
Until recently, I was still using an iPhone 6S. Even though several of my family members and friends had long since upgraded, and the current model was closing in on being double the model number with which I was still navigating, I had no pressing need to upgrade. My phone was paid off, it received text messages, handled my work email account, took pictures & video, and did everything I could imagine I needed to do in day-to-day life. Taking a turn in gravel a bit too fast while distracted changed that pretty quickly.

直到最近,我仍在使用iPhone 6S。 即使我的一些家庭成员和朋友已经升级很长时间了,并且当前的型号已经接近我正在使用的型号的两倍,但我并没有迫切需要升级。 我的手机还清了,收到了短信,处理了我的工作电子邮件帐户,拍摄了照片和视频,并做了我想像中的日常生活。 在分散注意力的同时,在砾石中转弯的速度太快了,这很快就改变了。

With the 6S, I still had a traditional headphone jack, which meant I had a wire from my headphones to my phone, which while running, I usually threaded through my shirt collar, and out through the waist and into my phone. For whatever reason, probably because Pandora decided to play a song insufficient for my last quarter mile running, I decided to attempt skipping a song in while in full stride. Without getting into my list of excuses for ending up on my butt, suffice to say my phone’s screen ended up shattered. The important thing is that I got up and finished the run. But, I knew that I would have to attend to my shattered screen before it turned into tiny shards of glass that would end up pricking my fingers while navigating the screen.

使用6S时,我仍然有一个传统的耳机插Kong,这意味着我的耳机和手机之间都有一根电线,跑步时,我通常会穿上衬衫领子,然后穿过腰部进入手机。 出于任何原因,可能是因为Pandora决定播放的歌曲不足以进行最后四分之一英里的跑步,所以我决定尝试全速跳过一首歌曲。 不必进入我的借口清单,就可以说我的手机屏幕最终破裂了。 重要的是我起床并完成了跑步。 但是,我知道在破碎的屏幕变成细小的玻璃碎片之前,我必须先检查一下它,最后在浏览屏幕时会刺破我的手指。

To my surprise, the cost of replacing the shattered screen cost about as much as the first four or five payments on a modest upgrade, so I went for it and soon received the iPhone 8S. Like any new phone, I had to jump through a couple set-up hoops, but it was quickly up and running, and I was soon ready again to take my new buddy on its inaugural run. But there was a problem: no headphone jack.

令我惊讶的是,在经过适度的升级后,更换破碎的屏幕的成本大约相当于前四到五次付款的成本,所以我坚持不懈地购买了iPhone 8S。 像任何新手机一样,我不得不跳过几个设置环,但是它很快启动并运行,我很快就准备好让我的新伙伴开始其首次运行。 但是有一个问题:没有耳机插Kong。

Annoying as this was, it sounded like the old trope where Apple keeps changing its set-up in order to force us to buy new accessories. Wether true or not, I was in that position. I looked through a list of adapters that would allow me to plug my old headphones into the jack that the new devices share with the power cord, but kept seeing suggestions for Bluetooth connected, wireless headsets. I had previously avoided them because the thought of having one more thing to recharge was irksome. For whatever reason, I decide to pull the trigger and try it out. And boy was I glad I did.

听起来很烦人,听起来像是老套子,苹果公司不断改变其设置以迫使我们购买新配件。 不论是否正确,我都处于那个位置。 我浏览了一系列适配器,这些适配器可让我将旧耳机插入新设备与电源线共享的插Kong中,但一直看到有关蓝牙连接的无线耳机的建议。 我以前避免了它们,因为想到再充电一件事令人讨厌。 无论出于何种原因,我决定拉动扳机并尝试一下。 男孩很高兴我做到了。

Almost a week later, after receiving my new wireless headset, charging it up, easily connecting it to my device and taking off for the road, I tried it out on my daily exercise routine. I was able to adjust the volume without removing my phone from my pocket, change the song, and not have to worry about losing site of where I was running much less thread wires through my collar. At home in my make-shift gym, I was able to leave it in the house and workout on the patio, not worrying about losing my WiFi connection and using the phone as a tether between me and the internet. It was brilliant. But I never would have even thought to purchase them or of the possible advantages if I had not been forced to do so. And this is the same thing I see happening as our country is forced to adopt new technologies during the COVID pandemic.

大约一周后,在收到新的无线耳机,为其充电,轻松将其连接至设备并驶上道路后,我在日常锻炼中进行了尝试。 我能够调节音量,而不必从口袋里拿出手机,也不会改变歌曲,也不必担心丢失了我的衣领上的电线少得多的位置。 在家中,我可以在临时健身房中将其留在屋子里,在露台上锻炼,而不必担心失去WiFi连接以及将电话用作我和互联网之间的纽带。 那真是太棒了。 但是我从来没有想过要购买它们,或者如果我没有被迫购买的话,它可能不会带来好处。 我看到的是同一件事,因为在COVID大流行期间我国被迫采用新技术。

How many people have now utilized grocery pickup, which has been around for years, who would have never done so before. We’ve all heard them say things like, “I enjoy strolling down the aisles and taking a look at what’s available.” And how many of them will continue to use the service now that they appreciate the benefits?

现在有多少人已经使用杂货店提货,这种方式已经存在多年了,而他们从来没有这样做过。 我们都听到他们说:“我喜欢沿着过道漫步,看一看有什么东西。” 现在,他们当中有多少人会继续享受这项服务,因此会继续使用该服务?

In healthcare, how many providers and patients have been forced to try telemedicine who normally would not even imagine not going to a clinic or office in person? And how many of them will continue to use telemedicine as a staple of their care model?

在医疗保健领域,有多少提供者和患者被迫尝试远程医疗,而这些患者通常甚至都不会想到不亲自去诊所或办公室? 还有多少人将继续使用远程医疗作为其护理模式的主要内容?

How many apps for food pick-up have you downloaded so you can bypass the drive-through lines and get curbside pickup? Are you ever going back if you don’t have to? I know I won’t ever park in line at Panera again.

您下载了多少个用于食物收集的应用程序,以便可以绕过驾车穿越路线并得到路边取件? 如果不需要,您会回去吗? 我知道我再也不会在Panera排队了。

The rapid shift towards new technology has been an eye-opener for a lot of our audience, and they will expect service based on the ability of those doing so at the top of their game. There will be no exceptions.

Swift向新技术转移已使我们的许多观众大开眼界,他们将基于在游戏中表现卓越的能力来期望获得服务。 不会有例外。

And yet I still hear colleagues, when discussing patient/customer surveys about new technology adoption, err on the side of those who do not seem to want the new technology. “Maybe they aren’t ready for that yet. Our population is not the right one for this technology.” Or, maybe we should be guiding them into what would be a better experience for them, introducing them vigorously to the time savings and convenience, and helping them acclimate to the new reality.

但是,我仍然听到同事们在讨论有关采用新技术的患者/客户调查时,似乎似乎并不想使用新技术的人犯了错误。 “也许他们还没有为此做好准备。 我们的人口不适合使用这项技术。” 或者,也许我们应该引导他们进入对他们来说更好的体验,向他们介绍节省时间和便利的时间,并帮助他们适应新的现实。

I still remember the transition from VHS to DVDs, and then Blu-Rays, and now it is all available to stream at will. Imagine if media industries hesitated to move forward with technology, simply because several people were upset about what they were to do with the collection of VHS tapes they have stacked on their entertainment center shelves. What if Sony and Samsung slowed down on making digital cameras and waited for Kodak film lovers to all agree to switch to digital?

我仍然记得从VHS到DVD的过渡,然后是蓝光,现在都可以随意播放了。 想象一下,如果媒体行业犹豫不决地推动技术发展,仅仅是因为几个人对他们堆放在娱乐中心架子上的VHS磁带的处理方式感到不满。 如果索尼和三星放慢数码相机的生产并等待柯达的电影爱好者一致同意转而使用数码相机怎么办?

Patients’ and customers’ opinions and concerns about the manner in which services and products are created and delivered should always be on our minds, and part of our strategic model. But in understanding the evolution of technology, it is our job as leaders in industry to look beyond tomorrow and set-up our businesses for what is to come. If we wait for late adopters to be ready, it will be because they have, somewhere else, experienced the technology we have yet to integrate, and we will forever be on our heels trying to catch up. That situation inevitably leads to rapid sequence, sloppy integration that creates stress and tension, instead of purposeful advancement. Nobody should allow themselves to end up in that position.

患者和客户对服务和产品的创建和交付方式的看法和担忧应始终在我们的脑海中,这也是我们战略模型的一部分。 但是,在了解技术的发展时,我们作为行业领导者的工作就是超越明天,为即将发生的事情建立我们的业务。 如果我们等待后期采用者做好准备,那是因为他们在其他地方已经体验了我们尚未集成的技术,并且我们将永远追赶追赶。 这种情况不可避免地导致快速的顺序,草率的整合,从而产生压力和紧张,而不是有目的的进步。 任何人都不应该让自己最终处于那个位置。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/sometimes-you-need-to-lead-and-not-listen-to-customers-6e8be7955084





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