
It’s a fact of Bay Area life that renters must contort and compromise in ways residents of other cities would balk at. Buildings are old, electrical outlets are scarce, and vacancy rates are low. The average rent of a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco is a whopping $3,629 a month. For that amount of money, is it too much to ask that my kitchen layout be less scrambled than the eggs I’m making for breakfast?

我 T的湾区的生活,租房者必须扭曲和妥协的方式在其他城市的居民将不惜事实。 建筑物陈旧,电源插座稀缺,空置率低。 旧金山一居室公寓的平均租金为每月3,629美元 。 这么多钱,要求我的厨房布局比我早餐做的鸡蛋要少打扰吗?

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I like my kitchen appliances the way I like my children — in a predictable location. Alas, that’s a hard feature to come by in a rental here. I’ve scoured the current rental listings to hunt down the most egregious examples of misplaced domestic machines. Here’s a roundup of the most errant, wayward, unruly, out-of-pocket, and otherwise disorderly kitchen appliances of the Bay Area.

我喜欢我的厨房Applian家用电器Ç上课我喜欢我的孩子的方式-在可预测的位置。 las,这是这里租金的一个难点。 我搜寻了当前的租金清单,以寻找放错地方的家用机器的最令人震惊的例子。 这是湾区最失误,任性,不守规矩,自掏腰包以及其他无序厨房用具的摘要。

寂寞的炉子 (A lonely stove)

A small kitchen with the sink and cabinets on the right, and an oven farther back by a door to outside.
Craigslist Craigslist

Why is this Russian Hill stove cowering in the corner like it’s done something wrong?


对不起 (Pardon me)

A very small kitchen with a small white refrigerator blocking half of the door to another room.
Craigslist Craigslist

I hope you’re feeling funky, because if you want to enter this Nob Hill kitchen, you’ll have to shuffle in sideways past the fridge.

我希望您会觉得时髦,因为如果您想进入Nob Hill厨房,就必须在冰箱旁摆放一些东西。

Hugh Grant in “Love Actually” shimmying sideways from one doorway to another.
Credit: StudioCanal/Working Title Films/DNA Films
信用:StudioCanal /电影作品电影/ DNA电影

危险召唤 (Hazard calling)

A refrigerator is plugged into an outlet so that its cord obstructs the door of a built-in foldout ironing board.
Craigslist Craigslist

I don’t care what anyone says about brooms or ironing boards. These tall, thin doors are private entrances for Slenderman. (As if we don’t have enough to worry about.) At least this Millbrae landlord has the good sense to set up a tripwire.

我不在乎别人怎么说扫帚或熨板。 这些高而薄的门是Slenderman的私人入口。 (仿佛我们没有足够的后顾之忧。)至少,这位米尔布雷(Millbrae)房东有很好的意识来设置绊网。

微小的窗户挡 (Tiny window blocker)

A small kitchen without anyplace else to put the refrigerator than in front of the window, blocking half of it.
Craigslist Craigslist

I’m not a feng shui expert, but I’m not ruling out this North Beach fridge’s position as the source of every disastrous event of 2020.

我不是风水 专家,但我并没有排除这种北滩冰箱在2020年每场灾难性事件中的地位。

寂寞的冰箱 (A lonely fridge)

Cabinets, a sink, an oven, and a water heater in the foreground, a fridge lurking in the background next to a skinny door.
Craigslist Craigslist

“Hey, could you grab me a beer from the fridge? You need to go completely through the kitchen and past the water heater. It’s right next to the Slenderman door. You can’t miss it.”

“嘿,你能从冰箱里拿我一杯啤酒吗? 您需要完全穿过厨房并经过热水器。 就在Slenderman门旁边。 你不能错过它。”

Haiku内置日落炉 (Haiku for an Inner Sunset Stove)

A white oven awkwardly placed in the corner of an otherwise empty room with green vinyl flooring.
Craigslist Craigslist

I rarely see you.You’re almost out the back door.When did our love fade?


这很尴尬 (This is awkward)

A kitchen with a peninsula blocking easy movement between the sink/stove area and the fridge in the far corner of the kitchen
Craigslist Craigslist

“Oh, Fridge, this is kinda awkward. My mom said I could only invite one appliance to my Rockridge kitchen sleepover, and I chose the stove.”

“哦,冰箱,这有点尴尬。 我妈妈说我只能在Rockridge厨房过夜时邀请一种电器,然后我选择了炉子。”

那是做到这一点的一种方法 (That’s one way to do it)

A stove with a fridge next to it that’s completely blocking a door.
Craigslist Craigslist

Quiz: Is this a Lower Pac Heights kitchen or a sixth-season episode of Game of Thrones?


A Game of Thrones character drags someone through the snow, saying, “Hold the door!”
Credit: HBO

码头令人困惑的情况 (A perplexing situation in the Marina)

A fridge blocking off most of the view of a kitchen. The stove’s plugged into a wall outlet about two feet away from it.
Craigslist Craigslist

Apparently this is the best picture of this Marina kitchen, because it’s the only one posted in the listing. The position of that power cord tells me all I need to know.

显然,这是该Marina厨房的最佳图片,因为它是清单中唯一张贴的一个。 电源线的位置告诉我所有我需要知道的信息。

男人厨房 (Man the kitchen)

A tiny kitchen in the background, with the fridge in the foreground more or less in the hallway.
Craigslist Craigslist

“I’m a fridge, but I’m also the bouncer at this Clement Street kitchen. Sir, I’m going to need to see some ID before I can let you in. Sir… SIR!!!”

“我是冰箱,但我也是克莱门特街厨房的保镖。 先生,我需要先看到一些身份证,然后才能让您进来。先生……先生!!!

Have an errant kitchen appliance of your own to share? Drop us a note at info@thebolditalic.com.

有自己的错误厨房用具可以分享吗? 请给我们发送 邮件 info@thebolditalic.com

翻译自: https://thebolditalic.com/the-rogue-kitchen-appliances-of-the-bay-area-d528941b194





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