读chm 编程语言_人类可读的编程语言

读chm 编程语言

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.


Did you ever hear about this quote? Yes, it’s one of my favorite quotes from Michael Jordan! The same with basketball, any team requires teamwork and intelligence to constantly win. In this article, I would like to share my personal experience about how a great communication skills could help the team to accomplish more and “winning” constantly. A bit of the background, currently I am working as a software engineer in (relatively) quite big team for the last 2–3 years, so if you have the same background, I do hope this article perfectly matches to help your team and yourself to accomplish more. So let’s get started.

你可曾听到这句话d ID? 是的,这是我最喜欢迈克尔·乔丹的名言之一! 与篮球一样,任何团队都需要团队合作和智慧才能不断获胜。 在本文中,我想分享我的个人经验,即出色的沟通技巧如何帮助团队不断完成任务并不断“获胜”。 有一些背景知识,目前我在过去2至3年中一直在(相对)相当大的团队中担任软件工程师,因此,如果您具有相同的背景,我希望本文能够完美地帮助您的团队和您自己完成更多工作。 因此,让我们开始吧。

Did you (or your colleague) ever say one of these words?“It’s sooo hard to explain tech things to other people..”“Errr, communicating with other department is very time consuming”“Why they can just understand what I’ve explained??”Many more…


These words are proof of frustration that usually occurred when software engineers trying to explain something to others with no tech background. I believe all software engineers will face this kind of frustration often or rarely, even for a seasoned one. So if all experience the same and still alive until today, do we even need to bother about this? I’ll leave the answer to you later, but let’s talk about some points that are highly impacted by this kind of frustration:

这些话是沮丧的证据,通常在软件工程师试图向没有技术背景的其他人解释某些内容时感到沮丧。 我相信,即使是经验丰富的工程师,所有软件工程师都会经常或很少面对这种挫败感。 因此,如果所有人都一样并且一直活到今天,我们是否还需要为此而烦恼? 稍后,我将把答案留给您,但让我们谈谈受到这种挫败感高度影响的一些观点:

时间效率 (Time efficiency,)

when you (or your team) lack the ability to understand each other, team discussion becomes ineffective, resulting in a decline in time efficiency (and productivity). The fact that one can’t convey the correct and complete information to the others effectively will make the meeting take longer than it can be. In my case, cross-department meetings usually attended by 4–5 people at least. This means that there will be extra working time for these 4–5 people to get into the same page.

当您(或您的团队)缺乏彼此理解的能力时,团队讨论将变得无效,从而导致时间效率(和生产率)下降。 一个人不能有效地将正确和完整的信息传达给其他人的事实,将使会议花费的时间比可能要长。 就我而言,跨部门会议通常至少要有4至5人参加。 这意味着这4-5个人进入同一页面将有更多的工作时间。

行动要点或决策正确性(Action point or decision correctness,)

with this frustration, the chance that we take derailed action point or decision based on the meeting will be relatively higher. Or even worse, we may not be able to conclude anything from the meeting.

有了这种挫败感,我们根据会议采取行动要点或决定的机会就会相对较高。 甚至更糟的是,我们可能无法在会议上得出任何结论。

最后但并非最不重要的一点是团队合作, (And last but not least, is the teamwork,)

teamwork will also be impacted by this frustration since the correct and complete information can’t be conveyed to the others, and if this continues, trust or compatibility problems may arise within the team. Resulting in less empathy and willingness to work together that will bring down the teamwork to the ground.

挫败感也会影响团队合作,因为无法将正确和完整的信息传达给其他人,如果继续下去,团队内部可能会出现信任或兼容性问题。 导致同理心和合作意愿降低,这将使团队合作扎根于地面。

All of those points are very critical to any team that wants to achieve the goals. So, it’s starting to be a bit scary, isn’t? But let’s keep the optimism, in fact, there are a lot of things we can do to improve how we communicate to others, to translate any programming language you used into human-readable programming language. Here is the main course…

对于所有想要实现目标的团队来说,所有这些点都是至关重要的。 所以,开始有点吓人了,不是吗? 但是,让我们保持乐观的态度,实际上,我们可以做很多事情来改善我们与他人的沟通方式,将您使用的任何编程语言翻译成人类可读的编程语言。 这是主菜

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Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
Glenn Carstens-PetersUnsplash上的 照片

始终尝试系统地解释事物(即使您只是在回答问题)(Always try to explain the things systematically (even if you’re just answering a question).)

In my experience, the habit that we usually do as a tech person is always jumping to the solution right away, but this way, most people will lose the context fast enough and she/he may not be able to understand what’s the point we’re trying to make. So one template that I often use is:

以我的经验,我们通常以技术人员的习惯总是会立即跳到解决方案,但是这样一来,大多数人会很快失去上下文,她/他可能无法理解我们的重点。重新尝试。 因此,我经常使用的一个模板是:

  1. Background, data, and goal.


    Background and goal are mandatory in most of the case, without these two the other people will be derailed easily and may not be able to get the same context as us, and context is the most important in any communication. In addition, to support the background and the goal, we may need to provide some data in certain cases.

    背景和目标在大多数情况下是强制性的,如果没有这两个条件,其他人将很容易出轨,并且可能无法获得与我们相同的上下文,并且上下文是任何交流中最重要的。 此外,为了支持背景和目标,在某些情况下,我们可能需要提供一些数据。

  2. Solution and question.


    We should provide the possible solution(s) if the goal of the discussion is to get some feedback or insight or approval. While the question(s) is/are used to validate assumption(s) and find another solution(s).

    如果讨论的目的是获得反馈,见解或认可,我们应该提供可能的解决方案。 这些问题用于验证假设并找到其他解决方案。

  3. Conclusion.


    This should exist in the last part of the discussion, we should provide a summary or conclusion based on the discussion so far. The purpose is to make the last confirmation statement to ensure everyone is on the same page and to make them aware of the overall summary, e.g. action point, trade-off, pending item, etc.

    这应该存在于讨论的最后一部分,我们应该根据到目前为止的讨论提供一个总结或结论。 目的是做出最后的确认声明,以确保每个人都在同一页面上,并使他们知道总体摘要,例如,行动要点,权衡,待决项目等。

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Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
Charles DeluvioUnsplash拍摄的照片

通过易于理解的可视化改善解释。(Improve the explanation with easily understandable visualization.)

I often find it more difficult (or harder) to explain something without any visualization. It usually takes more time to get your point across. Based on that experience, I always consider two things when communicating: 1. Whether the other person will be able to understand easily without any visualization, 2. Whether I have enough time to make the visualization. If I think the topic is quite complex and I have enough time, I will always try to make documentation with some visualization about the topic. This will help both sides to get the same context faster when the discussion happens. There’s a lot of free applications that can be used to make the visualization, I often use draw.io, xmind, plantuml, and some others.

我经常发现在没有任何可视化的情况下解释某些内容会更加困难(或更难)。 通常,需要花费更多时间来阐明您的观点。 基于这种经验,我在交流时总是考虑两件事:1.对方是否可以在不进行任何可视化的情况下轻松理解; 2.我是否有足够的时间进行可视化。 如果我认为该主题非常复杂并且我有足够的时间,那么我将始终尝试使用一些有关该主题的可视化文件来进行文档编制。 当讨论发生时,这将有助于双方更快地获得相同的上下文。 有很多免费的应用程序可用于进行可视化,我经常使用draw.io ,xmind,plantuml等。

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Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash
Josh CalabreseUnsplash上的 照片

同情您的同事。(Empathy for your colleague.)

To communicate effectively, we need to put ourselves into our colleague’s shoes. What I usually do when trying to communicate complex things to my colleague is I write down what I need to communicate to others, after that, I pretend that I don’t have all the tech background and start to read what I’ve written. This process enables me to see in which part do I need to add more details or to remove some details. Resulting in a more understandable and comprehensive communication material.

为了进行有效的沟通,我们需要投入到同事的行动中。 在尝试与同事交流复杂事物时,通常要做的是写下与他人交流所需的内容,然后,我假装我没有所有的技术背景,而是开始阅读自己写的东西。 此过程使我可以看到需要在哪个部分添加更多详细信息或删除一些详细信息。 产生更易理解和全面的沟通材料。

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Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash
Amy HirschiUnsplash拍摄的照片


This is the most important part. To improve our communication skill we’ll need to have tons of practice. Unless we’re a very talented person, we’ll never be a good communicator without practicing a lot.

这是最重要的部分。 为了提高我们的沟通技巧,我们需要大量练习。 除非我们是一个非常有才华的人,否则如果不进行大量练习,就永远不会成为优秀的交流者。

Those are the things that work for me in most of the case and I believe there are many other ways to improve the way we communicate even better, you just need to explore it by yourself. You may think that doing all of those “preparation” things will cost tons of your time, but the truth is, it will cost more people’s time if you don’t do it. With the ability to translate any language into a human-readable language, I believe the time efficiency, decision making, and teamwork will increase significantly and resulting in a higher chance to achieve the goals.

在大多数情况下,这些都是对我有用的东西,我相信还有许多其他方法可以改善我们之间更好的沟通方式,您只需要自己探索一下。 您可能认为完成所有这些“准备”工作将花费大量时间,但事实是,如果不这样做,将会花费更多的时间。 通过将任何一种语言翻译成人类可读的语言的能力,我相信时间效率,决策制定和团队合作将大大提高,从而有更高的机会实现目标。

Before closing the article, the “one more thing” that I would like to mark is, not all people have the same talent to make communication runs smoothly, so if you can master the skill quickly then it is perfect! But if you need more time, then take as many time as you need, as many trial and error as you need.

在结束本文之前,我要指出的“另一件事”是,并非所有人都有相同的才能使交流顺畅进行,因此,如果您可以快速掌握该技能,那就太完美了! 但是,如果您需要更多时间,则可以根据需要花费尽可能多的时间,并且可以根据需要进行多次尝试和出错。

Communication works for those who work at it.”~John Powell

沟通对于那些努力工作的人是有效的。 ”〜约翰·鲍威尔

翻译自: https://medium.com/dana-engineering/human-readable-programming-language-730d9b143727

读chm 编程语言





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