
I will never forget Hotline Miami. The gameplay, art design, and soundtrack unite so effectively that they can put the player in a trance-like state. The ’80s aesthetic brings through a classic feel and the ultra-violence is oh so perfect. This is a setting of gangs, nightclubs, and nationalism, which all folds together surprisingly well. Hotline Miami stands out as genuinely unique within the broader gaming landscape.

永远不会忘记迈阿密热线。 游戏玩法,艺术设计和配乐非常有效地结合在一起,可以使玩家处于can状态。 80年代的美学带来经典的感觉,超暴力是如此完美。 这是一群帮派,夜总会和民族主义的聚集地,它们的折叠效果令人惊讶。 迈阿密热线在更广泛的游戏领域中是真正独一无二的。

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Do you like hurting people? This question is directed at the player more than once throughout the game. On a personal level, we would all (hopefully) say no. But can you honestly say that after having bashed in 327 virtual skulls with your bare digitized hands, all while bathing in glorious synth beats? We, as the player, are forced by an organization to kill. We later discover, via the sequel, that there’s a revenge plot involved here — a thin veneer that shrouds our actions in some sort of moral justification. The story is purposefully shallow, although I always felt it was hiding something from me. The ending is a fourth-wall breaking moment that essentially says “you don’t even know why you’re here” and “I hope you had fun”.

你喜欢伤害别人吗? 在整个游戏中,这个问题多次针对玩家。 在个人层面上,我们都会(希望)说不。 但是,您能诚实地说,在光荣的合成器节奏中沐浴着327只虚拟头骨之后,整个过程都充满光彩吗? 作为参与者,我们被一个组织迫害杀死。 后来,我们通过续集发现这里涉及到一个报仇情节-薄薄的单板将我们的行为笼罩在某种道德理由下。 这个故事是故意的,尽管我一直觉得它对我隐藏了一些东西。 结局是第四层墙的一刻,上面写着“你甚至都不知道为什么在这里”和“我希望你玩得开心”。

You could argue that Hotline Miami is mocking players who ask questions. At the same time, despite its heightened atmosphere, there’s also a striking sense of self-awareness that comes into play at the end of every level. The music cuts out and is replaced by a creepy low buzzing sound. You then have to walk back to your car and see all the people you killed — some crawling on the ground, bleeding out. This grotesque moment is then papered over as quickly as it began once you get into your car, thanks to a score screen overlaid with groovy tunes. It’s here where you’re graded on how well you did, and shown how much you can improve.

您可能会争辩说, 迈阿密热线正在嘲笑问问题的球员。 同时,尽管气氛浓烈,但在每个级别的末尾都有一种惊人的自我意识。 音乐被切掉,被令人毛骨悚然的低沉嗡嗡声所取代。 然后,您必须回到车上,看到所有被杀的人-一些人在地上爬行,流血。 然后,这个怪诞的时刻被记录下来,就像进入车里时一样Swift,这要归功于覆盖有怪异曲调的乐谱屏幕。 在这里,您可以对自己的表现进行评分,并显示可以提高的水平。

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In Hotline Miami, you’ll play as two different characters: Jacket and Biker. Jacket more fun to play as. He can wear various different masks that grant multiple abilities, and he can use any weapon that the enemies can. Biker, on the other hand, can only use his cleaver and his three throwing knives. Jacket and Biker also have their own levels — Jacket’s are larger and more satisfying than Biker’s. Both characters feature different personalities, too; Jacket doesn’t question his position in all the mayhem (rather, he indulges in it), where Biker is quite the opposite.

在“ 迈阿密热线”中 ,您将扮演两个不同的角色:夹克和骑自行车的人。 夹克玩起来更有趣。 他可以戴着各种面具来赋予多种能力,并且可以使用敌人可以使用的任何武器。 另一方面,骑自行车的人只能使用他的砍肉刀和三把掷刀。 夹克和骑自行车的人也有自己的水平-夹克比骑自行车的人更大,更满意。 两个角色的性格也各不相同。 Jacket并没有质疑他在所有混乱中的地位(相反,他沉迷其中),而Biker恰恰相反。

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You could argue that Jacket and Biker represent two sides of the player’s mind. Jacket is the side that just wants to listen to great music and kill people. Biker is the inner voice that asks questions and considers the rationale behind the game’s events. The developers deliberately reduced the scope of Biker’s levels, furthering the idea that asking questions only hinders us from the violence we all enjoy and want to get on with.

您可能会说Jacket和Biker代表了玩家思想的两个方面。 夹克是只想听音乐并杀死人的一面。 骑自行车的人是内在的声音,可以提出问题并考虑游戏事件背后的原理。 开发人员故意缩小了Biker级别的范围,进一步提出了这样的想法,即提出问题只会阻碍我们摆脱我们所有人都喜欢并希望继续面对的暴力。

There are numerous narrative twists here as well. Most of Jacket’s missions involve him experiencing his past while he’s in a coma. In one particularly fuzzy mission, you’ll kill Biker as Jacket. This is confusing, because when you play from Biker’s perspective you kill Jacket. This variance suggests that the narrative isn’t reliable. You can see that Biker had a drug-fuelled party the night before fighting. Jacket, indicating that he might not be thinking clearly. This level occurs prior to Jacket realizing he’s in a coma as well, implying that this is only how he thinks the events unfolded. It’s this attention to detail that gives the game a sense of depth and personal discovery. In the first game, nobody can conclusively tell who won the fight. It’s only revealed in the second game that Jacket actually won, symbolizing that violence defeats reason in this world. Biker’s final line articulates the way I felt as the player after completing the game.

这里也有许多叙事曲折。 Jacket的大部分任务都涉及到他处于昏迷状态时经历自己的过去。 在一项特别模糊的任务中,您将杀死Biker as Jacket。 这很令人困惑,因为从骑自行车的人的角度出发,您会杀死Jacket。 这种差异表明叙述是不可靠的。 您可以看到,骑自行车的人在战斗前一晚举行了一场毒品派对。 外套,表明他可能思路不清。 此级别发生在Jacket意识到自己也处于昏迷之前,这意味着这只是他认为事件发生的方式。 这种对细节的关注使游戏具有深度感和个人发现感。 在第一场比赛中,没人能说服谁赢得这场战斗。 在第二局中,夹克才真正赢得胜利,这表明暴力战胜了这个世界的理性。 骑自行车的人的最后一句话表达了我完成比赛后作为球员的感觉。

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From a pure gameplay perspective, Hotline Miami is both satisfying and fast-paced. As wrong as it sounds, I can’t help but feel good after bashing an enemy’s head in with a bat in three clicks. The fluidity is the best part of it all — there’s zero consequence to dying other than going back to the beginning of the floor. The music doesn’t skip a beat, the respawn is instant, and it all feels like second nature once you get into it.

从纯粹的游戏玩法角度来看, 迈阿密热线电话既令人满意又快节奏。 听起来很不对劲,但我不禁在三下连击中用蝙蝠扑向敌人的头后感觉良好。 流动性是这一切中最好的部分–死亡的后果只有回到地板的开始才为零。 音乐不会跳动,重生是瞬间的,一旦您进入,一切都感觉就像是第二天性。

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This is by no means an easy game: one shot or whack can kill you, but the same rule applies to enemies. And although the underlying mechanics are simple, the different mask abilities mix things up significantly. You’ll find a wide array of masks and each have their own special abilities that support different play styles. I enjoyed playing Tony because he makes the game even faster with one hit punch kills and one tap executions. It’s a great gameplay loop for an inexpensive indie title, and there’s really not much like it out there.

这绝非易事 :一枪或一拳就能杀死你,但同样的规则也适用于敌人。 尽管基本的机制很简单,但不同的遮罩功能却将其混合在一起。 您会发现各种各样的面具,每种都有各自的特殊功能,可以支持不同的游戏风格。 我之所以喜欢Tony,是因为他通过一击必杀和一击执行使游戏变得更快。 对于便宜的独立游戏来说,这是一个很好的游戏循环,而且确实没有那么多。

But perhaps the greatest asset here is a soundtrack that will stick with you long after you’re finished the game.


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I listen to the Hotline Miami soundtrack almost every day. The fast beats and synth melodies really get the blood pumping. I make a habit of listening to a few tracks prior to my basketball game to get me amped.

我几乎每天都会听热线迈阿密的音乐。 快速的节奏和合成器的旋律确实使血液动了起来。 我养成习惯,在篮球比赛之前先听几首歌,让我变得更熟练。

The sound effects are just as impressive as the music. Slicing someone’s neck with a knife and then throwing it into another gangster’s head compliments the music perfectly in a way that I haven’t seen in any other game.

声音效果与音乐一样令人印象深刻。 用刀将某人的脖子切成薄片,然后将其扔到另一个黑帮的头上,以一种我在其他游戏中从未见过的方式完美地补充了音乐。

It helps too that I was playing Hotline Miami right around the time I got into the synthwave genre. The soundtrack here is of the synth pop variety, so it felt like a pumped up version of the calm deep synthwave music I was already growing to love.

进入合成波流派之时,我就在热线迈阿密玩也有帮助。 这里的配乐属于合成流行乐,所以感觉就像是我早已深爱的沉静深沉的合成波音乐的升级版。

The building intensity and sense of dread present here makes you want to go harder and faster. It’s the perfect music to accompany an online game like Call of Duty, for example.

此处的建筑强度和恐惧感使您想变得越来越难。 例如,与诸如《 使命召唤》 ( Call of Duty)之类的在线游戏配合使用时,这是完美的音乐。

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Then there’s the art design, which must be discussed in any analysis of the game. Hotline Miami goes for a simplistic and suitably-retro pixel art design — which actually acts to desensitize the violence to a large degree. Your brain will fill in the gaps here, but the precise nature of what’s happening here is obscured by choice to go for pixels rather than a highly realistic 3D take.

然后是美术设计,任何游戏分析都必须讨论。 迈阿密热线寻求简化和适当复古的像素艺术设计,实际上是在很大程度上减轻了暴力敏感性。 您的大脑将填补这里的空白,但选择像素而不是高度逼真的3D拍摄会掩盖此处发生的事情的确切性质。

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There’s no question that if the action you take in Hotline Miami were depicted with greater fidelity and realism, the whole experience would be far more disturbing and perhaps even horror-like.


The entire world is painted with a gorgeous neon color pallet that dovetails with the upbeat music and snappy gameplay. Bright red blood splatters will startle you at first, but your attention will soon turn from that to considering which strategies to employ to clear every floor.

整个世界都绘有华丽的霓虹色调色板,与欢乐的音乐和活泼的游戏玩法相呼应。 鲜红色的血溅起初会让您大吃一惊,但是您的注意力很快就会从那转移到考虑采用哪种策略清除每一层地板。

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How would I sum up Hotline Miami? It’s an exceptionally well-crafted experience that really nails all of its core components. And I think it stands out from other games because it doesn’t seek to add any extraneous elements — it focuses on pure fun, and hones each element to perfection. The gameplay, art design, and soundtrack all dovetail into a greater experience. This is why Hotline Miami is one of my favorite games of all time.

我如何总结迈阿密热线电话 ? 这是一种精心制作的体验,可真正融入其所有核心组件。 而且我认为它在其他游戏中脱颖而出,因为它不寻求添加任何无关紧要的元素-它专注于纯粹的乐趣 ,并将每个元素磨练至完美。 游戏玩法,艺术设计和配乐都可以带来更好的体验。 这就是为什么热线迈阿密是我有史以来最喜欢的游戏之一。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/the-hotline-miami-experience-73c168af7766

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