

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to be investment advice. Also full disclosure, I own stock in Domino’s pizza. If you don’t want to read the entire article, here’s a summary.

免责声明:本文并非旨在提供投资建议。 同样充分披露,我拥有多米诺比萨饼的股票。 如果您不想阅读整篇文章,请参考以下摘要。

多米诺的股价 (Domino’s stock price)

The best performing stock of the 2010s is not what you probably would have guessed. It wasn’t Google, Apple, Amazon, or Facebook. It was actually Domino’s Pizza. If you invested $10,000 in Domino’s back at the beginning of 2010, you would now have more than $445,000 today.

您可能不会猜到2010年代表现最佳的股票。 不是Google,Apple,Amazon或Facebook。 实际上是多米诺比萨饼。 如果您在2010年初在Domino的背上投资了10,000美元,那么现在您将拥有超过44.5万美元。

It might be surprising that Domino’s has done so well. After all, there are definitely better restaurants out there. While most people know that Domino’s is great at delivery, you probably would expect actual tech companies like Doordash and Uber Eats to be better at executing. So let’s explore some of the reasons Domino’s did so well in the last decade and see what the company can teach us.

Domino的表现如此出色可能令人惊讶。 毕竟,那里肯定有更好的餐厅。 尽管大多数人都知道Domino的交付能力很强,但是您可能希望Doordoor和Uber Eats这样的实际技术公司在执行方面会更好。 因此,让我们探究Domino在过去十年中取得如此出色的一些原因,看看该公司可以教给我们什么。

Domino在2010年如何扭转局面 (How Domino’s turned things around in 2010)

In 2010, Domino’s stock was doing terrible. Part of it was general market conditions. The stock market as a whole had taken a huge hit due to the Great Recession.

在2010年,Domino的股票表现糟糕。 部分原因是一般的市场状况。 由于大萧条,整个股市受到了巨大冲击。

But Domino’s had its own problems. The company had been focused on convenience and low cost for years. That means by 2010, they were using low-quality ingredients and their pizza ended up tasting like garbage. Domino’s brand was so toxic that in tests, customers rated pizza worse if they knew it was from Domino’s than if they didn’t know at all.

但是多米诺有自己的问题。 该公司多年来一直致力于便利性和低成本。 这意味着到2010年,他们使用的是劣质原料,他们的披萨最终像垃圾一样品尝。 多米诺骨牌的品牌是如此有毒,以至于在测试中,如果客户知道比萨饼是从多米诺骨牌生产出来的,那他们对比萨的评价要比他们根本不知道的差。

Domino’s realized that the best way to deal with this problem was just to be open and honest. The company ran a big ad campaign where they admitted that their pizza was awful and told the world they would do better.

Domino意识到解决此问题的最佳方法就是坦诚相待。 该公司开展了一个大型广告活动,他们承认自己的披萨糟透了,并告诉全世界他们会做得更好。

It seems like the campaign paid off. It took about 7 years, but after publicly admitting how badly it failed, Domino’s became the biggest pizza company in America in terms of market share.

这次竞选似乎很成功。 花了大约7年的时间,但是在公开承认失败的严重程度之后,就市场份额而言,多米诺骨牌已成为美国最大的比萨公司。

Domino's:一家提供披萨的科技公司 (Domino’s: A tech company that delivers pizza)

Now, Domino’s has 50% of the pizza delivery market, compared to 29% for Pizza Hut and 21% for Papa John’s. But honestly, taste alone does not explain why Domino’s is doing so well. Again, it’s not as if its pizza is so amazing that it’s obviously better than any competitor. What does set Domino’s apart is how its used technology.

现在,Domino's拥有披萨外卖市场的50% ,相比之下,必胜客为29%,而Papa John's为21%。 但老实说,仅凭口味并不能解释为什么Domino的表现如此出色。 再说一次,这并不是说比萨饼太神奇了,以至于显然比任何竞争对手都要好。 Domino的与众不同之处在于其使用的技术。

Domino’s former CEO once described it as “a tech company that sells pizza”. Domino’s invested more heavily in tech than anyone else in the space. It was the first company to deliver a pizza by drone. It even has delivery cars with built-in ovens. Companies like Pizza Hut, could not keep up with this pace of innovation, especially since they had long been focused on customers eating inside the restaurant and not delivery.

多米诺骨牌公司的前首席执行官曾经将其描述为“一家出售比萨饼的科技公司”。 Domino对该技术的投入比该领域的任何其他人都多。 这是第一家用无人机运送披萨的公司。 它甚至有带内置烤箱的送货车。 必胜客之类的公司无法跟上这种创新步伐,特别是因为他们长期以来一直专注于在餐厅内用餐而不是外卖的顾客。

But the biggest competitive advantage that Domino’s has is how convenient it is for customers to both place and track a delivery order.


为什么Domino的交付如此简单 (Why Domino’s delivery is so easy)

Back when I was in college, I used to love ordering from Domino’s. There were plenty of other options available. But Domino’s was super convenient. I never loved the pizza, but I knew I was getting a cheap and solid meal that would be at my house fast.

上大学时,我曾经喜欢从Domino的订单。 还有很多其他选择。 但是Domino超级方便。 我从不爱吃披萨,但我知道我会得到便宜又扎实的饭菜,很快就会在我家吃。

There were some features Domino’s had for placing an order that I never used. For example, when a customer sets up a profile on Domino’s website, all they would have to do is text a pizza emoji to Domino’s to get their favorite pizza delivered. Domino’s was also a pioneer in allowing customers to place orders through their mobile app voice assistant.

Domino拥有一些我从未使用过的订单的功能。 例如,当客户在Domino网站上建立个人资料时,他们所要做的就是将比萨表情符号发短信到Domino上,以交付他们最喜欢的比萨。 Domino's还是允许客户通过其移动应用语音助手下订单的先驱。

None of that really mattered to me. The biggest reason why I liked ordering from Domino’s is that I never had to wonder how long it would take for the delivery guy to actually get to my house. I could track all of this on my laptop.

这些对我来说都不重要。 我之所以喜欢从Domino's订购,最大的原因是,我从来没有想过送货员实际要花多长时间才能到达我家。 我可以在笔记本电脑上跟踪所有这些信息。

多米诺如何消除不确定性 (How Domino’s kills uncertainty)

If you’ve ever ordered Domino’s pizza, you know that the company shows a “Pizza Tracker” online. It’s a little progress bar that shows you the status of your order. You can see whether your pizza is being prepped, baked, or if it’s out for delivery.

如果您曾经订购过Domino的比萨饼,那么您就会知道该公司在网上显示了“ Pizza Tracker”。 这是一个小的进度条,向您显示订单状态。 您可以查看您的披萨是否正在准备,烘焙或是否正在交付中。

This Pizza Tracker makes the entire delivery experience way better for one reason: it eliminates uncertainty, an emotion that humans are hardwired to hate.


Uber actually has the same advantage in the rideshare market. In his book Alchemy, Rory Sutherland argues that Uber was so successful because the company was better than the taxi industry at eliminating uncertainty. Twenty years ago, if you called a taxi to the airport, you would not be sure how much time you had to be ready and would constantly have to leave your house just to check if the driver had already shown up. With Uber, there’s no need for all this. You just check your app to see how much time you have left.

优步在乘车市场上实际上具有相同的优势。 罗里·萨瑟兰(Rory Sutherland)在他的《 炼金术》一书中指出,优步之所以如此成功,是因为该公司在消除不确定性方面比出租车行业要好​​。 二十年前,如果您打车去机场,您将不确定要准备多少时间,并且经常不得不离开家,只是要检查驾驶员是否已经出现。 有了Uber,就不需要所有这些。 您只需检查您的应用即可查看还剩多少时间。

Domino’s makes ordering pizza just as easy. There’s no uncertainty for you as you sit in your house and wonder whether the delivery guy is actually going to show up before you’re planning to go to sleep. All you have to do is check the Pizza Tracker.

多米诺骨牌(Domino's)使得订购比萨同样容易。 当您坐在家里,想知道送货员是否真的要出现在您打算睡觉之前,这对您来说并不确定。 您所要做的就是检查Pizza Tracker。

Uber Eats and Doordash can’t offer the same amount of convenience in ordering and tracking that Domino’s does. Unlike Domino’s, they don’t own the restaurants that make the food, so they can’t show what stage your food is during the cooking process. Even other pizza companies like Pizza Hut have similar problems since they work with third-parties for delivery.

Uber Eats和Doordash在订购和跟踪Domino时无法提供同样的便利。 与多米诺骨牌餐厅不同,他们没有餐厅做饭,因此他们无法显示烹饪过程中您的食物处于哪个阶段。 甚至像必胜客这样的其他比萨公司也有类似的问题,因为它们与第三方合作进行交付。

多米诺骨牌如何使客户满意 (How Domino’s makes customers happy)

Another big advantage that Domino’s has is its focus on customer happiness. While every company has some bullshit mission statement where they claim to be “focused on the customer”, Domino’s isn’t all talk. The company’s policy empowers all of its workers to take whatever action they need to take to satisfy customers, with no need for a manager to get involved.

Domino's的另一个大优势是其关注客户满意度。 尽管每家公司都有一些胡说八道的使命宣言,他们声称自己“专注于客户”,但Domino并不是所有人都在谈论。 公司的政策赋予其所有员工以采取所需的任何行动来满足客户的要求,而无需经理介入。

This same strategy works great for Amazon. If you’ve ever dealt with Amazon customer service, you know how easy it is to get an order refunded. They’ll usually ask you one or two questions and then either give your money back or resend you the order. It’s important to remember that Jeff Bezos doesn’t do this out of the kindness of his heart. He does it because he knows it only takes one bad experience for someone to stop using Amazon forever.

同样的策略对亚马逊也非常有用。 如果您曾经与Amazon客户服务部门打过交道,那么您就会知道退款很容易。 他们通常会问您一个或两个问题,然后退还您的钱或重新发送订单。 重要的是要记住,杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)并不是出于他内心的善良。 他之所以这样做,是因为他知道某人永远停止使用亚马逊只需要一次糟糕的经历。

Domino’s seems to share Jeff Bezos’s philosophy. However, its competitors in the delivery market can’t do the same thing. If you get a bad meal from Uber Eats, your options are limited. Uber Eats only refunds you if you had missing or incorrect items. Since Uber doesn’t actually own the restaurants, employees can’t do things like provide an extra side if an order is late.

多米诺骨牌似乎分享了杰夫·贝索斯的哲学。 但是,其在交付市场上的竞争对手却做不到同样的事情。 如果您从Uber Eats吃不好的一餐,那么您的选择就有限了。 如果您丢失或不正确的物品,Uber Eats仅退款给您。 由于Uber实际上不是餐厅的所有者,因此员工不能做任何事情,例如在订单延迟时提供额外的支持。

But that’s not the only way Domino’s makes customers happier. Domino’s also uses customer data to offer better experiences, which again is just like Amazon. Just as you see personalized shopping recommendations when you log in to your Amazon account, you see different coupons and deals in your Domino’s app based on the actions of customers with similar characteristics.

但这不是Domino's使客户快乐的唯一途径。 Domino's还使用客户数据来提供更好的体验,这再次类似于Amazon。 就像您登录到Amazon帐户时看到个性化的购物建议一样,您会基于具有相似特征的客户的行为在Domino应用程序中看到不同的优惠券和交易。

结论 (In conclusion)

I still don’t think Domino’s pizza is that great. It’s true the work that Domino’s did to fix taste made a big difference in how the brand was perceived. But at the end of the day, it’s not really about the pizza. It’s about selling the best possible delivery experience anyone could ask for. Because the company owns the process from start-to-finish, invests heavily in tech, and is focused on the customer, it managed to win big.

我仍然认为Domino的披萨没那么好。 的确,多米诺(Domino)致力于改善品味的工作对品牌的认知产生了很大的影响。 但归根结底,这与披萨无关。 这是关于出售任何人可能要求的最佳交付体验。 由于该公司拥有从头到尾的流程,在技术上进行了大量投资,并且以客户为关注焦点,因此赢得了巨大的成功。

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Originally published at https://sundayspecial.substack.com.

最初发布在 https://sundayspecial.substack.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/@dhirajsundayspecial/was-dominos-the-best-tech-company-of-the-2010s-ef44576368bc


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