

Car manufacturers are catching on the new tech wave.


After the pandemic hit and social-distancing became our new normal, a personal vehicle became one of the safest ways to travel — with proper sanitation, of course. And as we’re all moving to a touchless future, the automotive industry is no exception. According to the study by Voicebot.ai released in January 2020, 129.7 million users utilized voice assistants while driving, which is a 13.7% rise from September 2018. While analysts from Frost & Sullivan predict that the importance of digital voice assistants in automotive branding will increasingly grow. We believe that in the next few years, voice technology will become one of the key drivers transforming the automotive industry. And here’s why.

在大流行和社会隔离成为我们新的常态之后,私人交通工具已成为最安全的出行方式之一-当然要有适当的卫生设施。 随着我们都迈向无接触的未来 ,汽车行业也不例外。 根据Voicebot.ai于2020年1月发布的研究报告,有1.297亿用户在驾驶时使用了语音助手,这比2018年9月增长了13.7% 。Frost &Sullivan的分析师预测,数字语音助手在汽车品牌推广中的重要性将不断提高。越来越多。 我们相信,在未来几年中,语音技术将成为改变汽车行业的主要驱动力之一。 这就是为什么。

主要玩家在游戏中 (Major players are in the game)

Tech giants like Apple, Google, and Nuance are reshaping the way voice-activation is used in vehicles. Their systems enable drivers to find directions, send emails, make phone calls, and play music, all by using the sound of their voice.

苹果,谷歌和Nuance等科技巨头正在重塑语音激活在汽车中的使用方式。 他们的系统使驾驶员能够通过语音来查找路线,发送电子邮件,打电话和播放音乐。

Thus, Apple’s CarPlay brings a stripped-down and safety-focused version of iOS to a car’s touch-screen display, with Siri fully integrated into CarPlay. In summer 2019, Apple announced that it was opening Siri & Apple Maps to developers. Soon, CarPlay users will be able to send messages through WhatsApp, make calls via Skype, or book reservations with Apple Maps without having to launch those apps.

因此,Apple的CarPlay将精简且注重安全性的iOS版本引入了汽车的触摸屏显示器,而Siri已完全集成到CarPlay中。 苹果在2019年夏季宣布将向开发人员开放Siri和Apple Maps。 很快,CarPlay用户将能够通过WhatsApp发送消息,通过Skype拨打电话或使用Apple Maps预订,而无需启动这些应用程序。

However, with Android dominating the global smartphone market, Google Android Auto offers its users the paired-down version of their phone screens on their vehicles’ dashboard. Last year the platform went through a major redesign, and now over 70 new cars have added support for the platform, including new models from Jeep, Subaru, Volkswagen, Lexus, Audi, Ferrari, Infiniti, and Nissan.

但是,随着Android主导全球智能手机市场,Google Android Auto在其车辆的仪表板上为用户提供了手机屏幕的配对版本。 去年,该平台进行了重大的重新设计,现在有70多种新车增加了对该平台的支持,包括吉普,斯巴鲁,大众,雷克萨斯,奥迪,法拉利,英菲尼迪和日产的新车型。

Amazon also works with automakers but in a different way. For example, with a mobile-app-based projection technology routing, Alexa requests through a smartphone to the cloud car brands like Lexus, Toyota, SEAT, Lincoln, and Ford, work with Amazon’s voice assistant. Also, some Alexa skills allow for remote access to functions like tire pressure lock, climate control, fuel status, and remote start. Besides, there is the full-featured Alexa Auto SDK, available for some GM and Audi cars. This solution can replace the automaker’s built-in voice assistant, as many brands are looking to offer access to increasingly popular Alexa because many new car buyers expect it.

亚马逊还与汽车制造商合作,但方式不同。 例如,通过基于移动应用程序的投影技术路由,Alexa通过智能手机请求雷克萨斯,丰田,SEAT,林肯和福特等云汽车品牌与亚马逊的语音助手一起工作。 此外,Alexa的一些技能允许远程访问诸如轮胎压力锁定,气候控制,燃料状态和远程启动之类的功能。 此外,还有功能齐全的Alexa Auto SDK,可用于某些通用汽车和奥迪汽车。 该解决方案可以替代汽车制造商的内置语音助手,因为许多品牌都希望提供访问越来越受欢迎的Alexa的权限,因为许多新车购买者都希望这样做。

品牌拥抱声音 (Brands embrace voice)

Ford was among the pioneers of connected cars: back in 2007 the company first introduced its SYNC platform and introduced Bluetooth connectivity for mobile devices and voice commands. The SYNC 3 platform of today features integration with Amazon Alexa, Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and access to third-party apps. Ford users can pair their vehicles with the brand’s two Alexa skills and a Google Action. There is also the FordPass voice app that allows for a remote start/stop and lock/unlock of a vehicle, besides providing information on the remaining fuel range and tire pressure. The platform continues to evolve and next-generation SYNC 4 platform which is expected to arrive later this year will reportedly offer a more personalized driver experience with a behavior-learning system.

福特是互联汽车的先驱之一:早在2007年,该公司就首次推出了SYNC平台,并为移动设备和语音命令引入了蓝牙连接。 如今的SYNC 3平台具有与Amazon Alexa,Apple CarPlay,Android Auto的集成以及对第三方应用程序的访问。 福特用户可以将其车辆与该品牌的两项Alexa技能和一个Google Action配对。 除了提供有关剩余燃油范围和轮胎压力的信息外,还有FordPass语音应用程序,可用于远程启动/停止和锁定/解锁车辆。 该平台不断发展,预计将于今年晚些时候推出的下一代SYNC 4平台将通过行为学习系统提供更个性化的驾驶员体验。

Another tech giant, BMW also has an embedded voice assistant called “Hey BMW” that also allows for integration with Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, and Alexa Auto. The company also has a branded Alexa skill called BMW Connected that allows users to control engine, door lock, and climate, as well as get updates on fuel or battery level, and vehicle range.

另一家技术巨头宝马还拥有一个名为“嘿宝马”的嵌入式语音助手,该助手还可以与Android Auto,Apple CarPlay和Alexa Auto集成。 该公司还拥有一种称为BMW Connected的品牌Alexa技能,该技能使用户可以控制引擎,门锁和气候,以及获取燃油或电池电量以及车辆行驶里程的最新信息。

In 2019, GM became the first automaker to fully integrate Alexa Auto. Unlike the two previous cases, where embedded platforms support multiple assistants, GM allows drivers to choose between an embedded solution by Cerence and Alexa Auto. The company introduced Alexa skills and Google Actions for several of its brands. With the voice assistant skills, users can control temperature settings and door locks as well as get updates on fuel level. Also, GM is making a transition from a custom Android OS infotainment system to one based on Google Android Auto OSm so more new Google services and Google Assistant integration are coming to many of its brands in 2021.

通用汽车在2019年成为首家完全整合Alexa Auto的汽车制造商。 与嵌入式平台支持多个助手的前两种情况不同,GM允许驾驶员在Cerence和Alexa Auto的嵌入式解决方案之间进行选择。 该公司为其多个品牌引入了Alexa技能和Google Actions。 借助语音助手技能,用户可以控制温度设置和门锁,以及获得燃油水平的更新。 此外,通用汽车正在从定制的Android OS信息娱乐系统过渡到基于Google Android Auto OSm的系统,因此2021年将有更多新的Google服务和Google Assistant集成到其众多品牌中。

What’s more, at the CES earlier this year, Honda debuted a voice assistant built on SoundHound’s Houndify platform. The branded voice assistant will use conversational history, location, and other contextual information to help Honda drivers while also running entertainment and environmental controls. Apart from that Honda began integrating the “Smartphone as Brain” feature, which Bluetooth to connect a smart device to a motorcycle and enables drivers to control it via the voice assistant or with steering handle switches.

此外,本田在今年早些时候的CES上首次展示了基于SoundHound的Houndify平台构建的语音助手。 品牌的语音助手将使用对话历史记录,位置和其他上下文信息来帮助本田驾驶员,同时还可以进行娱乐和环境控制。 除此之外,本田还开始集成“智能手机作为大脑”功能,该功能可通过蓝牙将智能设备连接至摩托车,并使驾驶员能够通过语音助手或操纵手柄开关对其进行控制。

跟着钱 (Follow the money)

It’s clear that in-car voice assistants have a huge potential, but for voice commerce, they are just a treasure trove of opportunities. With the voice on the go, retailers get yet another channel for customer interaction and drivers gen an opportunity to shop from the comfort of their vehicles.

显然,车载语音助手具有巨大的潜力,但是对于语音商务而言,它们只是机遇的宝库。 随着声音的不断变化,零售商获得了另一个与客户互动的渠道,而驾驶员则从舒适的汽车中获得了购物的机会。

Thus, with Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant, drivers will be able to pay for gas using their voice at 11,500 Exxon and Mobil gas stations in the U.S. To do so, drivers need to ask Alexa to pay for gas and start filling up, then Amazon Pay and financial tech company Fiserv will process the request from Alexa. Making a voice payment will not require any new memberships — an existing Amazon Pay account will be used to pay for gas.

因此,借助亚马逊的Alexa语音助手,驾驶员将能够在美国的11,500埃克森美孚和美孚加油站使用他们的语音来支付汽油费用。为此,驾驶员需要先向Alexa支付汽油费用并开始加油,然后再由Amazon Pay金融科技公司Fiserv将处理Alexa的请求。 进行语音支付不需要任何新的会员资格-现有的Amazon Pay账户将用于支付汽油。

Another company to embrace voice commerce is SiriusXM: last year at CES the company announced connected-vehicle services. This year the company will use them to power a new feature: together with Visa, Sirius is going to introduce a new payment method that will require only a vocal request in the car. Most importantly, the new feature will apply not just to fuel but also parking and food bought from the car.

另一家从事语音商务的公司是SiriusXM:去年在CES上,该公司宣布了联网汽车服务。 今年,该公司将使用它们来提供一项新功能:Sirius与Visa一起将推出一种新的付款方式,该方式只需在汽车中发出声音即可。 最重要的是,新功能不仅适用于燃油,而且适用于从汽车上购买的停车位和食物。

摘要 (Summary)

According to Voicebot.ai, for the second straight year, about 60% of consumers say that presence of a voice assistant is a factor in their new car purchase criteria. It even rose 1% since asking a similar question in September 2018. Over 20% of all consumers say that the in-car voice assistant experience is either a “significant consideration” or a “requirement.” The 7.3% that say it’s a “requirement” presumably would choose only between car brands that offer the voice assistant of their choice.

Voicebot.ai称 ,连续第二年,约60%的消费者表示语音助手的存在是其新购车标准的一个因素。 自从2018年9月问类似的问题以来,它甚至增长了1%。超过20%的消费者表示,车载语音助手的体验要么是“重要考虑”,要么是“要求”。 认为这是“需求”的7.3%仅会在提供他们所选择语音助手的汽车品牌之间进行选择。

Ultimately, voice technology is being embedded in everything we’re doing, but the automotive industry is the embodiment of this universal adoption. As consumers become more accustomed to having conversations with their cars with nearly 94% expecting to use them more or the same amount in the coming year, our entire digital ecosystem is bound to move much closer to a voice-based foundation.

最终,语音技术已嵌入到我们正在做的所有事情中,但是汽车行业就是这种普遍采用的体现。 随着消费者越来越习惯与汽车对话,将近94%的消费者希望在未来一年内使用更多或相同数量的汽车,我们的整个数字生态系统必将越来越接近基于语音的基础。

翻译自: https://medium.com/voiceui/why-voice-tech-is-the-future-of-the-automotive-industry-a19092a33ce1






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