

As part of the MagicLab family, one of my main projects was involved in the team that created Reaktive library — Reaktive Extensions on pure Kotlin.


In the case of Kotlin Multiplatform I discovered that continuous integration and continuous delivery require additional configuration. You need to have multiple virtual machines with different operating systems in order to build a library. In this article I’ll be showing you how to configure continuous delivery for your Kotlin Multiplatform library.

对于Kotlin Multiplatform,我发现持续集成和持续交付需要额外的配置。 您需要具有多个具有不同操作系统的虚拟机才能构建库。 在本文中,我将向您展示如何为Kotlin Multiplatform库配置连续交付。

开源库的持续集成和持续交付 (Continuous integration and continuous delivery for open-source libraries)

Continuous integration and continuous delivery have been part of the open-source communities for a long time as they offer a number of useful services. Many of them provide their services for open-source projects completely free of charge: Travis CI, JitPack, CircleCI, Microsoft Azure Pipelines and also GitHub Actions, which launched recently.

长期以来,持续集成和持续交付一直是开源社区的一部分,因为它们提供了许多有用的服务。 他们中的许多人完全免费为开源项目提供服务:Travis CI,JitPack,CircleCI,Microsoft Azure Pipelines以及最近启动的GitHub Actions。

For Badoo open-source projects for Android we use Travis CI for continuous integration and JitPack for continuous delivery.

对于Android的Badoo开源项目,我们使用Travis CI进行持续集成,并使用JitPack进行持续交付。

Following implementation of iOS support in our multi-platform library, I discovered that we couldn’t build the library using JitPack, because it doesn’t provide virtual machines on macOS (iOS can only be built on macOS).


So, a more familiar Bintray was chosen for further publication of the library. It allows published artifacts to be more finely tuned, unlike JitPack, which simply took all of the results of the publishToMavenLocal task.

因此,选择了更熟悉的Bintray来进一步发布该库。 与JitPack不同,它允许对发布的工件进行更精细的调整,而JitPack只是获取publishToMavenLocal任务的所有结果。

The Gradle Bintray Plugin is recommended for publishing, and I later configured to suit our needs. To build the project, I continued to use Travis CI for several reasons: firstly, I was already familiar with it and I had used it for nearly all of my pet projects; secondly, it provides virtual machines on macOS, which is necessary for building for iOS.

建议发布Gradle Bintray插件,我后来对其进行了配置以满足我们的需求。 为了构建该项目,出于以下几个原因,我继续使用Travis CI:首先,我已经熟悉它,并且几乎在我的所有宠物项目中都使用了它。 其次,它在macOS上提供虚拟机,这对于构建iOS是必需的。

并行构建多平台库 (Parallel building of multiplatform library)

If you look at the Kotlin documentation in detail, you will find a section on publishing multiplatform libraries.


Kotlin Multiplatform developers are aware of the multiplatform building issues (not everything can be built on all operating systems) and offer the option of building the library separately on different operating systems.


kotlin {
// Note that the Kotlin metadata is here, too.
// The mingwx64() target is automatically skipped as incompatible in Linux builds.
configure([targets["metadata"], jvm(), js()]) {
mavenPublication { targetPublication ->
.matching { it.publication == targetPublication }
.all { onlyIf { findProperty("isLinux") == "true" } }

As the code above shows, depending on the ‘isLinux’ property passed to Gradle, we enable the publishing of certain targets. By targets I mean the assembly for a specific platform. On Windows, only the Windows-target will be assembled, while on other operating systems metadata and other targets will.

如上面的代码所示,根据传递给Gradle的'isLinux'属性,我们启用某些目标的发布。 目标是指特定平台的组装。 在Windows上,仅Windows目标将被汇编,而在其他操作系统上元数据和其他目标将被汇编。

An excellent and concise solution that only works for publishToMavenLocal or publish from the maven-publish plugin, which is not suitable for us because of the use of Gradle Bintray Plugin.


I decided to use the environment variable for selecting the target, as this code was previously written in Groovy, was in a separate Groovy Gradle script, and access to the environment variables is from a static scope.

我决定使用环境变量来选择目标,因为该代码以前是用Groovy编写的,是在单独的Groovy Gradle脚本中进行的,并且从静态作用域访问环境变量。

enum class Target {
META; val common: Boolean
get() = this == ALL || this == COMMON val ios: Boolean
get() = this == ALL || this == IOS val meta: Boolean
get() = this == ALL || this == META companion object {
fun currentTarget(): Target {
val value = System.getProperty("MP_TARGET")
return values().find { it.name.equals(value, ignoreCase = true) } ?: ALL

As part of our project, I have identified four target groups:


  1. ALL — all targets are set up and assembled and used for development and as a default.

  2. COMMON — only Linux-compatible targets are set up and assembled. In our case, this is JavaScript, JVM, Android JVM, Linux x64 and Linux ARM x32.

    COMMON-仅设置和组装与Linux兼容的目标。 在我们的例子中,这是JavaScript,JVM,Android JVM,Linux x64和Linux ARM x32。
  3. IOS — only iOS-targets are set up and assembled; used for assembly on MacOS.

    IOS-仅设置和组装iOS目标; 用于在MacOS上进行组装。
  4. META — all targets are set up, but only the module with meta information for Gradle Metadata is assembled.

    META —设置了所有目标,但仅组装了具有Gradle元数据的元信息的模块。

With these target groups, we can parallelise the assembly of the project on three different virtual machines (COMMON — Linux, IOS — macOS, META — Linux).


Currently, it is possible to assemble everything on macOS, but my solution has two advantages. Firstly, if we decide to implement Windows support, all we need to do is add a new target group and a new virtual machine on Windows. Secondly, there is no need to spend virtual machine resources on macOS for items that can be assembled on Linux. CPU time on these virtual machines is usually twice as expensive.

当前,可以在macOS上组装所有内容,但是我的解决方案有两个优点。 首先,如果我们决定实现Windows支持,那么我们要做的就是在Windows上添加一个新的目标组和一个新的虚拟机。 其次,无需在macOS上花费虚拟机资源来购买可在Linux上组装的项目。 这些虚拟机上的CPU时间通常是两倍。

Gradle元数据 (Gradle Metadata)

What is Gradle Metadata and what is it for?


Currently, Maven uses POM (Project Object Model) to resolve dependencies.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
<name>RxBinding Kotlin (leanback-v17)</name>
<description>RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.</description>
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<name>Jake Wharton</name>

The POM file contains information about the library version, its creator and the required dependencies.


What if we want to have two library versions for different JDKs? For example, there are two versions of kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 and kotlin-stdlib-jdk7. Users need to connect to the required version themselves.

如果我们想为不同的JDK提供两个库版本怎么办? 例如,有两种版本的kotlin-stdlibkotlin-stdlib-jdk8kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 。 用户需要自己连接到所需版本。

When updating the JDK version, it is very easy to forget the external dependencies. Gradle Metadata was created in order to solve this problem; it allows you to add additional conditions for a particular library.

更新JDK版本时,很容易忘记外部依赖项。 为了解决这个问题,创建了Gradle元数据。 它允许您为特定库添加其他条件。

One of the supported Gradle Metadata attributes is org.gradle.jvm.version, which specifies the JDK version. Therefore, a simplified metadata file for kotlin-stdlib might look like this:

支持的Gradle元数据属性之一是org.gradle.jvm.version ,它指定了JDK版本。 因此,用于kotlin-stdlib的简化元数据文件可能如下所示:

"formatVersion": "1.0",
"component": {
"group": "org.jetbrains.kotlin",
"module": "kotlin-stdlib",
"version": "1.3.0"
"variants": [
"name": "apiElements",
"attributes": {
"org.gradle.jvm.version": 8
"available-at": {
"url": "../../kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/1.3.0/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8.module",
"group": "org.jetbrains.kotlin",
"module": "kotlin-stdlib-jdk8",
"version": "1.3.0"
"name": "apiElements",
"attributes": {
"org.gradle.jvm.version": 7
"available-at": {
"url": "../../kotlin-stdlib-jdk7/1.3.0/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7.module",
"group": "org.jetbrains.kotlin",
"module": "kotlin-stdlib-jdk7",
"version": "1.3.0"

In our case, reaktive-1.0.0-rc1.module in simplified form looks like this:


"formatVersion": "1.0",
"component": {
"group": "com.badoo.reaktive",
"module": "reaktive",
"version": "1.0.0-rc1",
"attributes": {
"org.gradle.status": "release"
"createdBy": {
"gradle": {
"version": "5.4.1",
"buildId": "tv44qntk2zhitm23bbnqdngjam"
"variants": [
"name": "android-releaseRuntimeElements",
"attributes": {
"com.android.build.api.attributes.BuildTypeAttr": "release",
"com.android.build.api.attributes.VariantAttr": "release",
"org.gradle.usage": "java-runtime",
"org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type": "androidJvm"
"available-at": {
"url": "../../reaktive-android/1.0.0-rc1/reaktive-android-1.0.0-rc1.module",
"group": "com.badoo.reaktive",
"module": "reaktive-android",
"version": "1.0.0-rc1"
"name": "ios64-api",
"attributes": {
"org.gradle.usage": "kotlin-api",
"org.jetbrains.kotlin.native.target": "ios_arm64",
"org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type": "native"
"available-at": {
"url": "../../reaktive-ios64/1.0.0-rc1/reaktive-ios64-1.0.0-rc1.module",
"group": "com.badoo.reaktive",
"module": "reaktive-ios64",
"version": "1.0.0-rc1"
"name": "linuxX64-api",
"attributes": {
"org.gradle.usage": "kotlin-api",
"org.jetbrains.kotlin.native.target": "linux_x64",
"org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type": "native"
"available-at": {
"url": "../../reaktive-linuxx64/1.0.0-rc1/reaktive-linuxx64-1.0.0-rc1.module",
"group": "com.badoo.reaktive",
"module": "reaktive-linuxx64",
"version": "1.0.0-rc1"

Thanks to the org.jetbrains.kotlin attributes, Gradle knows when a particular dependency needs to be pulled into the required source set.


Metadata can be enabled using:



Detailed information can be found in documentation.


发布配置 (Publishing configuration)

Once we have dealt with the targets and assembly parallelisation, we need to configure exactly what we are going to publish and how we’ll do it.


For publishing we use Gradle Bintray Plugin, so first of all we will refer to its README and configure information about our repository and the credentials for publishing.

对于发布,我们使用Gradle Bintray插件,因此首先,我们将参考其自述文件并配置有关存储库和发布凭据的信息。

The entire configuration will be performed in our own plugin in the buildSrc folder.


There are a number of advantages of using buildSrc. For example, autocomplete works in nearly all cases (except for Kotlin scripts where it doesn’t always work and often requires an apply dependencies call), classes from it can be reused and accessed from Groovy and Kotlin scripts. You can see a usage example here buildSrc from the latest Google I/O (Gradle section).

使用buildSrc有许多优点。 例如,自动完成功能几乎可以在所有情况下工作(除了Kotlin脚本并不总是有效并且经常需要应用依赖项调用)之外,可以重新使用其中的类并从Groovy和Kotlin脚本中对其进行访问。 您可以在这里从最新的Google I / O(Gradle部分)中的buildSrc看到一个使用示例

private fun setupBintrayPublishingInformation(target: Project) {
// We apply Bintray Plugin to the project
// And we configure it
target.extensions.getByType(BintrayExtension::class).apply {
user = target.findProperty("bintray_user")?.toString()
key = target.findProperty("bintray_key")?.toString()
pkg.apply {
repo = "maven"
name = "reaktive"
userOrg = "badoo"
vcsUrl = "https://github.com/badoo/Reaktive.git"
version.name = target.property("reaktive_version")?.toString()

I use three dynamic project properties: bintray_user and bintray_key, which can be retrieved from the personal profile settings on Bintray, and the reaktive_version, which is set in the build.gradle root file.

我使用了三个动态项目属性: bintray_userbintray_key (可以从Bintray上的个人资料设置中检索 )以及reaktive_version (在build.gradle根文件中设置)。

For each target, Kotlin Multiplatform Plugin creates MavenPublication, which is available in PublishingExtension.

对于每个目标,Kotlin Multiplatform插件都会创建MavenPublication ,可在PublishingExtension中使用它

Using the example code from the Kotlin documentation, which I mentioned above, we can create this configuration:


private fun createConfigurationMap(): Map<String, Boolean> {
val mppTarget = Target.currentTarget()
return mapOf(
"kotlinMultiplatform" to mppTarget.meta,
KotlinMultiplatformPlugin.METADATA_TARGET_NAME to mppTarget.meta,
"jvm" to mppTarget.common,
"js" to mppTarget.common,
"androidDebug" to mppTarget.common,
"androidRelease" to mppTarget.common,
"linuxX64" to mppTarget.common,
"linuxArm32Hfp" to mppTarget.common,
"iosArm32" to mppTarget.ios,
"iosArm64" to mppTarget.ios,
"iosX64" to mppTarget.ios

In this simple map we illustrate which publications should be released on a specific virtual machine. The name of the publication is the name of the target. This configuration is completely consistent with the target groups description which I gave above.

在此简单图中,我们说明了应在特定虚拟机上发布哪些出版物。 出版物的名称是目标的名称。 此配置与我上面给出的目标组描述完全一致。

private fun setupBintrayPublishing(
target: Project,
taskConfigurationMap: Map<String, Boolean>
) {
target.tasks.named(BintrayUploadTask.getTASK_NAME(), BintrayUploadTask::class) {
doFirst {
// Configuration here

Anyone who begins working with the Bintray plugin quickly realises that the repository has been gathering dust for a while (the last update was about six months ago), and that all of the problems can be solved with all sorts of hacks and temporary solutions in the Issues tab. Support for a technology as new as Gradle Metadata has not been set up, but with issue, you can find a solution, which is the one that we use.

任何开始使用Bintray插件的人都会很快意识到该存储库已经收集了一段时间的灰尘(最近一次更新大约是六个月前),并且所有的问题都可以通过各种hack和临时解决方案来解决。问题标签。 尚未建立对诸如Gradle Metadata之类的新技术的支持,但是由于存在问题 ,您可以找到一种解决方案,这就是我们使用的解决方案。

val publishing = project.extensions.getByType(PublishingExtension::class)
.forEach { publication ->
val moduleFile = project.buildDir.resolve("publications/${publication.name}/module.json")
if (moduleFile.exists()) {
publication.artifact(object : FileBasedMavenArtifact(moduleFile) {
override fun getDefaultExtension() = "module"

With this code, we add to the list of artifacts for publishing the file module.json, which enables Gradle Metadata to work.

通过此代码,我们将添加到工件列表中以发布文件module.json ,从而使Gradle元数据能够正常工作。

However, this is not the last of our problems. When you try to run bintrayPublish, nothing happens.

但是,这不是我们的最后一个问题。 当您尝试运行bintrayPublish ,什么都没有发生。

In the case of regular Java and Kotlin libraries, Bintray automatically takes the available publications and publishes them. However, in the case of Kotlin Multiplatform, the plugin simply crashes with an error. Speaking of which, there is an issue on GitHub for this, too. And we will use the solution from there again, only filtering the publications we need.

对于常规Java和Kotlin库,Bintray会自动获取可用的出版物并将其发布。 但是,在Kotlin Multiplatform的情况下,该插件仅因错误而崩溃。 说到这, GitHub上也有一个问题 。 我们将再次从那里使用该解决方案,只过滤我们需要的出版物。

val publications = publishing.publications
.filter {
val res = taskConfigurationMap[it.name] == true
logger.warn("Artifact '${it.groupId}:${it.artifactId}:${it.version}' from publication '${it.name}' should be published: $res")
.map {
logger.warn("Uploading artifact '${it.groupId}:${it.artifactId}:${it.version}' from publication '${it.name}'")

But this code doesn’t work either!


This is because bintrayUpload doesn’t have a task in the dependencies able to build the project and create the files needed for publication. The most obvious solution would be to set publishToMavenLocal as a bintrayUpload dependency, but it’s not as simple as that.

这是因为bintrayUpload在依赖bintrayUpload中没有能够构建项目和创建发布所需文件的任务。 最明显的解决方案是将publishToMavenLocal设置为bintrayUpload依赖项,但这并不那么简单。

When assembling metadata, we set up all of the targets to the project. This means that publishToMavenLocal will result in all of the targets being compiled, as the dependencies for this task are publishToMavenLocalAndroidDebug, publishToMavenLocalAndroiRelase, publishToMavenLocalJvm, etc.

组装元数据时,我们为项目设置了所有目标。 这意味着publishToMavenLocal将导致编译所有目标,因为此任务的依赖项是publishToMavenLocalAndroidDebugpublishToMavenLocalAndroiRelasepublishToMavenLocalJvm等。

We will therefore create a separate proxy task, and we will only put the publishToMavenLocalX tasks that we need in the dependency, and we will put the task itself as a dependency of bintrayPublish.


private fun setupLocalPublishing(
target: Project,
taskConfigurationMap: Map<String, Boolean>
) {
target.project.tasks.withType(AbstractPublishToMaven::class).configureEach {
val configuration = publication?.name ?: run {
// The Android-plugin does not immediately set the publication of the PublishToMaven task, which is why we use the heuristic method to find its name
val configuration = taskConfigurationMap.keys.find { name.contains(it, ignoreCase = true) }
logger.warn("Found $configuration for $name")
// We enable or disable the task depending on the current configuration
enabled = taskConfigurationMap[configuration] == true
}private fun createFilteredPublishToMavenLocalTask(target: Project) {
// We create a proxy task and set it to depend only on the publishToMavenLocal tasks
dependsOn(project.tasks.matching { it is AbstractPublishToMaven && it.enabled })

All that is left to do is to assemble all code together and apply the resulting plugin to the project in which publication is required.


abstract class PublishPlugin : Plugin<Project> {    
override fun apply(target: Project) {
val taskConfigurationMap = createConfigurationMap()
setupLocalPublishing(target, taskConfigurationMap)
setupBintrayPublishing(target, taskConfigurationMap)
}apply plugin: PublishPlugin

You can find the complete PublishPlugin code in our repository here.


Travis CI配置 (Travis CI configuration)

The hardest part is over. Travis CI still needs to be configured so that it parallelises the assembly and publishes the artifacts in Bintray when a new version is released.

最困难的部分结束了。 仍然需要配置Travis CI,以使其在发布新版本时并行化程序集并在Bintray中发布工件。

When a new version is released, we will create a tag on the commit.


# We use the matrix build (parallel execution)
# On Linux, Android and Chrome to assemble JS, JVM, Android JVM and Linux targets
- os: linux
dist: trusty
chrome: stable
language: android
- build-tools-28.0.3
- android-28
# We use MP_TARGET in order to set the required target group for assembly
# We can skip the install step — Gradle will bring up all the dependencies itself
install: true
# When assembling in JVM, we also build a compatibility library with RxJava2
script: ./gradlew reaktive:check reaktive-test:check rxjava2-interop:check -DMP_TARGET=$MP_TARGET
# On macOS for assembling iOS-targets
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode10.2
language: java
install: true
script: ./gradlew reaktive:check reaktive-test:check -DMP_TARGET=$MP_TARGET
# On Linux to assemble metadata
- os: linux
language: android
- build-tools-28.0.3
- android-28
# Metadata assembly does not require any verification
install: true
script: true
# Recommended Gradle caching settings (to avoid loading all dependencies between builds on the same branch every time)
- rm -f $HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock
- rm -fr $HOME/.gradle/caches/*/plugin-resolution/
- $HOME/.gradle/caches/
- $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/
# We start publishing artifacts in Bintray when creating a new tag, this block will be run on each virtual machine from the matrix
skip_cleanup: true
provider: script
script: ./gradlew bintrayUpload -DMP_TARGET=$MP_TARGET -Pbintray_user=$BINTRAY_USER -Pbintray_key=$BINTRAY_KEY
tags: true

If for some reason the assembly on one of the virtual machines does not work properly, the metadata and other targets will still be uploaded to the Bintray server. That is why we do not add a block with automatic library release on Bintray through their API.

如果出于某种原因,其中一个虚拟机上的程序集无法正常运行,则元数据和其他目标仍将上载到Bintray服务器。 这就是为什么我们不通过其API在Bintray上添加自动发布库的块的原因。

When the version is released, you need to make sure that everything is in order, and simply click on the button to publish a new version on the site, as all the artifacts are already uploaded.


结论 (Conclusion)

We have used this process to set up continuous integration and continuous delivery for our Kotlin Multiplatform project.

我们已经使用此过程为Kotlin Multiplatform项目设置了持续集成和持续交付。

By parallelising the tasks of assembling, running tests and publishing artifacts, we have made effective use of the free resources available to us.


And if you use Linux, you no longer need to ask someone using macOS to publish the library every time a new version is released.


I hope that after this article is published, more developers will start using this approach to automate routine actions for their projects.


Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/bumble-tech/continuous-delivery-for-your-kotlin-multiplatform-library-3ab5ad5cba59


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