


I eat and drink at my desk, but I’m a tidy eater.


— Jamie Zawinski


表中的内容 (Table of Content)

  • Introduction

  • Informational Response (100–199)

  • Successful Response (200–299)

  • Redirects (300 -399)

    重定向(300 -399)
  • Client Error (400–499)

  • Server Error (500–599)

  • Unofficial Codes by Different Platforms

  • Deprecated

  • Conclusion


介绍 (Introduction)

HTTP which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol helps to indicate if a response is successful or not. Status codes are guided by section 10 of RFC 2616. Most of the time, the users do not see the codes returned from the browser, but they are returned every time the browser interacts with the server.

代表超文本传输​​协议的 HTTP有助于指示响应是否成功。 状态代码由RFC 2616的10节指导。 大多数情况下,用户看不到浏览器返回的代码,但是每次浏览器与服务器交互时都会返回它们。

Status codes can help provide a better user experience for the audience using an application, in terms of displaying the right error message and success message.


There are five standard groups Status codes are divided into and they can be identified by the first digit of the code.


These status codes are up to 80 in number, but we will be discussing the ones that are most relevant and used by developers when creating an application.


信息响应(100–199) (Informational Response (100–199))

100 (Continue)


At this level, the client should continue with the request. It is an indication that everything is going smooth so far and the request has not yet been rejected by the server.

在此级别,客户端应继续请求。 这表明到目前为止一切都进展顺利,服务器尚未拒绝该请求。

If the request has however been completed, then the response should be ignored.


101 (Switching Protocol)


At this stage, the HTTP response code indicates that the server is switching protocol as requested by a client. The server then makes an upgrade in the response header to indicate that the protocol has been switched.

在此阶段, HTTP响应代码指示服务器正在按照客户端的请求切换协议。 然后,服务器在响应头中进行升级以指示协议已被交换。

103 (Early Hints)


This response status code is mainly used to return some response headers before the server returns an HTTP message.


成功回应(200–299) (Successful Response (200–299))

200 (OK)


The HTTP 200 status code indicates that the response has succeeded. That is, the communication between the client and the server has run smoothly without any bug.

HTTP 200状态代码指示响应已成功。 也就是说,客户端和服务器之间的通信运行顺利,没有任何错误。

The response gotten will depend on the request method used. This is summarized below:

得到的响应将取决于所使用的请求方法。 总结如下:

  • GET — The resource data has been fetched.

    GET —已获取资源数据。

  • HEAD — The headers are in the message body but without the resource data.


  • POST — The response will contain the result of the data transmitted to the body.

    POST —响应将包含传输到主体的数据的结果。

  • OPTIONS — A representation of the response option.

    选项 -响应选项的表示形式。

  • TRACE — The message body contains the request as received by the server.

    TRACE —消息正文包含服务器接收到的请求。

201 (Created)


This represents the fact that the request has not only succeeded, but a resource has also been created. This status code usually comes with a POST request, since it describes the resource that is being sent to the server.

这表示以下事实:请求不仅成功,而且资源也已创建。 此状态代码通常带有POST请求,因为它描述了要发送到服务器的资源。

202 (Accepted)


This means a client has requested to create something on the server, then the request made is accepted, but is not yet completed because it is still undergoing some processing.


The made request may or may not be acted upon, as it may be disallowed during the processing.


203 (Non-Authoritative Information)


This indicates a successful request, but the entity-header has been modified from that of the origin server. It allows the proxy to send a warning to recipients when a change has been applied.

这表示请求成功,但是已将实体头与原始服务器的头进行了修改。 应用更改后,它允许代理向收件人发送警告。

The use of this status code is not required and is only needed when the response would be anything other than 200 (OK).


204 (No Content)


This means the sent request was received, but there’s no additional data to send in the response payload. The PUT method is mostly used for a 204 response and it is cacheable by default.

这意味着已接收到已发送的请求,但是响应有效负载中没有其他要发送的数据。 PUT方法主要用于204响应,默认情况下可缓存。

205 (Reset Content)


Here the request is processed successfully, however, the response tells the user to reset the document view, so the request returns to the original state which it was received from the server.


重定向(300–399) (Redirects (300–399))

300 (Multiple Choice)


This shows a multitude of options or resources a user can choose from and each option or resource can be identified uniquely.


This response code is rarely used as there’s no generally accepted way of choosing a specific response.


301 (Moved Permanently)


Here all future requests made to the resource should be redirected to a specified URL. It can be used to redirect from a page that is no longer in existence.

在此,将来对资源的所有请求都应重定向到指定的URL。 它可用于从不再存在的页面重定向。

However, it is recommended to use this request only for GET or HEAD methods as it contains some bugs and not all user-agents align with it. This type of response is cacheable by default.

但是,建议仅将此请求用于GETHEAD方法,因为它包含一些错误,并且并非所有用户代理都与其对齐。 默认情况下,这种类型的响应是可缓存的。

302 (Found) Previously[Moved Temporarily]


This response is similar to the 301 HTTP status code. The difference here is that the resource requested has been temporarily moved to a specified header.

此响应类似于301 HTTP状态代码。 此处的区别是请求的资源已被临时移动到指定的标头。

302 has however been superseded by 303 and 307. Just like in the 301 HTTP response code, it is recommended to use this request only for GET or HEAD methods as not all user-agents align with it.

但是302已被303和307取代。就像在301 HTTP响应代码中一样,建议仅将此请求用于GETHEAD方法,因为并非所有用户代理都与其对齐。

303 (See Other)


This HTTP status code indicates that the response for this request is being redirected to another URI. This status code applies to any HTTP method.

此HTTP状态代码表示此请求的响应已重定向到另一个URI。 此状态代码适用于任何HTTP方法。

304 (Not Modified)


Here, there is no need to resend a requested resource since the user-agent already has a cached copy of the last resource. The aim is to minimize data transfer since the user-agent already has a copy of the most recent update.

在此,由于用户代理已经具有最后一个资源的缓存副本,因此无需重新发送请求的资源。 目的是由于用户代理已经具有最新更新的副本,因此最大程度地减少了数据传输。

307 (Temporary Redirect)


In this situation, the response code indicates that the requested resource has been temporarily moved to another URI. It is expected of the client to continue using the original URI to make a request.

在这种情况下,响应代码指示所请求的资源已被临时移动到另一个URI。 希望客户端继续使用原始URI进行请求。

Here the request method is guaranteed not to be changed during redirection, unlike the 302 HTTP status code.

与302 HTTP状态代码不同,此处保证了请求方法在重定向期间不会更改。

308 (Permanent Redirect)


In this case, the requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI which allows requests to run smoothly. The request method does not change during redirection, unlike the 301 HTTP status code which can be altered.

在这种情况下,已为请求的资源分配了新的永久URI,该URI允许请求平稳运行。 重定向期间,请求方法不会更改,这与可以更改的301 HTTP状态代码不同。

客户端错误响应(400–499) (Client Error Responses (400–499))

400 (Bad Request)


This indicates that the request received cannot be processed by the server due to an error which could be due to a wrong syntax. The server expects some form of modifications to be made when next request is received, else the same error persists.

这表明由于语法错误可能导致错误,服务器无法处理收到的请求。 服务器希望在收到下一个请求时进行某种形式的修改,否则相同的错误仍然存​​在。

401 (Unauthorized)


In this case, authorization is required to gain access to a received response. This HTTP status code is similar to 403 (Forbidden). Here, however, the request is expected to have valid credentials for it to be accepted.

在这种情况下,需要授权才能访问收到的响应。 此HTTP状态代码与403(禁止)相似。 但是,在此,该请求应该具有有效的凭据才能被接受。

403 (Forbidden)


This HTTP status code means the user-client has a valid data but is refused access by the server. Making repeated attempts will not yield any successful response as the user, as the user is not allowed to any rights to that particular resource.

此HTTP状态代码表示用户客户端具有有效数据,但服务器拒绝访问。 重复尝试将不会以用户身份产生任何成功的响应,因为不允许用户拥有对该特定资源的任何权限。

404 (Not Found)


This means the requested resource cannot be found by the server. This could be a result of a temporary glitch and the resource could be available if another request is made in the future. Mostly, links that lead to 404 are usually called broken links.

这意味着服务器无法找到请求的资源。 这可能是暂时故障的结果,如果将来再提出其他请求,则该资源可能可用。 通常,导致404的链接通常称为断开的链接。

405 (Method Not Allowed)


This means that a requested method is not supported for the requested resource, even when it is recognized by the server. The resource may be expecting a GET or POST method, but if it receives a DELETE or PUT method, the request made will be rejected as 405.

这意味着所请求的资源不支持所请求的方法,即使服务器识别了该方法也是如此。 资源可能期望使用GETPOST方法,但是如果资源接收到DELETEPUT方法,则发出的请求将被拒绝为405

410 (Gone)


As the name implies, this HTTP status code indicates that the requested resource is not available anymore. Unlike the 404 status code, the results of this response are permanent. This response is cacheable by default.

顾名思义,此HTTP状态代码表示请求的资源不再可用。 与404状态码不同,此响应的结果是永久的。 默认情况下,此响应是可缓存的。

418 — (I’m a Teapot)

418 —(我是茶壶)

This is probably everyone’s favourite response code. It was defined in 1998 and is not expected to be defined by any HTTP server. It implies that the server has refused to brew coffee because it is permanently a teapot.

这可能是每个人最喜欢的响应代码。 它是在1998年定义的,预计不会由任何HTTP服务器定义。 这意味着服务器已拒绝冲泡咖啡,因为它永久是茶壶。

429 (Too Many Requests)


Here the user-client has made too many requests within a given time frame. It is, however, possible, that the request header may indicate a response of how long a client should wait before retrying the request.

在此,用户客户端在给定的时间内提出了太多请求。 但是,请求标头可能指示客户端在重试请求之前应等待多长时间的响应。

It’s mainly used for rate limiting strategies, which is meant for security purposes.


服务器错误响应(500–599) (Server Error Responses(500–599))

500 (Internal Server Error)


Here it means a particular request experienced an unexpected condition that made it unable to complete the request. The user is not expected to see this HTTP status code on the web page.

在这里,这意味着特定请求经历了意外情况,从而使其无法完成该请求。 不应期望用户在网页上看到此HTTP状态代码。

501 ( Not Implemented )


This HTTP status code indicates that the server does not support or have the requirements needed to complete a particular request. It means the server the user-client is trying to access needs to be fixed.

此HTTP状态代码表示服务器不支持或没有完成特定请求所需的要求。 这意味着需要修复用户客户端尝试访问的服务器。

502 ( Bad Gateway )

502错误的网关 )

This indicates that the server while acting as a proxy, received an invalid response from the server while making the request.


503 ( Service Unavailable )

503服务不可用 )

This HTTP status code indicates a temporary state of affairs. It means the request made to the server cannot currently handle the action, this could mean due to maintenance or that the server is overloaded.

此HTTP状态代码指示事务的临时状态。 这意味着对服务器的请求当前无法处理该操作,这可能是由于维护或服务器过载。

504 ( Gateway Timeout )

504网关超时 )

This status code indicates that the server was acting as a proxy, did not send the request at the expected time frame. The fix to this is expected to come from the server.

此状态代码表示服务器正在充当代理,未在预期的时间范围内发送请求。 对此的修补程序预计将来自服务器。

不同平台的非官方代码 (Unofficial Codes by Different Platforms)

218 — ( This is fine )

218 —(很好)

This is mainly used in Apache Web Severs.

这主要用于Apache Web服务器。

419 ( Page Expired )


This is used by the Laravel Framework when a CSRF Token is expired or sometimes missing.

当CSRF令牌过期或有时丢失时, Laravel框架将使用此属性

420 ( Enhance Your Calm )


This is used by version 1 of the Twitter search trends API. It is similar to what 429 status code does.

Twitter搜索趋势API的版本1使用了此功能。 它类似于429状态码的作用。

430 ( Request Header Fields Too Large )


This s used by Shopify when there are too many URL requests within a certain time frame.


450 ( Blocked by Windows Parental Controls )


This used by Microsoft to indicate when parental control is turned on and blocking access to a requested resource.


526 ( Invalid SSL Certificate )


This is used by Cloudflare and Cloud Foundry’s Gorouter to indicate failure to validate the SSL/TLS certificate.

Cloudflare和Cloud Foundry的Gorouter使用它来指示验证SSL / TLS证书失败。

不推荐使用 (Deprecated)

305 ( Use Proxy )


This HTTP response code should no longer be used due to security reasons, although it will still work.


306 ( unused )


This HTTP status is no longer used, it was used in the previous version of the HTTP/1.1 specification.

此HTTP状态不再使用,在HTTP / 1.1规范的先前版本中已使用过。

结论 (Conclusion)

Http response code plays a vital role for both the developers and users of an application. It gives a clear understanding and direction on the current status of things on a web page. Also, it helps with search engine optimization and digital marketing.

Http响应代码对于应用程序的开发人员和用户都起着至关重要的作用。 它对网页上事物的当前状态给出了清晰的理解和方向。 此外,它还有助于搜索引擎优化和数字营销。

Let’s connect on twitter. Also, subscribe to my newsletter here.

让我们在twitter上连接。 另外, 在此处订阅我的新闻通讯。

Originally published at on July 29, 2020.

最初于 2020年7月29日 发布于







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