erik python_Erik Spiekermann的来信

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Undoubtedly one of the most revered and admired graphic designers and typographers of today, Erik Spiekermann is the architect behind some of the best-known branding and visual identity campaigns of the past generation. “If you ever take the train in Germany, everything you read was designed by us,” Spiekermann once famously said about Deutsche Bahn. His influence on contemporary graphic design is irrefutable, his legacy is visible when reading

毫无疑问,Erik Spiekermann是当今最受尊敬和最受赞赏的图形设计师和版式设计师之一,是上一代最著名的品牌和视觉识别活动的幕后设计师。 “如果您在德国坐火车,那么您阅读的所有内容都是我们设计的,”史匹克曼曾以著名的德国铁路说过。 他对当代图形设计的影响是无可辩驳的,阅读时可以看到他的遗产

The Economist or looking at an Audi. Turning conceptual sketches into symbolic substance, we pay homage to the personality and professionalism of the ‘German font god’ on his 73rd birthday. 经济学家或看着奥迪。 将概念草图变成象征性的内容,我们向“德国字体之神”诞辰73周年致敬。
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When one looks at Erik Spiekermann’s life’s work, one is not only struck by the sheer abundance of quality work. Words, type, and design are connected to entrepreneurship, networks, and technical knowledge. He has created an impressive graphic cosmos that has had a massive influence on graphic design in Germa­ny and abroad. (Photo: Hello, I am Erik)

当人们回顾埃里克·斯皮克曼的一生时,不仅会对高质量的作品感到震惊。 文字,类型和设计与企业家精神,网络和技术知识有关。 他创造了令人印象深刻的图形宇宙,对德国和国外的图形设计产生了巨大影响。 (照片:您好,我是Erik)

Born in Stadthagen on April 30, 1947, Spiekermann will be the first to tell that he represents one of the last individuals from the iconic golden age of analog letterpress. An early adopter of digital graphic design in the 1980s, he became the voice of a generation through MetaDesign (founded 1979) and FontShop (founded 1988). The self-taught artist learned his craft in his own cellar printing shop in Berlin. Although he made his mark in London, the world’s omphalos for graphic design at the time.

Spiekermann于1947年4月30日出生在Stadthagen,他将是第一个告诉他代表模拟凸版标志性黄金时代最后一批个人的人。 他是1980年代数字图形设计的早期采用者,通过MetaDesign(成立于1979年)和FontShop(成立于1988年)成为一代人的代言人。 自学成才的艺术家在柏林自己的地窖印刷店里学习了他的手。 尽管他在伦敦留下了自己的印记,但在当时,它是世界平面设计的重点。

From MetaDesign’s inception in 1979 to leaving the company in 2001, Spiekermann led Germany’s largest design firm overseas into London, Amsterdam, and San Francisco. The modern success stories behind Volkswagen, Heidelberg Printing, and Bosch can be attributed in part to his visual identity.

从1979年MetaDesign成立到2001年离开公司,施匹克曼带领德国最大的设计公司向海外进军伦敦,阿姆斯特丹和旧金山。 大众,海德堡印刷和博世背后的现代成功故事部分可以归因于他的视觉形象。

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Spiekermann and three colleagues at MetaDesign London were responsible for the new design of The Economist. “We reworked the text face, introduced another new typeface for navigation and information hierarchies, improved the access to content via a more clearly designed, two-page table of contents, and, above all, introduced color throughout the publication, which until then had been seen as totally impossible.” (Photo: Hello, I am Erik)

Spiekermann和伦敦MetaDesign的三位同事负责《经济学人》的新设计。 “我们重新设计了文字外观,为导航和信息层次结构引入了另一种新字体,通过设计更清晰的两页目录来改善了对内容的访问,最重要的是,在整个出版物中引入了颜色,直到那时为止被认为是完全不可能的。” (照片:您好,我是Erik)

In 1990, Spiekermann was the first foreigner commissioned to design a series of Olympic stamps for the Dutch postal service. The challenge was to show five sports on four stamps: volleyball, athletics, rowing, skating, and field hockey. The Olympic rings were an important design element.

1990年,施皮克曼是第一个受托为荷兰邮政设计一系列奥林匹克邮票的外国人。 面临的挑战是在四个邮票上展示五个运动项目:排球,田径,赛艇,滑冰和曲棍球。 奥运五环是重要的设计元素。

The typeface ‘Transit’ was created exclusively for BVG signage, based on ‘Frutiger Condensed,’ and published commercially in 1997

字体“ Transit”是专门为BVG标牌创建的,基于“ Frutiger Condensed”,并于1997年商业发行。

Since Spiekermann himself admits he is a typographic designer rather than an illustrator, he developed a typographic picture created from the white markings typical of each sport against gray playing fields. The names of each sport were on the margin on a colored strip. Without perforations the picture appeared to represent five separate stamps-however, with the word ‘Netherlands’ and the postage value, four stamps emerged, each one in two of the five Olympic colors. This design was a little too ‘Teutonic’ and lacking in color for the client, so pictures of athletes were added.

由于斯皮克曼本人承认自己是印刷设计师,而不是插图画家,因此他根据每项运动在灰色运动场上典型的白色标记制作了印刷图片。 每个运动的名称都位于彩色条的边缘。 没有穿Kong的图片似乎代表了五张单独的邮票,但是带有“荷兰”一词和邮票的价值,出现了四枚邮票,每种五种奥林匹克色彩中的一种。 这种设计有点“条顿人”,对客户来说缺乏色彩,因此增加了运动员的照片。

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The four stamps on an envelope also designed by Spiekermann stamped on the first day of the issue. (Photo: Hello, I am Erik)

斯皮克曼(Spiekermann)设计的信封上的四枚邮票在发行的第一天就盖章了。 (照片:您好,我是Erik)

A map and navigation master, he is the design architect of Berlin’s transit system and Düsseldorf Airport among others. After the reunification of Berlin in 1990, there was no unified information system for public transport. Right after the fall of the Berlin Wall, MetaDesign designed the first standardized schedule book for East and West Berlin with new city and route maps. Starting in 1991 the team, led by Spiekermann, was commissioned to develop a new signage system for the Berlin public transport company BVG, from which the new corporate design emerged with its main parameters: fonts, symbols, layouts, and company colors. The new information system was tested at the transport hub Alexanderplatz before being installed in the entire subway system. Previously, vehicles had been colored white, gray, beige, lemon yellow, orange, or red. Spiekermann introduced yellow as the sole color. The typeface ‘Transit’ was created exclusively for BVG signage, based on ‘Frutiger Condensed,’ and published commercially in 1997 as ‘FF Transit.’ The signage still works well today but is being watered down in a few areas.

作为一名地图和导航大师,他是柏林公交系统和杜塞尔多夫机场等的设计建筑师。 1990年柏林统一后,没有统一的公共交通信息系统。 柏林墙倒塌后,MetaDesign为东西柏林设计了第一本标准化时间表,其中包含新的城市和路线图。 从1991年开始,由Spiekermann领导的团队受委托为柏林公共交通公司BVG开发新的标牌系统,由此产生了新的公司设计,其主要参数为:字体,符号,布局和公司颜色。 在安装到整个地铁系统中之前,新的信息系统已经在交通枢纽亚历山大广场进行了测试。 以前,车辆的颜色是白色,灰色,米色,柠檬黄色,橙色或红色。 Spiekermann介绍了黄色作为唯一的颜色。 字体“ Transit”是专门为BVG标牌创建的,基于“ Frutiger Condensed”,并于1997年商业发行为“ FF Transit”。 该标牌在今天仍然可以正常工作,但是在一些地区被淹没了。

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After the fall of the Wall in November 1989, Neville Brody, a friend of Spiekermann’s for years, visited Berlin and wanted to see the changes for himself. Brody along with Erik and Joan, his wife, founded FontShop in 1988. (Photo: Hello, I am Erik)

1989年11月,柏林墙倒塌后,斯皮克曼一家的多年朋友内维尔·布罗迪(Neville Brody)参观了柏林,并希望亲眼看看这些变化。 布罗迪与埃里克(Erik)和他的妻子琼(Joan)于1988年共同创立了FontShop。(照片:你好,我是埃里克)

Small may be beautiful, but big is successful, he explains in Hello, I am Erik. “Over the course of the years in this business, I have learned that large companies prefer to deal with other large companies when it comes to the big stuff. Thus, design companies in the States have long behaved and felt like big companies. That’s why they got contracts from their business partners at the major companies who were after safe, evolutionary solutions, rather than creative surprises. Corporate identity and corporate design were global buzzwords in the 1980s, which shows how both language and business practice had become very Anglo-Saxon. German clients looking for designers with a strategic approach were more or less forced to go to London,” he explains.

小也许美丽,但大成功,他在《 你好,我是埃里克》中解释。 “多年来,在从事这项业务的过程中,我了解到大公司更喜欢与其他大公司打交道。 因此,美国的设计公司长期以来一直表现得像大公司。 这就是为什么他们从主要公司的业务合作伙伴那里获得合同的原因,他们追求安全,不断发展的解决方案,而不是创造惊喜。 企业形象和企业设计是1980年代的全球流行语,这表明语言和商业实践都已成为盎格鲁-撒克逊人。 寻找战略策略设计师的德国客户或多或少被迫去伦敦。”他解释说。

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The new signage had to be installable with simple means in historic stations. The workmen did not always go about this in the most subtle way, as one can see from the holes in the ceiling, still visible today. This project started in 1990 and ran until 1994. (Photo: Hello, I am Erik)

新的标牌必须能够通过简单的方法安装在历史车站上。 工人并不总是以最微妙的方式进行处理,正如人们从天花板上的Kong眼中看到的那样,今天仍然可以看到它们。 这个项目开始于1990年,一直持续到1994年。(照片:您好,我是Erik)

At the time all the most important projects went through design companies in America, England, and Switzerland. He recalls Germany instead of being recognized for products and product design but hadn’t quite yet been admitted to graphic design’s premier division. But over the course of four decades, Spiekermann helped reverse that. Treasured and feared in the design world, he is an idolized figure that paved the way for countless generations after. Celebrated graphic designer and critic Michael Beirut in the book says, “the ability to reduce complex ideas to unforgettably simple forms is a remarkable gift. Erik can do it with typefaces, or images, or words, and-seemingly-in any language. That is the mark of a great designer, and that is what Erik Spiekermann is.”

当时,所有最重要的项目都要经过美国,英国和瑞士的设计公司。 他回忆起德国并没有获得产品和产品设计的认可,但还没有被平面设计的主要部门录取。 但是在过去的四十年中,史匹克曼帮助扭转了这一局面。 在设计界倍受珍视和恐惧,他是一个被偶像化的人物,为后来的无数世代铺平了道路。 著名的平面设计师和评论家迈克尔·贝鲁特(Michael Beirut)在书中说:“将复杂的想法简化为令人难忘的简单形式的能力是一项了不起的礼物。 Erik可以使用字体,图像,单词或任何语言来实现它。 那是一位伟大的设计师的印记,这就是埃里克·斯皮克曼(Erik Spiekermann)的意思。”

“We practice post-digital printing. Our motto is ‘Preservation through Production’”

“我们练习后期数字印刷。 我们的座右铭是“生产中的保存”

“Spiekermann’s unostentatious design has certainly crept into the way we perceive things, without us noticing it. The art lies in its implicitness,” Melanie Mühl once said. In 2001, he took on the redesign of the outdated newspaper The Economist, helping to bring them into the new millennium. Their circulation went from 500,000 to almost one million at the end of the following year. In 2009, he became the European Ambassador for Innovation and Creativity by the European Union. The German Design Council awarded him their 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest such award in Germany. The same year he was the 25th recipient of the TDC Medal, awarded by the Type Directors Club New York.

Spiekermann朴素的设计无疑已经悄悄地渗入了我们感知事物的方式,而我们却没有注意到它。 艺术在于它的隐含性,” MelanieMühl曾经说过。 2001年,他重新设计了过时的报纸《经济学人》 ,将其带入了新的千年。 第二年年底,他们的发行量从50万增加到近一百万。 2009年,他被欧盟任命为欧洲创新与创造大使。 德国设计委员会授予他2011年终身成就奖,这是德国最高的此类奖项。 同年,他获得了纽约Type Directors Club颁发的TDC奖章的第25名。

To coincide with the gestalten release of Hello, I am Erik, which was co-edited and designed by Johannes Erler, and in close cooperation with Erik Spiekermann, we visited him at Galerie P98a to reflect back on his legacy.

为了与Hello的gestalten版本相吻合,我是Erik,由Johannes Erler共同编辑和设计,并与Erik Spiekermann密切合作,我们在P98a画廊拜访了他,以回顾他的遗产。

After decades of accolades, he moved away from the digital world. He says, “we practice post-digital printing. Our motto is ‘Preservation through Production.’ We certainly are not Luddites.” As one of the last masters of analog design, he is using his life experiences to nurture the next generation and preserve the craft. “I want the design to make things easy to use as well as beautiful to behold,” he recently said.

经过数十年的赞誉,他离开了数字世界。 他说:“我们练习后期数字印刷。 我们的座右铭是“生产中的保存”。 我们当然不是路德主义者。” 作为最后的模拟设计大师之一,他利用自己的生活经验来培养下一代并保存。 他最近说:“我希望该设计使事情变得易于使用和美观。”

At the beginning of 2014, Spiekermann installed his printing press in a beautiful white room in a former girls’ art school in the back courtyard of a house in Berlin’s Potsdamer Straße, directly opposite Edenspiekermann, which he stepped down from the year before. It is called Galerie P98a after its street and house number. In 2019, next door to the printing press, Spiekermann joined forces with a selection of Berlin-based publishers and platforms to open Analog on Potsdamer Straße 100. The concept store, which gestalten is a partner in, is a hub for everything related to typography, design, photography, and art.

2014年初,斯皮克曼将印刷机安装在柏林波茨坦大街(PotsdamerStraße)的一所房子后院的一所前女子艺术学校的一间美丽的白色房间里,他从前一年就辞职了。 它的街道和门牌号码后称为Galerie P98a。 在2019年,斯匹克曼与印刷厂隔壁,与多家柏林出版商和平台联手在PotsdamerStraße100上开设Analog。这家概念店是gestalten的合作伙伴,是与版式相关的所有内容的枢纽,设计,摄影和艺术。

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The Spiekermann gallery workshop in Potsdamer Straße, Berlin combines traditional handwork with digital technology such as Risographs and 3D printing. (Photo: Hello, I am Erik)

位于柏林波茨坦大街(PotsdamerStraße)的Spiekermann画廊工作坊将传统手工与数字技术(如立字印刷机和3D打印)结合在一起。 (照片:您好,我是Erik)

Erik Spiekermann revolutionized his field, took it digitally, put Germany on the global stage of graphic design, shaped contemporary typeface, and transformed the identity of the world’s most recognized brands. An obsessive attention to detail and a healthy knowledge of analog and digital production methods earned him international respect. He advanced and evolved design, but today is more focused on preserving the methods and techniques that shaped the beginning of his career.

埃里克·斯皮克曼(Erik Spiekermann)革新了他的领域,进行了数字化处理,使德国进入了平面设计的全球舞台,塑造了当代字体,并改变了世界上最受认可的品牌的形象。 对细节的痴迷和对模拟和数字生产方法的深入了解为他赢得了国际尊重。 他改进并发展了设计,但如今更加专注于保留影响他职业生涯开始的方法和技术。

The visual biography Hello I am Erik is the first comprehensive exploration of Spiekermann’s influential career with contributions by Neville Brody, Mirko Borsche, Wally Olins, Stefan Sagmeister, Christian Schwartz, and Erik van Blokland. Available in German and English. Header image by Henning Wagenbreth.

视觉传记《你好我是埃里克》是斯派克曼的有影响力的职业生涯的首次全面探索,其中包括内维尔·布洛迪,米尔科·博尔歇,沃利·奥林斯,斯特凡·萨格迈斯特,克里斯蒂安·施瓦茨和埃里克·范·布洛克兰。 提供 德语 英语 标题图片由Henning Wagenbreth提供。

Originally published at


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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。


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