
No one has ever accused the PlayStation Store of being easy to navigate off the beaten path. If you’re tired of AAA open world adventures or big budget action games, it can sometimes be hard to find an alternative. With the huge number of games coming out each week, and the complete lack of curation on the store, the closest you can get to narrowing the options are clickable categories like “Indies”, “Classics” and “Minis”. Not exactly user-friendly if you really want to dig down and find something of a particular genre.

从来 没有 人指责过PlayStation Store容易在人迹罕至的地方导航。 如果您对AAA开放世界冒险或大型预算动作游戏感到厌倦,有时可能很难找到其他选择。 由于每周都会发布大量游戏,并且商店中完全没有策展人,因此最接近缩小选项范围的是可单击的类别,例如“ Indies”,“ Classics”和“ Minis”。 如果您真的想深入挖掘并找到特定类型的内容,可能并不完全友好。

It’s the Indies category we will peruse today, helping to find the diamonds in the dirt. Until Sony decides to recreate the store and take a page out of Steam’s playbook, we intrepid journalists will do our best to highlight the hidden titles you may love just as much as the more well-known games.

这是我们今天要仔细研究的印度类别,有助于在泥土中找到钻石。 在索尼决定重新创建商店并从Steam的剧本中撤出一页之前,我们无所畏惧的记者将竭尽所能,突出显示您可能喜欢的隐藏游戏,与知名游戏一样多。

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VA-11大厅A (VA-11 Hall-A)

If you’re a cyberpunk fan, or a bartending fan, then boy-howdy does Sony have the game for you. Set in a future city where the requisite corrupt government enforces an oppressive existence on a downtrodden populace, some choose to drown their sorrows. That’s where you come in, as the bartender at Hall-A of the VA-11 bar, also known as Valhalla.

如果您是计算机朋克迷或调酒迷,那么索尼为您准备好了这个男孩子游戏。 设置在未来的城市中,必要的腐败政府在受压迫的平民百姓上实行压迫性生存,有些人选择淹没自己的悲伤。 那就是您来的地方,作为VA-11酒吧A厅的调酒师,也称为Valhalla

The action here is mixing drinks for your patrons, and talking to them about whatever they want to tell you. As you talk to them and prepare their libations, you begin to unravel the game’s story. It’s sort of like a walking simulator, except you aren’t walking anywhere, and there’s more alcohol. Add in a fantastic soundtrack, and you’re on your way to an incredibly different but well-crafted cyberpunk adventure to hold you over until “the big one”, Cyberpunk 2077 comes along.

这里的动作是为您的顾客混合饮料,并与他们讨论他们想告诉您什么。 当您与他们交谈并准备他们的解放时,您就开始了解游戏的故事。 有点像步行模拟器,除了您什么地方都不走,而且还有更多的酒精。 加上精彩的配乐,您将踏上一场难以置信的与众不同的精心制作的赛博朋克冒险之旅,以将您带到“大人物” 赛博朋克2077来。

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月光者 (Moonlighter)

If you’re a RPG fan, you’ve visited hundreds of shops in your travels across the digital landscapes of fantastical adventures. But did you ever stop to think how the shops got these amazing items? This is the question that Moonlighter answers, putting you in the shoes of a shopkeeper that must fill the shelves of the shop he runs by day, through his adventures into the dungeons at night.

如果您是RPG迷,那么您在奇幻冒险的数字景观中旅行时已经参观了数百家商店。 但是,您是否曾经停止思考过商店如何获得这些惊人的商品? Moonlighter回答了这个问题,使您陷入一个店主的困境中,店主必须通过白天进入他的地下城的冒险来填补他白天经营的商店的货架。

The dungeon crawling gives you the loot you need to sell to the adventurers who frequent your store. Pricing the gear correctly, and turning that money into even better gear to explore further into the dungeons, is the other half of the gameplay loop. Better gear means better loot, which will garner better prices in the shop, and so on. What part of the game you like best will depend on your tastes. Are you an adventurer or a management geek? If you’re both, you’re really in luck with this game.

地下城爬行为您提供了需要出售给经常光顾商店的冒险者的战利品。 正确定价齿轮,然后将钱转化为更好的齿轮,以进一步探索地牢,这是游戏循环的另一半。 更好的装备意味着更好的战利品,这将在商店中获得更高的价格,等等。 您最喜欢游戏的哪一部分取决于您的口味。 您是冒险家还是管理极客? 如果两者兼而有之,那么您对这款游戏真的很幸运。

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掉落的海豹:仲裁者的印记 (Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark)

This game is a ode to the progenitors of the tactical RPG genre, specifically to the granddaddy of them all, Final Fantasy Tactics. There is a ridiculous amount of content here, with a huge number of classes, special abilities, and the like. The biggest part of the game, and what will likely appeal most to fans of the genre, is the customization. There is so much depth here that it will take you a number of hours just to decide what class and build you will like best, and then you get to swap it up as you like.

该游戏是战术RPG风格的起源的颂歌,特别是对所有人的祖父,《 最终幻想战术》的颂歌。 这里的内容非常荒谬,具有大量的课程,特殊能力等。 游戏的最大部分,最可能吸引该类型游戏迷的是定制。 这里的深度是如此之深,以至于您需要花几个小时才能决定自己最喜欢的课程和班级,然后您可以根据需要进行交换。

The combat is going to please anyone who has been in this genre space before, as you get to move to different heights in the combat area, prepare your attacks, and basically play 3D chess as you stalk your enemies. Whether it’s guns you love or more typical swords and shields type combat, it’s all on offer here for you to bend your character (and your enemies) to your will. No matter your favorite part of the genre, there’s enough to keep you busy for dozens of hours.

战斗将使以前曾在这种类型游戏空间中的任何人感到满意,因为您可以移动到战斗区域中的不同高度,准备攻击,并在跟踪敌人时基本上玩3D象棋。 无论是您喜欢的枪支,还是更典型的剑和盾牌式的战斗,都可以根据您的意愿弯曲角色(和敌人)。 无论您喜欢哪种类型的内容,都足以让您忙几十小时。

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8位军队 (8-Bit Armies)

Harken back to the early days of real-time strategy games, where the strategies were simple and the graphics were pixelated. This one is a bit of wonderful nostalgia, with a distinct Command & Conquer feel to the gameplay and the look of the bases and buildings you will construct. Back then, tank rushes were a viable strategy and the only thing you needed to worry about was harvesting enough material to keep your buildings pumping out new troops.

追溯到实时策略游戏的早期,那时策略很简单且图形像素化。 这是一个很好的怀旧感,对游戏玩法和将要建造的基地和建筑物的外观具有独特的“命令与征服”感觉。 当时,抢坦克是一种可行的策略,您唯一需要担心的就是收集足够的材料以保持建筑物抽出新兵。

The graphics are adorable voxel-based creations, and everything is brightly colored with up to 6-players at a time able to step on the battlefield without things getting muddied up. The fun here is seeing your massive waves of machinery and soldiers falling upon the enemies like the tides upon the beach, explosions and smoke marking the end of your troops and (hopefully) even more of theirs. A joyous return to gaming of the past, it’s easier than you would expect to get your destruction going on console with a simplified control scheme. Mount up, solider!

这些图形是基于体素的可爱作品,所有内容都色彩鲜艳,一次最多可容纳6名玩家,可以踏上战场而不会感到混乱。 有趣的是,看到大量的机械浪和士兵落在敌人身上,如海滩上的潮汐,爆炸和烟雾标志着您的部队(甚至希望)更多部队的终结。 过去游戏的欢乐回归,它比您想像的要容易得多,并且可以通过简化的控制方案在控制台上进行销毁。 坐起来,更牢固!

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无氧 (Oxenfree)

Oxenfree is a spooky narrative adventure, where you never quite know what’s going to come next. You play as Alex, and with a group of friends, you’ll explore and try to escape from an island where nothing is what it seems. The more you explore the island, the weirder things get, and it all has to do with radio signals and World War 2. The game is a delight due to its writing, which is real and believable, and offers branching paths to make multiple playthroughs enjoyable.

Oxenfree是一个怪异的叙事冒险,您永远不会完全知道接下来会发生什么。 您扮演亚历克斯(Alex)的角色,并且和一群朋友一起,探索并尝试从看起来似乎什么都没有的岛屿中逃脱。 您对岛的探索越多,事情就会变得越怪异,而这一切都与无线电信号和第二次世界大战有关。该游戏的真实性和可信度令人愉悦,并提供分支路径以进行多个通关游戏愉快。

You will do a lot of walking around the island and listening to the protagonists talk, but the scares and mysteries pop up frequently enough that it never seems dull or tedious. The various locales on the island are in turns spooky and gorgeous, and it all has a distinct ‘80s kid mystery movie vibe to it. And speaking of multiple playthroughs, make sure you stay all the way through the end of the game, there may just be something to that…

您将在岛上闲逛很多,听主角讲话,但是恐惧和神秘感经常出现,以至于看起来从来都不乏味或乏味。 岛上的各个地方都怪异而华丽,它们都具有独特的80年代儿童神秘电影氛围。 说到多个通关,请确保您一直坚持到比赛结束为止,其中可能有些事情……

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