

有目的的选择 (A purposeful selection)

In this article, I’ve provided three projects which can improve your programming ability in the areas of web development, machine learning, and Android development.


These projects were not selected without careful thought.


I consider them to be the most impactful projects I completed during my 4 years of studying computer science.


Impactful in terms of how much knowledge I gained compared to the time invested.


For each project, I have created some rough steps to follow. These are intended to serve as general guidance rather than hard rules.

对于每个项目,我都创建了一些粗略的步骤。 这些旨在用作一般指导而非硬性规定。

I encourage you to take these projects as a starting point and expand on them with your own ideas.


Remember to be creative and have fun with your code!


“The computer programmer is a creator of universes for which he alone is the lawgiver.” ― Joseph Weizenbaum

“计算机程序员是宇宙的创造者,他一个人就是宇宙的创造者。” ― 约瑟夫·魏岑鲍姆

我们为什么要使用项目来学习? (Why should we use projects to learn?)

It may be argued that some university teaching styles are starting to show their age.


In particular, those which require you to slog through tens of hours of rigorous lecture material such that you may regurgitate it in time for a final exam.


At best these are tedious and ineffective. In the worst case, they can be demoralising, and overwhelming

这些充其量是乏味且无效的。 在最坏的情况下,它们可能使人士气低落,使人压倒

From personal experience, I find that after an exam, I forget most of the material in a matter of days.


I cannot retain it because I do not continue to practise it.


So why am I talking about university teaching styles?


Because there is one which shines far above the rest — one which we can learn a great deal from.


The take-home assignment.


Assignments are naturally suited to practical subjects, in particular those which involve some form of programming.


In order to complete them properly, you need a thorough grasp of the underlying principles upon which they are based.


But you do not need to be an expert before starting.


Whenever I am working on a programming assignment, my workflow is as follows:


  1. Prioritise a task to complete.

  2. Define what I need to know in order to complete the task.

  3. Research and learn.

  4. Complete task.

  5. Repeat steps 1–4 until the assignment is complete.


Define. Research. Apply.

定义。 研究。 应用。

Over several weeks, I am iteratively building on top of my previous knowledge by breaking down my tasks into bite-sized chunks.


This process of defining what you need to know, acquiring the knowledge, and then applying it, is what makes completing assignments so effective.


It’s exactly the process I use when I’m developing a project, be it for fun or for work. I’ve found it to be the fastest and most enjoyable method for progressing as a developer.

这正是我在开发项目时使用的过程,无论是娱乐还是工作。 我发现它是发展成为开发人员时最快,最有趣的方法。

No matter your skill level, the process stays the same.


实时聊天应用程序-Web开发 (Realtime chat app — web development)

Image for post
Gif of a realtime chat app. Created by Author.
实时聊天应用的Gif。 由作者创建。

This is an awesome project that will give beginners a deep-dive into both front-end and back-end development.


For the more experienced developer, it offers the chance to experiment with new technologies and perhaps learn a new framework or two.


While there are many ways to implement a realtime chat application, the core architecture will not vary much.


You can pick and choose which of the subcomponents to implement based on your skill level and learning priority.


1.身份验证API (1. Authentication API)

Building an authentication layer for your application is a great excuse to learn a modern strategy such as OAuth 2.0.

为您的应用程序构建身份验证层是学习诸如OAuth 2.0之类的现代策略的绝佳借口。

You can create a custom sign-up flow or use an existing implementation such as Google or Facebook.


2.数据存储 (2. Datastore)

You’ll need a data store to persist messages and user info. There’s a wide range of databases to choose from. You can take this opportunity to try a new one.

您将需要一个数据存储来保留消息和用户信息。 有各种各样的数据库可供选择。 您可以借此机会尝试一个新的机会。

3. Websocket API (3. Websocket API)

Websockets allow for low latency communication between the client and the server. You can use a framework such as socket.io to achieve lightning-fast communication.

Websocket允许客户端和服务器之间的低延迟通信。 您可以使用socket.io之类的框架来实现快速的通信。

4.前端 (4. Front-end)

The complexity of the front-end can be easily scaled based on your experience level.


If you’re new to web development I recommend creating some static HTML pages and updating its content when a new message is created. You can do this with an AJAX request.

如果您不熟悉Web开发,建议创建一些静态HTML页面,并在创建新消息时更新其内容。 您可以使用AJAX请求执行此操作。

Alternatively, for a bigger challenge, you can implement the front-end with a modern framework such as React, or Vue.


摘要 (Summary)

As you can see there are many possibilities with this project. I guarantee you’ll learn something new if you try to build it.

如您所见,此项目有很多可能性。 如果您尝试构建它,我保证您会学到一些新东西。

It helped me to land my first internship in 2019.


I still use the technologies and concepts I learned to this day.


文本分类器,神经网络-机器学习 (Text classifier, neural network — machine learning)

Image for post
Gif of a neural network being trained. Created by Author.
正在训练的神经网络的Gif。 由作者创建。

Text classification is the process of assigning categories to unstructured text. For example, we can analyse a corpus of news articles to determine sentiment or genre.

文本分类是将类别分配给非结构化文本的过程。 例如,我们可以分析新闻文章的语料库以确定情感或体裁。

There are many great machine learning libraries available in Python. I can recommend the following from personal use: scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, and Pytorch.

Python提供了许多很棒的机器学习库。 我可以推荐从个人使用以下命令: scikit学习TensorFlowKerasPytorch

For each of the following tasks, you can use a library for quick completion, or challenge yourself to manually implement them.


1.数据预处理 (1. Data pre-processing)

The first step to any machine learning task is to pre-process your data to suit the needs of your model.


Typically data is split into three sets: training, testing, and evaluation. Each set should have a corresponding set of labels.

通常,数据分为三组:培训,测试和评估。 每组应具有一组对应的标签。

In text-processing, we can define a set of stop words — common words (e.g ‘a’, ‘in’, ‘the’) which we want our network to ignore.

在文本处理中,我们可以定义一组停用词 ,即我们希望网络忽略的常用词(例如“ a”,“ in”,“ the”)。

Additionally, we want to convert the data into a format our model can understand. A common technique is to use one-hot vectors.

此外,我们希望将数据转换为模型可以理解的格式。 一种常见的技术是使用单热矢量

3.选择一个目标函数 (3. Choose an objective function)

An objective function is something that your model optimises during the training process. We want to select a suitable objective function for our data.

目标函数是模型在训练过程中优化的。 我们想为我们的数据选择一个合适的目标函数。

A common function to use is the cross-entropy loss between two or more classes.


3.定义网络架构 (3. Define network architecture)

A feed-forward neural network with one input layer and one output later is the simplest type of network. You can experiment with adding more layers and changing the number of neurons in each layer.

具有一个输入层和一个稍后输出的前馈神经网络是最简单的网络类型。 您可以尝试添加更多层并更改每一层中神经元的数量。

4.火车模型 (4. Train model)

Train the model using an optimisation algorithm such as stochastic gradient descent.


Make sure to only train your model using the training data, otherwise, you’ll get skewed results.


5.评估表现 (5. Evaluate performance)

Evaluate your model's performance on the test data set by calculating metrics such as accuracy, precision, and f1-score.


You can plot the learning history of your algorithm to further understand what is happening.


摘要 (Summary)

Using a library such as Keras will allow you to achieve all of the above steps in a relatively short amount of time. It’s a great way to quickly improve your knowledge of machine learning techniques.

使用Keras之类的库可以使您在相对较短的时间内完成上述所有步骤。 这是快速提高您对机器学习技术知识的一种好方法。

You can take these general steps and apply them to other data sets that you find online — Get creative!


If you’re wanting to obtain a more thorough understanding of the inner workings, I recommend you try to complete these tasks without the assistance of a library.


Having done this for university, I will warn you…it can be very frustrating. But stick with it, you’ll learn a lot.

大学毕业后,我会警告您……这可能非常令人沮丧。 但是坚持下去,您会学到很多东西。

具有位置跟踪功能的照片库-Android应用 (Photo gallery with location tracking — Android app)

Image for post
Gif of an image gallery app. Created by Author.
图片库应用的Gif。 由作者创建。

Building a photo gallery is a fantastic way to get started with Android. This was one of the most enjoyable projects I completed during university.

建立照相馆是开始使用Android的绝佳方式。 这是我在大学期间完成的最有趣的项目之一。

Once you start brainstorming, you’ll quickly see that the possibilities are endless. Here are a few steps to get you started.

一旦开始集思广益,您将很快发现无限可能。 这里有一些步骤可以帮助您入门。

1.查看图像的布局 (1. Layouts to view images)

Layouts in Android are created using XML. You can experiment with different layouts for displaying photos in your app.

Android中的布局是使用XML创建的。 您可以尝试使用不同的布局来在应用程序中显示照片。

You might create a grid and allow for the number of columns to be altered with a pinch gesture.


2.上传图片 (2. Upload Image)

You’ll want a way to capture images from the phone’s camera. A simple library to do this with is EasyImage.

您需要一种从手机的摄像头捕获图像的方法。 一个简单的库就是EasyImage

3.位置信息 (3. Location Information)

When a photo is taken, you can use a Location Service to retrieve the last known location of the device.


4.数据存储 (4. Datastore)

In order to store images and their location, you’ll need a way to persist data in the app. Android provides a wrapper over SQLite called ‘Room’.

为了存储图像及其位置,您需要一种将数据保留在应用程序中的方法。 Android为SQLite提供了称为“ Room”的包装。

The Android documentation highly recommends using Room, to store data locally, as opposed to using SQLite directly.


5. Mapview (5. Mapview)

Once you have images and location stored, you can create a map-view layout using the Google Maps SDK.

存储图像和位置后,您可以使用Google Maps SDK创建地图视图布局。

Place a pin for each location and make it clickable to show the associated image(s).


摘要 (Summary)

I used the skills I gained from this project to launch my own app to the Google Play Store. This now generates a small but satisfying amount of passive income every month.

我使用从该项目中获得的技能来将自己的应用程序启动到Google Play商店。 现在,这每月产生少量但令人满意的被动收入。

If developing for Android doesn’t interest you then you could try developing this project for another platform.


Developing for iOS requires macOS. If you don't have a Mac already this can be a hefty entry fee.

为iOS开发需要macOS。 如果您还没有Mac,这可能是一笔不菲的入门费。

Alternatively, you could try using react-native or flutter to implement it as a cross-platform application. This is something I’ve been keen to try out for a while.

另外,您可以尝试使用react-native或flutter将其实现为跨平台应用程序。 这是我一直渴望尝试的一件事。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

Getting your hands dirty with a project is the fastest way to progress as a developer.


The more you practise the process of defining, researching, and applying, the quicker you will improve.


If you are inspired to build any of the projects, I’d love to hear about your experience and whether or not they were effective for you.


Thank you for reading 🙏


翻译自: https://medium.com/the-dev-café/three-projects-to-make-you-a-better-programmer-65903e53620a


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