

Playing Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has been my method of channeling all my rage from a given day into a game. I consider it pretty healthy, actually. I have almost won several times, and my neighbors have heard me scream as I was either the last person to make it through a round or the second place person.

P 铺设秋季家伙:终极淘汰赛一直是我窜从某一天我所有的愤怒到游戏的方法。 实际上,我认为它非常健康。 我几乎赢了好几次,我的邻居们都听到我的尖叫,因为我要么是最后一人,要么是第二名。

But there is one thing in Fall Guys that brings me far above the healthy amount of rage threshold: saboteurs. For people who don’t know or lucky people in Fall Guys who have never been the objects of sabotage, it’s when other players push you off ledges, grab you, and stop you from winning.

但是,《 堕落的家伙》中有一件事使我远远超出了健康的愤怒阈值:破坏者。 对于Fall Guys中不认识的人或幸运的人,这些人从来不是破坏活动的对象,这是其他玩家将您推下壁架,抓住您并阻止您获胜的时候。

I swear, so many of these sabotagers don’t even play to win. They just play to sabotage. I have even had, while I was in the top 3 final players of games, someone grabs me and pulls me off the ledge in a kamikaze-style attack to ruin me.

我发誓,这些破坏者中的许多甚至都不是赢家。 他们只是在进行破坏活动。 当我进入游戏的前三名时,我什至遇到过有人抓住我,以神风敢死队式的进攻将我从壁架上拉下来毁了我。

Image for post
Source: ModDB.

I don’t see what kind of validation sabotagers in Fall Guys get out of ruining other people’s games. It’s a battle royale where only one person can win, so shouldn’t you at least try to win?

我不认为《 秋季家伙》中有什么样的验证破坏者可以摆脱其他人的游戏。 这是一场大逃杀,只有一个人可以获胜,所以您至少不应该赢吗?

However, I was extremely critical of saboteurs until I started doing it myself. In fact, I’ve gotten pretty good at it. In one of the game’s first levels, I kept trying to sabotage other players and prevent them from crossing the finish line in time. Eventually, it would come down to myself and another person for the final spot to make it to the next round. I let them go for a little bit, then grabbed them. After they were behind me, I rushed to the finish line and snubbed them from the final spot.

但是,直到我自己开始做之前,我对破坏分子都持极端批评的态度。 实际上,我已经很擅长了。 在游戏的第一个关卡中,我一直在试图破坏其他玩家,并阻止他们及时越过终点线。 最终,将由我本人和另一个人决定,最终位置将进入下一轮。 我让他们走了一点,然后抓住了他们。 在他们落后于我之后,我冲向终点,并从最后的位置冷落了他们。

I’m not going to lie — playing sabotage really spiced things up. I see why people do it now because it just gives so much of an insane rush. In fact, it’s so exciting that people make full YouTube videos of sabotaging other players in Fall Guys.

我不会撒谎-进行破坏活动确实使事情变得更糟。 我明白了为什么人们现在这样做了,因为它只是造成了如此疯狂的匆忙。 实际上,令人兴奋的是,人们制作了完整的YouTube视频 ,这些视频破坏了Fall Guys中的其他玩家

YouTube. YouTube上的 HoneyBunnyGames。

Fall Guys is fast, pretty, funny, and exciting. But what makes it even more exciting is the sabotage element and competition against other players. Personally, there is a level where you can only succeed by grabbing a tail and having it by the end of a level. Only half of the players can get tails.

Fall Guys快速,漂亮,有趣且令人兴奋。 但是,更令人兴奋的是破坏分子和与其他玩家的竞争。 就个人而言,在一个关卡中,您只能通过抓住一条尾巴并在关卡末尾使它成功来获得成功。 只有一半的球员能获得成功。

I don’t start trying to go for tails on that level until the last 15 seconds of the game. I love the feeling of imagining another player screaming on the other side of the screen when I take their tail at the last second. There is also a level where you have to memorize fruits on a screen, and then land on tiles that correspond with the fruit.

直到比赛的最后15秒,我才开始尝试在该级别上走下坡路。 我喜欢想象当我在最后一秒钟抓住他们的尾巴时,另一个玩家在屏幕的另一侧尖叫。 还有一个级别,您必须在屏幕上记住水果,然后在与水果对应的图块上着陆。

I haven’t participated in the practice, but I have almost been knocked off those tiles from other players intentionally trying to knock me off. I almost lost my mind, but you know the old adage: if you can’t beat them, join them.

我没有参加练习,但是我几乎被其他有意试图把我踢开的球员从那些瓷砖上剔除了。 我几乎失去了主意,但您知道这句老话:如果您无法击败他们,那就加入他们。

The next time you play Fall Guys, that person pushing you off the ledge might be me.

下次您玩Fall Guys时,那个将您推下壁架的人可能是我。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/fall-guys-saboteurs-are-driving-me-crazy-ca305d402733






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