

Let’s start this post by saying with full confidence that C# is my favorite programming language I have learned so far. I have finished Applied Informatics as my bachelor’s, and this language sadly wasn’t a subject in my curriculum. I would have enjoyed it a lot if it was explained to me by a professional from which I could have asked questions live, but it wasn’t the case. Instead, we had the usual C++, Java, PHP, etc.

让我们开始充满信心地说C#是到目前为止我最喜欢的编程语言。 我已经完成了应用信息学的学士学位,可悲的是,这门语言并不是我课程中的一门学科。 如果由专业人员向我解释它,让我可以现场提出问题,我会非常喜欢它,但事实并非如此。 相反,我们使用了通常的C ++,Java,PHP等。

My first approach with C# was when I was learning how to make a game with Unity, and they used it to code. At first glance, it didn’t look like anything special, but I needed to learn it so that I could progress with the development of my game. Which, by the way, was a simple Pong type game since it was just my beginning in game development. At the time, I had a lot of knowledge at C++ from school, and I was confident about learning this new language.

我使用C#的第一个方法是当我学习如何使用Unity制作游戏时,他们使用它进行编码。 乍一看,它看起来没什么特别的,但是我需要学习它,以便我可以继续开发自己的游戏。 顺便说一下,那是一个简单的Pong型游戏,因为这只是我从事游戏开发的开始。 当时,我在学校时就拥有许多C ++的知识,并且对学习这种新语言充满信心。

简单易学 (It’s Easy to Learn)

I started learning the language initially from free mediums, and I was doing great. Later, when things got more complicated, I resorted to a paid online course, and it came with a lot of projects and sample codes. What I learned from all of this was that C# is a natural language to learn, and it is better to understand the low-level programming without the complexity of C++.

我最初是从免费媒介开始学习语言的,而且我做得很好。 后来,当事情变得更加复杂时,我求助于在线付费课程,它附带了许多项目和示例代码。 我从所有这一切中学到的是C#是一种自然的语言,要学习低级编程,而又要避免C ++的复杂性更好。

Being influenced by C and C++ is one of the reasons I think that C# was easy to learn for me. Once you’ve learned it, you can easily understand sample codes of C, which I have never learned before.

受C和C ++影响是我认为C#易于学习的原因之一。 一旦学习了它,就可以轻松理解C的示例代码,这是我以前从未学过的。

多功能性 (Versatility)

Through the years, C# has developed as well and is becoming a language used for many things. You can write Windows apps, iOS apps, Android, IoT, web sites, run in Arduino, even run in Linux. You can write games with Unity, MonoGame, and also use it with Machine Learning.

多年来,C#也得到了发展,并且正在成为用于许多事物的语言。 您可以编写Windows应用程序,iOS应用程序,Android,IoT,网站,在Arduino上运行,甚至在Linux上运行。 您可以使用Unity,MonoGame编写游戏,也可以将其用于机器学习。

Thanks to its open-source and numerous implementations, C# has become very powerful. You can almost use it to do everything in the programming space but is not recommended.

由于其开源和众多实现,C#变得非常强大。 您几乎可以使用它来完成编程空间中的所有操作,但不建议这样做。

Microsoft文档 (Microsoft Documentation)

There is no better documentation than what Microsoft does, in my opinion, and this has helped me tremendously. I learned a lot when reading through Microsoft Developer Site, and it always managed to give me the help that I needed.

在我看来,没有比微软更好的文档了,这对我有很大帮助。 在阅读Microsoft Developer Site时 ,我学到了很多东西,它总是能够为我提供所需的帮助。

If anything this is what every other language should have the documentation like. I strongly suggest learning C#, it’s an amazing language and you can find a lot of jobs with it.

如果有的话,这是所有其他语言都应具有的文档。 我强烈建议学习C#,这是一种很棒的语言,您可以使用它找到很多工作。

翻译自: https://medium.com/dev-genius/why-i-like-programming-in-c-language-3734c0d44da1






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