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翻译 如何成为嵌入式软件工程师_如何成为软件工程师

如何成为嵌入式软件工程师I sometimes tell folks that I learned to program because I wanted to become a tech entrepreneur and knew how difficult it was to find good developers. I discovered along the way that this ...

2020-10-15 16:12:12 373

翻译 api文档服务器开发_如何开发由身份服务器保护的网络核心3 1 API 1

api文档服务器开发During these series we will dive together in the journey of developing a .NET Core 3.1 API with swagger interface, secured with Identity Server 4. We’re also gonna use .NET API versioning an...

2020-10-15 16:01:18 280

翻译 ffmpeg实时传输视频_使用ffmpeg和DirectX 11流式传输视频

ffmpeg实时传输视频A few months ago at work, I was tasked with developing a custom, low-latency video player. Prior to this, I had worked only briefly with FFmpeg and not at all with DirectX 11. But I figure...

2020-10-15 15:51:27 3146

翻译 scrum实战指南_Scrum实践缺少的指南

scrum实战指南The Scrum Guide is minimal — it defines a bare-bones framework, on top of which you are expected to add practices to establish a viable process. If you want to start fresh with Scrum, the fra...

2020-10-15 15:40:47 527

翻译 jenkins 构建节点_您构建了节点应用程序,但正在登录

jenkins 构建节点Logging is a crucial part of developing an application. When the app is in production, logs are necessary to identify the problem if something goes wrong. So if you are a developer, you sh...

2020-10-15 15:30:11 196

翻译 aws一年免费_我们在生产周期中使用AWS Lambda超过一年的经验

aws一年免费Over the last few years, serverless approaches have gained decent traction in the web app designing, developing and implementing sectors. In the early days, many engineers treated serverless ju...

2020-10-15 15:20:38 1194

翻译 在锈中写一个现代的http隧道

总览(Overview)This post is for anyone interested in writing performant and safe applications in Rust quickly. It walks the reader through designing and implementing an HTTP Tunnel and basic, language-a...

2020-10-15 15:10:31 347

翻译 软件工程经理karim fanadka找到了成功的方法,并帮助其他人做同样的事情

Karim Fanadka is a software engineering manager on the Einstein AI DevOps Red team at Salesforce in Tel Aviv where he sees his role as a kind of tech firefighter. “We are trained to come to the rescue...

2020-10-15 15:00:01 186

翻译 编码的方法有几种_5种改善编码的简单方法

编码的方法有几种I’ve been in the software industry for the past five years. I’ve worked with good coders as well as bad ones. The dominant quality of a good coder is their ability to improve their code.在过去的五年...

2020-10-15 14:49:40 1587

翻译 开发者的自白_普通开发者的自白

开发者的自白I’ve always been an average developer. Not bad, but nothing extraordinary. I worked at some reputable companies — not IT leaders. I was sure that I could not become someone great because “averag...

2020-10-15 14:39:39 192

翻译 专注于速度的公司对混乱一无所知

重点(Top highlight)Most companies using Scrum spend a lot of time discussing velocity and devising ways to increase it. Velocity becomes a magical, almost mythical number that developers must chase in e...

2020-10-12 07:02:25 398

翻译 boto3 连接aws_通过Boto 3 AWS快照自动化AWS基础架构

boto3 连接awsWhen I first joined a DevOps/SRE team, I realized there were a lot of simple AWS infrastructure changes that took up a large chunk of our engineering team’s time. I didn’t want to spend my ...

2020-10-12 06:52:54 231

翻译 产品交付周期计算公式_使用周期时间指标优化工程团队的交付

产品交付周期计算公式Delivery health is a key element of a healthy engineering team. At SafetyCulture we are not simply looking for delivery health. We aspire for world-class level excellence in how we deliver v...

2020-10-12 06:42:43 3199

翻译 如何从单一存储库部署多个ASP网络核心微服务

Currently, I’m working on a project that has several small services, that communicate through posting events through Azure Event Hubs. One service posts data to an event hub and another service reads ...

2020-10-12 06:32:20 74

翻译 骇人听闻的画面

Heatmaps, Set Actions, Step Lines, the Tableau Start Page… What do all of these Tableau features have in common? They were all started as individual projects during a Tableau internal hackathon. Hacka...

2020-10-12 06:22:51 250

翻译 再见本机应用程序

重点(Top highlight)Twelve years back.. I can remember that I had a pentium III computer with just 128 megabytes of physical memory. When I stepped into programming my favorite developer tools were Visua...

2020-10-12 06:12:14 157

翻译 我真的知道编程吗

According to SlashData, in 2019 the world reached 26.4 million active software developers.根据SlashData的数据,2019年全球活跃软件开发人员达到2640万。Whether you’ve been in IT since the beginning of your career or you jus...

2020-10-12 06:01:34 270

翻译 用heroku部署nestjs应用

Deploying a NestJS application with Heroku is an easy possibility to host your application. This tutorial is a step-by-step guide for deploying small (side) projects by using GitHub and the Heroku web...

2020-10-12 05:51:21 166

翻译 您应该立即开始使用docker

A couple of weeks ago, I was just about ready to release Caer, a Computer Vision library in Python to be publically available on PyPi, when I decided to send it to a friend in Alberta to tink around w...

2020-10-12 05:40:55 234

翻译 拉力采集_拉力点到底是什么要求

拉力采集If you are a beginner in the world of Git and hosted Git platforms (such as GitHub or GitLab), then you’ve probably never heard the term “pull request” or “merge request” before. You also might no...

2020-10-12 05:31:09 126

翻译 如何将记录器注入gos http处理程序

Assigning loggers to package-level variables is an anti-pattern. When you declare var log = mylogger.New() in the package namespace, you create a tight compile-time dependency on the particular brand ...

2020-10-12 05:20:38 57

翻译 詹金斯搭建_使用詹金斯动态节点的ci cd管道

詹金斯搭建In this article, I will demonstrate how to setup Docker Containers as Jenkins Dynamic Node. Also, we gonna see how to deploy our HTML Websites dynamically in Kubernetes using Jenkins CI/CD (Conti...

2020-10-12 05:10:47 201

翻译 geo.json网站_使用geo json graphql API构建地图界面应用

geo.json网站Developing apps that rely on geo-coordinates to enable important features must go far beyond simply storing latitude and longitude data. Geo coordinate algorithms that calculate bounds and d...

2020-10-12 04:59:52 271

翻译 evernote 有道_他们改写了Evernote

evernote 有道I couldn’t resist commenting on this interview with Evernote’s CEO about the project to rewrite Evernote.在对Evernote首席执行官的这次采访中,我无法抗拒关于重写Evernote项目的评论。First, disclaimer. I managed the Micro...

2020-10-12 04:49:08 209

翻译 sql 避免除0错误_避免错误的5种简单方法

sql 避免除0错误Every web developer makes bugs. I’ve made hundreds at least. Known ones. Some happen quite often so let’s write them down.每个网络开发人员都会犯错误。 我至少赚了数百。 已知的。 有些事情经常发生,所以让我们写下来。Early discovery of b...

2020-10-12 04:39:52 681

翻译 heroku_将kubernetes全栈应用程序转换为heroku容器

herokuIn the last several years, Google’s Kubernetes project has generated huge buzz. The project has grown and evolved into a titan of the cloud infrastructure world.在过去的几年中,谷歌的Kubernetes项目引起了极大的轰动。 ...

2020-10-12 04:29:39 176

翻译 rip所有字段和含义_为什么大多数产品所有者会误解价值的含义

rip所有字段和含义重点(Top highlight)How many story points is the team delivering per Sprint?团队每个Sprint提供多少故事点?How can you help the team deliver more story points? 您如何帮助团队提供更多故事点?Is the amount of story points...

2020-10-12 04:09:26 368

翻译 项目开发中可提升的方向_提升您的数据科学项目水平的4种软件开发技术

项目开发中可提升的方向Software development is the process followed by developers and programmers to design, write, document, and test codes. Regardless of what programming language you use or what your target ap...

2020-09-03 14:22:08 321

翻译 数据结构数组和链表结构体_数据结构和链表

数据结构数组和链表结构体I have been going down a journey of learning some computer science since finished my Bootcamp. I think it is integral to know what you are using whilst writing your code. It is great to kn...

2020-09-03 14:13:07 490

翻译 redux扩展工具_使用redux工具包提高生产力

redux扩展工具Redux is an excellent tool for managing a global state for your applications. React fits incredibly well with front-end libraries, such as React, Vue, or Angular.Redux是用于管理应用程序全局状态的出色工具。 Reac...

2020-09-03 14:02:27 489

翻译 jvm7 jvm8_改善JVM上的jvm热身

jvm7 jvm8JVM warm-up is a notorious problem. JVM-based applications deliver great performance but need some time to “warm-up” before reaching the top speed. When the application launches, it usually s...

2020-09-03 13:52:56 271

翻译 python高级面试题_10个高级python面试问题

python高级面试题With Python becoming more and more popular lately, many of you are probably undergoing technical interviews dealing with Python right now. In this post, I will list ten advanced Python inte...

2020-09-03 13:41:59 2662

翻译 凸优化 机器学习 深度学习_通过优化机器学习提高洞察率

凸优化 机器学习 深度学习In the machine learning era, it’s tempting to apply complex algorithms to every user experience to maximize returns. ML is a powerful tool with wide applicability in optimization sciences...

2020-09-03 13:32:05 755

翻译 git每个开发人员一个分支_每个开发人员都应了解的6条软件工程原理

git每个开发人员一个分支重点(Top highlight)Being a good software engineer is not just about coding, it’s about solving problems in the most effective and efficient manner. This can be achieved through algorithms, ...

2020-09-03 13:21:50 220

翻译 初级开发人员的缺点_给初级开发人员的4条宝贵建议

初级开发人员的缺点Life as a junior developer is exciting but can be challenging at the same time. There are many bumps in the road on the way to become a more seasoned developer. Many of these bumps which you ...

2020-09-03 13:11:30 363

翻译 奎因莫克拉斯基方法_超越源代码奎因和自我复制

奎因莫克拉斯基方法The “Beyond the Source Code” series of posts will explore source code beyond its use as a set of instructions that direct a process or set of processes. We will dive in topics such as readabi...

2020-09-03 13:01:02 758

翻译 java中使用kotlin_使用流减少Java和Kotlin中的内存使用量

java中使用kotlinTLDR; Change how you fetch lists of information in your HTTP endpoints, and your application can often survive on 300–600MB of heap. Ours is usually somewhere between 200 and 350, though ...

2020-09-03 12:50:19 394

翻译 概述struts_进行概述

概述strutsGoogle Engineers — Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer and Ken Thompson — began the process of designing a statically typed programming language, in 2007, with the goal of creating a simplistic syntax ...

2020-09-01 11:11:38 119

翻译 git add 和git_git技巧和窍门,以改善您的git工作流程

git add 和git.gitkeep,GIT跳转,GIT日志,GIT存放,差异化(.gitkeep, GIT Jump, GIT Log, GIT Stash, diff-so-fancy)The Git system is a powerful tool for tracking source code changes. Commonly used by developers and pr...

2020-09-01 10:52:35 611

翻译 heroku_如何使用heroku和circleci自动执行nuxt js部署

herokuManually deploying a Nuxt project is pretty easy when teams are small. However, as projects and teams grow, they usually turn to continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) in their DevOps to ...

2020-09-01 10:43:09 383



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