ios beta 下载_勇敢的苹果ios 14公开beta 7酷功能立即尝试

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Apple’s iOS 14 Public Beta is out in the wild and ready for a test drive. Back up your device, load up your iPhone and be sure to try these seven notable features.

苹果的iOS 14公开测试版已经发布,可以进行测试了。 备份设备,加载iPhone,并确保尝试这七个显着功能。

By Terrance Gaines

Terrance Gaines

With the iOS 14 public beta now available, I threw caution to the wind and installed it on my main iPhone. I wasn’t too worried, as the past few public betas from Apple have been surprisingly stable. But I did make an archived backup of my iPhone just in case, and I recommend other beta testers do the same.

随着iOS 14公开测试版的推出,我小心翼翼地将其安装在我的主iPhone上。 我并不太担心,因为过去几批来自Apple的公开测试版都非常稳定。 但是我确实为iPhone 做了一个存档备份 ,以防万一,我建议其他Beta测试人员也这样做。

It’s a safe bet that many if not all of the features present in the public beta will make it to the final release scheduled for this fall. After digging through and trying out all the features, here is a look at seven of the more notable ones you will want to try first.

可以肯定的是,公开测试版中存在的许多功能(如果不是全部的话)将使其成为计划于今年秋天发布的最终版本。 在仔细研究并尝试了所有功能之后,下面将介绍您首先要尝试的七个较著名的功能。

One of the first things you can tweak to your liking are widgets on the home screen and in Today View. In addition to choosing from a variety of native and third-party widgets, you can adjust their size to show or hide relevant information and create your ideal home screen. Apple also adds a Smart Stack, which combines several widgets through which you can scroll. You can customize the Smart Stack or let Apple do the work and automatically select relevant widgets based on how you use your phone.

您可以根据自己的喜好调整的第一件事是主屏幕和“今日视图”中的小部件。 除了从各种本机和第三方小部件中进行选择之外,您还可以调整其大小以显示或隐藏相关信息并创建理想的主屏幕。 苹果还添加了一个智能堆栈,该堆栈结合了多个可滚动的小部件。 您可以自定义Smart Stack或让Apple完成工作并根据您的手机使用方式自动选择相关的小部件。

应用程序库抛弃了无休止的应用程序页面 (App Library Ditches Endless Pages of Apps)

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The new App Library (organized by Suggested, Recently Added, and predetermined categories) organizes and neatly tucks away your apps on a separate home screen. Frequently used apps will be larger apps; tap to open. Tapping on the smaller apps will display them in the corresponding folder. Dragging down on the App Library will reveal a search bar and a scrollable, alphabetical list of all installed apps.

新的应用程序库(由“建议的”,“最近添加的”和预定类别组织)在单独的主屏幕上整理并巧妙地整理了您的应用程序。 经常使用的应用将是较大的应用; 点按即可打开。 轻按较小的应用程序会将其显示在相应的文件夹中。 在应用程序库上向下拖动将显示搜索栏和所有已安装应用程序的可滚动字母顺序列表。

没有更多的全屏电话通知 (No More Full-Screen Phone Call Notifications)

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iOS 14 moves away from the restrictive full-screen phone call notification, and re-imagines it as a small window that appears at the top of your device while keeping most of your current screen in full view. The new window, which is reminiscent of an app notification, gives you the ability to answer/ignore calls, as well as choose speakerphone/headphone listening options.

iOS 14摆脱了限制性的全屏电话通知,而是将其重新想象成一个小窗口,出现在设备顶部,同时使您当前的大部分屏幕保持全屏显示。 新窗口让人想起应用程序通知,使您能够接听/忽略呼叫,以及选择免提/耳机监听选项。

Siri减少了干扰,提供了更多信息 (Siri Gets Less Intrusive, More Informative)

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Siri also takes up less screen real estate in iOS 14 by appearing as a small round orb at the bottom of your screen when summoned. Results appear at the top of the screen in a small window (similar to phone call notifications), so you can still see your current screen. Siri is also getting better at finding the right answers to your queries, so expect more actual answers from Apple’s digital assistant instead of a list of links to web search results.

召唤时,Siri在屏幕底部显示为小圆形球,因此在iOS 14中占用的屏幕空间也更少。 结果显示在屏幕顶部的一个小窗口中(类似于电话通知),因此您仍然可以看到当前屏幕。 Siri在寻找正确的查询答案方面也做得更好,因此希望从Apple的数字助手中获得更多实际答案,而不是从Web搜索结果的链接列表中找到答案。

视频画中画 (Video Picture-in-Picture)

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Apple gives the iPhone a multi-tasking boost with iOS 14 by bringing picture-in-picture to its smartphone. It’s been available on the iPad for some time, but iPhone users can now minimize and resize video playback (with the exception of YouTube for now) and FaceTime calls to a smaller window that can be moved around the screen. Continue watching that Netflix call or chatting with friends while you write an email or track down something on the web. You can also “swipe away” a video to hide it off screen while still listening to audio.

苹果通过将画中画引入智能手机,使iPhone在iOS 14上实现了多任务处理。 它已经在iPad上使用了一段时间,但是iPhone用户现在可以最小化视频播放并调整其大小(目前不包括YouTube),并且FaceTime调用可以在屏幕上移动的较小窗口中进行。 在您写电子邮件或跟踪网络上的内容时,继续观看Netflix的呼叫或与朋友聊天。 您还可以“轻扫”视频以在仍然收听音频的同时将其隐藏在屏幕外。

更好的信息组织 (Better Organizations for Messages)

Apple is incorporating popular features from rival messaging apps into its own Messages platform. For example, users now have the ability to pin message threads to the top of the Messages stack for quick access to frequently used chats. Messages also adds better message filtering; sort through either All messages, Known Messages, or Unknown Messages. In-line replies to specific messages have also been added to cut down on conversation confusion.

苹果将​​竞争对手的消息传递应用程序的流行功能整合到自己的消息传递平台中。 例如,用户现在可以将消息线程固定在“消息”堆栈的顶部,以便快速访问常用的聊天。 消息还增加了更好的消息过滤; 通过所有邮件,已知邮件或未知邮件进行排序。 还添加了对特定消息的在线回复,以减少对话混乱。

增强隐私性,安全性功能 (Beefed-Up Privacy, Security Features)

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Some of the notable privacy/security features include the addition of a tiny green or amber-colored dot in the upper-right corner of your screen when apps are actively using your camera or microphone, respectively. Apple will provide the option to switch app logins to “Sign in with Apple” (if the developer supports it), while Safari will now monitor for breaches of websites for which you have saved passwords.

一些显着的隐私/安全功能包括当应用程序正在积极使用相机或麦克风时,在屏幕的右上角添加一个微小的绿色或琥珀色圆点。 Apple将提供将应用程序登录切换为“使用Apple登录”的选项(如果开发者支持的话),而Safari现在将监视是否违反了您保存密码的网站。

Expect the final, stable version of iOS 14 this fall.

期待今年秋天发布最终稳定的iOS 14版本。

Originally published at



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