js 子节点父节点兄弟节点_什么是节点js和您应该了解的其他内容

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Whether you have recently started learning Node.js or thinking about using it in your next project, this blog will help you in understanding the main reasons why it has become so popular, and the use cases of Node.js that you can implement for better opportunities.


Node.js is an open source, cross platform Javascript run-time environment for running web applications outside the client’s browser.


That fits in a basic scenario while creating a web application, like this -


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The usage of Node.js is not only limited to building web applications, but also for implementing various kinds of services.


  • Microservices

  • Developing API

  • Backends and servers

  • Scripting and automation

  • Frontends


The ethos of Node.js is that it uses an asynchronous, event-driven, and non-blocking I/O model. This creates lightweight and efficient real-time applications that run across distributed devices — perfect for data intensive applications.

Node.js的精神在于它使用了异步的,事件驱动的且非阻塞的I / O模型。 这将创建可在分布式设备上运行的轻量级高效实时应用程序-非常适合数据密集型应用程序。

I know you didn’t come here after escaping the never-ending research loop only to get stuck again with event-driven, asynchronous, and other jargon.


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Let’s get to the basics to understand how these terms are solving age old problems — and also are the main reason why Node.js is heavily used among programmers and companies today.


Here’s where Node.js shines


单线程 (Single Threading)

Traditional web-serving techniques use each connection (request) to spawn a new thread (the time and resources to execute a small unit of instructions). This takes up system RAM and eventually maxing-out at the amount of RAM available.

传统的Web服务技术使用每个连接(请求)生成一个新线程(执行一小段指令的时间和资源)。 这将占用系统RAM,并最终以可用RAM量最大化。

Whereas, Node.js environment is carried out by one computer processing thread that runs through a queue of events.


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That’s because Node.js is single threaded that executes each event one by one in that queue. And you also don’t have to start a new thread for every new user and make them wait.

这是因为Node.js是单线程的,它在该队列中一个接一个地执行每个事件。 而且,您也不必为每个新用户启动新线程并让他们等待。

非阻塞I / O模型 (Non-blocking I/O model)

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Image credit: Luminousmen.com

图片来源: Luminousmen.com

I/O refers to input/output. It can be anything ranging from making an HTTP request to an API, to reading/writing local files.

I / O是指输入/输出。 从发出HTTP请求到API到读取/写入本地文件,范围可以是任何东西。

I/O takes time and hence blocks other functions.

I / O需要时间,因此会阻塞其他功能。

Node.js is non-blocking I/O, which means:

Node.js是非阻塞I / O,这意味着:

  • The server will keep attending requests.

  • The main thread will not be blocked in I/O operations.

    主线程不会在I / O操作中被阻止。

You can initiate the requests of 2 users in parallel without waiting for the response to the request for the first user. This non-blocking I/O eliminates the need for multi-threading since the server can handle multiple requests at the same time- making the whole process fast and scalable.

您可以并行启动2个用户的请求,而无需等待对第一个用户的请求的响应。 这种无阻塞的I / O消除了对多线程的需求,因为服务器可以同时处理多个请求,从而使整个过程快速且可扩展。

异步请求处理 (Asynchronous request handling)

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An app database can be crashed with a huge data load.


Receiving a high amount of concurrent data can make the database congested and result in the crash of the application. Also, it becomes expensive to queue data and maintains concurrency because of the huge data load.

接收大量并发数据会使数据库拥塞并导致应用程序崩溃。 而且,由于巨大的数据负载,排队数据和维护并发变得昂贵。

The asynchronous nature of Node.js helps in handling huge data load.


Asynchronous processing allows requests to be processed without blocking the thread. This helps Node.js make the most of single threading, resulting in short response time.

异步处理允许在不阻塞线程的情况下处理请求。 这有助于Node.js充分利用单线程,从而缩短响应时间。

Due to its single-threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous nature, Node.js is a popular choice for video conferences, chats, online gaming, or any solution that requires constantly updated data.


And that’s what leads to our next section of existing use cases of Node.js.


Node.js中流行的用例机会 (Popular use case opportunities in Node.js)

Node.js stands out for its speed, intensive data exchange, application scalability, etc. and that is why it has been used by NASA, Netflix, Paypal and other companies.


Below are the examples of when Node.js can and should be used:


1.聊天/聊天机器人: (1. Chats/Chatbots:)

The chat application is a popular example of Node.js. It helps in creating a data-intensive (but low processing/computation), high traffic, lightweight application that runs across distributed devices.

聊天应用程序是Node.js的流行示例。 它有助于创建在分布式设备上运行的数据密集型(但处理/计算量低),高流量,轻量级的应用程序。

2.微服务: (2. Microservices:)

When building and deploying microservices solutions, Node.js is the technology of choice. Companies are using two frameworks for microservice architecture. The restify is used by npm and Netflix, while the Express framework lists Uber and IBM among its users.

在构建和部署微服务解决方案时,Node.js是首选技术。 公司正在使用两种微服务架构框架。 Restify由npm和Netflix使用,而Express框架在其用户中列出了Uber和IBM。

Whereas, Walmart’s shift to microservices architecture with Node.js resulted in saving up to 40% on hardware and 20–50% on overall operations.


3.数据流 (3. Data streaming)

Netflix chose Node.js for application scalability and intensive data exchange.


Node.js helps in processing files while they’re still being uploaded, as the data comes in through a stream and we can process it in an online fashion. This could be done for real-time video or audio encoding and proxying between different data sources.

Node.js可帮助处理仍在上传的文件,因为数据是通过流输入的,我们可以在线方式对其进行处理。 可以为不同数据源之间的实时视频或音频编码和代理完成此操作。

4.实时数据 (4. Real time data)

There is a need to plan out extra resources to execute all the operations without failing to meet any service-level agreements if your web app is running live 24 x 7.

如果您的Web应用全天候运行7 x 7,则需要计划额外的资源来执行所有操作,而又不满足任何服务级别协议。

Node.js is a good fit for building real-time web apps by using push technology over web sockets (a two-way communication between the clients and servers).


Some applications function within a time frame that the users recognize as current and immediate. For example, collaborative web apps (Trello, Google Docs), live chat, instant messaging, and online gaming are real-time apps that benefit from Node.js architecture.

某些应用程序在用户识别为当前和立即的时间范围内运行。 例如,协作Web应用程序(Trello,Google Docs),实时聊天,即时消息传递和在线游戏都是受益于Node.js架构的实时应用程序。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

In conclusion, if your use case does not access any blocking resources nor contain CPU intensive operations, you can exploit the benefits of Node.js and enjoy scalable and fast network applications.


If you want to enter into the realm of real-time web or create a data intensive application with Node.js, Contact us.


Originally published at https://blog.galaxyweblinks.com on August 11, 2020.

最初于 2020年8月11日 发布在 https://blog.galaxyweblinks.com 上。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@Galaxy_Weblinks/what-is-node-js-and-other-things-you-should-know-about-it-d864e2f296c6

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