

Spain is the world’s 13th biggest economy in terms of GDP, and the 17th in terms of purchasing power parity. This is a highly developed country, with good infrastructures, high literacy rates and a good education system, and one of the best public and universal healthcare services anywhere. And yet we fail in areas that would make our neighbors ashamed: how to explain the huge discrepancy between the numbers of people who have been infected by Covid-19 and those who have died? Why is it so hard for the authorities to count a person who tests positive in a diagnostic test, is admitted to hospital, goes to an intensive care unit or dies? How is it possible that entire days can go by without reporting data to analysts and international observers, prompting doubts about the veracity of what the authorities say, driving some researchers to look for indicators and multiple sources that allow them to corroborate the data?

就GDP而言,西班牙是世界第13大经济体,按购买力平价计算,西班牙排名第17。 这是一个高度发达的国家,拥有良好的基础设施,较高的识字率和良好的教育体系,是世界上最好的公共和全民医疗保健服务之一。 但是,我们在使我们的邻居感到羞愧的领域中失败了:如何解释被Covid-19感染的人数与死亡人数之间的巨大差异? 为什么当局很难计数诊断测试中呈阳性,入院,重症监护病房或死亡的人? 怎么可能整天都没有向分析师和国际观察员报告数据,从而引起人们对当局所说的准确性的怀疑,从而驱使一些研究人员寻找指标和多种来源以证实数据?

Here are a few more questions: why has it taken so long to roll out a tracing app at the national level? And how is it possible that, at the end of August and with the return to school and work upon us, the app is only being used in a few of this country’s regions, thus becoming virtually useless if we consider the huge numbers of people going on, or returning from, vacation?

这里还有几个问题:为什么在国家一级推出跟踪应用程序花了这么长时间? 而且,到八月底,随着学校的重返工作,我们怎么可能只在该国几个地区使用该应用程序,因此,如果我们考虑到大量的人在度假还是从度假回来?

Regarding the return to school, how is it possible that Spain’s regions each have their own policies, some different from others, none of them taking into account that the transmission of the virus in enclosed spaces is much greater than initially estimated, or that children are much more active vectors than was initially believed?

关于重返学校,西班牙的各个地区如何可能有各自的政策,有些政策与其他政策有所不同,没有一个考虑到病毒在封闭空间的传播比最初估计的要大得多 ,或者儿童是活性载体比最初认为的多得多吗?

Spain’s failure to come up with a coherent, coordinated approach to managing COVID-19 (along with many other issues) is largely due to its division into so-called autonomous regions, which enjoy significant devolved power. As a result, decisions in areas such as health or education are taken at the regional level. Over the years, millions of euros have been wasted to create no less than 17 separate health systems, each contracted out to the companies each region deemed appropriate, with no unified development criteria and a virtual refusal to talk to each other. I have commented on this topic a few years ago in the wake of a personal episode with a prescription for a drug in a different autonomous community that ended up being discussed in the Spanish Congress (video in Spanish), but seen in the light of a pandemic, the shortcomings are brought sharply into relief.

西班牙未能提出一致,协调的方式来管理COVID-19(以及许多其他问题),很大程度上是由于西班牙被划分为享有大量权力下放的所谓自治区。 结果,在健康或教育等领域的决策是在地区一级做出的。 多年来,浪费了数百万欧元来创建不少于17个独立的卫生系统,每个卫生系统都外包给了每个地区认为合适的公司,没有统一的发展标准,并且几乎拒绝彼此交谈。 几年前在一个不同的自治社区中开了个人处方药处方后, 对此话题发表了评论 ,最终在西班牙国会进行了讨论(西班牙语录像),但鉴于大流行时,这些缺点会大大减轻。

I am not opposed to Spain’s regions having a certain level of autonomy. It is in the Constitution, it was approved by a majority, and as a general principle, it can even have its advantages: from many points of view, the best management is often the one that is closest to the ground. German länders have an even greater level of political autonomy than Spanish autonomous communities, and the country is reacting reasonably well to this pandemic. But the Spanish system of regional autonomy has led to duplications, bureaucracy and corruption, and above all, a lack of coordination and sharing of information in real time that has made us much more vulnerable to a threat of a global nature. Until we understand this and try to deal with this specific problem, we will continue to make fools of ourselves at the international level, seen as “virus laggards”, and suffer avoidable aspects of the pandemic.

我不反对西班牙具有一定程度的自治权。 它在《宪法》中得到了大多数人的认可,并且作为一般原则,它甚至可以具有其优势:从许多角度来看,最佳管理通常是最接近实地的管理。 与各自治州相比,德国各州的政治自治水平更高,该国对此大流行的React也相当好。 但是,西班牙的区域自治制度导致重复,官僚主义和腐败,最重要的是,缺乏实时的协调和信息共享,这使我们更加容易受到全球性威胁的伤害。 在我们理解这一点并尝试解决这个特定问题之前,我们将继续在国际层面上自欺欺人, 被视为“病毒落后者” ,并遭受大流行可避免的方面的困扰。

Information systems — or in this case, the lack of them — are much more important than previously appreciated. At a time of global threats, countries unable to coordinate action at a national level will always be the losers.

信息系统-或在这种情况下,缺乏信息系统-比以前理解的重要得多。 在全球威胁之际,无法在国家一级协调行动的国家将永远是失败者。

This article was previously published on Forbes.


(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/the-pandemic-and-the-importance-of-coordinated-information-systems-a-letter-from-spain-341efbe6f216






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