proxmox tesla_大众One Ups Tesla突破性的电池突破

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In the early 1970s, decades before the cellphone, the handheld video camera, the laptop, or the modern electric car, scientists figured out that lithium, the lightest metal on the periodic table, could make for a revolutionary battery. Researchers at Exxon, hoping to diversify away from oil, were among those who began a series of experiments to create a lithium battery. But as often as not, they had to call the fire department, because the highly volatile element would sometimes catch fire and blow up the lab.

在 70年代初期,在手机之前几十年,手持摄像机,笔记本电脑,或现代的电动车,科学家计算出,锂,元素周期表中最轻的金属,可以使一个革命性的电池。 埃克森美孚的研究人员希望摆脱石油的影响,他们开始了一系列实验来制造锂电池。 但是,他们经常不得不致电消防部门,因为高度易挥发的元素有时会着火并炸毁实验室。

Even as researchers since then have managed to enable a massive lithium-ion economy of portable electronic devices, they have never gotten beyond inserting just a small few crumbs of the metal into the batteries powering iPhones, Tesla automobiles, and Chromebooks. Pure lithium has remained the Holy Grail — the presumed best consumer battery possible using currently known principles and technology, but always out of reach since no one could figure out how to actually deploy the metal without the risk of fire.

即使从那时起researÇ她已成功地使便携式电子设备的大规模锂离子经济,他们从来没有得到不仅仅是插入少量的金属,几屑进入电池供电的iPhone,特斯拉汽车,以及Chromebook。 纯锂仍然是圣杯-使用目前已知的原理和技术可能被认为是最佳的消费电池,但是由于没有人能弄清楚如何真正部署这种金属而没有着火的危险,它始终遥不可及。

Now, in a colossal claim, QuantumScape, a 10-year-old San Jose, California, startup backed by Bill Gates, said in an interview that it has resolved lithium’s problems, and that VW, the giant German automaker, expects to have cars using pure metallic lithium in their batteries on the road by 2025. Jagdeep Singh, QuantumScape’s CEO, also announced that the company is going public, using a so-called SPAC to list on the New York Stock Exchange in the fourth quarter. The post-listing valuation would be $4.3 billion, Singh said. In a SPAC, a company goes public by merging with an existing, listed shell company.

现在,具有巨大意义的是,由比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)支持的,拥有10年历史的加利福尼亚州圣何塞创业公司QuantumScape在一次采访中表示,它已经解决了锂的问题,德国大型汽车制造商大众希望拥有汽车到2025年,在其电池中使用纯金属锂。QuantumScape的首席执行官Jagdeep Singh还宣布,该公司即将上市,并使用所谓的SPAC在第四季度在纽约证券交易所上市。 辛格说,上市后的估值将为43亿美元。 在SPAC中,公司通过与现有的上市壳公司合并来公开上市。

By increasing the distance that EVs can travel on a single charge by 50%, the QuantumScape-powered VWs would instantly be the electric vehicle to beat.


VW has verified the breakthrough, though Singh stressed that QuantumScape’s scientists have work remaining: QuantumScape must scale up a laboratory-based cell into a multiple-layer battery, and much could go wrong on the way. But if the claims pan out, the commercial consequences could be substantial, instantly catapulting both VW and QuantumScape into a huge competitive lead in the hotly contested battery and EV industries. By increasing the distance that EVs can travel on a single charge by 50%, the QuantumScape-powered VWs would instantly be the electric vehicle to beat. “There is a significant prize to being first,” said Paul Albertus, a professor at the University of Maryland.

大众汽车公司已经证明了这一突破 ,尽管辛格强调指出,QuantumScape的科学家还有工作要做:QuantumScape必须将基于实验室的电池放大为多层电池,这可能会出错。 但是,如果这些要求不成立,商业后果将是巨大的,立即将大众汽车和QuantumScape推向竞争激烈的电池和电动汽车行业的巨大竞争优势。 通过将电动汽车一次充电可行驶的距离增加50%,由QuantumScape驱动的大众汽车将立即成为电动汽车。 马里兰大学教授保罗·阿尔伯特斯(Paul Albertus)表示:“获得第一名将是一项巨大的奖励。

Most of the information age is relatively new: It all flows from the invention of the transistor in 1948 at Bell Labs, and the most important technology today — the widely commercial smartphone — is only 13 years old. Not so with the battery. The lead acid battery, still used in almost every motorized vehicle on the planet, was invented in 1859. The guts of the modern lithium-ion battery were invented in 1980 and commercialized by Sony about a decade later. The Sony battery — copied by numerous other manufacturers over the years — worked by allowing just bits of lithium to shuttle between two electrodes, never at risk of building up into an explosion.

信息时代的M个OST是相对较新:这一切都来自于贝尔实验室1948年晶体管的发明,以及最重要的技术流动的今天-广泛的商业智能-只有13岁。 电池不是这样。 铅酸电池是1859年发明的,至今仍几乎用在地球上的所有机动车辆中。现代锂离子电池的胆量是1980年发明的,并在大约十年后被索尼商业化。 索尼电池-多年来被许多其他制造商所仿制-的工作原理是让少量锂在两个电极之间穿梭,而不会冒爆炸的危险。

And for three decades since, that is about where we have been — lithium-ion batteries have slowly become much cheaper and more powerful. They enabled the iPhone revolution, and the Tesla phenomenon. But researchers never stopped thinking about pure metallic lithium, which, for one thing, could make EVs as cheap as conventional vehicles. In projects every year, the U.S. Department of Energy and labs around the world continued to fund research attempting to make the breakthrough.

从那以后的三十年来,这就是我们去过的地方–锂离子电池已逐渐变得便宜得多,功能强大。 他们推动了iPhone革命和特斯拉现象。 但是研究人员从未停止过考虑纯金属锂,一方面,它可使电动汽车像传统汽车一样便宜。 在每年的项目中,美国能源部和世界各地的实验室继续为试图取得突破的研究提供资金。

There were two problems that no one could solve. One was that, if metallic lithium came into contact with liquid, it could explode. The other was that, inside the battery, it formed prickly needles that punctured the plastic separator that kept the two electrodes apart, thus causing a short.

没有人能解决两个问题。 一种是,如果金属锂与液体接触,它可能会爆炸。 另一个是在电池内部,它形成了刺针,刺穿了使两个电极分开的塑料隔板,从而引起短路。

In 2010, Venkat Viswanathan, a professor at Carnegie Mellon, took a graduate-level mechanical engineering course at Stanford. The professor was Friedrich Prinz. One of his classmates was a student named Tim Holme. And auditing the class was Singh, by then already a well-known Silicon Valley entrepreneur behind a company called Infinera. For a semester, they engaged in vigorous discussions of a “new quantum way of storing energy,” Viswanathan says. That same year, QuantumScape was born, employing Prinz, Holme, and “most of the rest of the class,” he says. Viswanathan himself signed on as a consultant in 2015.

2010年,卡内基·梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon)教授Venkat Viswanathan在斯坦福大学攻读了机械工程专业的研究生课程。 教授是弗里德里希·普林兹。 他的一位同学是名叫蒂姆·霍尔姆的学生。 审核班级的是辛格,那时辛格已经是一家知名的硅谷企业家,背后是一家名为Infinera的公司。 Viswanathan说,在一个学期中,他们就“新的量子存储方式”进行了激烈的讨论。 他说,同年,QuantumScape出生,他雇用了Prinz,Holme和“班上其他大多数人”。 Viswanathan本人于2015年签约成为顾问。

It turned the heads of investors like Kleiner Perkins, Khosla Ventures, and Bill Gates, who threw tens of millions of dollars into the startup. Prinz and Holme also got a $1.5 million federal grant to research their idea.

它吸引了像Kleiner Perkins,Khosla Ventures和Bill Gates这样的投资者的头,他们向这家初创公司投入了数千万美元。 普林兹和霍尔姆还获得了150万美元的联邦拨款,用于研究他们的想法。

The timing was propitious. In 2009, A123, a Boston-based battery startup, was the biggest IPO of the year, worth $371 million. Battery startups began coming out of the woodwork. From coast to coast, newfangled lithium-ion batteries were among the hottest projects you could be involved in. In part, they were funded by President Barack Obama, who set aside $2.4 billion from the post-crash stimulus to create a homegrown U.S. lithium-ion battery industry. But there was much exaggeration and some outright fraud. GM and Dyson, the British vacuum cleaner company, were among the big companies with dreams of getting into EVs that got snookered.

时机是有利的。 2009年,总部位于波士顿的电池初创公司A123是当年最大的IPO ,价值3.71亿美元。 电池初创企业开始走出困境。 从沿海到沿海,新型锂离子电池都是您可能参与的最热门的项目。它们的一部分由总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)资助,奥巴马从崩​​溃后的刺激计划中拨出了24亿美元,以打造美国本土的锂电池。离子电池行业。 但是有很多夸张和一些彻头彻尾的欺诈行为。 通用汽车和英国吸尘器公司戴森(Dyson)都是梦想进入电动汽车市场的大公司。

Prinz and Holme’s brainchild was a concept that they called an “all-electron battery,” which many of colleagues in the field regarded as a wacky idea. But it turned the heads of investors like Kleiner Perkins, Khosla Ventures, and Bill Gates, who threw tens of millions of dollars into the startup. Prinz and Holme also got a $1.5 million federal grant to research their idea.

普林茨和霍尔姆的想法是他们称之为“全电子电池”的概念,该领域的许多同事都认为这是个古怪的想法。 但这却吸引了像Kleiner Perkins,Khosla Ventures和Bill Gates这样的投资者的头,他们向这家初创公司投入了数千万美元。 普林兹和霍尔姆还获得了150万美元的联邦拨款,用于研究他们的想法。

It wasn’t long before QuantumScape figured out that the skeptics were right. They got out of all-electron batteries and swerved into the biggest problem vexing the conventional battery community — metallic lithium. QuantumScape went wholly stealth; it could do so because it was swimming in money. VW alone, forming a collaborative relationship in 2012, invested $300 million in tranches.

不久之后,QuantumScape发现怀疑论者是对的。 他们摆脱了全电子电池的束缚,转而困扰了困扰传统电池社区的最大问题-金属锂。 QuantumScape完全隐形。 之所以可以这样做,是因为它在赚钱。 仅大众汽车公司在2012年就建立了合作关系,分期投资了3亿美元。

Singh says the venture capital investment was the key, buying the startup 10 years to work on a single problem, and outdoing competitors like 24M and Solid Power. Singh declined to go into detail but said that QuantumScape scientists finally discovered a new material that resolved much of the problem. Still, there were “hundreds” of other hurdles the team had to overcome to make the battery work, he says. Now, says Singh, he expects his company’s emergence to ignite a frenzy of new rivals. “People will now know it’s doable,” he says. “There will eventually be competition.”

辛格说,风险资本投资是关键,要购买创业公司10年的时间来解决单个问题,并超越24M和Solid Power等竞争对手。 辛格拒绝透露细节,但他说,QuantumScape的科学家们终于发现了一种可以解决很多问题的新材料。 他说,要使电池正常工作,团队还必须克服其他数百个障碍。 辛格说,现在,他希望自己公司的出现会点燃新竞争对手的狂热。 他说:“人们现在知道这是可行的。” “最终将有竞争。”


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