
Yes, you heard me right. But don't get me wrong, it is not because I am spying on her, or reading her messages. I use it because her recommendations for different apps gives me something new to read and watch.

是的,你明白我的意思了。 但是请不要误会我的意思,这不是因为我在监视她或正在阅读她的消息。 我之所以使用它,是因为她对不同应用的建议为我提供了一些阅读和观看的新知识。

I generally like to use apps like YouTube, Medium, Twitter and some others. But once in a while, I get bored with using these apps on my phone so I use her phone instead. Her feed is completely different from mine because she has different interests, she follows different people and topics. It gives me the opportunity to see what is going on outside my world. I say that because I only see stuff that I have been looking at from so many years. All of my recommendations are related to that.

我通常喜欢使用YouTube,Medium,Twitter等应用程序。 但是有时,我会厌倦在手机上使用这些应用程序,所以我改用她的手机。 她的饲料与我的饲料完全不同,因为她有不同的兴趣,遵循不同的人群和主题。 它使我有机会了解我的世界之外正在发生的事情。 我之所以这样说,是因为我只看到我多年以来一直在看的东西。 我所有的建议都与此有关。

建议是好的,但无聊,有时会令人讨厌 (Recommendations Are Good But Boring And Sometimes Annoying)

I agree that recommendations are there to make your life easier but too much of anything is bad. I feel that my feed is boring, with similar stories, similar results. Even with the Explore feature which is available in most of the apps, the results are still not so random. It is related to the things that I like or follow. I try to update my preferences from time to time. It is a tedious task to go through topics one at a time but it is the only way to improve my feed.

我同意有一些建议可以使您的生活更轻松,但是任何事情都太糟糕了。 我觉得我的提要很无聊,故事相似,结果相似。 即使大多数应用程序都提供了“ 浏览”功能,结果仍然不是那么随机。 它与我喜欢或关注的事物有关。 我尝试不时更新我的​​偏好。 一次浏览一个主题是一项繁琐的任务,但这是改善我的订阅源的唯一方法。

A few years ago, it was not like this. You would only see stuff from people that you followed. The explore feature that we now see was not available in many apps and you could just unfollow someone to stop seeing content from them. It was simple. But now it is different. You not only see the feed of people you follow, but you also see posts that they like and comment. That is just annoying.

几年前,情况并非如此。 您只会看到您关注的人的东西。 我们现在看到的浏览功能在许多应用程序中不可用,您可以取消关注某人以停止查看其中的内容。 很简单。 但是现在不一样了。 您不仅可以看到关注的人的动态,还可以看到他们喜欢和发表评论的帖子。 真烦人。

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Screenshot from author’s LinkedIn feed

This is why my feed is filled with posts that I am not interested in. My connection’s connection is not my connection. I don’t know if it is actually helping anyone. And it is very hard to control these recommendations. A lot many times I have clicked on those three dots on the top right corner to either select “Hide this post” or select “Improve my feed”. But it doesn’t seem to work.

这就是为什么我的feed中充满了我不感兴趣的帖子。我的连接不是我的连接。 我不知道它是否真的在帮助任何人。 而且很难控制这些建议。 我很多次单击右上角的这三个点来选择“隐藏此信息”或选择“改善我的供稿”。 但这似乎不起作用。

The case is similar for almost all the apps that fall in the social media category, like Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora and many others. Sean Kernan wrote a great story explaining a similar problem. An excerpt from his story:

几乎所有属于社交媒体类别的应用程序的情况都类似,例如Facebook,LinkedIn,Quora等。 肖恩·克南 ( Sean Kernan)写了一篇很棒的故事,解释了一个类似的问题。 他的故事摘录:

The bigger point: we need to be careful about how we engage on these platforms. It’s super easy to look like a dumb-dumb because of all the blatantly false content that floats around.

更大的要点:我们在使用这些平台时需要谨慎。 由于所有明显的虚假内容都会浮出水面,因此看起来像傻瓜一样容易。

您可以采取的步骤 (Steps You Can Take)

Our engagement with the platforms decides what we get to see the next time we use it. Some platforms take this more seriously than others because they care about user engagement and user satisfaction. I have collected a few things for a bunch of platforms that will help you tweak your recommendations.

我们与平台的互动关系决定了我们下次使用该平台时会看到什么。 一些平台比其他平台更重视这一点,因为它们关心用户的参与度和用户满意度。 我为一堆平台收集了一些东西,可以帮助您调整建议。

的YouTube (YouTube)

To recalibrate your recommendations:


  • Scroll through your watch history and remove individual videos that you don’t like. If you see recommendations on a subject you’re not interested in, removing a video you previously watched on that topic may reduce the chance that you’ll see similar recommendations in the future.

    滚动查看观看记录,并删除您不喜欢的单个视频。 如果您看到对您不感兴趣的主题的建议,则删除以前在该主题上观看过的视频可能会减少将来看到类似建议的机会。
  • Similarly, you can also remove previously searched queries which would have a similar impact on the recommendations.

  • Pausing history to ensure to search for something that is a one-time thing. For example, when you’re making a presentation on a topic, you aren’t personally interested in.

    暂停历史记录以确保搜索一次性的内容。 例如,当您在一个主题上进行演示时,您个人并不感兴趣。


To recalibrate your recommendations:


  • For Medium it is quite simple, click the top right profile icon and click on customize your interests.


  • Once in a while, scroll through the list of people and publications that you follow and unfollow them if you are not interested anymore.

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Screenshot of author’s Medium page

Spotify (Spotify)

To recalibrate your recommendations:


  • Skip past songs you don’t like, skipping a song before it reaches 30 seconds is the ultimate red flag for Spotify.

  • Play new genres for a good amount of time. And add songs to your playlists, this will in some way tune your recommendations.

    长时间播放新类型。 并将歌曲添加到您的播放列表,这将以某种方式调整您的推荐。
  • The third option is to click the Browse button and select the desired musical genres again. This is basically similar to updating your preferences from time to time.

    第三个选项是单击“浏览”按钮,然后再次选择所需的音乐流派。 这基本上类似于不时更新您的首选项。

Netflix公司 (Netflix)

You can’t do much here apart from liking and disliking. For each show/movie it shows the match percentage based on your history. It also shows the trending status to give you an indication of how a show is doing based solely on the viewership.

除了喜欢和讨厌之外,您在这里不能做其他事情。 对于每个节目/电影,它都会根据您的历史记录显示匹配百分比。 它还显示趋势状态,以仅根据收视者来指示节目的表现。

Instead of the star rating next to each title, Netflix users will see a personalized percentage match score. That’s a prediction of what Netflix thinks you may enjoy watching, based on your own unique tastes,” — Cameron Johnson, Director of product innovation

Netflix用户将看到个性化的百分比匹配分数,而不是每个标题旁边的星级。 根据您自己的独特口味,这是对Netflix认为您可能会喜欢看的电视节目的预测。”-产品创新总监Cameron Johnson

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Screenshot from author’s Netflix

These recommendation engines are getting better every day. In the vast ocean of information that is available on the internet, we need something that can give us what we are looking for. Without recommendations, it will be a pool of unrelated information pouring in our feeds. But we would have to be extra careful about what we choose to see. Deliberately updating our interests, people we follow, topics we like would help us make better use of it.

这些推荐引擎每天都在变得越来越好。 在互联网上可以获取大量信息的地方,我们需要能够为我们提供所需信息的东西。 如果没有建议,它将在我们的提要中汇集大量无关的信息。 但是我们必须对选择的内容格外小心。 故意更新我们的兴趣,关注的人以及我们喜欢的主题将有助于我们更好地利用它。

“Technology… is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.” — Carrie P Snow

“技术……是一件很奇怪的事情。 它用一只手为您带来了精美的礼物,而用另一只手刺了您的背部。” —凯莉·雪诺(Carrie P Snow)

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翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/why-i-use-my-wifes-phone-sometimes-4a7d0f55f178





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