

I was first made aware of Coursera’s Guided Project when I received an email from them. Out of curiosity, I wanted to check them out, just to see if they can help with my learning. On their page, they cover projects on data science, business, and computer science in general. I was exploring through what they had to offer for data science and chanced upon “Named Entity Recognition using LSTMs in Keras” Guided Project. This will offer me two things, one is learn Named Entity Recognition and two is an experience in Guided Projects.

当我收到来自他们的电子邮件时,首先使我意识到了Coursera的Guided Project。 出于好奇,我想检查一下它们,只是看看它们是否可以帮助我学习。 在他们的页面上,他们涵盖了有关数据科学,业务和计算机科学的项目。 我正在研究他们为数据科学提供的服务,并偶然发现了“在Keras中使用LSTM的命名实体识别”指导项目。 这将为我提供两件事,一是学习命名实体识别,二是在指导项目中的经验。

I’ll be going through the following sections:


  • Price

  • Time

  • Conduct

  • My own experience

  • My thoughts



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Cost of Guided Project [1]

For USD$9.99, it is reasonable for a 1.5 hours guided lesson with access to a GPU enabled environment in this case.


时间 (Time)

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Summary of Guided Project [1]

For an approximately 1.5 hours of lesson, I believe the learning content and knowledge takeaways should be sizeable and would not have much theory involved. The lessons are fully hands-on practical sessions. However, it is recommended to have some prerequisites such as Python programming and neural network knowledge in this case.

在大约1.5个小时的课程中,我认为学习内容和知识总结应该足够大,并且不会涉及太多理论。 这些课程是完全动手的实践课程。 但是,在这种情况下,建议具有一些先决条件,例如Python编程和神经网络知识。

进行 (Conduct)

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How Guided Projects work [1]

The guided project sessions are conducted via Rhyme. Rhyme is Coursera’s platform for the learner to have hands-on practice in their browser. The tools required are installed on their cloud desktop. When logged in, the learner will see two segments, one for their workspace and the other a video tutorial from the instructor.

指导项目会议通过Rhyme进行。 Rhyme是Coursera的平台,供学习者在其浏览器中进行动手练习。 所需的工具已安装在其云桌面上。 登录后,学习者将看到两个部分,一个部分用于工作区,另一部分来自教师的视频教程。

我的经验 (My Experience)

I decided to give this a shot as my job requires me to apply Named Entity Recognition (NER) in our use cases.


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I was greeted by the summary page which consists of the instructor’s note and what I was required to accomplish. Since Guided Projects are essentially very specific to the knowledge domain, I believe that the project can be completed within a week. How fast you want to complete it really depends on how focused you are with learning.

摘要页面向我致意,该页面包括讲师的笔记和我需要完成的工作。 由于“指导性项目”本质上非常特定于知识领域,因此我认为该项目可以在一周内完成。 您要完成的速度实际上取决于您对学习的专注程度。

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So, I was ready to start learning and was presented with an overview of the tasks/topics covered in this Guided Project. I had to agree to use this tool responsibly to avoid misuse of the cloud desktop.

因此,我准备开始学习,并获得了本指导项目中涵盖的任务/主题的概述。 我必须同意负责任地使用此工具,以免滥用云桌面。

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After agreeing and logging in, I am greeted by the promised split screen. It takes a while to connect.

同意并登录后,承诺的拆分屏幕将使我感到满意。 连接需要一段时间。

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Once successfully connected, I am able to access the cloud desktop on the left and interact with the split screen video on the right. Nothing fancy yet.

成功连接后,我可以访问左侧的云桌面,并与右侧的分屏视频进行交互。 还没有幻想。

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As I played the video on the right, I followed the instructions from the instructor.


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One thing that I noticed is you have to move the screen left and right to view the source code on the instructor’s video. However, you can adjust the split screen accordingly, although only right to left or left to right.

我注意到的一件事是您必须左右移动屏幕才能查看讲师视频中的源代码。 但是,尽管只能从右到左或从左到右,但是可以相应地调整拆分屏幕。

初始延迟问题 (Initial Latency Issues)

Rhyme has awful latency issues initially. That initial moment really made me question if this Guided Project was even worth it. However, 1 day later, there wasn’t much of an issue.

押韵最初有严重的延迟问题。 刚开始的那一刻,确实使我怀疑这个指导项目是否值得。 但是,一天后,问题不多了。

思想 (Thoughts)

So back to the question, “Is the Coursera Guided Projects worth it?”. I would say if your job requires a specific knowledge area or you are intending to showcase your practical knowledge to prospective employers, then yes. However, if you want to learn an entire flow of a knowledge area such as data science in general, then this may not be suitable. This is suitable for people who wants to learn a specific segment of the knowledge area such as Named Entity Recognition using LSTMs in Keras.

所以回到问题,“ Coursera指导项目值得吗?”。 我想说的是,如果您的工作需要特定的知识领域,或者您打算向潜在的雇主展示您的实践知识,那么可以。 但是,如果您想学习一般知识领域的整个流程,例如数据科学,那么这可能不合适。 这适合想要学习知识领域的特定部分的人员,例如使用Keras中的LSTM命名实体识别。

From now till June 12, 2020, Coursera allows you to take a Guided Project for free once. Just enroll in any Guided Projects listed to enjoy the free course before June 12, 2020.

从即日起至2020年6月12日,Coursera允许您免费参加一次引导项目。 只需注册列出的所有引导项目即可在2020年6月12日之前享受免费课程。

Hope you enjoy and are aware of Coursera’s offerings. Catch you in the next article. Peace! ✌️

希望您喜欢并了解Coursera的产品。 在下一篇文章中找到您。 和平! ✌️


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