Square Enix应该如何处理《最终幻想VII》翻拍的其余部分?

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Final Fantasy VII. 最终幻想VII》的剧透。

With the first part of the saga already released, the development team is up against some very serious obstacles in their attempt to re-tell the story of one of the most well-known masterpieces in the history of gaming.

瓦特 i个传奇的第一部分已经发布,开发团队对抗,企图以一些非常严重的障碍,再告诉在游戏历史上最有名的代表作之一的故事。

Final Fantasy VII is an instantly recognizable title within the video game industry. The original game has sold millions of copies on just about every platform you can possibly think of. The weight this title carries is quite significant for developer Square Enix, so when they made the decision over five years ago to cave into the pressure of their fans and bring it to life using the upgraded capabilities of today’s consoles, they knew what they were getting themselves into.

《最终幻想VII》是视频游戏行业中即时可识别的标题。 原始游戏几乎在您可能想到的每个平台上都销售了数百万张副本。 这个称号对开发人员Square Enix而言意义重大,因此,当他们五年多前决定降低粉丝的压力并使用当今游戏机的升级功能将其变为现实时,他们知道自己正在获得什么自己成。

The first part of this project is finally out in the wild. Taking the story of the original up until the point where the party escapes from the metropolis of Midgar, the game was well-received by audiences, surpassing 5 million in the sales of physical and digital copies and becoming the fastest-selling digital title in the franchise’s history.

该项目的第一部分终于发布了。 以原始故事为例,直到派对从Midgar大都会逃脱为止,该游戏受到了观众的欢迎,实物和数字副本的销售量突破了500万,并成为了销量最快的数字游戏特许经营的历史。

The idea to keep the game inside the city of Midgar worked perfectly for many reasons. Initially, it gave the team the opportunity to expand or focus more on events that they may not have been able to do so in the original. Secondly, it allowed them to release the title faster than if they chose to make it a complete experience and include everything in a single disc, if that was even possible. And thirdly, even the original game gave you the sensation that there really was nothing beyond Midgar when you played it for the first time, so it posed as the ideal setting for a standalone title.

将游戏保留在Midgar城中的想法非常有效,原因有很多。 最初,它使团队有机会扩展或集中精力于原本可能无法做到的事情。 其次,它允许他们比选择使其完整的体验和将所有内容都包含在一张光盘中(如果可能的话)更快地发布标题。 第三,即使是原始游戏也给您一种感觉,那就是当您初次玩Midgar时,除了Midgar之外什么都没有,因此,它是独立游戏的理想设置。

But as they move forward beyond Midgar, the team lead by Tetsuya Nomura, Yoshinori Kitase, and Kazushige Nojima will be dealing with even greater challenges in their attempt to release the next entries of the VII Remake project.

但是,随着他们超越Midgar的步伐,野村哲也,吉濑喜纪和野岛和重率领的团队将面临更大的挑战,以尝试发布VII Remake项目的下一个项目。

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Source: Sony.


The first of these problems that immediately comes to mind is, how far into the original’s story will the next game go? And if necessary, how many more entries will they require to properly convey the entire scenario of the original game?

这些问题中首先想到的是,下一场比赛将深入到原著的故事中吗? 如有必要,他们还需要多少条目才能正确传达原始游戏的整个场景?

The story of Final Fantasy VII is immense. It features several different characters who each come from different walks of life and join together in their common cause. It is this very element that made the game so popular and it is that element that needs to remain intact. Players are expecting to see the very same story and characters come to life, that’s the main reason behind this project after all.

最终幻想VII的故事是巨大的。 它具有几个不同的角色,每个角色都来自不同的领域,并在共同的事业中团结在一起。 正是这个元素使游戏如此受欢迎,并且该元素需要保持完整。 玩家期望看到同样的故事和角色栩栩如生,这毕竟是该项目背后的主要原因。

So, considering how large this game is and how long it goes on for, one option would be to take it as far as The Forgotten City and, well, that scene with Aerith and Sephiroth. That way it would leave more than enough content for a third and final (no pun intended) game.

因此,考虑到这款游戏的规模和持续时间,一种选择是将它带到“被遗忘的城市”,以及与Aerith和Sephiroth的一幕。 这样,它将为第三场也是最后一场(没有双关语意)游戏留出足够的内容。

Doing it that way will perhaps put a bit of a strain on the visual artists and graphic designers, as there are various different locations the party passes through before reaching The Forgotten City — which could be redeveloped to serve as a “final dungeon” of sorts- but it can be done. Kalm, the Mythril Mines, Junon, Costa Del Sol, North Corel, the Gold Saucer, Nibelheim, Rocket Town, the Temple Of the Ancients, and the Forgotten City, all these areas would need to be recreated in a similar way to that of Midgar. And that’s just for the second game!

这样做可能会给视觉艺术家和图形设计师带来一些压力,因为聚会在到达被遗忘之城之前会经过许多不同的位置,可以重新开发成为某种“最终的地牢” - 但这是可以完成的。 卡尔姆,秘银矿,朱农,太阳海岸,北科雷尔,金碟,尼伯海姆,火箭镇,古代神殿和被遗忘的城市,所有这些地区都需要以与米德加 那只是第二场比赛!

Again this could create several other questions like would all that data fit within a single disc or is it even possible to be done that way. But if the need arises to break the game down to even more pieces then Square Enix runs the risk of losing the patience of even their most faithful followers who in their inability to see the technical limitations, might view this as yet another marketing scheme.

同样,这可能会引起其他一些问题,例如所有数据都适合放在单个光盘中,或者是否有可能这样做。 但是,如果有必要将游戏分解为更多部分,则Square Enix可能会失去甚至是最忠实的追随者的耐心,因为他们无法看到技术局限性,因此可能会将其视为另一种营销方案。

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Moving beyond the number of titles necessary to tell the story, the development team of the Final Fantasy VII Remake is faced with yet another challenge.

除了讲述故事所需的标题之外,《 最终幻想VII重制》的开发团队还面临另一个挑战。

Many fans have asked for an open world type of game, following in the footsteps of the original. But whether something like that is possible (considering the various locations listed above, but also the fact that some of them are on different continents) is highly questionable.

跟随原作的足迹,许多粉丝要求开放世界的游戏。 但是,是否有可能这样做(考虑到上面列出的各个位置,以及其中一些位于不同大洲的事实),这是非常值得怀疑的。

Square Enix attempted the open-world system with their previous entry, Final Fantasy XV, and the results were mixed, to put it mildly. But there’s a lot more at stake here given the gravity of this massive franchise and the emphasis needs to be on the story. With that in mind, it might seem like a good idea to avoid those sorts of experiments.

Square Enix尝试使用他们先前的作品《 最终幻想XV 》进行开放世界的系统测试,结果令人喜忧参半。 但是鉴于这个庞大的特许经营权的严重性,这里还有很多事情要紧,而且需要重点放在故事上。 考虑到这一点,避免进行此类实验似乎是一个好主意。

Players could be given the option to fully explore all the cities that the characters visit during their journey instead, filling the gaps of traveling between place to place with cutscenes of other characters such as Shinra or the Turks. And when the game nears its end, players could be given an option to return to any of those locations they had previously visited to complete any quests or pick up any items they had missed along the way.

玩家可以选择完全探索角色在旅途中访问的所有城市,并使用其他角色(如Shinra或Turks)的过场动画填补不同地点之间的旅行空白。 当游戏接近尾声时,玩家可以选择返回以前访问过的任何位置,以完成所有任务或捡拾他们一路上错过的任何物品。

请兴奋...(?) (PLEASE BE EXCITED…(?))

All of these decisions will play a huge role in how the overall Final Fantasy VII Remake experience is delivered to all those players who have waited — and continue to wait — patiently all these years for a chance to relive one of the greatest stories of their childhood.

所有这些决定将在如何将“ 最终幻想VII翻拍 ”的整体体验传递给所有耐心等待和继续等待这些年的玩家中,从而有机会重温童年最伟大故事之一的过程中发挥巨大作用。 。

The first game showed that the team behind this project truly does have a vision of what fans want to see as there were more than a few key moments from the original that were delivered magnificently, with the addition of a few new ones that tied in neatly, without upsetting the balance or feeling off-putting.


Yet the most difficult part still lies ahead for the developers and ultimately it will be up to the fans to judge whether all the decisions they’re making as we speak are correct or should’ve been given more thought. Only time will tell.

然而,对于开发人员来说,最困难的部分仍然摆在面前,最终将由粉丝们来判断他们在我们讲话时所做的所有决定是正确的还是应该给予更多的考虑。 只有时间证明一切。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/how-should-square-enix-handle-the-rest-of-the-final-fantasy-vii-remake-c4d1bf102fb





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