

A global pandemic. Me having three months of spare time. One YouTube video suggestion. That’s all it took to send me down the rabbit hole again.

全球大流行。 我有三个月的业余时间。 一个YouTube视频建议。 这就是再次将我送入兔子洞的一切。

It was at the beginning of June, and I was sitting at home with nothing to do. Somehow the YouTube algorithm thought it was a good idea to suggest a video of RossBoomsocks trying out an utterly dumb build.

那是六月初,我坐在家里无所事事。 某种程度上,YouTube算法认为建议RossBoomsocks尝试完全笨拙的视频是一个好主意。

That’s all it took for me to reconsider my decision from over two years ago to uninstall League. I made said decision because I’ve had enough of League. I told myself that I had spent too many hours playing the game and that it wasn’t worth the time anymore.

这就是我重新考虑两年多前决定卸载League的全部步骤 。 我之所以这样做是因为我已经拥有足够的联赛资格 。 我告诉自己,我花了太多时间玩游戏,这已经不值得了。

Now, two years older and wiser I concluded that I’d download it again, hoping I’d not get caught up in its complexity again. I thought I’d be smart enough to know when to stop, not to play five games a day. It turns out that those sweet pentas are still too tempting for me.

现在,比我聪明了两年,得出的结论是,我将再次下载它,希望自己不会再陷入其复杂性中。 我以为我很聪明,知道什么时候该停止,而不是每天玩五场比赛。 事实证明,那些甜美的五角星仍然对我来说太诱人了。

Even though League of Legends is over a decade old, it still feels fresh to me. It is hands down the most complex game I have ever played, and every time I come back to it, it feels like I am a complete noob again.

尽管《英雄联盟》已有十多年的历史,但对我来说仍然很新鲜。 这是我玩过的最复杂的游戏,每次回到它时,我都感觉自己像是一个完全的菜鸟。

In almost any category, League can’t compare to any of the rest of my favourite games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or No Man’s Sky. Its graphics aren’t fancy, there is still a ton of buggy coding, and it has no storyline.

在几乎任何类别中, 联赛都无法与我最喜欢的其他游戏(如《荒野大镖客:救赎2》或《 无人深空》)相提并论。 它的图形不是很漂亮,仍然有大量的错误代码,并且没有故事情节。

However, League is the only game that feels different every time you spawn into the Rift. For someone who has never played League, it may seem odd. Basically, every game is the same. One team destroys the other team’s nexus. As the player, however, there are so many nuances to the game, it seems like each round is an entirely new one.

但是, 联赛是您每次进入裂谷时唯一感觉不同的游戏。 对于从未玩过联赛的人来说,这似乎很奇怪。 基本上,每个游戏都是相同的。 一个团队摧毁了另一个团队的联系。 但是作为玩家,游戏有很多细微差别,似乎每一轮都是全新的。

I have so many choices to make, and each one has an impact on my game. I have to keep track of the enemies team, their build, and so much more. That complexity of League of Legends is what hooks me again and again.

我有很多选择,每个选择都会对我的游戏产生影响。 我必须跟踪敌人的队伍,他们的队伍等等。 英雄联盟的复杂性一次又一次吸引我。

Image for post
Source: Leagueoflegends.com.

I am by no means a good League player. I am a bronze player with a no real main role this season. Even though I am not that skilled, League is one of the most satisfying games I have ever played. Landing a perfect flash kick on Lee Sin or taking out four enemies with a Jhin ultimate always will be one of the most satisfying things I experienced while gaming.

我绝不是一个好联盟球员。 我是一名青铜球员,本赛季没有主要角色。 即使我没有那么熟练,但联赛是我玩过的最满意的游戏之一。 在Le Sin上获得完美的闪光踢或者用Jhin终极淘汰四个敌人将永远是我在游戏中体验到的最满意的事情之一。

League will forever have a special place in my gamer heart. I spent over two weeks of my life playing League of Legends. However, I think I am ready to let League be just another one of my favourite games. Although fighting in Summoners Rift is fantastic, this was the last time I will allow myself to get hooked by it that much.

联盟将永远在我的游戏玩家心中占有特殊的位置。 我一生玩了两个星期的英雄联盟 。 但是,我想准备让League成为我最喜欢的游戏之一。 尽管在Summoners Rift中打架真是棒极了,但这是我最后一次让自己迷上它。

I am not ready anymore to spend so much time in front of a grey screen tilting because my teammates flame me rather than help me. I moved on from spending my nights in summoners rift trying to play zed like I’m faker and feeding the hell out of the enemy mid laner.

我不再准备在倾斜的灰色屏幕前花费太多时间,因为我的队友会解雇我而不是帮助我。 我不再在召唤师的裂隙中过夜,而是尝试像我是伪造者一样玩zed,并从敌方中路向地狱里喂食。

I want to spend some time with my friends off the screen instead of screaming at them not to steal my farm.


In the end, I have to admit though that League got me once again two months ago. The game managed to pull me in into its universe back and I became reinvested into it. It’s not leagues fault at all, but I won’t let it happen again. I won’t let the game become, so time-consuming again.

最后,我不得不承认,尽管联盟在两个月前又一次吸引了我。 游戏成功地将我吸引回了它的世界,然后我又重新投入了它。 这根本不是联盟的错,但我不会再让它发生。 我不会让游戏变得如此,所以又很费时间。

That’s not to say that I won’t play it ever again. I won’t play it for days on end again. I’ll still join the occasional ranked with my mate to try and get a bit better rank or go into normal and completely tilt the enemy ADC with Yasuo Malphite bot lane.

这并不是说我不会再玩了。 我不会连续几天玩完它。 我仍将与我的队友一起参加偶尔的排名,以尝试获得更好的排名或进入正常状态,并使用Yasuo Malphite机器人车道完全倾斜敌方ADC。

Because after all, League of Legend is fun.

因为毕竟 英雄联盟 有趣。

Stay safe, stay kind and stay healthy out there.Raffael

保持安全,友善和健康。 拉斐尔

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/league-of-legends-got-me-again-d09566640f72






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