
Editor’s Note: Making mistakes is a part of getting programming right; that’s why we use feedback loops. Liz Keogh is a Lean and Agile expert, well-known blogger and international speaker with more than 20 years of experience in coaching and organizational transformation, and that’s why we are sharing her piece from 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know with you here. Correct us if we’re wrong.

编者注: 犯错是正确编程的一部分; 这就是为什么我们使用反馈循环。 Liz Keogh是一位精益和敏捷专家,著名博客作者和国际演讲者,在教练和组织变革方面拥有20多年的经验,这就是我们在这里分享 每个Java程序员应该知道的97件事 的原因 如果我们错了,请纠正我们。

  • Because our product managers don’t know what they want, they find out from the customers. They sometimes get this wrong.

    因为我们的产品经理不知道他们想要什么,所以他们从客户那里找出来。 他们有时会弄错。
  • Because our product managers don’t know everything about systems, they invite other experts to become stakeholders in the project. The stakeholders get it wrong.

    因为我们的产品经理并不了解系统的所有知识,所以他们邀请其他专家成为项目的利益相关者。 利益相关者弄错了。
  • Because I don’t know what to code, I find out from our product managers. We sometimes get this wrong.

    因为我不知道编码什么,所以我从我们的产品经理那里找到了。 有时我们会弄错。
  • Because I make mistakes while writing code, I work with an IDE. My IDE corrects me when I’m wrong.

    因为我在编写代码时出错,所以我使用IDE。 错误时,我的IDE会纠正我。
  • Because I make mistakes in understanding the existing code, I use a statically typed language. The compiler corrects me when I’m wrong.

    因为在理解现有代码时会犯错误,所以我使用静态类型的语言。 错误时,编译器会纠正我。
  • Because I make mistakes while thinking, I work with a pair. My pair corrects me when I’m wrong.

    因为我在思考时会犯错误,所以我与他人一起工作。 当我错了时,我的一对纠正我。
  • Because my pair is human and also makes mistakes, we write unit tests. Our unit tests correct us when we’re wrong.

    因为我俩是人,而且还会犯错误,所以我们编写了单元测试。 当我们错了时,我们的单元测试可以纠正我们。
  • Because we have a team that is also coding, we integrate with their code. Our code won’t compile if we’re wrong.

    因为我们有一个也在编码的团队,所以我们将他们的代码集成在一起。 如果我们写错了,我们的代码将无法编译。
  • Because our team makes mistakes, we write acceptance tests that exercise the whole system. Our acceptance tests will fail if we’re wrong.

    因为我们的团队犯了错误,所以我们编写了验收测试来测试整个系统。 如果我们做错了,我们的验收测试将失败。
  • Because we make mistakes writing acceptance tests, we get three amigos together to talk through them. Our amigos will tell us if we’re wrong.

    因为我们在编写验收测试时犯了错误,所以我们将三个朋友一起讨论了。 我们的朋友会告诉我们我们是否错了。
  • Because we forget to run the acceptance tests, we get our build to run them for us. Our build will tell us if we’re wrong.

    因为我们忘记了运行验收测试,所以我们得到了为我们运行它们的构建。 我们的版本会告诉我们是否错误。
  • Because we didn’t think of every scenario, we get testers to explore the system. Testers will tell us if it’s wrong.

    因为我们没有考虑所有情况,所以让测试人员来探索系统。 测试人员会告诉我们是否错误。
  • Because we only made it work on Henry’s laptop, we deploy the system to a realistic environment. The tests will tell us if it’s wrong.

    因为我们仅使它能在Henry的笔记本电脑上工作,所以我们将系统部署到现实的环境中。 测试会告诉我们是否错误。
  • Because we sometimes misunderstand our product manager and other stakeholders, we showcase the system. Our stakeholders will tell us if we’re wrong.

    由于我们有时会误解我们的产品经理和其他利益相关者,因此我们展示了该系统。 如果我们错了,我们的利益相关者会告诉我们。
  • Because our product manager sometimes misunderstands the people that want the system, we put the system in production. The people who want it tell us if we’re wrong.

    由于我们的产品经理有时会误解需要系统的人员,因此我们将系统投入生产。 想要它的人告诉我们我们错了。
  • Because people notice things going wrong more than things going right, we don’t just rely on opinions. We use analytics and data. The data will tell us if we’re wrong.

    因为人们注意到问题出在哪里而不是事情在做对,所以我们不仅仅依靠观点。 我们使用分析和数据。 数据会告诉我们我们是否错了。
  • Because the market keeps changing, even if we were right before, eventually we’ll be wrong.

  • Because it costs money to get it wrong, we do all these things as often as we can. That way we are only ever a little bit wrong.

    由于花钱弄错了钱,所以我们会尽可能多地做所有这些事情。 这样,我们只会犯一点错误。
  • Don’t worry about getting it right. Worry about how you’ll know it’s wrong, and how easy it will be to fix when you find out. Because it’s probably wrong.

    不用担心正确。 担心您怎么会知道这是错误的,发现后修复起来会很容易。 因为这可能是错误的。
  • It’s OK to be wrong.


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Liz Keogh is a Lean and Agile consultant based in London. She is a well-known blogger and international speaker, a core member of the BDD community, and a passionate advocate of the Cynefin framework and its ability to change mindsets. She has a strong technical background with 20 years of experience in delivering value and coaching others to deliver, from small start-ups to global enterprises. Most of her work now focuses on Lean, Agile, and organizational transformations, and the use of transparency, positive language, well-formed outcomes, and safe-to-fail experiments in making change innovative, easy, and fun.

Liz Keogh是伦敦的精益和敏捷顾问。 她是著名的博客作者和国际发言人,是BDD社区的核心成员,并且是Cynefin框架及其改变思维方式的热情倡导者。 她拥有强大的技术背景,从小型初创企业到跨国企业,在提供价值和指导他人交付方面拥有20年的经验。 现在,她的大部分工作都集中在精益,敏捷和组织变革上,以及使用透明度,积极的语言,格式正确的结果以及通过失败进行的安全试验来使创新具有创新性,轻松性和乐趣性。

翻译自: https://medium.com/oreillymedia/feedback-loops-d5715bc2b31

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