

You awaken with a start, the nightmare still fogging your mind with terror. Rain falls through cracks in the ceiling above you. The room is sparse, metallic, desolate. Searching the pockets of your yellow raincoat, you find only a cigarette lighter. Knowing nothing but fear and the need to get away from wherever you are, you push forward. The tiny flame is your only illumination, your only hope for salvation, pushing away the shadows as you creep slowly ahead.

Ÿ 欧醒来时开始,噩梦仍与恐怖雾你的头脑。 雨水从上方的天花板裂缝中掉出来。 房间稀疏,金属,荒凉。 搜索黄色雨衣的口袋时,您只会发现点烟器。 除了恐惧之外,一无所知,无论您身在何处,都需要前进。 微小的火焰是您唯一的照明,是您拯救的唯一希望,随着您慢慢向前爬行,推开阴影。

Thus begins Little Nightmares, one of the best small (in playtime, not in stature) adventures on the PS4. You play as Six, the aforementioned yellow-clad character awakening from a nightmare into a world that is, well, still a nightmare. This experience more than anything was what I had in mind when I wrote an ode to short games recently. Even with three levels of DLC released for this game, it still clocks in around 6 or 7 hours total, a perfect run-time for the thrills and chills on offer here. Either before or after reading this article, I implore you to play this game, and you can thank me later.

这样就开始了Little Nightmares ,这是PS4上最好的小型冒险游戏(在游戏时间,而不是身材)之一。 您扮演的角色是六,前面提到的穿着黄色衣服的角色会从噩梦中醒来,进入一个仍然是一场噩梦的世界。 最近写短歌致词时,我所想到的就是这种经历。 即使为该游戏发布了三个级别的DLC,它仍然总共需要大约6或7个小时的时钟,这对于这里提供的刺激和寒意来说是一个完美的运行时间。 在阅读本文之前或之后,我恳请您玩此游戏,稍后您可以感谢我。

Created by Swedish development house Tarsier Studios, which had previously made Little Big Planet 3 and Tearaway Unfolded among other work, Little Nightmares released in April of 2017. As of May 2020, the game has been a phenomenal success with more than 2 million copies sold. It’s not difficult to see why, as it is one of the most effective and atmospheric horror titles available for any system.

由瑞典开发公司Tarsier Studios创建, Little Nightmares之前曾制作过Little Big Planet 3Tearaway Unfolded等作品,于2017年4月发行。截至2020年5月,该游戏取得了惊人的成功,售出了200万本。 不难看出为什么,因为它是可用于任何系统的最有效,最大气的恐怖片之一。

This will be a spoiler-free look back at the game, as it would be absolutely criminal to ruin anything new players have in store for them. Suffice it to say that Six needs to escape, and everything flows from there. The gameplay revolves around solving environmental puzzles, sneaking past enemies and occasionally running like hell away from them.

回顾一下这款游戏,这将是无懈可击的,因为毁掉新玩家为他们储备的任何东西绝对是犯罪的。 只需说六号需要逃脱,一切就从那里流出来就足够了。 游戏玩法围绕解决环境难题,潜行经过敌人并偶尔像它们一样逃离地狱而展开。

Other than the occasional tip to tell you which button press accomplishes a scene-specific action, there is no spoken or printed dialogue, and no direction given to help you out. The puzzles aren’t fiendishly difficult, and while they never feel frustrating, there is a bit of trial and error involved in some of them. The journey and the ending are the struggle, though, as you will feel every emotion Six feels in her attempts to escape. Grab the three DLC packs and you have a wonderful bookend to Six’s journey, with a twist at the very end I didn’t see coming.

除了偶尔提示您哪个按键可以完成特定于场景的操作外,没有任何口头或书面对话,也没有提供指导来帮助您。 这些难题并不难解决,尽管它们从未感到沮丧,但其中有些涉及反复试验。 然而,旅程和结局是艰辛的奋斗,因为您会感受到六人试图逃脱的每一种情感。 抓住这三个DLC包,您将对Six的旅程有一个美好的书挡,但最后却发现我没想到会有所改变。

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The first thing you notice about the game is its scale, and how small you feel. The environments are simply massive compared to Six, and the game does a fantastic job of conveying that stark contrast. Chairs and tables tower over her, to the point where just getting up to a stool takes a monumental jump. The vertical nature of each screen means Six will often scale chests of drawers or stacks of boxes to get on top of tables, then to high shelves where important items or collectibles are stowed.

您注意到游戏的第一件事是它的规模,以及感觉如何。 与“六”相比,环境简直是巨大的,并且游戏在传达这种鲜明对比方面做得非常出色。 椅子和桌子高高地耸在她身上,以至于只要站起来凳子都会产生巨大的跳跃。 每个屏幕的垂直性质意味着六个通常会称重抽屉柜或成堆的箱子,放在桌子上,然后到高架上,上面存放重要物品或收藏品。

Little Nightmares is quite literally dripping in atmospheric details, and they do more than anything to set the scene and deliver the horror. Water drips down every wall and puddles on every floor. When Six runs through those puddles, or the occasional spot of blood, she leaves tiny footprints in every direction she runs. Late in the game, you know you are in the presence of an enemy when Six’s breath results in icy clouds in front of her. When she has her lighter out, she shields the flame with her hand while running to keep it from blowing out. The darkness and gloom is less of a detail and more of a theme in the game, pervasive and disturbing in every room you visit.

《小恶梦》确实滴入了大气中的细节,它们在设置场景和传达恐怖方面做得比什么都重要。 水从每一滴墙壁上滴下来,在每层地板上都水坑洼洼。 当六个人穿过那些水坑或偶尔的血迹时,她在奔跑的各个方向上留下了微小的足迹。 在游戏后期,当六人的呼吸在她面前结冰时,您会知道您正在敌人面前。 当她把打火机拿出来时,她用手遮挡火焰,以免熄灭。 黑暗和阴暗在游戏中不再是一个细节,而是一个主题,在您访问的每个房间中无处不在。

The soundscape provides the backdrop for every horrific happening throughout the game, and truly must be heard to be believed. Chairs scrape across metal floors, causing the player the flinch at the thought of attracting unwanted attention. As Six approaches enemies to sneak past them, her heartbeat speeds up to a fever pitch, represented to the player by the thrumming of the DualShock controller’s force-feedback. When enemies attack or chase Six, the pace of the music accelerates and the blood-curdling screech of violin notes, familiar to all horror fans, are never far away.

音景为整个游戏中发生的每一次恐怖事件提供了背景,必须让人们真正相信它。 椅子在金属地板上刮擦,导致玩家退缩以引起不必要的注意。 当“六人”接近敌人潜行时,她的心跳加快,直到发烧音调为止,DualShock控制器的力反馈震撼了玩家。 当敌人攻击或追赶六号琴时,音乐的节奏会加快,所有恐怖迷们都熟悉的小提琴音符的鲜血凝结的刺耳声永远不会消失。

The graphical style of the game, both the levels and the characters, does more than anything to set the tone for the game. Hunger is a main theme, and the enemy characters are almost all grotesquely proportioned people with terrifying visages, seen gorging themselves throughout the game. Massive animal carcasses and hunks of food, which all look quite disturbing in proportions and conditions, are central to the setting of most levels. Some characters wear what appear to be Kabuki masks with twisted features, while others resemble obese versions of horror favorite Leatherface.

游戏的图形风格,包括关卡和角色,都可以为游戏设定基调。 饥饿是主要主题,敌人的角色几乎全都是怪怪的人,他们的面容令人恐惧,在整个游戏过程中,他们都陷入困境。 大规模的动物尸体和大块的食物,在比例和条件上都显得相当令人不安,它们对于大多数级别的设置至关重要。 一些角色戴着看起来像是带有扭曲特征的歌舞uki面具,而另一些角色则类似于恐怖的最受欢迎的莱瑟菲斯的肥胖版本。

The levels are works of art in themselves, both small and enormous. Whether it is a tiny crawlspace or a giant mansion, the levels have incredible details, down to the nails in the rotten wood floorboards. The darkness and gloom are practically part of the level, so pervasive and ever-present are they. The items that populate the levels are so realistic and well-crafted, they pop off the screen in an almost 3D manner. Lights swing realistically with the swaying of the room, and shadows dance along the walls and floors, inducing fear and relief in equal measure depending on where the light lands.

这些关卡本身就是艺术品,大小不一。 无论是很小的爬行空间还是巨大的豪宅,这些楼层都有令人难以置信的细节,甚至是烂木地板上的钉子。 黑暗和阴暗实际上是关卡的一部分,所以它们无处不在且永远存在。 填充关卡的项目是如此逼真且精心制作,它们以几乎3D的方式从屏幕弹出。 光线随着房间的摆动而真实地摆动,阴影沿着墙壁和地板跳动,这取决于光线的落地,相等程度地引起恐惧和缓解。

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Last, and most important, is the environmental storytelling that makes this game really remarkable. With the lack of spoken and written dialogue, the environment tells the entire story. Every corner of every room tells a bit of the tale and gives clues to what is really happening in this frightening place.

最后,也是最重要的是使这个游戏真正与众不同的环境故事。 由于缺乏口头和书面对话,环境讲述了整个故事。 每个房间的每个角落都讲述了一个故事,并提供了有关这个可怕地方实际发生情况的线索。

Bloody handprints on a door frame are found at the end of a bloody trail across the floor. A bed folds out from the wall, frighteningly complete with straps and buckles laid across it’s width. It is clear that children are involved in some way with the horror, as many rooms sport crayon drawings, toys and child-sized beds or even cribs. One particularly haunting room was filled with nothing but shoes, evoking images of a similar room at the Holocaust Museum, as Six trudges through their midst toward the next challenge. You could spend multiple hours beyond playing the game, just looking at the details in each room.

在地板上流血痕迹的末端发现了门框上的流血手印。 一张床从墙壁上折叠起来,令人恐惧地完成,在其整个宽度上都配有皮带和带扣。 显然,孩子们在某种程度上参与了恐怖活动,因为许多房间都摆着蜡笔画,玩具和儿童大小的床甚至是婴儿床。 一间特别令人难以忘怀的房间里只剩下鞋子,唤起了大屠杀博物馆中类似房间的画面,六名苦苦跋涉的人艰难地迈向下一个挑战。 您可以在玩游戏之外花费多个小时,仅查看每个房间的细节即可。

The developers have discussed the game’s inspirations, which include Studio Ghibli animated classics, and stated that they feel it is a darker take on their Little Big Planet works from earlier years. I was also reminded of Inside, the wonderfully atmospheric platformer from Danish studio Playdead, in both the game’s feel and mechanics. Whatever the inspiration, or your reason to play it, give Little Nightmares a try before the sequel comes out later this year. You may not sleep too well once you’re done, but you’ll be glad you took the journey.

开发人员讨论了游戏的灵感 ,包括吉卜力工作室的动画经典作品,并表示,他们觉得与《 Little Big Planet》早期作品相比,这是一个黑暗的想法。 还使我想起了丹麦工作室Playdead出色的大气平台游戏《 Inside》 ,无论是游戏的手感还是机制。 无论灵感是什么,或者是您使用它的理由,都可以在今年下半年续集问世之前尝试一下Little Nightmares 。 完成后,您可能不会睡得很好,但是您会很高兴踏上旅途。



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