我如何使用React Native和Node.js构建功能齐全的社交媒体应用程序

Over the last number of years concerns over the safe use of social media applications have featured our news feed in waves. Most recently, the ban of China’s TikTok and WeChat by the US government comes to mind, along with Facebook who have receive public scrutiny by governments and the public alike for its wrongful handling of private user data.

在过去的几年中,对安全使用社交媒体应用程序的关注使我们的新闻提要一浪高过一浪。 最近,美国政府对中国的TikTok和微信的禁令浮出水面,Facebook也因不当处理私人用户数据而受到政府和公众的公开审查。

So I decided to build my own social media application:


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SHARE is a is a full-featured cross-over between Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram, but with its own look & feel, and ready to be deployed by any person, company or organisation on their own private servers.


The realisation of this application took me on a journey through the unexplored, and this article I will talk in more detail about some of the most important decisions that helped make this application a reality.


Want to check out the app? Share is now live and available to test and purchase through this link.

是否想签出该应用程序? Share现在处于活动状态,可以通过此链接进行测试和购买。

选择合适的技术堆栈 (Selecting the right tech stack)

SHARE consists of a React Native supported mobile app that is connected to a NodeJS api server application. Selecting this technology stack was no overnight decision. Let me explain…

SHARE由连接到NodeJS api服务器应用程序的受React Native支持的移动应用程序组成。 选择这种技术栈并不是一朝一夕的决定。 让我解释…

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I was not always a React Native developer. Previously, I worked at a company developing custom Xamarin mobile applications for local businesses. During that period we sometimes discussed React Native between co-workers, which often lead to off-hand remarks, like:

我并不总是一个React Native开发人员。 在此之前,我曾在一家为本地企业开发自定义Xamarin移动应用程序的公司工作。 在此期间,我们有时会在同事之间讨论React Native,这常常导致一些不合时宜的言论,例如:

“Our applications need to function offline. I don’t believe it can be done with React Native.” → It can be done

“我们的应用程序需要脱机运行。 我不相信使用React Native可以做到。” → 可以做到

“We offer local notification. Is it possible with React Native?” → It is possible

“我们提供本地通知。 React Native可能吗?” → 有可能

“We separate data view models from view render logic. Is that even possible with React Native?” → Keep reading!

“我们将数据视图模型与视图渲染逻辑分开。 使用React Native甚至有可能吗?” → 继续阅读!

Meanwhile, our company had one guy developing our apps’s .Net core features, another guy writing the Android app and a third guy writing the iOS application. On top of that, Xamarin (non-XAML) still lacks hot-reloading capabilities and its documentation is dreadful.

同时,我们公司有一个人在开发我们应用程序的.Net核心功能,另一个人在编写Android应用程序,另一个人在编写iOS应用程序。 最重要的是,Xamarin(非XAML)仍然缺乏热重装功能,其文档令人恐惧。

There must be better ways to develop applications, is what I kept thinking . And so, being already familiar with React, I gave React Native a go.

我一直在想, 必须有更好的方法来开发应用程序 。 因此,已经熟悉React的我就去了React Native。

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This doesn’t have to be a three-men job

Working on SHARE brought back the fun of developing mobile applications. But what’s perhaps more interesting, using the

在SHARE上的工作带回了开发移动应用程序的乐趣。 但是,使用

MongoDB — Express — React-Native — NodeJS

MongoDB — Express — React-Native — NodeJS

tech stack turned what used to be a three-man job into a one-man job.


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首先完成前端,然后构建后端 (Complete the frontend first, then build out the backend)

Dipping your toes into full stack development for the first time, it is tempting to dive right into writing the frontend and backend code, all at the same time. You want to see those features that look beautiful on paper turned into reality.

第一次将您的脚趾浸入全栈开发中,很诱人地直接投入编写前端和后端代码的全部时间。 您想看到那些看起来很漂亮的功能变成现实。

I will argue this is a bad idea.


For me, the fun of developing is about creating beautiful screens, views and elements. It is about seeing the fruits of your labour and watching your app become reality.

对我来说,开发的乐趣在于创建漂亮的屏幕,视图和元素。 它是关于看到您的劳动成果并看着您的应用程序变为现实。

Dat feeling…

Each new screen boosts the believe that your app will soon become a reality.


Spending too much time thinking of backend solutions for backend problems therefore does not help to make that important initial progress. What it does do is distract from creating a prototype application that can be leveraged to:

因此,花太多时间思考后端问题的后端解决方案无助于取得如此重要的初步进展。 它所做的只是分散了创建原型应用程序的精力,该应用程序可用于:

  • Create a pool of beta testers to test your UI, features and collect feedback.

  • Initiate promotional efforts and bring together a community of potential buyers that you can turn to for your first sales once your final app is complete.

  • And perhaps most importantly, to focus on as few tasks as possible, which will dramatically improve the quality of your application and save you a lot of time and painful experiences later on.

Nobody likes badly written applications…

So if this means you need to create a bunch of dummy data to help you complete your frontend app more quickly, then that is what you should do.


In my case, once I finished the frontend application, I put it up for sale as a UI starter kit while I continued work on the backend app.


将显示与数据分开 (Separating displays from data)

Storing and transforming data and handling data calls in the SHARE mobile app is handled by Redux and Redux-Saga.


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Boilerplate code 样板代码

An often heard complaint about using Redux for storing data is the amount of boilerplate code that accompanies this type of setup.


In my view, what some see as boilerplate code could (and should) be considered as a useful way to distinguish between the app’s view layers on the one hand and its business logic (transferring, modifying and storing data) on the other.


This structure, which is also referred to as Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), is an accepted software architectural pattern by which data can be managed in a way independent from an application’s display logic.

这种结构,也称为Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM),是一种公认​​的软件体系结构模式,通过该模式可以独立于应用程序的显示逻辑来管理数据。

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How a React Native app separates displays from data handling
React Native应用如何将显示与数据处理分开

Each of the actions files, reducer files and saga files that support the Redux store are a great way to implement MVVM. Setting up this type of file structure helps achieve two important things:

支持Redux存储的每个action文件, reduce文件和saga文件都是实现MVVM的好方法。 设置这种类型的文件结构有助于实现以下两项重要任务:

  • Files are set up to focus on one important thing only. For example, a file with code to render a particular view will only contain references that impact how that particular view is rendered.

    设置文件仅专注于一件重要的事情。 例如,带有代码以呈现特定视图的文件将仅包含影响该特定视图呈现方式的引用。
  • An experienced developer opening any file in the application will know from the get-go what the purpose of that particular file is. This makes the application very manageable.

    有经验的开发人员在应用程序中打开任何文件都会从一开始就知道该特定文件的用途。 这使应用程序非常易于管理。
The type of situation we hope to avoid…

构建后端代码 (Structuring backend code)

Maintaining consistency in naming conventions is key in creating an easy to understand backend app that is easy to debug.


Consistency in the SHARE api server application contains a two-layered approach:

SHARE api服务器应用程序中的一致性包含两层方法:

  • All Models, Controllers and helper functions are referenced by the exact same names.


  • All ‘get’, ‘build’, ‘find’, and ‘delete’ functions are async and follow the same pattern.


The backend file structure almost exactly resembles how data models are set up on the frontend side.


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91.7% equality

What’s more, all Mongoose calls throughout the backend app are await-able. The general idea here is to avoid awfully long waterfall callback functions that seem to never end and are a pain to debug.

此外,整个后端应用程序中的所有Mongoose呼叫都可以等待。 这里的总体思路是避免冗长的瀑布回调函数,这些函数似乎永远不会结束,并且调试起来很麻烦。

An interesting article that I took inspiration from, lays out the benefits of transitioning from callbacks to async-await functions. Following this logic, all api request can now be traced following one simple model:

我从中得到启发的一篇有趣的文章阐述了从回调过渡到异步等待功能的好处。 按照这种逻辑,现在可以按照一个简单的模型跟踪所有api请求:

MobileApp API Call → Router → Controller → Service Helper (get/build/find/deleteFromRequest(req)) → Controller → MobileApp

MobileApp API调用→路由器→控制器→服务助手(get / build / find / deleteFromRequest(req))→控制器→MobileApp

With this model in mind, modifying and debugging the backend app has become a mostly painless experience.


着眼于听众发展 (Develop with your audience in mind)

Having zoomed in on the technical implementation of the SHARE app might raise the concern that the app may not be for non-developers. Nothing would be further from the truth.

放大SHARE应用程序的技术实施后,可能会引起关注,即该应用程序可能不适用于非开发人员。 事实与事实没有什么不同。

Anybody who can follow along with a clear set of step-by-step instructions will be able to install and deploy this application.


Is this you? No worries. I got you covered!
这是你吗? 别担心。 我被你盖住了!

For non programmers I created an app that is easy to customise, and includes customisation options, such as:


  • fonts, colors and style features

  • animation types

  • screen names

  • simple enabling or disabling of numerous app functionalities


For beginning programmers, I created an app that is full of code examples and best practices to learn any of the following:


  • How to create flexible, reusable, custom components with React Hooks and React Native.

    如何使用React Hooks和React Native创建灵活,可重用的自定义组件。
  • How to implement simple animations with React Native’s Animated component.

    如何使用React Native的Animated组件实现简单的动画。
  • How to apply Redux for state management.

  • How to avoid unwanted side effects that come with making simultaneous api calls.

  • How to structure a MongoDB supported backend application that is performant and easy to manage.

  • How to create a secure authentication flow with NodeJS.

  • How to upload, store and display images and videos with NodeJS and third-party image storage.

  • and lots more.


For advanced programmers, I created an app containing code with a clear and simple structure, that is easily understood, and simple to modify or extend with additional features.


In the end, it is up to you to decide if this app is right for you. I had fun and learned some useful new skills developing this application, which for me is (nearly) as important as selling you on this app.

最后,由您决定此应用程序是否适合您。 我玩得很开心,并学到了一些开发此应用程序的有用的新技能,对我来说,这与在此应用程序上卖给您一样重要。

And if you do decide to purchase SHARE, I would happily assist you with any issues you might face in the process of installing, deploying and testing your application.


And last but not least, do remember to give my app a try! Thanks for reading!

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,请记住尝试一下我的应用程序 ! 谢谢阅读!

普通英语JavaScript (JavaScript In Plain English)

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翻译自: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/how-i-built-a-full-featured-social-media-application-with-react-native-and-nodejs-6b7179858a69

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