game jam_从Game Jam Idea到Mobile Classic

game jam

Game jams continue to be among the greatest events in the gaming community. They both inspire and teach players and designers to have fun and explore off-the-wall ideas in response to deliberately open-ended challenges. Some highly notable games have emerged as a result of these events, having started life as a game jam prototype. New Zealand-based Dinosaur Polo Club’s popular Mini Metro and Mini Motorways were conceived in exactly this way.

摹 AME果酱继续在游戏界最大的事件之一。 他们既启发并教会玩家和设计师玩耍,并探索壁垒,以应对故意开放的挑战。 这些事件带来了一些引人注目的游戏,它们是作为游戏果酱原型而诞生的。 完全以这种方式构想了总部位于新西兰的Dinosaur Polo Club受欢迎的Mini MetroMini Motorways

In fact, way back in a 2013 game jam hosted by the company Ludum Dare 26, twins Robert and Peter Curry submitted their entry called Mind the Gap. The theme for this particular jam was minimalism, and as such, they created an experience with a simple aesthetic akin to a subway map.

实际上,早在2013年由Ludum Dare 26公司主持的游戏大战中,双胞胎Robert和Peter Curry就提交了他们的参赛作品,名为Mind the Gap 。 这种特殊果酱的主题是极简主义,因此,他们创造了一种类似于地铁地图的简单美学体验。

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Mind the Gap.

The prototype itself may have been simple — as you’d expect for a game jam — but the Curry brothers decided to develop the game further. A little over a year later, they released Mini Metro for the PC (via their newly-formed studio, Dinosaur Polo Club). The game was later released for Linux and OS X. Developed in Unity, Mini Metro later saw release on iOS and Android (2016), Nintendo Switch (2018), and PlayStation 4 (2019).

原型本身可能很简单-正如您期望的那样,它会造成游戏堵塞-但Curry兄弟决定进一步开发游戏。 一年多后,他们通过新成立的工作室Dinosaur Polo Club发布了PC版Mini Metro 。 该游戏后来针对Linux和OS X发行。Mini Metro是在Unity上开发的,后来在iOS和Android(2016),Nintendo Switch(2018)和PlayStation 4(2019)上发行。

So what, exactly, is Mini Metro? Put simply, it’s a puzzle-strategy-simulation game where you construct and manage metro transit networks to support a rapidly-growing metropolis. The core mechanic involves physically drawing transit lines between station nodes; you’ll start by building a simple “drawing” only to watch it become more complex over time. Maintaining an efficient system that can sustain increased demand without collapsing is key. Mini Metro is refreshingly different from other strategy games, in the sense that it doesn’t involve managing units on a map — instead it focuses on designing infrastructure and considering how units use them to travel from one place to another.

那么,到底什么是Mini Metro ? 简而言之,这是一个益智策略模拟游戏,您可以在其中构建和管理地铁运输网络以支持快速发展的大都市。 核心机制涉及在站点节点之间物理绘制传输线; 您将首先构建一个简单的“绘图”,然后观察它随着时间的推移变得越来越复杂。 维持一个可以维持需求增长而又不会崩溃的高效系统是关键。 Mini Metro与其他策略游戏完全不同,因为它不涉及管理地图上的单位-而是专注于设计基础结构并考虑单位如何使用它们从一个地方到另一个地方。

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Mini Metro mid-game (left) versus late game (right).

It’s a truly unique experience that I have continued to return to over the years. But I’ve always wondered how this idea could be applied to a transit system that is even more complex than a metro system. Enter Mini Motorways.

多年来,我一直回到这是一次真正独特的经历。 但是我一直想知道这个想法如何应用于比地铁系统更为复杂的公交系统。 输入“ 迷你高速公路”

As you might expect, Mini Motorways is something of a spiritual successor to Mini Metro. But instead of connecting train tracks between stations, you’re building roads between houses and parking lots. Mini Motorways was released for the Apple Arcade service on September 19th, 2019. Although this new title is currently rated lower than its predecessor on the App Store (3.9 stars versus 4.9 for Mini Metro), let me be clear: Mini Motorways’ gameplay is every bit as good as Mini Metro, if not better, depending on whether or not you’re keen on the added complexity.

如您所料, Mini MotorwaysMini Metro的精神继任者。 但是,您不是在车站之间连接火车轨道,而是在房屋和停车场之间修建道路。 Mini Motorways已于2019年9月19日为Apple Arcade服务发布。尽管此新标题目前在App Store中的评分低于其前身(3.9星,而Mini Metro则为4.9星),但我要明确: Mini Motorways的游戏方式是甚至比Mini Metro都好,取决于您是否热衷于增加的复杂性。

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Mini Motorways.

Mini Motorways is absolutely still based on a minimalist aesthetic, but it is far less abstract than its predecessor. Here, you’ll see depictions of objects and landscape that is more representative of their real-world counterparts. At the same time, Mini Motorways features a design that — while perhaps a little less clear than Mini Metro — is more capable of supporting a complex and dynamic building system. The ultra-simplistic dragging and drawing of lines has been discarded in favor of a Sims-like “build mode”, which overlays the map with a grid that allows you to accurately lay down roads between buildings (it also gives the option to delete roads via a “trash mode”). As well as laying down roads with the optimal design, you’ll need to consider several other useful tools: everything from traffic lights and bridges to overpass motorways (all of which can be placed and built per the player’s choosing).

Mini Motorways绝对仍以极简主义美学为基础,但远没有它的前任那么抽象。 在这里,您将看到对象和风景的描绘,它们更能代表现实世界中的对应物。 同时, Mini Motorways的设计虽然可能比Mini Metro不够清晰,但是却能够支持复杂而动态的建筑系统。 放弃了非常简单的线条拖曳和绘制,转而使用类似于Sims的“构建模式”,该模型将地图与网格覆盖在一起,使您可以准确地在建筑物之间铺设道路(还可以选择删除道路)通过“垃圾箱模式”)。 除了以最佳设计铺设道路之外,您还需要考虑其他一些有用的工具:从交通信号灯,桥梁到立交桥的所有事物(所有这些都可以根据玩家的选择进行放置和建造)。

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Mini Motorways Build Mode.

The core loop of watching your initially-small road system expand into a massive, chaotic network linking more and more buildings makes for a great challenge for efficiency optimizers. The ability to physically see vehicles travelling from location to location is useful, too, because it enables you to easily visualize bottlenecks in your road network, and consider where it might make sense to place traffic lights or other useful components.

观察最初很小的道路系统的核心循环如何扩展成一个庞大的,混乱的网络,连接越来越多的建筑物,这对效率优化器构成了巨大挑战。 物理上查看从一个位置到另一个位置行驶的车辆的功能也很有用,因为它使您可以轻松地可视化道路网络中的瓶颈,并考虑将交通信号灯或其他有用组件放置在何处。

Of course, Mini Motorways isn’t perfect. There are, for example, a lack of secondary game modes and maps here, making this a less complete experience as compared to Mini Metro. I’d love to see things like a creative mode, challenge mode, or endless mode — even a greater number of cities. Additional accessibility settings would be great, too. I also found that, for me, the touch screen wasn’t really the ideal input method — it led to less precision, which impacted the overall experience. Fortunately, Mini Motorways is still a new game and there’s plenty of scope to expand the experience over time. I have no doubt that Dinosaur Polo Club will address these areas in future updates.

当然, 迷你高速公路并不完美。 例如,这里缺少辅助游戏模式和地图,因此与Mini Metro相比,这种体验不够完整。 我很乐意看到诸如创意模式,挑战模式或无尽模式之类的东西-甚至更多的城市。 其他辅助功能设置也很棒。 我还发现,对我而言,触摸屏并不是真正的理想输入法-它导致精度降低,从而影响了整体体验。 幸运的是, Mini Motorways仍然是一款新游戏,随着时间的流逝,有足够的空间扩展体验。 毫无疑问,恐龙马球俱乐部将在未来的更新中解决这些问题。

For now though, I’ll happily continue enjoying Mini Motorways. It’s a satisfying — indeed, addictive — experience that I find myself repeatedly going back to. It’s worth noting, too, that Mini Motorways will also be released later this year on Steam.

目前,我将继续愉快地享受Mini Motorways 。 这是一种令人满意的-确实令人上瘾的经历-我发现自己反复回到过去。 同样值得注意的是, Mini Motorways也将于今年晚些时候在Steam上发布。

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GitHub Game Jam是一项由GitHub主办的全球性的游戏开发比赛。这个比赛旨在鼓励开发者们在短时间内创造出有趣、创新的游戏作品。 参与者们以个人或团队的形式参赛,他们在规定的时间内利用任何适合的工具和技术,从零开始设计、开发和完成一款游戏。比赛的时间通常为一周,这对于参赛者们来说是一个严峻的挑战,他们需要在有限的时间内迅速组织构思、编码和测试游戏。 GitHub Game Jam具有几个独特的特点。首先,作为一个全球性比赛,参与者们可以来自任何地方,透过GitHub这个平台与其他全球参赛者互相学习、交流和分享经验。这种全球性的多元性可以促进创新和合作,使得参与者们可以从不同的文化和视角中获得启发。 其次,GitHub Game Jam也注重游戏的开源和共享。所有参赛作品都必须在GitHub上进行版本控制,这样其他人可以查看和学习他们的源代码。这无疑促进了开发者们的交流和学习,也为整个游戏开发社区提供了宝贵的资源。 最后,GitHub Game Jam还设有评审团来评选出优胜者。评审团由游戏开发领域的专家组成,他们会根据游戏的创意、玩法、美术设计和可玩性等因素进行评判。这种评判机制不仅提供了反馈和奖励,还为参赛者们提供了展示自己作品的机会。 总的来说,GitHub Game Jam是一个推动游戏创新和开源精神的比赛。通过参与这个比赛,开发者们可以锻炼自己的技能、拓展视野,同时也为整个游戏开发社区贡献自己的力量。无论是对于参赛者还是整个游戏开发行业来说,GitHub Game Jam都是一个充满机遇和挑战的盛会。


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