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Before anyone gets too emotionally invested in the prospect of meeting their equally electrified soulmate: a matchmaking app for Tesla owners doesn’t exist — yet. However, developer and eCommerce entrepreneur Ajitpal Grewal proved the creation of one could be successful.

在没有任何人为与他们同样兴奋的灵魂伴侣见面而投入过多的感情之前:特斯拉车主的配对应用程序还不存在 -到目前为止。 但是,开发人员和电子商务企业家Ajitpal Grewal证明了创建一个成功的可能。

His idea for Tesla Dating, a dating service designed exclusively for verified owners of Tesla electric cars, has already attracted 1,000 people eager to sign up.

他为Tesla Dating提供约会服务的想法,Tesla Dating专为经过验证的Tesla电动车车主设计,已经吸引了1,000名渴望注册的人。

It’s no secret that Tesla fans are like no other. To know of Tesla is to know someone with a Tesla— the company behind the innovative vehicles doesn’t advertise. Enthusiasm for Tesla Inc.’s technology forward, energy-efficient cars, and intrigue with its unconventional CEO Elon Musk, earns Tesla owners the label of the most loyal customers of any car company.

特斯拉的粉丝与众不同,这已不是什么秘密。 要知道特斯拉,就是要认识一个拥有特斯拉的人,这辆创新汽车背后的公司没有做广告 。 对特斯拉公司技术领先,节能汽车的热情以及非常规首席执行官伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的吸引力,使特斯拉车主获得了任何汽车公司最忠实的客户的标签。

The tendency for Tesla owners to talk about their cars inspired Tesla Dating. When Grewal first came up with the idea, the app’s concept was nothing more than a parody of how dedicated Tesla owners are to their vehicles. He noticed that driving a Tesla was more than a matter of transportation. According to an email Grewal sent Business Insider, Tesla ownership became part of his acquaintances ’ identities.

特斯拉车主谈论自己的汽车的趋势启发了特斯拉约会。 当Grewal首次提出这个想法时,该应用程序的概念不过是模仿特斯拉车主对汽车的敬业度。 他注意到驾驶特斯拉不仅仅是交通问题。 根据Grewal发送给Business Insider的电子邮件 特斯拉的所有权成为他熟人身份的一部分。

“They shared a lot of the same values, like wanting to reduce their impact on the environment, stanning Elon Musk, or appreciating high tech. Suddenly it hit me, these people would be perfect for each other,” wrote Grewal.

“他们分享了许多相同的价值观,例如希望减少对环境的影响,嘲笑埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)或欣赏高科技。 突然间我受了打击,这些人对彼此很完美

Although it started as a joke, the app has since received enough attention that Grewal might consider actually making it. The placeholder site for Tesla Dating hints at the Tinder-like interface the app could emulate, prompting interested individuals to sign up for early access and information.

尽管起初只是个玩笑,但此应用程序已引起足够的关注,因此Grewal 可能会考虑实际制作它。 Tesla Dating的占位符网站暗示了该应用程序可以模仿的类似Tinder的界面,提示有兴趣的人注册以获取早期访问和信息。

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Business Insider 商业内幕特斯拉约会的截图

The idea of turning Tesla enthusiasts into literal Tesla lovers is comical, but once the initial absurdity of Elon Musk playing cupid wears off, it’s not far fetched. There are plenty of dating platforms already out there for people with niche interests or particular lifestyles. Apps exist for connecting hot sauce connoisseurs and helping lonely farmers find companionship. Electric vehicles are another niche that could be used as a road to love.

将特斯拉发烧友变成真正的特斯拉爱好者的想法很可笑,但是一旦埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)玩丘比特的荒诞化逐渐消逝,那就不难了。 已经有很多约会平台可供有兴趣的小众或特定生活方式的人使用。 存在用于连接辣酱鉴赏家和帮助孤独的农民寻找伴侣的应用程序。 电动汽车是可以用作通往爱情之路的另一个利基市场。

The Tesla Dating Co. landing page refers to the possible service as “An exclusive community of like-minded Elon stans. You know, the kind of people that really understand you.” Grewal’s idea is unaffiliated with Tesla Inc., but it demonstrates the power of brand loyalty.

Tesla Dating Co.登陆页面将可能的服务称为“志同道合的Elon stans的专属社区。 你知道,那种真正了解你的人。” Grewal的想法与Tesla公司无关,但它展示了品牌忠诚度的力量。

The sense of community that Tesla’s word-of-mouth marketing and environmental mission makes allows for Tesla to transcend from products to a lifestyle. For people concerned with sustainability or fascinated by technology, Tesla Dating’s slogan “because you can’t spell love without EV (electric vehicles)” may very well be true.

特斯拉的口口相传营销和环境使命赋予其社区意识,使特斯拉能够从产品超越生活方式。 对于关心可持续性或对技术着迷的人们,特斯拉约会的口号“因为没有EV(电动车)就无法拼出爱”。

Whether Tesla Dating Co. does release an app or not, the public interest in a Tesla owner dating pool is an example of how a modern brand is more than its products. People choose to support a company because it aligns with their values. It is not enough to have a recognizable name; people have to recognize it as standing for something.

不管Tesla Dating Co.是否发布应用,特斯拉车主约会池中的公众利益都是现代品牌超越其产品的典范。 人们之所以选择支持一家公司,是因为它符合他们的价值观。 仅拥有可识别的名称是不够的。 人们必须认识到它代表着某种东西。

Even though the Tesla Dating app wasn’t intended to be serious, the possibility of its creation is a reminder of how significant the relationship between a brand and its consumers is.


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-marketing/tesla-dating-got-1-000-signups-in-24-hours-5b01550443a5

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