

I’ve read articles on Medium and I’ve encountered teams who want to quit Scrum. Because Scrum does not work. Teams start to work with the Scrum Guide, they even get a developer to act as a Scrum Master and yet they fail to produce what they thought they would.

我已经读过有关Medium的文章,并且遇到了想要退出Scrum的团队。 因为Scrum不起作用。 团队开始使用《 Scrum指南》,他们甚至聘请开发人员担任Scrum Master,但他们未能如愿以偿。

You hear and read things like ‘Scrum takes away our time to work on products by planning too many meetings.’ Teams thought Scrum was the answer to everything. But now Scrum has failed them and they want to start with Kanban or start to work according to the Agile manifesto without the Scrum framework.

您会听到和阅读诸如“ Scrum通过计划过多的会议而浪费我们的时间来从事产品开发”的事情。 团队认为Scrum是一切的答案。 但是现在Scrum已经使他们失败了,他们希望从看板开始,或者根据没有Scrum框架的敏捷宣言开始工作。

As a Scrum Master, I can be kind of biased in this. But I’m not here to preach that you should always use Scrum. By all me work with a different framework or methodology, it’s all fine by me. But don’t blame Scrum, just because you fail at Scrum. Scrum forces you to look at what you need to deliver value. So ask yourself what you need to do, instead of blaming a framework.

作为Scrum Master,我对此可能会有所偏见。 但是我并不是要鼓吹您应该始终使用Scrum。 通过所有我使用不同框架或方法的工作,我觉得一切都很好。 但是不要责怪Scrum,只是因为您在Scrum上失败了。 Scrum迫使您查看交付价值所需的内容。 因此,请问自己需要做什么,而不是责怪框架。

If you really want to deliver value and use Scrum as it was supposed to, then read on below!


Scrum是创造价值的工具 (Scrum is a tool to deliver value)

The Scrum framework exists purely to help teams deliver value. It facilitates moments to inspect and adapt. It forces you to think about things like:

Scrum框架的存在纯粹是为了帮助团队创造价值。 它便于检查和适应。 它迫使您考虑以下问题:

  • Do we build the right things?

  • Can we work better?

  • How can we validate our assumptions?

  • What should we do?


你必须把工作 (You have to put in the work)

This doesn’t happen automatically. You have to put in the work to make it happen. The framework gives you moments to think about this stuff, it doesn’t build products. You do. The framework is founded on empiricism. Empiricism means that knowledge comes from experience, you learn by doing.

这不会自动发生。 您必须投入工作才能实现它。 该框架让您有时间思考这些内容,它不会生成产品。 你做。 该框架建立在经验主义之上。 经验主义意味着知识来自经验,您边做边学。

Scrum states that you should be transparent about everything. Everything you learn from customers and each other. Are we working on the wrong products? Let’s stop and rearrange our direction. Inspect your work and adapt accordingly.

Scrum指出您应该对所有事情保持透明。 您从客户以及彼此那里学到的一切。 我们在开发错误的产品吗? 让我们停下来重新安排方向。 检查您的工作并做出相应调整。

了解Scrum的用法 (Understand the use of Scrum)

Before you start with Scrum, you should understand that it is a tool to help you. You’re not here to work for Scrum, Scrum is here to help you. Use the framework to suit your needs and iterate to your goals and create the outcomes you seek.

在开始使用Scrum之前,您应该了解它是可以帮助您的工具。 您不是在这里为Scrum工作,Scrum在这里为您提供帮助。 使用该框架来满足您的需求,并迭代您的目标并创建您想要的结果。

You should find out ways to find value. You should not force yourself to obey the ‘scrum rules’. The only ‘rules’ that you should obey are the main pillars within Scrum Transparency, Inspection and Adaption. These pillars are essential to guide you empirically to a better place sprint after sprint.

您应该找出获取价值的方法。 您不应强迫自己遵守“混乱规则”。 您应该遵守的唯一“规则”是Scrum 透明度,检查和适应的主要Struts。 这些Struts对于从经验上引导您更好地在短距离冲刺中至关重要。

But yes you can put work into an active sprint and you can take stuff out. You can use all kinds of user story formats, the scrum guide doesn’t even talk about that. You should refine the work it fits you best. Refinement session is not even an ‘official’ event within Scrum, but rather something you do. Experiment with a different type of Daily Scrums. Apply the pillars of Scrum!

但是,是的,您可以将工作放入活动的sprint中,并且可以删除内容。 您可以使用各种用户故事格式,Scrum指南甚至都没有提到。 您应该优化最适合您的工作。 优化会议甚至不是Scrum中的“官方”事件,而是您要做的事情。 试用其他类型的Daily Scrums。 应用Scrum的Struts!

您需要的不仅仅是Scrum (You need more than Scrum)

We’ve just learned that Scrum is a tool to help you deliver value. But it doesn’t deliver value for you. That’s up to you.

我们刚刚了解到Scrum是一种可帮助您实现价值的工具。 但这并不能为您带来价值。 随你(由你决定。

Scrum exists only in its entirety and functions well as a container for other techniques, methodologies, and practices. — Scrum Guide

Scrum仅完整存在,并且可以很好地用作其他技术,方法和实践的容器。 — Scrum指南

The Scrum Guide states that it functions well as a container for other techniques, methodologies and practices. And that’s what you should do if you want to be successful with Scrum. Find out what works for you within this framework. Ask yourself what you need to deliver value to the customer.

《 Scrum指南》指出,它可以很好地充当其他技术,方法和实践的容器。 如果您想在Scrum上取得成功,这就是您应该做的。 在此框架内找出最适合您的方法。 问问自己,您需要什么才能为客户带来价值。

The ‘real’ work you do is what builds value. The framework assists you to do so. It’s up to you to use and find techniques or processes that will create value. Scrum makes improvements visible and urges you to step up your game.

您所做的“真正”工作是创造价值的基础。 该框架可以帮助您做到这一点。 由您决定使用和寻找可以创造价值的技术或过程。 Scrum使改进可见,并敦促您加强游戏。

Scrum易学但难以掌握 (Scrum is easy to learn but difficult to master)

When you work within the framework you should step up your game. You have to apply continuous learning and continuous improvement. It’s up to you. The framework is easy, that’s what it is an easy framework to help you discover what you need to do.

在框架内工作时,您应该加强自己的游戏。 您必须应用持续学习和持续改进。 由你决定。 该框架很简单,这就是帮助您发现需要做的事情的简单框架。

Scrum is:




Simple to understand


Difficult to master


- Scrum Guide


But it’s hard to truly master it. That’s where the Scrum Master gets her place.

但是很难真正掌握它。 那就是Scrum Master的位置。

Scrum Master,指导我们! (Scrum Master, guide us!)

The Scrum Master needs to guide the team and the organization through this process. Make everyone understand the value of learning, validating and experimenting. The role needs to assist the development team, Product Owner and the organization to deliver the best value it possibly can.

Scrum Master需要在此过程中指导团队和组织。 让每个人都了解学习,验证和实验的价值。 该角色需要协助开发团队,产品负责人和组织实现可能的最佳价值。

And yes the Scrum Master is also there to make sure the team lives according to the pillars of Scrum and facilitate around their needs and even make everyone understand why it’s important to do all the events. But making sure everyone understands is different from telling people what to do. We don’t live in the Industrial age anymore!

是的,Scrum Master也在那里,以确保团队按照Scrum的原则生活,并为他们的需求提供便利,甚至使每个人都明白为什么进行所有活动很重要。 但是确保每个人都能理解不同于告诉别人该怎么做。 我们不再生活在工业时代!

自组织团队 (Self-organizing teams)

We’re working with teams from different disciplinary’s together to create the outcome our customers need. The teams should be guided to self-organisation. Self-organisation is difficult and it’s not for everyone. You need a certain quality in all your team members. If you don’t have what it takes you will fail at Scrum.

我们正在与来自不同学科的团队合作,以创造出客户所需的结果。 应指导团队进行自我组织。 自组织是困难的,并不是每个人都适合。 您的所有团队成员都需要一定的素质。 如果您没有所需要的东西,您将在Scrum失败。

We’re not here to follow the Scrum Guide. Your success is not measured by scoring Scrum points. Your team is measured according to the value you give to the customers. Do what builds value, if that doesn’t work talk about it. The events in Scrum give you all the opportunities to give and receive feedback and change course.

我们不是在这里遵循Scrum指南。 您的成功不是通过Scrum得分来衡量的。 您的团队是根据您提供给客户的价值来衡量的。 做那些能创造价值的事情,如果那没用的话,那就谈谈它。 Scrum中的事件为您提供了提供和接收反馈以及更改路线的所有机会。

到那里去创造价值! (Go out there and create value!)

Have the courage to question the status quo, be open about everything you do and focus on the customer. Build rules, processes and methods in this framework to make it work for you. Go out there and create, create what the customer needs. That’s what Scrum is about. Build the right things. No cares if you build the wrong thing really efficiently according to Scrum. People only care about what they need and that is the value you deliver. So let’s create value and give the people what they need!

勇于质疑现状,对您所做的一切保持开放并专注于客户。 在此框架中构建规则,流程和方法,以使其适合您。 到那里去创造,创造客户所需的东西。 这就是Scrum的目的。 建立正确的事物。 根据Scrum的说法,不管您是否真正有效地构建错误的东西。 人们只关心他们的需求,这就是您提供的价值。 因此,让我们创造价值并给人们所需的东西吧!



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