由于我们现在很多人被困在室内并粘在屏幕上。

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Facebook is simply too big for companies to ignore. The tech giant knows that businesses can’t afford to stay away from their platforms. (Image credits: MIT Technology Review)
Facebook太大了,公司无法忽视。 这家科技巨头知道,企业承受不起远离平台的负担。 (图片来源:麻省理工学院技术评论)

This is why Facebook shows no commitment to fix the issue. Instead, opting for cheap PR exercises in an attempt to buy goodwill. Despite its destructive flaws, the social media giant is too big to ignore. Its platform is used by 2.6 billion people every month. That’s before you count the 1 billion on Instagram and 2 billion on WhatsApp. Both apps are also owned by Facebook.

这就是为什么Facebook没有承诺解决此问题的原因。 取而代之的是,选择廉价的公关活动以试图赢得商誉。 尽管存在破坏性缺陷,但这家社交媒体巨头还是太大了,不容忽视。 该平台每月有26亿人使用 那是在您算出Instagram上10亿WhatsApp 上的 20亿之前 。 这两个应用程序也归Facebook所有。

It may seem like Zuckerberg and the rest of Facebook is scrambling to put out a raging fire. In truth, the fire will die out over time. The advertisers will return sooner or later. They can’t afford a prolonged boycott. It’s a war of attrition that Facebook knows it’ll win. Hence, it has no incentive to actually commit towards fixing the issue. Ultimately, this paints a grim picture of the future.

扎克伯格和脸书的其余部分似乎都在争先恐后地扑灭大火。 实际上,随着时间的流逝,大火将消失。 广告商迟早会回来。 他们承受不起长期的抵制。 Facebook知道自己会赢,这是一场消耗战。 因此,它没有动力去致力于解决这个问题。 最终,这描绘了未来的严峻形势。

By choosing silence, the tech giant continues to wash its hands with blood. For the plague of hatred, Facebook unleashed upon the world has taken countless lives.

通过选择沉默,这家科技巨头继续用鲜血洗手。 对于仇恨之灾,Facebook在全世界释放了无数生命。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/can-facebook-fix-its-biggest-problem-the-advertisers-want-to-know-31d52f51f730






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