

Let me begin by introducing myself. If you’re here for the tips alone, you can skip this part.

让我开始自我介绍。 如果您仅在这里使用提示,则可以跳过此部分。

I have been working as a Software Developer for the past one and a half year. I do not have Engineering or Maths background. In fact I have done my graduation in Sociology. One fine day I happened to watch a video that said why everyone should learn coding. And that’s all. That’s how I started. I had no intentions of switching careers. I just kept learning for the fun of it! 😊

在过去的一年半中,我一直担任软件开发人员。 我没有工程或数学背景。 实际上,我已经完成了社会学专业的毕业。 碰巧的一天,我偶然观看了一段录像,说为何每个人都应该学习编码 。 就这样。 我就是这样开始的。 我无意转行。 我只是一直在学习乐趣! 😊

While learning to code, I documented my journey. I have posted extensively on Instagram. I wrote blogs. I created elaborate posts. Still I used to get lots of messages asking for some guidance. And then, when I was away from Instagram for couple of months, on returning I founds lots of messages asking the same thing.

在学习编码的同时,我记录了自己的旅程。 我已经在Instagram上广泛发布过。 我写了博客。 我创建了详尽的帖子。 仍然我经常收到很多消息,要求一些指导。 然后,当我离开Instagram几个月后,回来后我发现很多消息问同样的事情。

So here I am once again, sharing some practical tips instead of resources on how to do it and do it properly ;) Honestly, the same tips can be applied while learning anything in any field. Because there is no one size fits all for something as unique as each human being. :)

因此,我再次在这里分享一些实用的技巧,而不是共享有关如何做和正确做事的资源;)老实说,在学习任何领域的任何知识时都可以应用相同的技巧。 因为没有任何一种尺寸能像每个人一样适合所有事物。 :)

No secret :)

第1步:学习编程基础 (Step 1: Learn the basics of programming)

There is no getting around this one. If you’ve never written a computer program, if you don’t know what a for loop is, you need to first learn the basic concepts of programming. Almost all languages have these common. Data types, variables, loop, conditionals and functions.

没有解决这一问题。 如果您从未编写过计算机程序,或者您不知道什么是for循环,则需要首先学习编程的基本概念。 几乎所有语言都有这些共同点。 数据类型,变量,循环,条件和函数。

Tip: Do not worry about language at this point. It doesn’t matter and it wont ever matter. Just start somewhere. Find a course that you like and get going. There are many free courses on YouTube. EdX, Coursera offer a lot of these.

提示:现在不必担心语言。 没关系,也不会有关系。 刚开始的地方。 找到您喜欢的课程并开始。 YouTube上有许多免费课程。 EdX,Coursera提供了许多此类服务。

Optional step: If you want to become a web developer, learn HTML and CSS. Again a lot of free resources., thenetninja on YouTube or if you don’t mind investing money, courses by Jonas Schmedtmann are 🔥

可选步骤:如果要成为Web开发人员,请学习HTML和CSS。 再次有大量的免费资源。 FreeCodeCamp.orgthenetninja在YouTube上,或者如果你不介意的投入资金,通过课程乔纳斯Schmedtmann是🔥

步骤2:建立专案 (Step 2: Build projects)

I know it sounds intimidating but this is not optional. Find project walk throughs. Copy the instructor as you go along. Try to understand why he’s doing what he’s doing. If and when you don’t understand ask questions…

我知道这听起来令人生畏,但这不是可选的。 查找项目演练。 进行过程中复制教师。 尝试了解他为什么要做什么。 如果您不懂,什么时候问…

步骤3:提出问题 (Step 3: Ask questions)

A lot of them. Why developers do things that seems unnecessary to you. Why switch statement is being used instead of if else. Learn to Google questions. Frame them properly. Don’t just ask ‘my program doesn’t work’. No matter how experienced the developer is, he can’t help you with ‘not working program’

很多。 为什么开发人员执行您似乎不需要的事情。 为什么要使用switch语句而不是其他语句。 向Google学习问题。 正确构图。 不要只是问“我的程序不起作用”。 无论开发人员多么有经验,他都无法为您提供“无法正常工作的程序”的帮助

on that note..


Tip: Get yourself a mentor. There are many developers who are willing to help/ mentor newbies. But the same rule applies, ask proper detailed questions, prove that you’re here for the knowledge and not to get the easy solution

提示:为自己找一位导师。 有很多开发人员愿意帮助/指导新手。 但是,同样的规则适用,提出适当的详细问题,证明您在这里只是为了获取知识,而不是获得简单的解决方案

You’re welcome :)

别客气 :)

步骤4:建立专案 (Step 4: Build projects)

This time, find something to build. Anything. It could be the millionth Todo list. But once you start a project on your own, you will face issues you never knew about. This is where the actual learning starts! Do not get caught in tutorial purgatory. Learn the basics, just enough to write a function with expected output. For example, if you’re learning web development, learning how to grab a DOM element (also knowing what DOM is) and manipulating it is enough. From then on wards, it is all about Googling what you need done and exactly how to do it.

这次,找到一些要建造的东西。 没事 这可能是第百万个待办事项清单。 但是,一旦您自己开始一个项目,您将面临从未知道的问题。 这是实际学习的起点! 不要陷入炼狱教程。 学习基础知识,足以编写具有预期输出的函数。 例如,如果您正在学习Web开发,那么学习如何获取DOM元素(也知道DOM是什么)并进行操作就足够了。 从那时起,这就是谷歌搜索您需要做的事情以及确切的操作方法。

Tip: Document your journey. Write blog posts, Instagram it or whatever the latest thing. Connect with fellow learners. You’ll realise that you’re not alone. And that always helps 🤗

提示:记录您的旅程。 撰写博客文章,Instagram或任何最新的东西。 与其他学习者联系。 您会意识到自己并不孤单。 这总是有帮助的

步骤5:学习高级编程概念 (Step 5: Learn advance programming concepts)

This is where you may concern yourself with a language. Learn about programming paradigms, compilation vs interpretation, what is run time, (in JavaScript..) what is hoisting, currying, closure and lot of other fancy words for the concepts you’ve implemented.

在这里,您可能会担心自己的语言。 了解编程范例,编译与解释,什么是运行时,(在JavaScript中..)什么是您已实现的概念的起吊,弯曲,闭合和许多其他花哨的词。

And you’re done! It’s that simple!

大功告成! 就这么简单!

Image for post
Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash
Ali YahyaUnsplash拍摄的照片

But before that it is also equally important to not do a few things..


  1. Compare your journey to someone else’s. I know self taught developers who took 3 months and then there are those who took 2 years. You’re on your own unique path. Just keep swimmin’ 🐠

    将您的旅程与其他人的旅程进行比较。 我知道自学开发人员花了3个月,然后有一些人花了2年。 您正走在自己独特的道路上。 保持游泳
  2. Do not spend hours and hours or days on finding the perfect course or perfect teacher. Everyone has a different learning/ teaching style. Find someone good enough for now and just start.

    不要花费数小时或数天或数天的时间来寻找理想的课程或理想的老师。 每个人都有不同的学习/教学风格。 现在找到一个足够好的人,然后开始。
  3. Do not think yourself as less than anyone else when you find yourself searching certain things over and over again, forgetting the syntax of something, or when for the first time you’ll spend one hour/ entire day solving an issue that was just a missing semicolon. We all have been there and still sometime face the same issues.

    当您发现自己一遍又一遍地搜索某些事物,忘记某些事物的语法时,或者当您第一次花一个小时/一整天的时间来解决一个缺失的问题时,请不要认为自己比其他任何人都少分号。 我们都去过那里,但有时仍然面临着同样的问题。

Just remember, programming is not about the language you choose, what OS you use or what fancy projects you’ve made. If you can solve a given problem, you’re a programmer.

请记住,编程与选择的语言,使用的操作系统或制作的项目无关。 如果您可以解决给定的问题,那么您就是程序员。

These are all the resources I have used and will recommend 100% 🌻


Click here if you’re interested in reading about my journey :)

如果您有兴趣阅读有关我的旅程的信息,请单击此处 :)

Good luck ❤ 🍀








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