windows tenet_为什么TENET应该在Fortnite进行特别首映

windows tenet

Hollywood’s decisions to push movie premieres back indefinitely shows a fundamental lack of imagination and innovation. Operating from a 100-year-old playbook in times of extreme change, the movie industry is signaling its capitulation to the pandemic. Hollywood is allowing itself to be steamrolled by the circumstances of our time.

好莱坞无限期推迟首映的决定表明,根本上缺乏想象力和创新能力。 电影行业在极端变化的时代从拥有100年历史的剧本开始运作,正在向大流行发出信号。 好莱坞让自己受时代的影响。

The consequences of COVID-19 include more than just health outcomes. The economic reality includes the loss of jobs and businesses associated that have traditionally required large in-person gatherings. The movie industry is a perfect example of an industry that has come to a grinding halt.

COVID-19的后果不仅包括健康后果。 经济现实包括传统上需要举行大型面对面聚会的工作和相关业务的流失。 电影业是一个停滞不前的完美典范。

The consequences of wrong decisions are severe. But it’s also clear that inaction is a decision that represents severe consequences. Instead, movie studios should aggressively experiment with new ways of premiering their content to audiences desperately craving a little escapism.

错误决定的后果是严重的。 但是很明显,不采取行动是代表严重后果的决定。 相反,电影制片厂应该积极尝试新的方式,向渴望拼命逃避现实的观众展示自己的内容。

Here’s a look at what studios can do to capitalize on a captive and hungry audience.


Netflix证明了替代发行模型有效 (Netflix Proved Alternative Distribution Models Work)

A less aggressive approach would be for the entire movie industry to follow in the trailblazing footsteps of Netflix. Studios could partner with streaming services for a limited release of their movies. It’s not unprecedented and would require a limited technical overhaul.

对于整个电影行业而言,不那么激进的方法将是跟随Netflix开拓性的脚步。 制片厂可以与流媒体服务合作,以限量发行电影。 这并非史无前例,需要进行有限的技术改造。

Netflix has proven its ability to premiere feature films on its platform that have achieved significant success. Viewer numbers of recent major theatrical releases show the platforms accomplishments.

Netflix已经证明了在其平台上首映电影的能力,该电影取得了巨大的成功。 最近的主要戏剧发行版的观众数量显示了该平台的成就。

  • Extraction — 99 million views in the first 4 weeks

  • Birdbox — 89 million views

  • Spencer Confidential — 85 million views


The reality is that there are many more interesting options that studios could explore.


数字前沿-沉浸式视觉体验 (The Digital Frontier - Immersive Visual Experiences)

The combination of the internet, gaming, social interaction, and virtual technologies are combining to create a new dynamic for how we interact digitally. This convergence is setting the foundation for a virtually enhanced future called The Metaverse.

互联网,游戏, 社交互动和虚拟技术的结合正在为我们进行数字互动创造新的动力。 这种融合为称为“ Metaverse”的虚拟增强未来奠定了基础。

A Metaverse is a shared virtual reality space. In these spaces, individuals can interact with one another in digital constructs (environments)and represent themselves with digital avatars. Like the internet, the Metaverse will always stay active and live. It will never turn off, even when you are not interacting with it.

Metaverse是共享的虚拟现实空间。 在这些空间中,个人可以在数字结构(环境)中相互交流,并用数字化身来表示自己。 像互联网一样,Metaverse将始终保持活跃和活力。 即使您不与之交互,它也永远不会关闭。

The early versions of the Metaverse are massive open-world games. These always-on gaming environments have an increasing hunger for unique content and are ideal for experimenting with feature films.

Metaverse的早期版本是大规模的开放世界游戏。 这些始终在线的游戏环境对独特内容的渴望与日俱增,非常适合尝试故事片。

游戏平台提供了即将到来的一瞥 (Game Platforms Offer a Glimpse of What’s to Come)

As an example, Fortnite by Epic Games is an immersive gaming world that provides an insight into the social and interactive elements you can expect in the Metaverse. In the game, unique digital culture has developed and is translating to the physical world. Examples include the latest in-game dance moves your children are performing or their new way of self-expression manifested through their wacky avatars.

例如, Epic Games的Fortnite是一个身临其境的游戏世界,可让您深入了解Metaverse中可以期望的社交和互动元素。 在游戏中,独特的数字文化已经发展并正在转化为现实世界。 例如您的孩子正在表演的最新游戏中舞蹈动作,或者通过古怪的化身表现出的新的自我表达方式。

Within games such as Fortnite, you can signal status using either time or money spent on unique and rare skins.


数字活动-音乐会,毕业典礼和电影 (Digital Events — Concerts, Graduations, & Movies)

Virtual games such as Minecraft and Fortnite are pushing the envelope of what is possible for digital events. Concerts, movie previews, and special game-altering events are capable of generating millions of concurrent viewers and are becoming common.

Minecraft和Fortnite等虚拟游戏正在推动数字事件的发展。 音乐会,电影预告片和特殊的改变比赛的事件能够吸引数百万并发观众,并且变得越来越普遍。

Examples include Travis Scott’s live concert within Fortnite that had 12 million concurrent users tuned in to watch.

例如,Travis Scott在Fortnite举办的现场音乐会吸引了1200万并发用户观看。

Travis Scott Concert in Fortnite
Travis Scott在Fortnite举行的音乐会

Minecraft hosted UC Berkeley’s 2020 Commencement within the platform.


UC Berkeley 2020 Commencement in Minecraft

And recently, a TENET trailer was released within Fortnite including an exclusive interview.


TENET Trailer in Fortnite

在Fortnite发行全片电影 (Release a Full Feature Films in Fortnite)

Why wouldn’t it be possible to create a unique premier of TENET within Fortnite that was available for in-game purchase? Or more broadly speaking, why aren’t movie premiers taking place within any of these game-based environments?

为什么无法在Fortnite中创建可用于游戏内购买的独特的TENET Premier? 或更广泛地说,为什么电影首映式不在这些基于游戏的环境中进行?

They already successfully launched a trailer and unique Q&A session within the gaming environment. It would not be too different to set up a movie premiere.

他们已经在游戏环境中成功启动了预告片和独特的问答环节。 设置电影首映礼并没有什么不同。

Studios could follow the UC Berkely/Minecraft model of developing a unique premier red carpet event within the gaming platform.

制片厂可以遵循UC Berkely / Minecraft模型在游戏平台上开发独特的顶级红地毯活动。

游戏中已经存在微交易和VIP数字体验 (Microtransactions and VIP Digital Experiences Already Exist Within Games)

The same VIP type experiences common to real-world movie releases are possible within immersive digital environments.


These platforms are already equipped for in-game microtransactions.


Payment features could be adapted to charge admittance fees and offer VIP experiences such as speaking engagements with the actors in the gaming environments. Unique 1 to 1 fan and actor skype interviews available for purchase. Bonus features and behind the scenes footage available for purchase.

付款功能可以调整为收取入场费,并提供VIP体验,例如与游戏环境中的演员进行口语交流。 可以购买独特的一对一粉丝和演员Skype采访。 可购买奖励功能和幕后花絮。

Marketers have already shown themselves able to think outside the box in terms of promoting their content.


跳过奥斯卡-放弃数字未来的旧规则 (Skip the Oscars — Abandon Old Rules for the Digital Future)

Traditional industries are stuck in their ways with the logic “it’s how we’ve always done it”. None are more vulnerable to this than the movie industry.

传统行业陷入了“我们一直以来都这样做”的逻辑中。 没有人比电影业更容易受到影响。

The Oscars have been around for over 90 years and many studios are delaying movie releases out of fear of diminished profits and to adhere to the 7-day theatrical release eligibility requirements.


Even Netflix appears to covet the exclusivity of the Oscars, conducting special releases known as “four walling” within physical theatres to qualify for the awards.

甚至Netflix似乎也梦vet以求地获得了奥斯卡奖的排他性,他们在实体影院中进行了特别发行,称为“四面墙” ,有资格获得奖项。

But there are ways to profit from digital releases. Whether partnering with streaming services or developing relationships with Metaverse-like gaming platforms. It's still possible and increasingly likely that digitally released feature films can capture audiences of considerable size and the subsequent profits they bring.

但是有一些方法可以从数字发行中获利。 与流媒体服务合作还是与类似Metaverse的游戏平台建立关系。 数字发行的故事片仍可能并且越来越有可能吸引相当大的观众以及他们带来的后续利润。

This leaves the Oscars qualification requirements as the only excuse for withholding content. The Oscars viewership is trending downwards over the past 4 years, possibly because it’s viewed as an out of touch, elitist and racist process by many. The jury is still out on whether or not the Oscars can become relevant again. That’s not really the point. There won’t be an Oscars if the movie industry fails from suspending releases indefinitely.

这使奥斯卡资格要求成为扣留内容的唯一借口。 过去四年来,奥斯卡的收视率呈下降趋势 ,这可能是因为它被许多人视为脱节,精英和种族主义的过程。 奥斯卡能否再次成为重要话题尚无定论。 这不是重点。 如果电影业无限期地暂停发行,将不会获得奥斯卡奖。

To choose to do nothing in the face of so many viable options is simply ludicrous.


底线 (The Bottom Line)

  • The pandemic has impacted the film industries traditional methods of distribution

  • Netflix has proven alternative methods work and generate significant profits

  • There is a new distribution opportunity on the digital frontier — immersive visual experiences

  • This immersive next phase of the internet is referred to as The Metaverse

    互联网的沉浸式下一个阶段被称为The Metaverse
  • Games like Fortnite and Minecraft are leading the way with immersive experiences

  • These include: concerts, graduations, and immersive movie trailers

  • Game environments empower the movie industry to experiment with new formats using microtransaction technologies

  • The traditional elitist ways of the industry, like the Oscar Awards, are holding back innovation

  • Ditch the Oscars or adapt them to the Digitial Age

  • Doing nothing is a choice and it’s a bad one



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