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What happens when the machines we create begin to change us? This question lies at the heart of Debora Spar’s new book Work Mate Marry Love: How Machines Shape Our Human Destiny, an examination of the way technology is upending our intimate and emotional lives.

当我们创建的机器开始改变我们W¯¯帽子会怎样? 这个问题是Debora Spar的新书《 工作伴侣嫁给爱:机器如何塑造人类命运》的核心 ,这是对技术如何改变我们的亲密和情感生活的方式的检验。

In Work Mate Marry Love, the Harvard Business School professor looks at how our social structures and intimate relationships are fundamentally altered by the rise of new technology. The book takes a look at the history of technological change to find clues to help guide us in the present moment, and, in particular, looks at the ways masculinity has been shaped by technology.

工作伴侣结婚的爱,哈佛商学院公关Øfessor着眼于如何我们的社会结构和亲密关系正在从根本上通过新技术的兴起改变。 该书着眼于技术变革的历史,以寻找有助于当前指导我们的线索,特别是着眼于技术塑造男性气质的方式。

When we think about technology, it tends to be focused on what’s happening on the factory floor and in the office — our commercial and our economic lives,” Spar tells OneZero. “But our most personal decisions, how we have children and form our families and fall in love, are being shaped by technology every bit as much as our business lives.”

当我们考虑技术时,它往往专注于工厂车间和办公室中发生的事情-我们的商业和经济生活,” Spar告诉OneZero 。 “但是,我们最个人的决定,即我们如何生孩子,如何组建家庭并坠入爱河,都取决于技术对我们企业生活的影响。”

OneZero caught up with Spar to discuss the technology that fueled feminism, how the Industrial Revolution shaped masculinity, and how our machines transform what it means to be human.


This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.


OneZero: You write that feminism is a direct result of technological shifts — that the massive social movement was ignited and enabled by innovation. How has technology fueled feminism?

OneZero:您写道,女权主义是技术变革的直接结果-大规模的社会运动是由创新引发和推动的。 科技如何助长了女权主义?

Spar: I don’t want to downplay the role of the suffragettes and the women’s liberation movement and activists — many human beings played a huge role in shaping feminism as we know it today. However, there was also a technological change that enabled feminism to be possible.

斯帕:我不想轻描淡写选举权,妇女解放运动和激进主义者的角色,正如我们今天所知,许多人在塑造女权主义中发挥了巨大作用。 但是,还有一项技术变革使女权主义成为可能。

Technology, particularly refrigerators and washing machines, were crucial in just freeing women from the sheer drudgery of work that had consumed most of their lives. If you go back and look at how many hours it actually took just to do a family’s laundry… I mean it was madness in the days before washing machines. Would it have even been possible to imagine women leaving the home to go into the paid labor force when they had 70 hours of housework to do every week? Being a housewife was really a full-time job. I mean, it still is, but certainly it was a full-time job before you had refrigerators and washing machines.

技术,尤其是冰箱和洗衣机,对于使妇女摆脱已经耗尽大部分生命的繁琐工作至关重要。 如果回头看看一个家庭洗衣服实际上花了几个小时……我的意思是,在洗衣机问世之前那是疯狂的一天。 甚至有可能想象妇女每周要有70个小时的家务劳动而离开家去从事有偿劳动吗? 成为家庭主妇确实是全职工作。 我的意思是,仍然如此,但是在您拥有冰箱和洗衣机之前,这当然是全职工作。

And the [birth control] pill was one of the most important technological developments of the 20th century. Without the pill, without contraception more generally, but the pill was really the crucial technology, women had no control over their reproductive lives. Not that the pill is perfect, but it’s pretty darn good. It really was the pill and access to contraception that enabled women to say, “Hang on. I don’t want to have babies right now.” Or, “Now is a good time to have a baby.” Or, crucially: “I don’t want more than a set number of babies.”

避孕药是20世纪最重要的技术发展之一。 没有避孕药,没有避孕药,但避孕药确实是至关重要的技术,妇女无法控制她们的生殖生活。 并不是说这种药是完美的,但很好。 确实,避孕药和避孕药具使妇女能够说:“坚持下去。 我现在不想生孩子。” 或者,“现在是个婴儿的好时机。” 或者,至关重要的是:“我不想要超过一定数量的婴儿。”

But for men, you argue, the story is different — they’re still stuck in these norms that go pretty far back, to the Industrial Revolution.


It was really the aftermath of the Industrial Revolution that created this very sharp division of labor between the sexes that we now take as normal. Prior to the creation of factories, men and women both worked at home. Whether it was milking the cows or shearing the sheep, work was done at home. Once you get the factory economy, you create this very different system where someone from the home leaves the home to go elsewhere and receive a paid wage.

真正是工业革命的后果造成了我们现在正常情况下男女之间这种非常尖锐的分工。 在建立工厂之前,男人和女人都在家工作。 无论是挤牛奶还是剪羊毛,都是在家中完成的工作。 一旦获得工厂经济,就可以创建一个非常不同的系统,在家中有人离开家到其他地方去领取带薪工资。

As the revolution proceeded, it was increasingly men who moved into the factories. And in fact, there were laws that mandated that only men could work in factories. Over time, men were seen as the breadwinners. During that moment, there’s an actual narrative created that sort of adored women as the domestic goddesses and praised men as the breadwinners.

随着革命的进行,越来越多的人搬进了工厂。 实际上,有些法律规定只有男人才能在工厂工作。 随着时间的流逝,人们被视为养家糊口的人。 在那一刻,有一种实际的叙述创造了这种受人尊敬的女人,如家庭女神,称赞男人为养家糊口的人。

Now, factory jobs are going away. Many of the jobs that will be wiped out by technology are jobs that have traditionally been held by men. But what happens to men and to male identities when those jobs go away? One of the beauties of feminism is that it’s created multiple identities for women. So, today, women can be stay-at-home wives and mothers, they can be single women, they can be single mothers, we have a whole range of acceptable identities. But for men, kind of across the socioeconomic spectrum, their identities are largely still defined by their role as workers and breadwinners.

现在,工厂工作正在消失。 许多将被技术淘汰的工作是传统上由男性担任的工作。 但是,当这些工作消失后,男性和男性身份又会如何? 女权主义的美丽之一是它为女性创造了多种身份。 因此,今天,妇女可以是全职妻子和母亲,可以是单身妇女,可以是单身母亲,我们拥有各种各样可以接受的身份。 但是对于男人来说,在整个社会经济领域,他们的身份在很大程度上仍然取决于他们作为工人和养家糊口者的角色。

Men without jobs we don’t think of very positively. So, what happens to all of these men when they don’t have jobs and how can we create other identities for them? One of my great fears is, we see this in the United States and elsewhere, is that men without jobs revert to ancient tribal identities, and that’s not a good thing.

没有工作的男人,我们不会非常积极地考虑。 那么,所有这些人没有工作时会发生什么情况,我们如何为他们创造其他身份呢? 我最大的担心之一是,在美国和其他地方,我们都看到这种情况,即没有工作的人会恢复古老的部落身份,这不是一件好事。

But many men work in the information economy, in white-collar jobs. What about them?

但是,许多人在信息经济中从事白领工作。 那他们呢

One of the things we sort of know from looking at technology generally, those jobs are going away, too. Not for everybody, but as automation and A.I. proceed, it’s going to go up the hierarchy, if you will. And, once again, Covid is going to accelerate that.

从一般的技术角度来看,我们有点了解,这些工作也正在消失。 并非每个人都可以,但是随着自动化和AI的发展,如果愿意的话,它将逐步发展。 而且,Covid将再次加快这一步。

You argue that the technology we’re creating is actually forcing social changes. Is this a causal relationship, or does the technology we make reflect how our interests have evolved? Which comes first?

您认为我们正在创造的技术实际上正在推动社会变革。 这是因果关系,还是我们制造的技术反映了我们的兴趣如何演变? 哪个先出现?

Clearly, it’s hugely complicated and it’s interactive. As we change as human beings, as our preferences change, we create different kinds of machines. But I think if you had to choose between the chicken and the egg here, technology is the driving force. We created social media, for instance, but it is now reshaping us in fundamental ways.

显然,它非常复杂且具有交互性。 随着我们随着人类的变化而变化,随着我们的喜好变化,我们创造出各种机器。 但是我认为,如果您不得不在这里选择鸡肉和鸡蛋,那么技术就是动力。 例如,我们创建了社交媒体,但是现在它在根本上重塑了我们。

How can we create policy that takes these changes into account?


The laws will always lag technology; however, ours are really lagging badly now. Our tax structures, our health care, certainly our school systems are really still reflecting where American society was in the 1950s. We’re seeing it now as Covid is forcing us into the future.

法律永远落后于技术; 但是,我们现在确实落后得很厉害。 我们的税收结构,我们的医疗保健,当然还有我们的学校系统实际上仍在反映着1950年代美国社会的状况。 当Covid迫使我们迈向未来时,我们现在正在看到它。

Our school systems still presume that A) there are two parents, and B) that there’s one parent at home who could go to the parent-teacher conferences, and who can sign the permission slips, and make the lunches, and who is there for the summers. The whole idea of a summer — it’s still reflective of the harvest season that we haven’t lived in for a really long time.

我们的学校系统仍然假设A)有两名父母,B)家里只有一位父母可以参加家长会,可以签署准许证,做午餐,以及谁在那儿夏天。 整个夏天的想法-仍然反映了我们已经很长时间没有住过的收成季节了。

You say that we should look to Marx for insight into our current moment. Why is that?

您说我们应该寻求马克思对我们当前时刻的洞察力。 这是为什么?

Marx was one of the first and most important thinkers, along with Engels, who traced the connection between technological change and not only political structures but social structures. Which makes great sense because what Marx was really trying to explain was the era he was living through, which was marked by the Industrial Revolution.

马克思与恩格斯一起是最早也是最重要的思想家之一,他追踪了技术变革与政治结构和社会结构之间的联系。 这很有道理,因为马克思真正想解释的是他所经历的时代,以工业革命为标志。

Much of what he writes has been seeped deep in the issues that emerged out of the Industrial Revolution. There was a technological change, a massive one, and it shifted class structures — it shifted social structures and it shifted family structures as well. A lot of my book deals with changes in how we conceive of children — and what Marx was trying to explain was, what happens when you change the means of production? What I’m talking about is arguably even more fundamental, which is what happens when you change the means of reproduction?

他所写的大部分内容都深深地渗入了工业革命产生的问题。 技术发生了巨大的变化,它改变了阶级结构,也改变了社会结构,也改变了家庭结构。 我的书中有很多涉及我们对儿童的观念的变化,而马克思试图解释的是,当改变生产资料时会发生什么? 我所说的甚至可以说是更基本的,当您改变生殖方式时会发生什么?

You argue that we should be more flexible in our view of “masculinity.” How so?

您认为我们在“男性气概”方面应该更加灵活。 为何如此?

Homosexual relationships are a really interesting template to be looking at. When you have two men in a gay relationship, and particularly if they’re married and they have kids, one of those men is usually, or frequently, becomes a stay-at-home dad. So we’re getting some of the strongest possible new identities, actually, from homosexual relationships. The male partner needs the same provisions that in the old 1950s model presumed went to the stay-at-home wife. So I think, actually, same-sex couples are really important here.

同性恋关系是一个非常有趣的模板。 当您有两个男人处于同性恋关系中时,特别是如果他们已婚并且有孩子,则其中一个男人通常或经常成为全职父亲。 因此,实际上,我们是从同性恋关系中获得一些最强大的新身份。 男性伴侣需要与1950年代旧模式中假定的全职妻子相同的规定。 所以我认为,实际上,同性伴侣在这里确实很重要。

But even in heterosexual couples — you rarely hear very successful women bragging about their stay-at-home husbands. If you look at super successful women, particularly if they’re also mothers, they frequently have husbands who are either staying at home or they’ve taken up the larger burden of childcare — but nobody talks about that. It’s still sort of seen as an embarrassment for women and their husbands to acknowledge that. So instead you hear men saying, “I’m consulting, or I’m managing the family money.” Or something else, but you very rarely hear the male partners of successful women say, “Yeah, I take care of the home front.” And we need to trumpet that because that’s a very viable, exciting new identity for men.

但是,即使在异性恋夫妇中,您也很少听到非常成功的妇女吹嘘自己的全职丈夫。 如果您看的是超级成功的女性,尤其是如果她们也是母亲,那么她们经常会有丈夫待在家里,或者她们承担了更大的育儿负担,但没人会谈论。 妇女及其丈夫承认这一点仍被视为一种尴尬。 因此,相反,您会听到男人说:“我正在咨询,或者我正在管理家庭财产。” 还是别的什么,但您很少听到成功女性的男性伴侣说:“是的,我照顾家庭。” 我们必须大声疾呼,因为这是男人非常可行,令人兴奋的新身份。

I hope we see more forms of straight masculinity where men can be defined by more nurturing roles or more supportive roles. I don’t think we’re quite there yet, but I think it’s starting to happen.

我希望我们能看到更多男性直男的形式,其中可以通过更多的抚养角色或更多的支持角色来定义男人。 我认为我们还没有到那儿,但是我认为它已经开始发生。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/how-technology-inspired-feminism-and-transformed-masculinity-5db92f1e4037

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