沃森 大题_沃森汽车

沃森 大题

Surprised! Pleasantly surprised, that is in this sixth install of m autoML series. While I used IBM’s data science cloud platform a few years ago, I have not had any exposure to Watson Studio before nor their AutoAI offering. I wasn’t sure what I was going to find, but I was pleased with what I saw. For someone who wants (needs) constant feedback of progress during the training runs, I loved the wealth of information provided. The accuracy isn’t as tuned as DataRobot or H2O Driverless AI, but that is to be expected based on the extreme difference in price (tens of thousands of dollars a year).

惊讶! 令人惊喜的是,这是m autoML系列的第六次安装。 几年前,虽然我使用IBM的数据科学云平台,但之前没有接触过Watson Studio,也没有接触过它们的AutoAI产品。 我不确定会找到什么,但对看到的内容感到满意。 对于需要(在训练过程中)不断获得进步反馈的人,我喜欢所提供的大量信息。 准确性不如DataRobot或H2O无人驾驶AI那样微调,但这是根据价格的极端差异(每年数万美元)来​​预期的。

为什么选择IBM Watson Studio AutoAI? (Why IBM Watson Studio AutoAI?)

Big Blue isn’t ‘just’ mainframes and SPSS. I used the IBM data science cloud notebook environment a few years ago. Watson has a storied history at IBM. While you aren’t running ‘on’ Watson, the reputation brings authority.

蓝色巨人不是“仅仅”大型机和SPSS。 几年前,我使用了IBM数据科学云笔记本环境。 沃森在IBM拥有悠久的历史。 当您不在沃森上运行时,声誉会带来权威。

成本 (The Cost)

I was able to run this experiment for FREE. The pricing tiers are very reasonable for the individual data scientist.

我能够免费运行此实验。 定价层对于单个数据科学家而言非常合理。

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pricing screenshot by the author

设置(The Setup)

Try IBM Watson Studio

试用IBM Watson Studio

“These capabilities are available as part of a fully managed starter set of Cloud Pak for Data services on the IBM Cloud. Provision the integrated Lite versions of Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning for free today as part of Cloud Pak for Data as a Service.”

这些功能是IBM Cloud上完全托管的Cloud Pak数据服务入门套件的一部分。 作为Cloud Pak for Data as a Service的一部分,今天免费提供了Watson Studio和Watson Machine Learning的集成Lite版本。”

The link above will take you to a Try AutoAI on Watson Studio button. AutoAI is a hosted cloud solution, so the process of setting up a new project is pretty straightforward.

上面的链接将带您进入“在Watson Studio上尝试AutoAI”按钮。 AutoAI是托管的云解决方案,因此设置新项目的过程非常简单。

Once you are in Watson Studio, you add an AutoAI asset.

进入Watson Studio后,您将添加AutoAI资产。

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screenshot by the author

From there, you can set up a new experiment.


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screenshot by the author

数据(The Data)

To keep parity across the tools in this series, I will stick to the Kaggle training file. Contradictory, My Dear Watson. Detecting contradiction and entailment in the multilingual text using TPUs. In this Getting Started Competition, we’re classifying pairs of sentences (consisting of a premise and a hypothesis) into three categories — entailment, contradiction, or neutral.

为了使本系列中的工具保持一致,我将坚持使用Kaggle培训文件。 矛盾的,亲爱的沃森。 使用TPU检测多语言文本中的矛盾和牵连。 在本入门竞赛中,我们将成对的句子(由前提和假设组成)分为三类-蕴涵,矛盾或中立。

6 Columns x 13k+ rows — Stanford NLP documentation

6列x 13k +行— Stanford NLP文档

  • id

  • premise

  • hypothesis

  • lang_abv

  • language

  • label


加载数据(Loading the data)

It couldn’t be simpler.


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screenshot by the author

训练模型(Training your model)

The interface to configure and run your experiment is very minimal. There are some other options under Experiment Settings, but I wanted to run it just as basic as I could. Pick your label and hit Run Experiment.

用于配置和运行实验的界面非常小。 在“实验设置”下还有其他一些选项,但是我想尽可能基本地运行它。 选择您的标签,然后点击运行实验。

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screenshot by the author

This is where it gets fun! There is an interactive visualization that allows you to see where in the process you are with the experiment. I love this! Leaderboards are also available for you to review during the training.

这就是它的乐趣! 有一个交互式的可视化文件,使您可以查看实验过程中的位置。 我喜欢这个! 排行榜也可在培训期间供您查看。

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training gif by the author

评估培训结果 (Evaluate Training Results)

There is a small indicator that the experiment has completed. I would have expected something more eye-catching, but I am happy it finished in a reasonable amount of time, 22 minutes.

有一个小的指标表明实验已完成。 我本来希望看到更多吸引眼球的东西,但我很高兴它在合理的时间内(22分钟)完成了。

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screenshot by the author

The leaderboards provide information on accuracy and other success metrics as well as the model type and the enhancements make (such as feature engineering). I didn’t see a wide variety of models attempted, thus the short training time.

排行榜提供有关准确性和其他成功指标以及模型类型和增强功能(例如功能工程)的信息。 我没有尝试过各种各样的模型,因此训练时间很短。

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screenshot by the author
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screenshot by the author

For Pipeline 3, I looked at the engineered features. You have to look into the details because ‘NewFeature_2’ isn’t very descriptive.

对于管道3,我研究了设计功能。 您必须仔细研究细节,因为“ NewFeature_2”描述性不是很高。

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screenshot by the author


Of interest, after the training, I got a popup that introducing feature engineering on multiple datasets. Definitely, something to be investigated! If they can identify relationships between datasets and create new features, that would be amazing.

有趣的是,在培训之后,我弹出了一个介绍多个数据集的特征工程的弹出窗口。 绝对是要研究的东西! 如果他们能够识别数据集之间的关系并创建新功能,那就太好了。

Overall, I enjoyed the Watson AutoAI experience itself. The process ran FAST (22 minutes versus H2O Driverless AI’s 4+hours), but at the expense of model variety and accuracy right out of the box. Additional experimental setup would be needed. But for the $78k lower price than DataRobot and H2O Driverless AI, that might be an acceptable trade-off.

总体而言,我很享受Watson AutoAI的体验。 该过程运行速度非常快(22分钟,而H2O无人驾驶AI则需要4个小时以上),但是却以开箱即用的模型多样性和准确性为代价。 需要其他实验设置。 但是,相对于DataRobot和H2O无人驾驶AI而言,其价格低78,000美元,这可能是一个可以接受的折衷方案。

I would encourage you to consider trying AutoAI. This IBM offering is a reasonably-priced autoML tool.

我鼓励您考虑尝试使用AutoAI。 该IBM产品是价格合理的autoML工具。

If you missed one of the articles in the series, here are the links.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/watson-autoai-7fb1e82471ea

沃森 大题

沃森VD300变频器是一款高性能的工业用电器设备,其说明书详细介绍了其功能、安装、操作、维护等方面的信息。 首先,说明书详细介绍了沃森VD300变频器的功能特点。它采用了先进的变频技术,能够实现电机转速的精确控制,使得设备在不同工况下能够高效运行。同时,它还具有多种保护功能,如过载保护、短路保护等,保障了设备和操作者的安全。 其次,说明书详细描述了沃森VD300变频器的安装步骤和要求。包括了电源连接、控制信号连接、电机连接等方面的内容。说明书中还提供了详细的电气图和接线图,使得安装人员能够快速正确地完成安装工作。 然后,说明书介绍了沃森VD300变频器的操作方法。它提供了多种操作方式,如按键操作、外部控制操作等,使得用户能够根据需要选择最合适的操作方式。说明书还详细介绍了各个按键的功能和操作步骤,并提供了实例说明,方便用户理解和掌握。 最后,说明书还包含了沃森VD300变频器的维护和故障排除的方法。它详细介绍了维护的周期和内容,如清洁、检查连接、润滑等。同时,说明书还列出了可能出现的常见故障和解决方法,帮助用户在设备故障时能够迅速排除问题。 总之,沃森VD300变频器说明书提供了全面详细的信息,包括功能、安装、操作和维护等方面,帮助用户正确安装和操作设备,保证其高效运行。




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